Color Me Blind (A Divine Love Story Book 1)

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Color Me Blind (A Divine Love Story Book 1) Page 29

by Melinda Michelle

  He stared at her in surprise.


  “Yes really. My appreciation is really great at the moment and I need to show you what you mean to me.”

  He made a face she couldn’t interpret.

  “This is throwing me off seeing this side of you.”

  Her voice took a dip and got deep and throaty.

  “Oh honey you haven’t quite seen this side of me just yet.”

  His body came alive.

  “Is that so?”


  Jasmine slid on top of Blake and then pulled him up to meet her. They sat facing each other as she ran her hands through his hair and put her lips to his ear.

  “You’re gonna wanna hold on tight for this baby, mama’s bout to take you for a ride you won’t soon forget.”

  She pulled back to look at his face. His jaw dropped. She laughed and then devoured him. Once they were finished with their second round Jasmine collapsed on Blake’s chest in a satisfied exhaustion. He felt like he had just run a marathon and was trying in vain to catch his breath. She could show him how she felt about him without words anytime she wanted to.

  After several minutes he said, “I shoulda got saved a long time ago.”

  Her laughter was a purr of amusement.

  Still breathing hard Blake said, “You know I tried to clown Damon for being sprung after a week. Now I’m gone for life after one night.”

  With great effort she picked up her head to look at him.

  “That’s right. You’re all mine baby.”

  “After that I don’t want to be anybody else’s.”

  She laughed.

  “We probably should head for the shower.”

  “Yeah in theory that sounds great but I don’t really trust my legs to support me right now.”

  “Good point,” she agreed.

  He reached over and pulled the sheet across them. Moments later they both dropped into sleep.

  Chapter 42: Back to Reality

  The next morning Jasmine and Blake had just gotten out of the shower. They were both wearing plush white robes compliments of their hotel and were brushing their teeth.

  Jasmine said, “Babe I’m starving. We definitely need to get food.”

  She eyed him in the mirror when he didn’t respond. He was looking at her like she was a stranger.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  He shook his head.

  “No reason.”

  “Yes it is why are you looking at me like that?”

  He spit.

  “Okay I’m sorry but it’s like I don’t even know you.”

  She spit.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Now don’t get mad but I’m seeing a whole other side of you that I didn’t even know was there.”

  She grinned. She knew exactly where this was going.

  “Jaz round two last night literally blew my mind. Then you woke me up around two for round three.”

  She replied, “So you woke me up around sunrise for number four and returned the favor of blowing my mind.”

  “True. Don’t take this the wrong way but you’re a freak.”

  She laughed, rinsed her mouth and toothbrush out then put the toothbrush down. He followed suit.

  She asked, “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Heck no, but I never really thought about you like that. You always seemed to be kinda…”

  “Kind of what? A prude?”

  He laughed, “No, but I mean Jaz, come on, you never talk about this kind of stuff and you’re like a church girl.”

  She laughed.

  “Well church girls gotta keep their men too right?”

  “Yeah well you can teach a class to church girls about how to keep their man because I’m not going anywhere.”

  She laughed hard. He turned her around to face him and sat her on the bathroom counter.

  He said, “So you’re basically saying that you never kiss and tell.”

  “I believe what is between two lovers should stay between those lovers. Just because I don’t brag about it doesn’t mean I’m not good at it.”

  He smirked and started kissing her. He skillfully undid the belt on her robe.

  “So you mean to tell me that when we get home and Lucy and Carmen say tell them all about our weekend you’re not going to give them any details about how your new husband put it down, as Damon would say.”

  She laughed.

  “Do not quote Damon. The world should only have one of him. I don’t know, maybe I’ll give them a general synopsis. You never tell another woman in detail what your man is working with. I will be keeping your skills to myself because I don’t want to have to slap anybody about my man. However, I will tell them my white boy has rhythm.”

  He bit her neck and chuckled. He picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him.

  “Okay I’d say that was fair. A little possessiveness is kinda sexy on you,” he said.

  She just noticed that her robe was undone.

  “Baby, we just got cleaned up.”

  He laughed.

  “There is more hot water you know.”

  “Well clearly I’m not the only freak. Your stamina is amazing.”

  She bit his lip. He laughed and gently backed her into the closed bathroom door.

  “You’re amazing and I am a very lucky man.”

  “What is it with you and backing me up into doors?”

  “It’s good for leverage.”

  He was kissing her neck.

  “Are you sure you can hold me up?”

  His head popped up and he looked insulted. She laughed.

  He said, “You just enjoy the adventure and leave the heavy lifting to me.”

  “Only if you promise to feed me after this.”

  He covered her mouth with his. In her first act of submission to her new husband Jasmine relinquished her control and obediently enjoyed the adventure. She left the heavy lifting in his very capable hands.


  Blake was getting their bags out of the trunk of the cab while Jasmine paid the driver. They were finally home. They had an amazing weekend of making love and discovering new things about each other. She was pooped. Blake didn’t let her get much sleep. They barely got enough food. She was sure they broke some kind of record. As the cab driver pulled off Blake walked up to her dragging the two bags.

  She smiled.

