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Grayslake: More than Mated: Sunday Bear-becue (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance)

Page 2

by Celia Kyle

  “Isobel.” Isaac marched forward, eyes narrowing and gaze missing nothing as he looked his only child over. Ty knew what his brother saw—dirt-scuffed, bare feet and grubby, mud-caked fingers. Then there were the knots in her hair and the new scratch on her knee.

  His brother stopped mere inches from them, staring down at the little bit of nothing in Ty’s arms. “How many times have I told you not to run off?”

  Isobel—so much like her mother—reached out and patted her father’s face. “Bil’on times, Daddy.”

  Ty fought his grin. He really did. “She’s a kid, Isaac.”

  “She’s blind, Ty,” Isaac snapped right back.

  “Only little of a lot, Daddy.” Zee-Zee nodded, repeating her own mother’s often-repeated statement. Kira—mole shapeshifter—was a little of a lot blind. Her daughter, also a weremole, had the same vision problems, and both Kira and Isobel drove Isaac crazy.

  It was fun as hell to watch.

  It also made Ty jealous, watching his brother chase after a little hellion while his mate was ready to give birth to their second child. Hell, his other two brothers were slowly building their families. Van had two boys—twins—and he was shooting for a girl next time. Keen and Trista wasted no time, either.

  And then he and Mia… well, they’d have another baby when it was time. They’d been waiting for it to be “time” since a year after Sophia’s birth.

  He stared at his niece, a picture-perfect replica of Kira, and his throat tightened while jealousy speared his gut. He didn’t begrudge his brother happiness, he just wanted a little for himself, too.

  Kira soon pushed through the crowd, Ebie racing to her side and sticking to her while she made her way to them. “Isaac Abrams, sexy man-noms or not, you can’t just run off. I swear—“

  “Swear R!” Zee-Zee shouted right into his ear.

  Isaac dropped his head forward with a defeated sigh, Kira’s light-hearted laugh filled the air, and a little more jealousy stabbed Ty.

  “Who needs to put money in the swear jar?” Thomas Baker—Mia’s father—strode into their small circle. “Was that you, Miss Zee-Zee?”

  “Nu-uh, Daddy!” Zee-Zee pointed at Isaac.

  And Isaac mumbled to his daughter, “Traitor.”

  A round of laughs went around their circle, and soon the rest of Ty’s family joined them, the people he loved most surrounding him. Even Reid.

  Someone took Zee-Zee from his arms and then he had Thomas at his side, leaning close and talking low. “Mia needed a break from the noise. I sent her off into the forest to get some peace and quiet.” The older man raised his eyebrows and Ty had no trouble reading the meaning in Thomas’s gaze. “Maybe you can go find her?”

  Ty’s pulse raced, excitement over escaping and getting some time alone with his mate sending his heart rate soaring. Between Parker, Sophia, and the clan, they didn’t get a whole lotta time alone, just the two of them. “Yeah. I think I will.”

  Thomas gave him a knowing smirk and Ty didn’t even call him out on the disrespect. He was too consumed with desire—need. He had a house—yard—full of people and he was the host, and instead of sticking around, he was chasing his mate through the forest. A pang of guilt weaseled into him, but his bear quickly chased it off. The animal wanted time to just be with their mate as well. It wanted to savor her, claim her again and again.

  It’d been a long time since he’d been able to make love to Mia properly—drive her mad with need before making her come as he sank his teeth into her flesh. His cock jerked in his pants, hardening and lengthening within the denim confines.

  Ty went from a brisk walk toward the tree line to a loping jog, increasing his pace the closer he drew to the forest. He managed to get ten feet past the very edge before he ripped off his shirt and tossed it aside. His shoulders broadened, skin stretching and stinging as his bear pushed forward. Fur slid free of his pores, coming out to pepper his arms and chest with dark fur. The animal was anxious to get to Mia and didn’t care for his human half’s easy strides.

