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Loving Lord Egleton: A Regency Romance (Regency Matchmakers Book 3)

Page 3

by Laura Beers

  They slowly progressed further into the room, soon finding a spot by the French doors.

  “Much better,” Edward sighed.

  Kate smiled at him. “Thank you for coming this evening.”

  “It is my pleasure,” Edward replied. “We couldn’t very well have let Hannah attend on her own.”

  Hannah was about to respond when she heard Miss Olivia’s voice over the crowd. “You have finally arrived,” she declared as she approached them.

  Hannah smiled at her fair-haired friend, admiring her pale pink gown with its ornate net overlay. “How are you this evening?”

  Miss Olivia returned her smile. “I am overjoyed,” she said. “All my dreams are finally coming true!”

  “Is that so?” Hannah asked.

  Miss Olivia bobbed her head. “George is the most attentive fiancé,” she gushed, “and he encourages me to pursue my passions.”

  “I am pleased to hear that,” Hannah replied.

  Miss Olivia glanced between Kate and her. “I cannot thank you enough for what you have done.”

  Kate placed a hand on Miss Olivia’s sleeve. “You don’t have to keep thanking us,” she said, “especially since your father paid us most handsomely when you accepted Lord George’s offer of marriage.”

  “But I feel as if I should,” Miss Olivia pressed. “Without you, none of this would have been possible.”

  “All we have ever wanted is for you to be happy,” Kate said.

  “That I am,” Miss Olivia declared. “Please say that you will attend the wedding.”

  Hannah nodded. “We have every intention to.”

  “That is wonderful news!” Miss Olivia declared. “I must return to George before the start of the next dance.”

  As they watched Miss Olivia step back into the crowd, Hannah had to admit that she was slightly jealous of her friend. She appeared so deeply in love that her countenance appeared to shine. She had barely registered that thought when she saw Lord Egleton emerge from the crowd and approach them.

  His eyes crinkled around the edges when his gaze met hers. “Miss Blackmore,” he greeted politely. “How are you faring this evening?”

  “I am well,” she replied.

  His eyes perused the length of her. “You are looking remarkably lovely this evening.”

  Hannah felt the familiar warmth in her cheeks at his praise. “You are too kind, my lord,” she replied, tearing her gaze away from his.

  Martin shifted his attention towards Kate and acknowledged her. “How has Edward been treating you?”

  Kate exchanged a look with Edward that was filled with love. “He has been most attentive to me,” she replied.

  “I am pleased to hear that,” Martin said.

  Edward spoke up. “I am surprised to see you in attendance this evening.”

  Martin’s brown eyes roamed the ballroom. “My mother thought it would be best if I attended, since Lady Vincent is a dear friend of hers, and she isn’t able to come while in mourning.”

  “That is most thoughtful of you,” Kate acknowledged.

  “It is, isn’t it?” Martin joked, puffing out his chest for effect.

  The music started up, and he surprised Hannah by turning his attention towards her. “May I have this dance?”

  She felt a rush of excitement at his question, but she couldn’t seem to formulate a sentence with him looking at her the way he was. Fortunately, she was able to force out the words, “You may.”

  Martin held out his hand and she eagerly placed her own into it. How she’d longed for this! She held her head up high as she allowed him to escort her to the dance floor, feeling immense pride that she was on his arm. He led her to where the other women were lining up before taking his place with the men.

  They began to dance the quadrille, and she found herself smiling at Martin whenever he met her gaze. How she enjoyed having his undivided attention, even if it was only for a moment. Whenever he would reach for her hand, she felt a jolt of awareness rush through her and wished he would never let go.

  All too soon, the music came to a stop and Martin offered his arm. “That was rather fun,” he acknowledged.

  “It was,” she readily agreed.

  “I don’t think I have enjoyed myself so well in quite a long time,” Martin said as he started to lead her off the dance floor.

  “I am pleased to hear that.”

  He hesitated for a moment before saying, “I was hoping to discuss something with you.”

  “You were?”

  Martin glanced over at her. “Would you care to step out on the veranda with me?”

  She tried to keep the excitement out of her voice as she replied, “I would.”

  He led her outside, then dropped his arm and turned to face her. “It is beautiful out here,” he acknowledged. “Are you warm enough?”

  “I am,” she replied.

  The moon was high in the sky and lit the well-maintained gardens. She watched as couples walked along the many footpaths, and she couldn’t believe she was with Martin right here, right now.

  Feeling rather bold, she asked, “What is it you wished to discuss with me?”

  A slow smile curved his lips, making him appear devilishly handsome. “I assume you are aware that I hold you and your sisters in high regard.”

  She returned a shy smile then immediately looked away. “I am.”

  “I’m pleased to hear that,” he said, “because I would hate to do anything that would jeopardize my friendship with any of you.”

  Hannah was unsure of what to say, so she remained silent.

  He took a step closer to her, and she tilted her head to look up at him. “My father has decided it is time for me to wed.”

  A slight gasp escaped her lips. “He has?”

  Martin nodded. “He has, and I find myself in a terrible bind.”

  “Which is?”