  “You look as tired as I feel.”

  “Yeah, my new wife took advantage of me. She deprived me of sleep and food.”

  She laughed.

  “Okay, if that’s the way you remember it.”

  He kissed her nose.

  “That is exactly how I remember it. That is my story and I’m sticking to it.”

  “What, no kiss on my lips? Don’t tell me you’re getting tired of kissing me already.”

  He let go of the bags and pulled her into him.

  “Your lips drive me insane and are quickly becoming my favorite pastime.”

  She smiled as he gently placed his lips to hers.

  “Ahh come on, I would say get a room but y’all just left one. Y’all all in the front yard with this mess. Stop it.”

  They laughed and turned to see Damon standing near the front door.

  Blake said, “Stop hatin’ and help me with these bags. A brotha is tired.”

  Damon laughed.

  “Oh, so you marry a black woman and now you a brotha?”

  They all laughed. Damon gave Jasmine a hug and a kiss and grabbed one of the bags. They headed inside. Jasmine was so grateful to be home, she couldn’t wait to see Carmen and Lucy. Knowing that soon all of their lives would change and they would no longer be living together she wanted to spend as much time with them as she could before they had to grow up and everything changed.

  She walked in and dropped her purse on the sofa table sitting near the door. Lucy and Carmen were sitting at the dining room table. They looked up
and saw her.

  Lucy said, “Well don’t you look all tired and worn out.”

  Jasmine laughed, “An excellent observation.”

  Carmen said, “And look Luce she even walks a little different.”

  Lucy laughed. They both stood up and hugged her. Blake and Damon were a few steps behind.

  Blake said, “Uh, I was gone too you know.”

  Carmen and Lucy went over and greeted him with a hug and kisses.

  Carmen grabbed Jasmine’s hand and said, “Okay girl time. We want to hear all about it.”

  Jasmine looked at Blake and he gave her an “I told you so” look. She laughed. She was dragged to Lucy’s room since it was on the bottom floor. Lucy’s room was full of color and plush pillows. Jasmine dove on the bed that was covered in a deep purple satin comforter. She lay down in the middle.

  “Oh my goodness guys I am so tired. Sleep was not a priority.”

  Lucy and Carmen lay in the bed too on either side of Jasmine.

  “Well it’s your honeymoon. You’re not supposed to sleep,” Lucy said.

  Jasmine gushed, “Y’all, it was amazing.”

  Carmen said, “Bump all that mushy crap. You got some, how was it?”

  Lucy laughed, “Amen to that.”

  “I am a married woman and I do not kiss and tell.”

  Carmen said, “Whatever heifa, you gon tell this. You know how long we been waiting for this to happen?”

  Lucy said, “Well it had to be good. Even though you’re tired you’re lit up like a Christmas tree.”

  Carmen pinched Jasmine, “So were you a good girl or were you a slut and freaked Blake out because he didn’t know how you got down?”

  Jasmine laughed.

  “Both. You know the first time it was sweet and romantic and he made me feel like I was the only woman in the world. He also scored three times on the first try.” The girls squealed and giggled. “Then on round two I showed out. The look on his face was priceless. So the next morning he was like, okay, I don’t even know you.”

  They laughed.

  Jasmine grabbed each of their hands, “Oh, and you guys could be aunties soon.”

  They both shouted, “What?”

  “Okay relax. We are not actively trying but we are not actively trying to prevent it either. I’m just giving y’all a heads up. This is something we both want. I can’t wait to give Blake a house full of babies.”

  Lucy said, “Wow, you guys aren’t wasting any time are you?”

  “Nope, we’ve been doing that all our lives. Y’all I am so freaking happy I don’t know what to do with myself. I am so in love with that man of mine. He is even more amazing than I ever realized. I feel so blessed to have someone that can love me so completely and so selflessly.”

  Lucy hugged her, “Jazzy, that is so great.”

  “I don’t know why you two didn’t convince me sooner that I should do this?”

  They both stared at her like she should be Baker Acted. They grabbed pillows and started to beat her with them. Jasmine laughed and used her arms to protect her face.


  Damon and Blake were sitting at the table.

  Damon asked, “So how does it feel to be a married man?”

  “Ah man, it is the best feeling in the world. Marrying Jaz is the best thing I could have ever done.”

  “Wow, I didn’t think you could be more sprung than before you left.”

  Blake laughed.

  “Man, am I ever! Let’s just say Ms. Jasmine put something on ya boy.”

  Damon laughed at Blake’s use of his phrase.

  “I am truly gone. I am more in love with Jasmine now than I ever was before. I honestly didn’t think that was conceivable.”

  “Well dang dawg, did you let her get any sleep.”

  “She didn’t let me get any either.”

  They laughed.

  Damon asked, “Well, so how was Vegas?”

  “Uh, I can tell you what the airport looked like.”

  Damon shook his head.

  “Man did you even take her out for a romantic dinner?”

  Blake frowned.

  “You know we had the best room service had to offer.”

  Damon shook his head.

  “That’s a sin and a shame.”

  “Trust me. She has no complaints about this weekend. I promise you that.”

  “I guess not, she came in here glowing and grinning like she just won the lottery or something.”

