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Nothing Short of a Miracle

Page 8

by Carol Henry

  His dreams of her did not do her justice, nor did beautiful describe the golden goddess standing before him. The towel did nothing to hide her curves, which were in all the right places. She wrapped the towel tighter around her wet, shower-spattered body, droplets clinging to her moist skin. But it was too late. Her naked body was already etched in his memory forever. He didn’t want to apologize, but it was the right thing to do.

  She stared at him for a second longer.

  “Do you mind?” she whispered, her tone exasperated as water dripped and pooled around her bare feet on the floor.

  Chad found it hard to speak.

  “Sorry,” he finally mumbled backing out the door, tripping over the wooden threshold into the hallway. “Uh, take your time. Don’t hurry. I’ll come back later.”

  “Damn!” he muttered on his way back to his room. He stubbed his big toe on the carpet’s deep pile.

  Living with Gabriella Rumsey only a stone’s throw from his bedroom was going to be hell. After seeing her naked, it was going to be pure torture. It didn’t help that he was always bumping and bruising his body parts when in her presence—first his head, now his big toe. He was going to be a total invalid and needing his mother’s wheelchair if he didn’t watch out and stay out of the woman’s way.

  Back in his bedroom, he shut the door, leaned against it, and closed his eyes. A huge mistake. The image of her toweling herself left his mouth dried up and his body tight and ready for action. Damn. He needed a distraction. Something, anything to get his mind off the woman he had just seen naked. He sat down at the computer in an effort to immerse himself in his work.

  Blank. Zip. Nada. Nothing. Poor Dean was no closer to solving the crime of the century than he had been the day before. At this rate, Dean would never solve the murder and get the girl, and he’d never finish his novel.

  Chad gave up. He’d probably be thinking of Gabriella Rumsey the whole time he was in the shower, anyway. Wet. Naked. Oh, Lord, he had to stop thinking about her. But when he stepped out of his room to go downstairs an hour later, there she stood, Nina nestled against her chest. He wanted to run to her and take her in his arms. Instead, he stood paralyzed. Her face turned crimson. Nina turned her head away from Gabriella’s shoulder and smiled. A slow drool trickled down Nina’s chin. The baby’s eyes sparkled and blinked just before she turned her head back into Gabriella’s neck. Chad gulped. Was it possible he was jealous of a baby? She snuggled the baby closer to her chest. A lump formed in his throat. She cupped Nina’s head and cradled it protectively. Transfixed, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He had to turn away to keep from making a fool of himself. He wasn’t sure why he was letting this woman affect him so, but it had to stop.

  Gabriella kissed Nina’s forehead.

  Chad’s heart rate accelerated into overdrive just thinking about those lips kissing him. All over his body. He opened his mouth. Shut it. Opened it again. He had no idea what to say or do. Words failed him, and he was supposed to be a whiz with words. He turned on his heel and headed for the stairs.

  “Wait,” Gabriella called, her voice strained.

  Chad stopped at the top of the stairs. The front door opened down below, and a ruckus ensued. The rest of the clan had arrived for Sunday dinner.

  “Listen,” Chad barely got out between clenched teeth, trying to hold his riotous emotions in check. “I’m sorry about, well, you know, the shower thing. I should have knocked.”

  “I know I locked the door,” she said, her eyes lowered. “Obviously, the lock is broken.”

  “I’ll take a look at it. In the meantime, maybe we should set up schedules or something.”

  “That might be difficult, especially with Nina. Maybe we should just post notes on the door when it’s occupied.”

  “Good idea.” Chad was almost disappointed. He liked what he’d seen. Ah, Hell. He’d better not let his mother get an inkling of his current thoughts in regards to Gabriella Rumsey. A naked lady, mixed with lots of warm, dreamy, schmaltzy holiday feelings that were driving him crazy. Good old-fashioned teenage hormones kicking up. Apparently, you never outgrew them.

  “Come on,” he said. “We’d better go down before they send the troops up to look for us.”

  Chad stepped aside to let Gabriella precede him down the stairs. Jodi, Sheila, and their broods waited down below. Jodi’s boys, Jason and Jeffrey rushed toward their uncle, while Sheila’s two girls, Sara and Brianna, followed more sedately. Sheila held six-year-old Constance’s hand.