  His thighs thickened, straining the seams of his pants, and he heard the first thread snap due to the bear’s insistence. The animal wasn’t about to let him take it slow. If he didn’t do something soon, his jeans would be a total loss.

  “Fuck it,” he mumbled and reached for the button and zipper.

  Claw-tipped fingers fumbled with the metal but he finally managed to get them undone. He yanked and pulled, tugging as he continued his run, and paused just long enough to discard the jeans before he fell to all fours.

  Bones snapped and cracked, the sounds reverberating in his ears while snippets of pain suffused his body. His muscles stretched, pulling against tendons, reshaping to his bear’s reformed body. Hands and feet became massive paws that dug deep into the soil, churning the fresh earth.

  His shift didn’t just give him an increased size, but enhanced senses as well. He caught a hint of deer followed by a light brush of squirrel and then rabbit. He’d bring Sophia out later—much later—to explore the animals. Why? Because another aroma taunted his nose. One he knew better than any other—his mate.

  So sweet and fresh and… his.

  He growled low, the knowledge filling his mind as her scent filled his lungs. He tipped his head back, searching through the brisk wind and trying to determine her direction.

  South. South toward one of their favorite spots in the clan’s lands. A nice little secluded area, a meadow cleared of trees and filled with fresh honeysuckle. Their own little bit of perfection they hadn’t visited in longer than he wanted to admit.

  Ty spun and picked up speed, racing past fallen trees and easy prey, his bear not wanting anything but to be at Mia’s side. He dodged around a row of bushes and ducked beneath a few low-hanging branches. He hopped over the next downed log and skirted some brambles that were in his path. Sure, he was a big, bad bear, but brambles…

  His bear internally whimpered. It remembered the last time they’d tangled with those stickers.

  Light filtered through the trees, the forest thinning the closer he drew to his destination. Soon, the crowd of trees was replaced by a smattering of bushes and then… then there was nothing but a blanket of high grass spreading out before him. And in the middle, standing tall with her head tipped back and face turned toward the sun, was his mate. She was bathed in the bright rays, wind tugging at her brown hair and caressing her pale skin. Skin he wanted to touch and taste.

  He padded forward, large body silently moving over the dense grass. He didn’t make a sound, carefully travelling toward her, until no more than three feet separated them.

  The wind buffeted her again, bathing him in her natural scent with that single gust. He parted his jaws, drawing in the flavors and letting them dance across his tongue. He picked out other flavors then. Ones that said she was aroused as well. His mate might not be avidly focusing on him, but she was still aware of his presence.

  He let out a low chuff, his bear tired of being ignored by Mia, and stretched out his neck. He nosed her fingers, nudging until her palm caressed his snout with a gentle touch.

  A soft smile teased her lips. “I was wondering when you’d get here.”

  This time, he let his annoyance tinge his grumbling. He came when he’d been told, dammit.

  “Uh-huh,” she murmured, reaching the top of his head and rubbing the tip of his ear. “Right. I think that deserves a swear jar deposit.”

  Dam—Darn it. She always knew when he cursed—even when it was only in his head. It annoyed the heck out of him, but he wouldn’t change her for anything.

  That smile still tipped her mouth and it reached her eyes as she turned her gaze to him. “Shift for me?”

  He’d do anything for her—anything. His bear had the same opinion, anxious to give her whatever she desired. His transition reversed itself, the bits and pieces of him shifting from bear to man. There was no pain with the breaking of bones and reformation of his body. Not when his entire focus was on his mate and
not his change.

  His delicious, luscious, beautiful mate.

  While the bear handed over control, his human mind pushed to the front of his mind. And with that came a resurgence of his need for Mia. His bone-deep desire pushed to the forefront of his thoughts, taking over and replacing any other idea in his head. Only one word repeated inside him over and over again—need.

  Need and need and need again.

  When the bear was completely gone, he rolled his shoulders, settling into his skin before giving his mate his full attention.


  Mia wasn’t sure what her father told Ty, but based on her mate’s hard cock and the scent of his desire, he hadn’t told him the truth. That the noise and scents sent her stomach rolling and practically turned her face green.

