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Hot Dates 2: Living as a Shared Wife

Page 12

by McCurran, Kirsten

  “I’d offer to get you guys drinks, but it looks like you’re already taken care of,” Travis said.

  “You can bring us another round,” Dave answered. He was enjoying Travis’s focus on me. No, Dave was not a typical husband at all.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?” I asked.

  “Isn’t that what all men do with hot women?” Travis offered. He was a brazen one. I wondered again if I was throwing off some kind of vibe, despite my wedding ring.

  “I already married him. He doesn’t have to get me drunk to get lucky,” I said, smiling at Travis’s surprised reaction.

  “That’s true. Dana is usually ready. No alcohol required,” Dave added.

  I couldn’t help but blush from that comment. It was a bit too far, I thought. When I looked up, Travis was smiling and looked like he was wondering just how ready I was.

  “You’re a lucky guy, then, sir.”

  “Oh, I know it,” Dave agreed. “If you’re very lucky, you’ll meet someone like my sweet wife.”

  The waiter couldn’t possibly know, but I caught the implication in my husband’s words. I knew what he was suggesting. I blushed a deeper crimson. Yes, I can be brazen and flirty when I need to be, when I know I’m out on a hot date, but this was not how we did things. This guy—let’s be honest, boy—not only knew I was married, but my husband was sitting right there. There was no cover story here. We just looked like a normal couple that was out for dinner together. I couldn’t believe Dave!

  “I have to agree, sir.”

  “You can call me Dave. And you never know when your lucky night is going to arrive.”

  Travis looked at me again and I could just manage to look him in the eye. “You just have to be ready to seize it when your moment comes along,” he said. “Let me bring you guys those drinks.”

  As soon as Travis was gone, I locked in on Dave and hissed, “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I’m being friendly to our waiter. Is that a crime?” He looked oh-so-pleased with himself.

  “Friendly. Right. Let me tell you, whatever it is you’re not trying to do isn’t going to happen.”

  “What do you think I’m trying to do?”

  “You want me to fuck our waiter!” I struggled to keep my voice low.

  “I never said that. Besides, how could I make that happen? I’m not in control of Travis. And he knows you’re a married woman. Why would he think he could?” His feigned innocence was wearing on me.

  “Maybe because you’re serving me up on a silver platter?” I had been leaning across the table and I noticed Dave couldn’t keep his eyes out of my cleavage, so I leaned back.

  “I was just pointing out what a great, hot wife you are and how Travis would be lucky to meet someone like you.”

  “Hot wife?”

  “Hot as in sexy, Dana. Travis probably doesn’t even know what a hot wife is.”

  “Just stop it, whatever it is you’re doing or not doing.”

  “Here are your drinks,” Travis announced upon his return. I don’t think I’ve ever had such fast drink service in my life. Travis probably couldn’t pick up on exactly what my husband was implying, but he was smart enough to sense something was up. He was paying even more attention to me than before. I bet he thought Dave was one of those guys who loves it when other men drool over his wife—which he is—but our waiter couldn’t possibly guess there was more to it, could he?

  “Thank you,” I replied, taking my glass from him.

  Travis went on to recite the specials and then gave us a couple minutes to decide on our order.

  “See anything you like?” Dave asked as Travis departed. He had caught me checking out Travis’s butt in those tight black pants. I couldn’t help myself. All of these dirty thoughts were coming to mind unbidden. I’d bat one down and another would surface.

  “Stop it!”

  “I can make up an excuse to get out of here.”

  “I said stop it. Besides, what do you think is going to happen? Do you think he is just going to drag me into the storeroom and bend me over a stack of giant rice sacks?”

  Dave looked dreamy and I knew he was picturing exactly that. It was a mistake to put ideas into his head. “It sounds to me like I’m not the only one having dirty thoughts.”

  “It’s your fault. You started this.” I cracked a tiny smile. “Don’t you dare think I’ve changed my mind.”