  “Sheila, Jodi, this is Gabriella Rumsey. I’m sure mother has told you all about her. Gabriella, my sisters and their kids. I have no doubt they’ll take great delight in telling you all about themselves.”

  “Hello,” Gabriella said. “I’m pleased to meet you.”

  “If you ladies will excuse me, I’ll go find the men. I take it Sean has baby Devon with him.” Chad looked from one sister to the other. “Be gentle,” he warned. “I know how the two of you devour babies. Gabriella isn’t used to a big family.”

  His words were ignored as his two sisters struggled to be the first to hold Nina. Shaking his head, he turned and headed for the library, leaving the women to get acquainted. Just before he closed the door, he turned back around, his eyes meeting Gabriella’s across the hall. She looked from him back to his sisters and found her eyes misting over. She looked overwhelmed. Lost. And completely out of her element. Her face had “rescue me” written all over it—he was tempted to run back to save her. What would his sisters think if he did? He closed the library door, shutting out the squeals of laughter. Gabriella could take care of herself.

  “Ah, Chad, how are you, old buddy? Did you get Gabriella all settled yesterday?” Sean entered the library wearing a smile.

  “Like clockwork. Thanks for your help. What about you? I see you’re tending Devon already. Bonding with your new baby boy?”

  “But of course. Would you like to hold him?”

  “Nope. Think I’ll pass. God forbid I give my mother any more incentives to keep throwing women my way.”

  Chad did go over and peek at the small bundle being held snuggly in his father’s arms. Babies were too fragile looking at that age. He had to admit they frightened the living daylights out of him more than just a little.

  Chad’s other brother-in-law, Jim, joined them. He clapped his left hand on Chad’s shoulder in welcome. “See what you’re missing. You’re just going to have to give in some time, or your mother will be on your back the rest of your life. Can’t believe you haven’t met up with someone you want to settle down with before now.”

  “I’ve had narrow escapes,” he said with a laugh, making a joke of it even though those narrow escapes were nothing to laugh at. He wasn’t about to make those mistakes again.

  “Bring that lovely boy over here, Sean,” Helen called from across the room. “I’ve been waiting all morning to see my new grandson.”

  Helen settled the baby in her arms.

  “Chad,” his mother said. “You realize we’re counting on you to carry on the family name. The girls have produced wonderful grandchildren for us, but you are our only son. By the way,” she continued as if they were discussing an everyday event in the household, “I’ve invited Mr. and Mrs. Newell and their daughter, Jennifer, to have holiday drinks with us this evening. Of course, I expect you to be on hand to help your father entertain everyone, what with me in this wheelchair and all. I’m so glad you’re here to help us through this busy time of year. And we’ve invited Dennis, as well. Now, be a dear and rescue Gabriella from the rest of the family before we go in to dinner.”

  Chad shook his head and headed for the hallway. What was the use? You just couldn’t fight city hall—or his mother. At least by inviting the Newell’s and their daughter for holiday drinks, his mother was taking Gabriella off the top of her matchmaking list. Hopefully.

  Chad didn’t even make it to the door before it burst open and children of every shape and size gushed in from the hallway. Behind t
hem, his sisters and Gabriella, arm in arm, laughing and smiling, entered the library.

  His heart thumped so loudly, he was certain the entire room heard it above the boisterous ruckus Jason and Jeffery made when they spied their grandparents. No one except Gabriella looked at him. The look on her face, however, had him worried. She had been laughing, too, and it had changed her entire persona. She sparkled. If he thought she was beautiful before—she was absolutely radiant, now. His heart beat faster.

  Oh, God. Not a good sign.

  If he knew his sisters, and he did know them, he was doomed. He didn’t like the looks on their faces when they raced past him to greet their mother. Their smiles more a smirk—their eyes twinkling as if they had a secret they weren’t about to share. They were up to no good, and he didn’t like it one iota. Growing up he’d learned, to his detriment, just how devious his sisters could be when it came to matters of the heart. They took after their mother in that regard.

  He might just as well pack up and get out of Dodge before the bullets started flying.