  Which was good, since she wasn’t ready for Ty to wrap her in cotton just yet.

  She smirked at her mate, a small smile tipping up the corner of her lips, as she looked him over from head to toe. She paused when she reached his cock—long and hard for her—before returning her attention to his face. His bear had retreated, but not fully. A hint of the animal’s scruff peppered his cheeks, and his cheekbones and jaw were sharper than normal. The beast was gone, but wouldn’t be completely banished. It was proof of his inner bear’s need to be present.

  And that turned her on. It sent a sliver of warmth through her blood, her desire gradually uncurling inside her. Not that she was turned on by a bear, but that the feral part of him wanted her just as much as his human mind.

  She took a step toward him, closing the distance between them, and immediately reached for her mate. But not his shoulders or his face. Not his chest or his thick biceps. She touched him there. She wrapped her fingers around his thick length, reveling in the heavy weight of him in her palm.

  Hot. Hard. For her.

  She stroked him from root to tip, brushing her thumb over the moist head. Pre-cum decorated the end of his shaft, further proof of his craving.

  “Hi,” she whispered and stroked him again. “Is this for me?”

  She practically purred the words, teasing him with her touch and voice.

  “Mia,” he rasped, hips jerking and his cock sliding within her fist.

  The way he said her name… her pussy clenched, tightening and begging to be filled and stretched by him. “Love that.” She squeezed the base of his cock and then stroked his shaft. “Love the way you say my name.”

  “Love you.” He growled the words, his fangs peeking past his upper lip. “So much.”

  Sure, he wanted her—she held proof in her hand. But his love? She saw it in his eyes. She saw it in the darkening of those orbs and in the way he looked at her. He didn’t look at her. He looked into her. Ty saw everything about Mia—good and bad—and loved all of her.

  “Missed you.” She stepped nearer, releasing his cock and wrapping her arms around his waist, bringing their bodies flush. He was still hard and aroused, but instead of pushing, he turned tender. He gave her what she needed.

  Ty buried his face against her neck, breathing deep and releasing the air slowly. His moist breath tickled her sensitive skin and she lightly laughed.

  “Missed you, too.” He smiled against her shoulder, his tongue flicking out to lap at her mating mark. She shuddered and moaned with the touch, the old injury sending a spiral of need curling through her body. “Too much going on and not enough time for us.”

  Never enough time for them.

  She turned her head and kissed his neck in return, parting her lips and lapping at his moist skin. Sweat clung to his tanned flesh, sweat and bear and man all rolled into one. The scent and taste had her moaning and wiggling even closer to his rock hard body. Ty was so muscular and lean—like many werebears—but what made him different was that he was hers.

  He caressed her, hands sliding around her hips to briefly rest just above her ass before moving on to trace her spine. He stroked her back, the heat of his touch sinking through the thin fabric of her shirt. She sighed and relaxed into him even more, taking comfort in his solid presence.

  Ty opened his mouth and bit the juncture of her neck and shoulder—not enough to break the skin, but enough to remind her of the scarring there. Mia trembled and moaned, tilting her head to the side and giving him greater access. Her clit twitched, pussy tightening, and she couldn’t wait to feel him deep within her. Taking her. Fucking her. Making her his all over again.

  Normally, she’d add making babies to that list, but… She’d stood in the middle of that clearing, face tipped up to the sun while she did a little internal retrospection and discovered…

  Yeah, she felt like she did when she was pregnant with Sophia. Like those very early days when her cub first came into existence.

  Her father was right. She was pregnant. Girl or boy, she had a new little bun in the oven. It took the pressure off their lovemaking, turning it into something just for them instead of a desire to grow their family.

  She hadn’t just missed being alone and away from everything with Ty. She’d missed this. She’d missed things being just about them and nothing else—not babies.