  “I don’t want to marry the girl he has selected for me, but I want to marry another,” he said as he gazed intently at her, “a woman of my own choosing.”

  Hannah felt her breath catch in her throat at his declaration. Did he mean her?

  “So, Hannah,” he started, “my question is this.” He paused, and she felt herself holding her breath in response. “Will you do me the great honor of helping me secure a bride?”

  “Yes, I will…” Hannah caught herself and stared at him in disbelief. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I want to hire you to find me a bride.”

  “You want me to find you a bride,” she repeated back.

  He smirked. “Isn’t that what I just said?”

  She brought her hand up to her forehead. This wasn’t happening. She’d been so sure he was going to offer for her, but he had no intention of doing so. He wanted to hire her to find him a bride.


  Lowering her hand, Hannah gave him a blank stare. “I will need to speak to Kate about this.”

  “Of course,” he replied.

  She started backing up. “If you will excuse me…” Her voice trailed off, not bothering to finish her sentence.

  Martin eyed her with concern. “Are you all right, Hannah?”

  “I will be.” She stopped and rushed to correct herself. “I mean, I am.”

  “Allow me to escort you back to Kate and Edward,” he offered as he stepped forward and put his arm out.

  She put her hand up. “That won’t be necessary,” she insisted.

  Martin lowered his arm to his side. “No?”

  “I can return to them on my own.”

  “But it is my privilege—”

  She spoke over him. “I do not wish to burden you.”

  “It isn’t a burden…”

  Rather than wait for him to finish his sentence, Hannah spun on her heel and hurried towards the ballroom. She didn’t wish to spend one more moment in Martin’s presence. What a fool she had been. He had only ever considered her a friend, and she had spent nearly every waking moment dreaming about him.
  She couldn’t wait for this most unfortunate night to come to an end.


  Hannah laid in bed listening to those blasted birds. She was in a rather foul mood as she thought about the previous evening. She had been so sure that Martin was going to offer for her, but all of her dreams were dashed the moment he asked her to find him a bride.

  For so long, she had hoped his heart would be turned towards her. The small things he did affected her in so many ways, and she thought he could do no wrong. But that was all in vain. He only considered her a friend, and always would. How quickly had her life turned upside down, and it was all Martin’s fault. Why couldn’t he love her?

  No. She refused to feel pity for herself. She was stronger than this. If Lord Egleton didn’t want her, then it was time to accept it and move on. It was time for her to find a suitor who would appreciate her for who she was. She was finished pining for Lord Egleton, and she would prove to him that she was worthy of being loved.

  Coming to a decision, she sat up and put her legs over the side of the bed. She stepped over to the dressing table and began to brush her blonde hair as she stared into the mirror. She was not vain enough to believe she was beautiful, but she was pleased with her appearance, nonetheless. She was most fortunate to have fair skin, an oval face, and delicate features, just as her mother had.

  Hannah sighed. How she missed her parents. There was not a day that went by that she did not think of them. It had been five years since they were taken from her life entirely too soon in a horrific carriage accident. She didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye.

  A knock at the door broke her out of her musings.

  “Enter,” she ordered.

  The door opened and her lady’s maid stepped into the room. “You’re awake early,” Sarah commented.

  “I’m afraid I have had a lot on my mind,” Hannah admitted.

  “Anything you wish to discuss?”

  Hannah put the brush down and sat in the chair next to the dressing table. “Lord Egleton asked me to find him a bride.”

  Sarah lifted her brow. “Is that so?”

  “I naïvely thought he was going to offer for me,” she admitted.

  “Oh, Hannah,” Sarah rushed to say. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “We were on the veranda, and he was looking at me in such a fashion that I led myself to believe he held me in some regard.” She paused. “But I was wrong.”

  Sarah walked over to the settee and sat down. “Well, I think Lord Egleton is a fool for not falling desperately in love with you,” she declared.

  “Thank you for that, but it is time I accept that he doesn’t love me and never will.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Hannah nodded. “I have wasted entirely too much time on a fantasy,” she replied. “I need to carve out my own future.”

  “How do you intend to do that?”

  Hannah smiled. “I have a plan.”

  “Is it a good one?” Sarah teased.

  “I think it is quite brilliant,” she responded.

  Sarah gave her an expectant look. “Are you going to share it?”

  In a quiet voice, Hannah replied, “I intend to ask Kate for help to secure a match.”

  “Your sister will be thrilled,” Sarah said.

  “I have no doubt.”

  “She is currently having breakfast with Lord Berkshire in the parlor,” Sarah said as she rose. “Perhaps you want to go speak to her now.”

  “I think that is a wonderful idea.”

  Sarah walked over to the armoire and opened it. “Then let’s get you dressed and readied for the day.”

  A short time later, Hannah hurried down the stairs towards the parlor, finding herself rather anxious to speak to her sister. She believed Kate would be excited by the prospect, but she hoped her sister wouldn’t want her to divulge any information that she’d be uncomfortable with sharing.

  The smell of food wafted out of the parlor, and she heard Kate and Edward politely conversing. She stepped into the room, and Edward rose from his chair at the head of the table.

  She waved him back down. “Good morning,” she greeted.

