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Ghost of a Chance

Page 19

by Jade Falconer

  He whimpered again. “N-no, you can if you really want to.” He bit his lip. He was so aroused he felt dizzy. “But not for very long,” he panted. He thought he could almost climax just from thinking about James sucking his cock.

  "I won't be very good at it,” warned James. He licked at the tip quickly. “I'll try my best, though...” He reached out and wrapped his hand around the hard length and brought it to his mouth, sucking in just the tip, slowly.

  Ryan made a high-pitched, sobbing sound, and pulled his knees up higher and wider apart. “Oh, fuck,” he hissed. Looking down and seeing James’ lips wrapped around him was almost as erotic as the sensation. “OhmygodJames,” he whimpered, digging his heels into the bed. It took all his strength not to thrust up.

  James would have smiled if he could have, but his mouth was otherwise occupied. He began to bob his head up and down, getting used to the feel of it, and tracing lightly at Ryan's inner thighs with his fingertips.

  "Stop!” he cried out. It was too much. He looked down, panting. “I wanna come with you,” he gasped.

  James pulled back, letting Ryan's cock slide gently out of his mouth. He looked up at him, licking his lips. “You sure?” he said teasingly. “I was starting to enjoy that..."

  Ryan blushed. “I want you to fuck me,” he said softly. “Please, James?” He could tell that James enjoyed the begging, and he was happy to do it.

  Slowly, James climbed up Ryan's body. He was still fully clothed while Ryan was completely naked. He pushed Ryan's legs apart with his own, and leaned over him. “You want my cock, baby?” he purred, rubbing against him.

  Ryan was panting hard, and nodded a little. “Yes,” he whispered. “Please, James, want you so bad. Need your cock inside me.” He licked his lips again, gazing up into James’ eyes. “Give me your beautiful cock..."

  "I don't suppose you have what we need,” James breathed.

  Ryan glanced up at his jeans, still hanging from one of the bedposts. He looked back at James. “Right front pocket,” he whispered. “I started carrying stuff around. Just in case.” He smiled a little. “I have this really spontaneous boyfriend now, you know?"

  Grinning, James reached for the jeans and retrieved the items, a small tube and a foil packet. “It's a good thing, too,” he breathed. “Because I don't want to wait.” He handed Ryan the condom packet while he unzipped his jeans. “Put it on me?” he asked breathlessly.

  Ryan sat up and tore open the condom packet. His fingers were shaking a little, but not with nervousness, with anticipation. He looked into James’ eyes as he slid his hand into James’ shorts and carefully pulled out his rock hard cock. He smoothly rolled the condom down his thick length, staring into his eyes the entire time.

  James’ breath hitched when Ryan touched him. He held up the lube and whispered, “Do you want me to get you ready?"

  "Only if you want to,” he said softly. “I can do it if you want.” He knew it wasn't going to take very much prep, anyway. It had only been a little over twelve hours since they'd had sex, although it had been the first time in a long time. Well, the first two times.

  "I want to,” James assured him. He squeezed some lube on his fingers and brushed them over Ryan's entrance.

  Ryan's breath was shaky and uneven as he watched James’ face. “I love you,” he whispered. He knew this was still all very new for James.

  James smiled and said, “I love you, too.” He slid one finger inside his lover, as carefully as possible.

  Ryan was panting hard as James slowly stretched out his body. He was anxious to move on, but he didn't want to stop James. He wanted him to feel completely comfortable with everything. He whimpered a little as James inserted a second finger and inadvertently brushed against his prostate, biting his lip. “Feels so good,” he whispered.

  Ryan's moans were so arousing that James was panting as well, without even being touched. “Am I doing all right?” he asked softly, eyes on Ryan's face as he moved his fingers in and out.

  "Yes,” Ryan gasped. “But that's good enough now...” He looked up into James’ eyes, his expression desperate and needy. “Please, need you, James. Take me."

  James withdrew his fingers and slicked the condom, eyes locked to Ryan's the whole time. “I'm gonna be inside you, baby,” he breathed. “You're mine...” He positioned himself and began to slide slowly in.

  Ryan's legs wrapped around James’ hips and he slid his arms around his neck. He'd never felt as happy or complete. With each inch more that James filled him, he whimpered, awash in sensation. “Only yours, James. Forever,” he breathed.

  "Forever,” James agreed, his voice strained with the effort of slowly entering Ryan. He claimed his lover, pausing when he was fully sheathed inside him. “Feel that, baby?” he moaned. “I'm all the way inside you..."

