My My Little Prince
Page 10
“But Doctor, she is almost comatose at times and when she is not, she is not able to remember anything she said or did prior to the time she was given the medication.”
“Precisely,” Dr. Campbell responded, “see, by eliminating her memory, we are able to chase the devils out of her head. And with the high dosages of the epinephrine we can reduce the pressure and allow the brain cells to ‘regroup’, you might say. It is all part of the research. You do admit that she was in a bad state prior to the research; don't you?”
Nurse Nadia replied, “Yes, but of course. But to see such a pretty girl ...”
“Oh, Nurse,” Dr. Campbell interrupted and took her hand in both of his. He held her gaze and said, “you know that beauty is only skin deep and the fact that she is incredibly beautiful has nothing to do with the research. It’s her brain cells we are interested in, right?”
“Yes doctor,” she said, a bit flustered. She stood and straightened her smock, “of course that is what I am interested in.” She wondered to herself, “Why is it whenever I talk to him I cannot concentrate.”
Campbell was still talking, “... so please relax and allow me to complete my research, ok, Miss Nadia?”
“Of course Doctor.”
Then he smiled and said, “Let me explain a little better. By giving the drugs in that form I am able to, in essence, force the patient to forget their past, erase their memory so to speak. It’s a long shot but worth the try.”
“Doctor, I did not mean to question your expertise. Please keep me posted of her progress.”
“I certainly will Nurse Nadia. Any other questions? I will make my rounds now. Remember, it is absolutely essential that these sessions be quiet and private. So please, when I am in the room with one of the patients, no one, not even you must be allowed to enter the room. We would not want any little thing to trigger a negative memory during the therapy.”
“I understand doctor. I will be sure no one disturbs you during the therapy sessions.”
He turned and smiled up at Nurse Nadia, “Nurse Nadia, it is such a great pleasure to work with you, a women of such high standards. Once again I have to thank you so much again for allowing me to work here.”
“Oh, Doctor Campbell,” she tittered, “again I have to say; on the contrary, it’s us ... well, h-m-m, you know!” She busied herself straightening some things on a tray. “Well, ok, I guess I will be going home now for the night. I will see you tomorrow.”
“Yes, of course you will,” he responded. He liked the way her supple body moved and the efficient movements of her slender hands.
As she was leaving she thought, “This is a strange therapy, but he must know what he is doing, after all he’s the expert. But still, it’s strange,” she shivered in the air conditioning, “and he is a little strange; ... attractive and sexy, but kind of scary at the same time.” She let the door close behind her as she walked down the sterile smelling hall. She shook her head and giggled to herself, “Oh well, mama always said I liked bad boys. I get the feeling he is one, but I really can’t put a finger on it. He’s definitely secretive though, very secretive.”
She continued her musings as she gathered her belongings, preparing to leave for the night. “It will be interesting to see the outcome. I sure hope he is right and will help all these poor patients, especially 306 B.” She sighed, “Oh well, I guess her beauty could cloud one’s perspective, but it is a shame to see her like that.”
Dr. Campbell saw Nurse Nadia getting into a public car that had stopped out front. He walked down the hallway toward Room 306 B. He continued down the hall until he reached the door. Looking left and right down the hall, he slid his magnetic ID card in the slot. The door clicked. With a gentle whoosh it opened and he walked in and over to the bed. He stood over her inert body for a long time. His breathing quickened.
He looked over his shoulder back at the door, and then he gently began to massage her legs gently and then harder and harder almost to the point of bruising. “I can not leave any marks yet,” he told himself. He was reaching for her neck when the door echoed a resonate click in the hollow room and popped open. Startled, he screamed, “no one is to interrupt me while I am in here!” He looked over and saw the back of a nappy head as it ducked quickly back out of the door.
He heard a heavily accented female voice, “Sorry doctor, I thought you left. I apologize for disturbing you.”
Campbell quickly called back after her, “No, no, I was about to leave any way, but do not disturb me while I am with a patient, especially her.” Campbell walked out to find that whoever knocked was already gone; only the rapid clicking of heel on tile gave any evidence of the interruption. “Whew,” he shook his head, “that was close! I’ve got to create some sort of ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, or ‘Doctor in Session’ sign to hang on the door! “
The next morning Dr. Campbell arrived and said his normal “hellos” to the front area staff. He had made a new ‘Doctor in Session – No Admittance” sign written in two languages. He had attached a thin chain to it so it could be hung on a door know, and he twirled this ‘round and ‘round from his extended forefinger whistling a lively tune as he wandered down the hallway toward his favourite patient.
“Good morning Marie,” Nurse Nadia heard Dr. Campbell’s voice as he entered the room and the door was closing. She nodded approvingly at the new sign still swaying on the door handle.
Standing over the bed again, Campbell looked at Marie and said in a low tone, “How are you my little Princess? Are you taking all of your medications? Are you glad to see me?” He cupped her chin and stroked her eyebrow and temple with his thumb, rubbing gently.