  Kate looked at her curiously. “You are rather cheery this morning.”

  “I am,” Hannah admitted as she walked over to the buffet table.

  Edward turned in his chair. “I am glad to see you looking so well after last evening.”

  Hannah placed two pieces of toast on her plate. “I’m sorry I made us depart from the ball early. It was terribly unfair of me to do so.”

  “I was rather concerned that you were feeling so poorly,” Kate said, “but I am pleased you have made a speedy recovery.”

  Hannah sat on the left side of Edward. “It would appear I just needed a good night’s sleep.”

  Edward grinned. “Did the birds wake you this morning?”

  Hannah huffed. “Their incessant chatter is vexing,” she declared, “but they did not wake me this morning.”

  “That is good to hear,” Kate acknowledged.

  A footman placed a cup of chocolate in front of Hannah and she reached for it. “I wish to discuss something with you,” she said as she brought the cup up to her lips.

  Kate put her fork down. “Whatever could it be?”

  Placing her cup back onto the saucer, Hannah replied, “I was hoping you would help me secure a match this Season.”

  A bright smile came to Kate’s face. “Are you in earnest?”

  “I am.”

  “We shall have such fun!” Kate exclaimed as she clapped her hands together.

  Hannah put up her hand, stilling her sister’s words. “I want to emphasize the point that I want to do things on my own terms.”

  “I understand. May I ask what changed your mind about me helping you find a suitor?” Kate asked.

  An image of Lord Egleton came to her mind, but she quickly banished it. “I just believe it is the right time for me to seriously consider matrimony.”

  Edward’s eyes held reservations as he watched her. “I do not want you to feel any pressure to be wed,” he encouraged. “You have only recently turned twenty and have many Seasons ahead of you.”

  Hannah offered him a smile. “That is most kind of you to say.”

  Kate reached for her husband’s hand. “We both just want you to be happy, Hannah.”

  “I am happy, but I feel as if an important piece is missing from my life,” Hannah replied.

  “And you believe a husband will fill that void?” Kate asked slowly.

  Hannah nodded. “I do.”

  Kate looked displeased by her response. “I want to make sure that you are doing this for the right reasons.”

  “Why else would I be doing this?” Hannah asked.

  Kate leaned back in her chair and studied her for a moment. “You’re right,” she said. “I have no reason to question your motives.”

  “Thank you,” Hannah replied as she took a bite of her toast.

  As Kate reached for her teacup, she remarked, “I had the most interesting conversation with Martin last night while you were dancing with Lord Whitehall.”

  Hannah pressed her lips together, not liking the direction of this conversation. “You did?” she asked, feigning interest.

  “I did,” Kate replied. “It would seem that he is interested in matrimony, as well.”

  “Yes, he did mention that to me when we spoke on the veranda.” Hannah took a bite of her toast to avoid speaking more on the subject.

  “Apparently, his father has given him a month to find a bride or be forced into marriage with Lady Isabella,” Kate said.

  “That is awful,” Hannah muttered.

  “Martin was hoping we could help him find a bride,” Kate shared.

  With a shake of her head, Hannah attempted, “A month is not sufficient time to find him a match.”

  “We’ve done it before,” Kate pressed. “Besides, don’t we at least owe it to Martin to try?”

  Hannah fr
owned, knowing her sister made a valid argument. But that didn’t mean she had to like it. “I suppose we could try to find a match for him,” she agreed reluctantly.

  Kate smiled victoriously. “Won’t this be fun?” she asked. “Both of you looking for matches at the same time.”

  “But for two entirely different reasons,” Hannah countered. “Martin is being forced into marriage, whereas I am doing so voluntarily.”

  “That may be true, but I am pleased that the rest of the Season will be anything but ordinary,” Kate said. “I would prefer to focus on you and Martin, so we don’t need to take on any additional clients this Season.”

  Edward groaned. “Does this mean I will need to attend more social events than previously planned?”

  “That it does,” Kate replied. “We can’t very well let Hannah go unescorted.”

  “No, I suppose not.” Edward pushed back his chair and rose. “If you will excuse me, I will be in the study.”

  After Edward departed from the room, Kate gave Hannah a pointed look. “Do you want to inform me of the real reason you are interested in matrimony?”

  “I already told you—” she started.

  Kate waved her hand in front of her, stilling her words. “I know, but I find myself curious at the timing of it all.”


  “Martin asks us to help him find a bride, and then you are suddenly interested in getting married this Season,” Kate pointed out.

  Hannah gave a half-shrug. “It is a mere coincidence.”

  “Is it?”

  “Besides, I previously mentioned I was interested in matrimony before even speaking to Martin,” Hannah pointed out.

  Kate gave her a look that implied she didn’t believe her. “I must pose the question, as I do with all of our clients, has your heart been disposed to another?”

  “Why would you ask that question?” Hannah asked.

  “I would be blind if I did not notice how you act around Martin,” Kate said.

  Hannah tensed. “Meaning?”

  “It makes me wonder if you hold him in high regard.”

  Hannah removed the napkin from her lap and placed it onto her plate. “I do hold Martin in high regard, but only as a friend,” she lied, rising, “and I do not like your insinuation.”


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