  Ryan could only stare up at his beautiful, wonderful boyfriend. His lover. His partner. He smiled up at him, his eyes shining with love. “My body and my heart belong to you,” he whispered.

  "And mine belongs to you,” James moaned, and started to move. He pulled out slowly, then thrust in a little faster, gasping at the friction of Ryan's tight body.

  Ryan moaned, giving himself over to the pleasure completely. He felt so comfortable with James, so in love with him, that he held nothing back. Nothing intruded on the pure sensation of being taken by him. “Oh, God,” he gasped. “Yes, baby, harder, love you..."

  James thrust deeper, harder, panting at the increasing pleasure. “My Ryan,” he gasped, bending to kiss him as they moved together, Ryan's arousal trapped between them. Ryan kissed back desperately, lacing his fingers into James’ hair. He delved deep into James’ mouth as James plunged deep into his body. All the build-up had brought him so close already, but he fought to hang on. He wanted it to be perfect for James. He wanted it to last forever.

  James pulled back from the kiss when he was panting so hard he could no longer breathe properly. “Oh, Ryan,” he gasped, driving in and out faster. “So close, baby..."

  Ryan couldn't hold back any longer. He shuddered violently and cried out James’ name as he pulsed between them. James let himself come then, moaning and panting as he came deep inside his lover. He stayed inside Ryan as long as he could, raining kisses on him.

  Slowly, Ryan's legs slid down to the bed again, his muscles going slack. “I love Scotland. I love this castle. I love that it brought me to you,” he murmured with a sleepy smile. “I even love the ghosts that locked us in a closet together.” His smile broadened just slightly.

  James collapsed on the bed next to Ryan. “I love everything right now,” he sighed, still breathing hard. He looked at his boyfriend. “Especially you.” He snuggled close.

  Ryan curled around him. “Mmmnap, now?” he suggested groggily. He nuzzled under James’ jaw with a satisfied smile.

  James looked around. “Where are we, anyway? This place has way too many rooms."

  That made Ryan giggle. “It must be a bedroom, cause we're in a bed. Do we need to make a chart, and check each one off as we, um, break it in?” He tipped his head back a little to grin up at James.

  "Mmm. That might be fun. Cause, you know, we have a lot of rooms to get through. I'm so glad Nigel didn't pick you up that night,” he whispered.

  "Me, too. We'll have to throw him a party, in appreciation of his fallibility. But I still would have found you somehow,” he whispered. “As soon as I laid eyes on you I was lost."

  James smiled shyly. “I don't see why. You're so beautiful. You could have anyone."

  "As long as I can have you, that's all that's important,” he whispered. He leaned close and kissed him gently and lingeringly.

  James whimpered. Life was perfect at last. They'd found what most people could only dream of. True love.

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  Three years later

  Ryan adjusted the paper surgical robe over his clothes for the millionth time. “When do we get to see him?” he said, s
ounding a little whiny and impatient.

  A short, slightly chubby woman with close-cropped hair and pink cheeks rubbed his back. “The doctor said it wouldn't be long now,” she said soothingly. “Don't worry. Everything's gonna be great.” She glanced over to the other young man who was contemplating the contents of the vending machine. “Isn't that right, James?” she prompted.

  James gave up on the half-empty machine—everything that looked good was out. “Gwen's right, Ryan. You don't want them to rush around and drop something, do you?” He smirked at the woman as he sat on the other side of Ryan, leaning against him. “Relax..."

  Ryan put his head on James’ shoulder. “Aren't they supposed to let the father in there?” he said, pouting a little. “I thought that was how they did it these days. Although ... I don't know that I really wanna see the whole thing.” He glanced at Gwendolyn. “No offense."

  She laughed. “None taken. I don't want to see your whole thing, either."

  James giggled. “I imagine Cecily isn't too happy with ‘things’ right now, either. The nurse told me the labor went so fast that they didn't even have time to give her anything, drugs wise. Which is better, anyway, she wanted to try to go without.” He stroked his lover's hair. “They'll let us in as soon as they're ready, baby,” he soothed, trading glances with the other woman over Ryan's head.

  Finally, the doctor appeared in the hallway. “Mr. Legato? You can see your wife and son now,” he said. “Only three visitors in the room at a time,” he added, taking in the fact that there were only three of them.

  Ryan smiled and stood up. “Let's go. Gotta say hello to the wife,” he grinned. It was absurd to him that Cecily was his wife, but it satisfied the requirements of his title. Gwendolyn and Cecily had their own suite of rooms at one end of the castle, and James and Ryan had theirs.