  Sunday dinner was a noisy, wonderful family affair. Gabriella loved it. It had been a long time since she had enjoyed such closeness. Everyone made her feel right at home, even Chad.

  “When are we getting together to pick out our Christmas trees?” Sheila asked. “The kids have been bugging me since Thanksgiving.”

  “Why don’t we plan on next Saturday morning? We can spend the afternoon decorating. Gabby, you’re welcome to join us,” Jodi invited.

  The kids all cheered and clapped their hands.

  Christmas with her sister and brother-in-law in Pennsylvania last year had been one of the best in a long time. They had cut down their own tree and the three of them had decorated it with hand-strung popcorn and cranberry garlands. They had enjoyed hot cocoa with miniature marshmallows while listening to Elvis Presley croon old-time favorite Christmas Carols.

  “Thanks, but I should stay and take care of Nina and Helen.”

  “Nonsense. Of course you can join them,” Helen spoke up. “I think Ethel and I can manage one small baby for a few hours. You go out, my dear and enjoy yourself. That’s what Christmas is all about—fun family get-togethers.”

  Gabriella started to protest again, but Chad’s sisters stopped her.

  “What a great idea. And since Chad’s home this year, he can join us, and get to know his nieces and nephews.”

  To Gabriella’s surprise, Chad didn’t object. Instead, he stared at her across the table. Those icy-blue eyes of his were penetrating—disconcerting. Did he think she had somehow instigated an invitation? Flustered, no longer able to maintain eye contact, she looked away only to meet Helen’s bright and happy face.

  “I’d better stay with Helen…” Gabriella started.

  “Chadwick will be here so I won’t need your company on Saturday. Your weekends are your own. Go. Enjoy yourself.”

  Helen’s endearing smile made Gabriella feel a fraud. Again she wondered why the Hempsteads had bothered to advertise for a health-aide. Clearly one wasn’t necessary.

  Gabriella looked to Mr. Hempstead for approval. He simply smiled, nodded his head in agreement with his wife, and continued eating his chicken and biscuits.

  “Oh, boy,” six year old Constance called out over the adults’ chatter in an effort to be heard. “Are we going to get our tree with the horse and sleigh like we did last year?”

  “Yeah,” Brianna, said. “That was so cool.”

  “Wow, I can’t wait,” Jeffrey said, turning to Gabriella. “We didn’t go last year ’cause we were in Boston visiting Grandma and Grandpa Stanton.”

  “I hope it snows and snows so we can ride in the sleigh,” Jason said. “That will be so cool.”

  “Cool,” Jeffrey agreed.

  The girls nodded in agreement.

  Constance looked serious for a moment before turning to her father, Sean.

  “Can I wear my new boots?” she asked.

  “And your new leggings if you want,” he told her.

  “Then I hope it snows, too.” She smiled from ear to ear.

  “It’s settled,” Jodi said. “We’ll all meet here seeing as neither of us have room in our vehicles with all our car seats. Chad, you can take Gabriella with you.” She turned to Chad with a challenging smile.

  “Lovely,” Helen said.

  Chad glared at his sister, then at his mother. They acted as if he wasn’t in the room—as if he didn’t have a say. Both ignored him. He bit his tongue and hung his head in defeat. He picked up his fork, speared a morsel of something left on his plate and shoved it into his mouth to keep from putting his foot in it. The food tasted like sawdust and stuck in his throat. He downed the rest of the water in his glass wishing it was something stronger.

  “Now that we’ve all agreed, shall we take our coffee in the library where we can get comfortable next to the fire?” Mr. Hempstead said. He stood at the head of the table.

  “I’m ready for a nap,” Helen looked up at him with a yawn.

  Gabriella stood to assist Helen with the wheelchair.

  “No, no, my dear. You go take care of Nina then come back down to join everyone in the library. I can manage this. I’ll see you all later tonight when the Newell’s arrive.”


  Gabriella didn’t own many festive outfits, but she finally chose a simple ankle-length, jeweled-neck, navy floral velour dress. She slipped into her black Mary Jane Clogs and a pair of gold loop earrings. She swept her hair back in a stylish French twist, holding it in place with a single turtle-shell comb which blended in with her auburn highlights. She swept her bangs to one side, and squirted styling-spritz above her head to hold everything in place.