  Blake gave a cocky grin.

  “I’m going to take her on a real honeymoon in a few weeks. I will wine and dine her then.”

  “Does she know?”

  “Nah, it’s a surprise so do not tell Carmen.”

  He laughed.

  “I got you. You better hurry up. The way y’all going at it Jazzy will be knocked up on that honeymoon.”

  “Oh believe me every chance I get I am planting a seed and she gives me plenty of chances.”

  “Whhaaaaattttt?” Damon laughed. “Man, y’all off the chain.”

  “We have wasted so much time man. I’m ready for it all. She’s ready for it all. I can’t wait to make a baby with Jasmine.”

  “Well dang, I guess Uncle Damon it is then.”

  “So what’s going on with you and Carmen?”

  Damon couldn’t hide the grin that spread naturally across his face.

  Blake smiled, “Enough said. Now who’s off the chain? Me and Jaz played around for years. Y’all have been at this for mere weeks.”

  Damon laughed.

  “Yeah, let’s say we have learned from your mistakes.”

  “I feel you on that. Love looks good on you man. And if I’m correct this is the very first time I’ve ever seen it on you.”

  “Yeah but I haven’t told her yet so don’t tell Jasmine.”

  Blake laughed.

  “I got you. So what are you waiting on?”

  “I’m going to do it tonight when we take you and Jasmine out for a surprise.”

  “A surprise?”

  “That’s right, so I suggest you and the missus get some rest because we are leaving here at seven on the dot. And wear something nice.”

  Blake’s brow shot up.

  “And where are we going?”

  “Dude, what did I just say? It’s a surprise!”

  Jasmine and the other ladies walked into the room.

  Jasmine asked, “What’s a surprise?”

  She slid onto Blake’s lap. He wrapped his arms around her. It was now a natural reflex.

  “Apparently our friends are taking us out to celebrate our nuptials,” Blake responded.

  “Aww really? That’s so sweet you guys.”

  Carmen walked up behind Damon, slid her arms around him and kissed his cheek.

  She said, “It was Damon’s idea. Isn’t he a sweetheart?”

  Jasmine looked shocked.

  “Damon are you blushing?”

  He looked away. Jasmine laughed.

  “Carmen whatever you doing you need to bottle it up and sell it. It works miracles.”

  Damon gave Jasmine the middle finger. They all laughed.

  Blake asked Lucy, “So are we finally going to meet this mystery man you’ve been creeping around with?”

  Now it was Lucy’s turn to blush, “Tonight as a matter of fact.”

  Carmen asked, “So why the big secret Luce? You’ve been keeping him under wraps for a few months now?”

  Damon asked, “It is a he isn’t it?”

  Lucy and Carmen punched him.

  “Of course it’s a he. I just didn’t want to bring anyone into our circle unless I felt strongly that they would stay. I’ve had a string of bad relationships. I wanted to be sure this one was a keeper before he got attached to you guys.”

  Blake patted Jasmine on her backside. She stood. He stood also.

  He said, “Okay guys we are really beat. If you want us to make it to our own celebration then we need to sleep.”

rmen said, “Yeah right, sure you’re gonna sleep.”

  Jasmine said, “Oh no, cross my heart, we will definitely be sleeping.”

  Blake asked, “Can you make sure we’re up by five because Jasmine doesn’t know what she’s wearing and I can’t know what I’m wearing until she decides? She’s going to want to coordinate.”

  He rolled his eyes. Jasmine sighed.

  “It’s nice to have a man that knows you so well.”

  They laughed. Jasmine looked up at the stairs.

  “Oh my, they may as well be Mount Everest.”

  Blake said, “You can hop on my back since I’m partly responsible for your state of weariness.”

  Lucy said, “Aww you guys are so cute.”

  Blake laughed.

  “Now in all honesty I might drop us both.”

  Jasmine bit his neck.

  “Boy hush.”

  Blake took them up the stairs and asked, “My room or yours?”

  She said, “Yours babe, my bed is still covered with the clothes that didn’t make the cut for our trip, which was a waste because we never left the room.”

  He chuckled and headed to his room. He sat on the bed and she climbed off his back and curled up on the bed. He slid in behind her and pulled the extra cover from the foot of the bed over them. He pulled her in close to him and kissed the back of her neck.

  “I love you gorgeous.”

  “Love you too handsome.”

  Sleepily he said, “Oh, before I forget, can you please grow your curls back. I miss them.”

  She yawned, “Sure babe.”

  “I have a fantasy in my head that requires my fingers being in those curls.”

  Too tired to laugh she let out a small chuckle. Within minutes they faded into sleep.

  Chapter 43: Not in a Million Years

  Everyone was buzzing around the house getting ready to celebrate the marriage of their friends. Damon was the time keeper. He had been frequently yelling at Carmen and Jasmine because they were the most likely to be late.

  Jasmine yelled out, “What is the big deal? What happens at exactly seven p.m. on the dot?”

  Damon said, “The limo arrives to pick us up. Where we are heading they will not wait for us to get there. Now hurry up Jazzy.”

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. I will be ready with five minutes to spare.”


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