  Ty fisted the bottom of her shirt, gradually tugging it up her body. The thin material caressed her back, his attentions exposing her to the warm sun and cool winds. His warm palms skated over her sensitive flesh, fingers pausing to flick the strap of her bra. The hooks parted with ease, releasing the tight hold on her breasts, and she sighed with the easing of tension. She groaned when his hands roamed to the front of her body, moving to cup the heavy mounds. He nudged her bra higher and teased her nipples, thumbs circling the tiny nubs.

  Mia arched her back, pushing into his hands, needing more from her mate. “Ty…”

  “Right here.” He pinched her nipples between thumb and forefinger, adding a hint of pain to the burgeoning pleasure. “Always right here.”

  She whimpered and whined, aching for his mouth—for him to nibble and suck those nubs.

  As if he read her mind, he pushed her shirt higher, exposing her stomach and then breasts to the afternoon light. He bent slightly, lips parted, and her breath caught in her throat. Her mate moved slowly, taking his time as he lowered his head. Her heart raced with the anticipation, the unending wait for his mouth nearly killing her.

  Ty’s gaze lifted to meet hers, eyes intent while he closed the distance between his lips and her nipple. She held her breath, waiting… waiting… waiting…

  Her pussy clenched and it took everything inside her to stop from touching herself. She wanted to finger her clit, circle that bundle of nerves and ride her fingers until she came. But she wouldn’t. Not when she had her mate so close and so willing to give her what she desired most.

  He flicked his tongue out to lick his lips, and then he blew a soft puff of warm, moist air across the hardened nub. She whimpered again, the anticipation nearly driving her mad. That had his lips twitching with a small smirk, and she knew he’d teased her on purpose. He wanted to torment her. Almost as much as she wanted to be tormented.

  Then his mouth was there… Closer and closer until he opened his mouth and—


  Not kaboom because one touch of his mouth to her nipple gave her the most explosive orgasm of her life.

  No, kaboom because a ball of fire suddenly filled the air above the tops of the tall pines.

  From the north.

  From the direction of the clan den.

  Mia was in motion before she even realized she’d moved. One foot in front of the other, her feet pounding over the soft earth. She dodged tree after tree, running and pushing her body as fast as she could go.

  A growl and roar came from behind her and she knew her mate was on her heels, running as fast as her.


  The thump of her heavy treads filled her ears, each step corresponding with a beat of her heart. And still she pushed harder—faster. The scent from the fire reached out and wrapped around her chest, squeezing her lungs as if to choke her, but she woul
dn’t be stopped by a lack of air.

  No mother could be stopped by something so trivial. Yes, she was an Itana. Yes, she should worry over the bears in her clan and her friends at the barbecue, but Mia…

  Mia was a mother first.

  Parker and Sophia…

  Snaps and cracks, some louder than others, followed in her wake, her mate shoving his way past branches and trees. More than one crack was loud enough to tell her that he’d literally snapped a tree rather than go around.

  But he wasn’t faster than her. Sure, he was motivated by the same level of fear, but a mother…

  It seemed to give her extra strength. Light gradually filtered through the trees, illuminating the forest and giving her a better view of the foliage ahead. It allowed her to plan her steps a little better, so she didn’t take a jagged, random path, but one that would get her home even quicker.

  Ty kept pace with her, his harsh pants interspersed with snarls and growls never drifting far.

  Still, she ran. Ran and ran and ran until…

  Until she burst through the trees and into the bright light of day once more.

  Into chaos.


  Smoke filled the air, banishing any hint of Mia’s scent from Ty’s lungs. They were filled with the aromas of charred flesh and burnt wood. Ash rained down on them, peppering his mate’s hair with drifting specks of gray.

  Any hint of arousal he’d felt for his mate was gone—banished by a new emotion.

  Utter terror.

  His mate was well and whole, but his cubs… his family… his clan… his friends…

  The thick smoke masked his vision, making it nearly impossible to see far in front of him. The wind tried to push the gray plumes away, but it was replaced by more and more.

  And that was when the screams reached him. Screams and cries and dear God, let them all be alive and well. Let those shouts be out of fear and nothing else.


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