  Before she left her room, she checked on Nina to make sure the baby was settled for the evening. Gabriella tucked the blanket around Nina’s toes, kissed her on the forehead, and made sure the baby monitor next to the crib was working. Helen had insisted on the baby monitor so Gabriella would feel more comfortable leaving Nina alone in her room.

  Gabriella shut the light off and softly closed the door. Sheila and Jodi bounded up the stairs and met her in the hall.

  “Oh, good. You decided to join us after all,” Sheila said. “We were on our way to coax you into joining us if we had to.”

  “Mother told us all about Nina. How awful,” Jodi confided.

  “It must be hard for you, being an instant, single mother.”

  “I’m still getting used to the idea. But I don’t want people to feel sorry for me. I’m actually enjoying it.”

  Sheila and Jodi looked at each other and Gabriella wondered what they were thinking. She didn’t like the smiles they gave each other. But when they turned back to her, their expressions were serious.

  “Your secret is safe with us. We won’t tell a soul Nina isn’t really yours,” they said in unison.

  “It’s no secret. Besides, she’ll be legally mine before long, so I don’t mind who knows. I already feel as if she’s truly mine. And being a single mother just goes along with the territory.”

  “We’re here to help if you need anything. Just say the word.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate your offer.”

  “Come on,” Jodi said, wrapping her arm though Gabriella’s. “Let’s go join the others. The Newell’s are here and you just have to see Jennifer. The fun is about to begin.”

  “What fun?”

  “You’ll see. Brother Chad is about to be cornered by another one of mother’s ‘hopefuls.’ She keeps hoping Chad will finally find a woman he’ll fall madly in love with and ask her to marry him. That’s why we call them her ‘hopefuls.’”

  The two sisters led her down the stairs and into the library. If possible, the room looked even more festive than earlier in the day. Candles flickered in the window, the pictures on the mantel had been rearranged and taller candles had been lit and were casting a warm glow in between fresh pine boughs. The overhead lights dimmed, and soft holiday music
played in the background.

  Gabriella spotted the Newells right away. It wasn’t hard. They stood out like beacons on a foggy night, especially their daughter, Jennifer.

  Jennifer, fit to kill, wore a short, tight, red satin dress that hugged every curve, accentuating all her prominent parts. The matching red stilettos gave her additional height. Long blond hair, with deep blue eyes, and full red lips beckoned the male species like a neon light. Jennifer’s sex appeal could revive the dead.

  Gabriella had accepted a long time ago that she wasn’t tall and sexy, or even beautiful. Still, she found it annoying to watch the reaction of men when they were in the presence of a gorgeous woman like Jennifer.

  “Jennifer, this is my son, Chad. Chad, I want you to meet Jennifer. Doesn’t she look festive tonight?”

  “She certainly does,” Chad said. He stepped forward and took her hand.

  His eyes lit up. Gabriella did a slow burn, reminding her that she wasn’t interested in Chad, or any other male at the moment. She looked over at Dennis. He had the same interest in his eyes, too.


  Without moving a muscle, Gabriella stood transfixed as the other men in the room were just as taken in by this woman’s sex appeal.

  She turned to see how Jodi and Sheila were handling the situation. From the looks on their faces, they were irritated.

  Jennifer wiggled around the room in her skin-tight, very paper thin dress approaching each of the men in turn. Her handshake was more than a mere touch, it was a lingering grasp. What a vixen! The woman was literally lapping up all the male attention and obviously loving it.

  Despite Jennifer being the center of attention, Gabriella caught Chad glancing her way on several occasions. His smile caused butterflies to flutter wildly in her stomach. She felt like a love-sick school girl on a first date. Every time he looked her way, her skin tingled and her face heated like a furnace with the thermostat turned up. Just the thought of him having seen her naked had her insides throbbing in places they shouldn’t be. Lord, she hoped he couldn’t read her mind.

  An hour into the evening, however, both Sheila and Jodi had corralled their husbands away from Jennifer’s clutches. Which left Dennis and Chad standing on either side of Jennifer—Gabriella feeling the odd person out. No one noticed, which gave her ample opportunity to observe the scene unfolding in front of her.


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