  Travis returned to take our orders and I knew he was openly flirting with me. He looked over to check with my husband a couple times, but when he did and Dave was just smiling, he kept it up. I think Dave and I were both disappointed when someone else brought our entrees, but I was also relieved and tried to project that. What was really the endgame here? I knew what my husband wanted, and sure, part of me wanted it too, but I didn’t see how to realistically turn our dinner into some kind of an encounter with our waiter. But I should never have discounted Dave’s deviousness when he really wants to make something happen. He will find a way.

  Dave chose his moment when Travis came over to see how we were making out. He ordered another round of drinks and struck up a conversation. Dave asked if Travis lived in the area, telling him how we’d just moved into the neighborhood.

  “We just rented a furnished condo until our place is ready. We haven’t even moved our stuff in there really. We’re out trying to see what’s around,” Dave lied. It slipped so easily off his tongue, and I wondered what it meant that we’d both become such prolific storytellers.

  “I think you’ll like it over here. There isn’t the same kind of nightlife as in the city—it’s a lot of young families—but more bars and restaurants are popping up as the area’s becoming more upscale, y’know?” Travis answered. His eyes kept wavering from my husband to my tits as he spoke.

  I leaned forward to make it just a little easier for him. I was curious where Dave was going with all of this. I knew there was no way he was just going to invite the waiter home with us so he could fuck me while Dave watched, so there had to be some other plan.

  “I think we’ll be happy here once we make some new friends,” Dave said. “Unfortunately, I work a lot and have to be on the road. I have to go in tonight, as-a-matter-of-fact.”

  “That sucks, man.” Travis nodded in sympathy. “I’m used to working on Friday night, but I started early. It’s not like I have to go in late.”

  “So you get off soon then?”

  “In a couple hours.”

  I couldn’t shake the feeling that Dave was making a date for me, while I sat there like I was his to barter away. Obviously, I wasn’t opposed to dates, but I was used to handling these things myself. There was a sleazy quality to having my husband do it for me. I liked the independence of finding my own dates.

  “And then you’re off to see a girl?” I asked. We’d never actually established that Travis didn’t have a girlfriend.

  Travis smiled and it warmed me in all the wrong places. If the plan was to resist his charms, I was failing spectacularly. “No, not tonight. No plans yet.”

  “I find that hard to believe,” I replied.

  Travis was so close I could have reached out to touch his thigh, and I had to resist the urge to. It angered me that my self control was failing and I was falling into my husband’s little trap. Of course I could say no—I hadn’t become a nymphomaniac—but I realized I really didn’t want to. If Dave could make something happen it could be fun to go along.

  “It’s fun to see where the night can take you. I can usually make plans with just a couple calls,” Travis said.

  “You’re smart to leave yourself open,” Dave agreed. “I remember those days.”

  “Not too fondly, I hope,” I teased.

  “No, not too much.”

  The charge in the air was palatable, like right before a heavy thunderstorm moves in, with everyone waiting to see what was going to happen next—who was going to be the first to run out into the storm. But Dave seemed to lose his nerve at the last second
, and I didn’t know how to proceed. I felt a little awkward flirting with a live man while my husband sat right there. It was not the same as flirting by text. And Travis was just waiting to see what we would do next. Could he really be sure what he thought was happening was happening?

  “Well,” Travis said, drawing out the word, “I need to check my other tables. Enjoy your meal.”

  The waiter left and both Dave and I exhaled. I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath. Instead of reaching for my fresh drink, I drained my ice water. I needed a clear head. “You really are insane.”

  “It seems like I’m only helping you along,” Dave teased. “I know that look you get. You want this guy.”

  “Kid,” I reminded him.

  “It does not seem you’re looking at him like a kid. It’s like the way you and Jana were drooling over Jay the night of the bbq.”

  “This guy makes Jay look like a senior citizen.” I did not deny the drooling.