  They'd met one day in the local department store, in the men's section. They'd recognized kindred spirits immediately. Gwen and Cecily didn't have many friends in the small town, and soon all four of them were inseparable. Percy's words had come back to Ryan and he'd suggested his plan.

  The doctor led them to the delivery suite and Cecily was sitting up in the bed, the newborn baby cradled in her arms. Gwendolyn rushed to her side instantly and brushed a wispy lock of hair off her forehead. “Are you all right, C?” she asked softly.

  The dark-haired woman in the bed looked exhausted but happy. She looked down at the baby and back up at the three anxious faces. “We're both fine,” she said, beaming at them. “I feel like a demon tried to crawl out of me, but other than that...” She looked up at Ryan. “Can you believe it? This is your son."

  Ryan beamed and put his arm around James’ back. “It's our son. All of ours,” he said, glancing at Gwen, too. “Not to mention the next Earl of Elgin.” He released James and scooted a little closer, perching his hip on the bed. “So, name suggestions? I think we need a majority rules rule, yes?"

  "How about Cedric?” Gwendolyn suggested.

  Ryan made a face. “How about no?"

  James laughed, standing behind Ryan and leaning against him slightly. “He looks like you,” he said to Ryan. “Without the tattoos."

  Cecily smirked. “I bet Nigel has some proper suggestions.” The solicitor still seemed appalled by their ‘arrangements', as he called them, after all this time. But everything was perfectly legal, and now that there was an heir to the title, he couldn't really argue. An artificially inseminated heir was still an heir.

  Ryan held out his arms and Cecily relinquished the bundle to him. He cradled the baby carefully, and stroked his cheek with a finger. Two bleary little dark eyes looked up at him. “He does look kinda like me, doesn't he?” He looked back at James with an adoring smile. “I'd say we should call him James, but that would get confusing."

  James looked down at the tiny baby. “Poor guy, he doesn't want to be named that.” He touched the baby's tiny fist gently. “He needs something nobler."

  Cecily rolled her eyes. “Men are no good at naming things,” she said, reaching out to hold Gwendolyn's hand. “There's no rush. We can decide."

  Ryan pouted a little. “We're not that kind of ‘men'.” He turned his attention back to the baby. “You're gonna be one very spoiled little boy, you know that? Right off the bat you'll have twice as many parents as most people have. And my God, just wait until my grandmother gets here. You have no idea the food. I hope you like Italian.” He grinned at the baby, leaning back against James a little more.

  Gwendolyn leaned over and kissed Cecily on the forehead. “Good work, kid,” she said softly.

  James leaned down to whisper, “I don't think he's quite ready for spaghetti.” He kissed Ryan on the cheek, gently. “I love you. Both."

  Ryan handed the baby back to Cecily. “I think we'll let the two of you hang out for a while alone, and come back later, okay? I'll call before we come back to see if you want us to bring back food.” He stood again. He wanted to be alone with James, and he also wanted to reassure the girls that they were all going to take turns hogging the baby.

  Cecily smirked. “You'd think after three years you two could go for half an hour without snogging,” she teased gently, handing the baby to Gwendolyn to hold.

  James grinned but stayed silent, wrapping an arm around Ryan's waist.

  Ryan shrugged a little. “We could, but why should we?” He grinned. “See you in a couple of hours, okay?” He leaned over and kissed Cecily on the forehead. “Later, Mrs. Legato."

  "Bye, your Earlness. Don't get arrested now.” Cecily waved a little as the two men left.

  James waved back and followed Ryan out. “How does it feel?” he asked softly as they stripped off the hospital gowns.

  Ryan smiled at him and slid his hand into his pocket. “It feels like you should drive,” he said, handing him the keys. As they walked towards the parking lot, he added to his answer. “It feels like we don't have to worry and we can live our lives the way we want now. How does it feel to you?” he asked.

  "I feel like I should always drive,” snickered James. Ryan's driving skills had not improved by driving on the other side of the road for three years. He opened the door for Ryan and then got in himself. “It feels like I love you more than ever. And I'm the luckiest man in the world.” He smiled over at Ryan.

  Ryan smiled warmly at him. “Nuh uh. I am,” he laughed. “I love you, too, James. And I always will."

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  About the Author

  Inspired by the important things in life: beauty, love, and passion, Jade has spent several years writing erotic fiction. The forbidden nature of homoeroticism has been the basis for many megabytes of fiction that has delighted a wide circle of online readers. Please feel free to visit Jade at or on MySpace at

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