Her eyes were vacant, but she sunk her head back further into her pillows at his touch. He grinned, “You aren't, huh? That's too bad. I'm so glad to see you though. Have you taken your medications like I prescribed? Enough so you will never remember anything?” He leaned over and shined a small pen light into her glassy eyes. He flicked the light to the side, then stood back up and put the little flashlight back into his front pocket. “Ah yes. I see you have; you are in a complete stupor, how nice for us.”
He let his eyes rove leisurely over her body for a second. After a deep breath, he continued, “I apologize for leaving early last night my little princess. It was a shame that we were disturbed. I promise I will prevent that from happening in the future.”
He trailed a cool finger down from her ear to her collarbone where he lightly traced the arresting delineation of bone just under velvet skin. He licked a dry lip and murmured, “I do know how much you look forward to my visits. It’s ok sweetie, you don’t have to thank me.” He tucked his finger and let it slip down under her chin where he pushed into her throat noting how hard he could push before she began to labor for air. Her chest was rising rapidly and she twitched and twisted a bit gasping for air. “Gotta love it,” he remarked quietly.
“S-h-h, it’s ok.” He soothed. “Oh, and by the way, I haven't had the pleasure of a young lady like you in a few days.” With a grin on his face he asked her, “now let’s see here, where were we? Oh, you can't remember? Oh yes, that’s right, you can't speak, what a pity. Yes-s-s, I remember, we were discussing your future and how you would need me to be your private doctor for a long-long time. Isn't that nice? Just you and me; doing private research? The kind of research I love. And, if you are a nice girl you may live. Now isn't that nice? I knew you would like that. Now please roll over, it's time for me to examine you; all of you.”
“Oh, just as I thought, you are perfect, so so very perfect.”
Dr. Campbell repositioned Marie so she was on her back once more. He slowly and methodically straightened up her sheets. When he was done he straightened up and looked everything over one more time. He brushed off his pants and combed his hair as he walked over and opened the door only to see Nurse Nadia leaning against the wall reading a chart. She had been waiting patiently to talk with him.
“Oh, hello Nurse Nadia,” he said with more th
an a little surprise in his tone.
She smiled and said, “sorry to startle you but you know I never did receive the official copy of your ‘PRU’ papers or even your official work records. I wonder what is holding them up. I am sorry to bother you about such trivial things, but Salud Publico will need them soon and I do not need them sniffing around here, if you know what I mean. Oh, one more thing. The orderly reported that he young lady in this room must be having times when she is active because it looks like she has been bruising herself during the night. Are you sure she is sedated properly?”
“She is fine. I will look into why and how she could be bruising herself and I completely understand your need for the papers. I will have to request them again I guess.” His eyes probed, searching for a hint from her that she was aware of anything. He pulled out his I-phone and made a show of making himself a note. “No problem dear. I’ll contact them again later today. I’m afraid it’s perfectly normal for these bureaucracies and I apologize for the delay.”
Nurse Nadia, gave a sigh of relief, “There is no rush on my account but Salud Publico is asking almost daily now.”
“Yes-yes, I´ll do it again. I can call my office tonight and speak with June, my ex-secretary. She will expedite the papers and if I sweet talk her I may be able to get her to over-night them. How would that be?”
“Dr. Campbell, that would be great. It would take a lot of pressure off me.”
“Oh, wait a minute, I can't tonight,” he told her. “I will be working too late. But I will call ASAP, I promise.” He gave her a reassuring smile and pat on the shoulder.
She smiled satisfaction, “Thanks doctor, I hate to bother you again with this, but you know how they are.”
“Yes, of course I do and it’s good that they check up on all the doctors here. You never know when a bad one might hurt some patients and we would not want that, would we?”
“Of course not doctor.”
As he began to walk away he reiterated for good measure, “I will get right on it Nadia.” But he was thinking, “Like hell I will. I know that Salud Publico will never be organized to do anything. She can stall them and soon they will forget. This is the Dominican Republic. I like it here and the education I am getting here in this dumpy third world mental hospital is incredible; I almost feel like a doctor.” He sniggered shortly, “It’s easier than I thought to be a doctor; just Google the diagnosis and there it is, all the information anyone needs, techniques, meds and treatment.
“I’m glad I chose to be a doctor here. And it’s interesting that Dr. Pierre and I are mistaken for each other at times. This is something I will have to work on. He may be my savior.” He continued down the hall, whistling softly. “Ah, all is well.” He pulled up short. “Fucking loose ends!”
“I’m hot,” Michelle screamed from the bedroom. “Why’s it got to be so fucking hot?!” Sherine was trying to sleep on the couch; her sleeping space for the past couple weeks now. She could hear Spinner groaning for Michelle to shut up. Michelle stomped into the living room comically fanning herself with an old ‘Cosmo’. She plopped down on the couch on top of her sister.
Sherine giggled and squirmed, punching her in her back. “Get up you big oaf ... it’s too hot!”
Michelle laughed, but slid her butt and settled on the floor. “We’re going on a three day run to the Ocala Forest; you know just north of Orlando an hour or so with a few friends, want to go?”