  “Nothing’s actually happened yet. We could still easily leave with this all being a fun tease.”

  “That’s probably for the best,” I said.

  Dave nodded. “But is that what you want, hon?”

  I looked down instead of answering. What did I want? That wasn’t the right question—I knew what I wanted. I just didn’t think it was a good idea. This wasn’t how we did it.

  My non-answer made Dave smile. For him, it was an answer.

  When Travis returned after the meal to see if we needed anything I could tell his hopes were still up. He asked if we wanted dessert, which could have prompted all kinds of responses, but neither Dave or I bit. I did think about real dessert, but I still wondered if I would be undressing for this man later and I declined.

  “You never said, do you really live around here?” Dave asked, when Travis brought the check. If anything was going to happen, this had to be the time.

  “Yeah. I moved back in with my parents when I finished college in the spring. I’m just crashing there until I figure out my next step.”

  I cringed inwardly. I could not fuck a kid who was still living with his parents! If he just graduated college, he was probably twenty-two at the youngest, maybe twenty-four at the outside. Was I going to add cradle-robber to my increasingly shady sexual resume? And yet, I cannot deny that it was appealing knowing this younger man—that’s how I preferred to think of Travis, instead of kid—had the hots for me. It didn’t even matter that it was probably some kind of silly MILF thing. It still made me feel sexy.

  “That’s a good plan. Don’t rush into anything,” Dave commented.

  Travis waited for another moment, but when no obvious invitation was forthcoming he told us to have a good night and slinked off. He looked genuinely sad and I wanted to give him a hug at the least. Dave busied himself with signing the credit card slip and then closed the little holder.

  “Are you ready to leave?” he asked.

  “That’s it?” I was shocked he was ready to just run out of there after everything. Was he ashamed by our behavior?

  “Yep, let’s go.”

  We stood and Dave placed a hand on the small of my back, propelling me forward as we walked out of the dining room. I didn’t question him until we were back at the truck. He held my door and held out a hand as I stepped up into the big truck. There was no way to avoid giving him a show in that short, tight dress, which I usually didn’t mind, but I was a little annoyed then. Dave climbed in and started the engine.

  “That’s it?” I repeated.

  He couldn’t keep the poker face going any longer and broke into a huge grin. “What do you mean? You were on the fence. You wanted to be out of there, right?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “You did something, didn’t you?”

  “You were there with me the whole time. What could I have done? Let’s get going.”

  “I know you did something,” I stressed.

  “You’re just being paranoid.”

  Of course Dave was up to something, because we were not driving home, but going to the new apartment. I pretended not to notice until we arrived. “Hmm, this looks familiar,” I said.

  “I just thought we could have a nightcap here instead of going home and relieving the babysitter. Why waste the chance at some alone time?”

  It was possible he was being on the up-and-up, but I knew better. He always tries to sound the post innocent when he is up to no good. I followed him up into the apartment and was not surprised to find wine in the refrigerator. It was also stocked with soda and several bottles of water—all goods that would not spoil between visits. Dave offered to pour us both a glass of wine, but I wanted to keep my clear head and instead took a bottle of water. He did not feel the same, and my suspicions only grew when he produced a fifth of Jack Daniels from the cupboard and poured himself a measure over ice. We sat together in the living room, close together on the loveseat. Dave rested his free hand on my bare knee.

  “Are you ready to tell me what’s really going on now?” I asked.

  Dave caressed my knee and his hand began its journey higher. “I’ll confess, I may have slipped him your special phone number when I paid the bill and told him to call tonight.”

  “You did what?”

  “He needs a way to get a hold of you when his shift is over.”

  “I didn’t even bring it—not that that’s the real issue,” I complained.

  Dave reached into his pocket and produced the prepaid phone I’d bought for hot dates. “I grabbed it on the way out.”

  “You planned this to be a hot date night from the beginning, didn’t you?” I pushed his hand off my leg, even though it felt really good. I was way too horny from all the night’s possibilities for my own good.

  “I didn’t have anything planned, except to bring you here, but I did think that maybe you would be as excited as I was and maybe when we went out things might happen.”

  I could see Dave thinking that, but I was not in the mood to give him the benefit of the doubt. “You expect me to believe getting me back here with another man wasn’t your real plan all along? It just all conveniently worked out this way?”

  “Well, yeah, as crazy as that sounds.”

  “Dave, you’ve really got to check yourself. You’re so into this fantasy—lifestyle—whatever you want to call it, that you’re not thinking clearly. It is not okay for you to manipulate me or set me up. We need to be total partners in this.”

  “I get it.”

  “I’m serious this time. I don’t want things sprung on me. I don’t want you finding guys for me to fuck. If we’re going to do this, I need to be in charge, unless you have some serious objection about something I want to do.”

  “You’ve been perfect so far, Dana.”

  “Everything seems to be going okay so far, don’t start throwing monkey wrenches into it.”

  “I understand.”

  “I thought we were going out for dinner like a normal couple tonight. It feels like we don’t do that anymore.”

  “I’m sorry.” He was beginning to look genuinely sorry. He realized he’d crossed a line.

  “Aren’t you interested in spending quality time with me anymore, or would you rather just send me out on dates and watch me fuck other men? Is that more exciting than fucking me yourself?”

  “Dana, that’s not it at all.” Now he really looked hurt. “This is all so new to me and when I get an idea I want to run with it. I’ve held this in for so long, and now that I’ve let it out it all seems to be exploding out of me at once. I don’t want you to think I don’t want to be with you anymore. You’re still the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. That’s why I want to do this with you. I want to see you like that. And I want to touch you, too. I want to make love to you.”

  Dave moved closer and replaced his hand on my thigh, but without subtlety this time. He slid it right up between my legs, which I happily opened for him. When he touched my panties they were already wet. He gave me a crocked smile and pressed into
my mound. I sighed and closed my eyes. It felt so good to finally be touched.

  “Be honest, this isn’t all for me, is it?” he teased.

  “I never said I wasn’t having fun tonight. I just don’t want to be manipulated. Ohhh...”

  “You also said you wanted a night with just your husband.” His fingers pushed past the edge of my pants, slipped inside me. God, I needed that. He brushed my hair aside and kissed my neck. “Is that still true?”

  “I want you, baby,” I moaned.

  “But not just me tonight, right? You’re thinking about Travis, the handsome waiter.”

  I hadn’t been—for a moment—but now that Dave brought him up, his dark, handsome good looks came to mind. “It wouldn’t be so bad if he was here,” I conceded with a sigh.

  Dave pulled my lips to his and we shared a heated kiss. I sucked his tongue into my mouth. I needed him so badly. “We can leave your special phone off and it can just be the two of us, or...”

  “Yes.” My moan didn’t really sound like an answer to his question.

  “Or maybe Travis would like to come over and play while your hardworking husband is out.”

  I gave him the same moan: “Yes.”

  He pressed the phone into my hand, his fingers pushed deeper inside me. He curved them to hit my g-spot and I shivered. That man knew just how to touch me. He said, “If you want Travis tonight, turn on the phone, Dana.”

  “But it was just supposed to be us tonight,” I whimpered.

  “That’s okay, baby. I know you want him, and I want to see you pleasured. And when he’s done I’m going to come back up here and remind you who you really belong to.”

  “God, Dave, please fuck me. I need it.”

  “Later, Dana. Turn on the phone.”

  All of the reasons for why I shouldn’t were still running through my mind as I powered up the phone. Dave kept slowly fingering me, leading me to my orgasm, but keeping me short of it. The phone chirped with several new messages, but none of them were from our waiter—not yet. Instead, it was a series of texts from Carlos. Dave looked at the screen and seemed pleased.


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