“Of course,” Sherine excitedly sat up and threw her sheet over Michelle’s head.
“Hey!” Michelle barked. She rose on her knees and turned to hold Sherine down by her arms. “Then pack! Keep it light though, you won´t need much. There are cabins there. I already called and got us a reservation but they will only hold it until two pm so get a move on.”
Sherine was excited, three days in the woods with Spinner, Michelle and their friends sounded great!
She was older now and she was pretty much free to do as she pleased. Anyway, that’s what Michelle had told her! “I’m a full grown woman and I can do as I want!”
Michelle and Spinner both had been very good to her. The three of them had been together now for what seemed a long time to the young and uninitiated. Things seemed to be pretty good. She hadn’t given up on her little mental game she played with herself though.
She was excited about spending three days in a cabin in the woods, so her happy side told her to get excited. Even her sad side stayed quiet. “Why should I be sad about a trip like this” she kept asking herself.
After the trip they walked back into their apartment and Michelle announced that she was exhausted. She wanted to take a shower and go to bed. A giddy Sherine told Michelle that she had had a remarkable time with her and Spinner. They were even closer now. The three days they had just spent together cemented their union. They had sat up all night by the fire drinking and laughing and doing blow, and, they had all slept in the same bed. She woke one morning between them.
That was the night after they had finished off two bottles of vodka and so many Bud Lites that she had lost count. Now they were inseparable, and she thought it was great, “I love Michelle and Spinner,” she thought and her whole body warmed to it. “They are so good to me; just like the lovers I always dreamed of when I built my castles! And, I do not have to share them with anyone and no one will scare them off. No one! They are all mine.” The fact that she had to share one with the other didn’t seem to register.
She was sure that she had two people that would protect her now. No need to worry. Her happy side told her that she was finally free and that life was great. Her sad side remained subdued. She convinced herself she did not care what her sad side had to say. She refused to listen to it about Michelle and Spinner. She did what she wanted and what Michelle and Spinner wanted were all the same to her.
She remembered passing out in Michelle's arms that Saturday night by the fire before they all went to bed. It was one of her favorite memories ever. That was the night before she woke between them in the morning. She knew she was safe then because Michelle would never hurt her, she protected her.
It was the memories of her past and all the time she had spent alone arguing in her head what is good, what is wrong and who will protect her that terrified her. “but now I am safe. Now I'm with Michelle.”
They were home now. Spinner said he had to fix something on the bike and that he would be back in a few minutes. Michelle lit a cigarette as Sherine called their answering service and listened to the messages. Over the weekend Sherine had tried a few cigarettes and actually inhaled a few puffs. Michelle always had them and said they calmed her nerves. Besides it was something else they could do together. At this point in her life she always wanted to be with her sister.
Michelle raised a finger to her lips and hushed Sherine as the first message came up. A loud shrill voice came on and Michelle quickly pulled the phone away from her ear. The voice sounded forced and contrived, “Hi, this is your mother, please call me back, I want to see my little darlings, it’s been so long, and besides I want you to meet Peter.” Then the call ended as quickly as it started.
“Sherine! That was Mom! Can you believe that? And she sounded like everything was so perfect, that bitch.”
“I didn’t hear it, what did she say?” Sherine came closer to the machine.
“She wants to see us,” Sherine said quietly and softly.
“I don’t fucking think so,” Michelle yelled. She turned on a heel and stomped off towards her bedroom. Sherine sat down with the phone still clamped between her nervously shaking palms. She heard Michelle’s bathroom door slam and the shower turn on.
Michelle finished taking her shower and came back into the living room where Sherine had dozed off. “The nerve of that bitch; calling here like we are one big happy family. I never want to see her again!”
Sherine jumped at Michelle’s sudden outburst and then started to tremble. She could feel her whole body shaking
and her mind went blank, a sort of white landscape unfolded in front of her. They hadn’t thought of Evon for a while now, let alone heard from her. And now it seemed like something evil was under the bed and going to get her.
She rocked back and forth looking up at her big sister. “What ...” She couldn’t get out any more than that. Her sad side reminded her that her mother had known that the devil had lived with them for years and all the times she fell for his lies, tricks and emotions. She held her head in both hands and pressed on her temples, “she made it impossible for me to trust anyone, and certainly never love anyone. But, she gave me Michelle and now Spinner!”
Her happy side stroked and calmed her. It told her that the past was over and that she should see her mom again. It was late. She pulled a blanket off the back of the ratty couch and covered up. Two diametric poles continued their battle for supremacy.
Finally she got comfortable once again. She lay there a while breathing shallowly until she finally dozed off into dream land. It was only a few minutes until she woke covered in sweat and shaking. She covered her head again until she calmed herself, drifting in and out of consciousness.
She dozed off and woke what seemed to be hundreds of times and when she finally woke for good in the morning she had no covers. She was still shaking and had bite marks that were bleeding up and down her right arm. She was absolutely exhausted. It was like she had never slept.