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Uniform Fetish

Page 21

by 10 Author Anthology

  “He’s got to be.” Emma looked up towards the ceiling, imagining her cop commanding her at the club.

  “I wonder if he’ll be here tonight.” Candy looked over her shoulder and then nudged Mary, pointing at something behind them, but Emma couldn’t be deterred.

  “Now that I’ve had a few of these, I’m really hoping we run into him.” She reached for her glass, almost knocking it over when she pulled out her olive stick. “In fact, I’m tempted to speed down that same road if we don’t find him.”

  “Where will your hands be when you get pulled over again?” A familiar voice rumbled against her ear.

  She turned and found her cop leaning against their pub table. His lovely blue eyes trained on her, and time seemed to slow. She wrapped her lips around one of the olives on her toothpick and pulled, plucking the salty bite free. Concentrating on her snack, she was able to ignore the heat building between her legs.

  “Answer my question, Ms. Wieland.”

  “Where do you want them to be, sir?” She leaned towards him a bit too far and fell off her seat. Her sad attempt to stop her fall failed, but he caught her before she hit the floor.

  “Sorry about that, my boot must have caught on a rung or something.” She looked up at him and took a deep breath. “You smell amazing.” When she realized what she’d said, she stumbled back a step and he had to steady her again.

  “When was the last time you ate?” When she didn’t answer, he turned to her friends. “Has she eaten since she started drinking?”

  Both Mary and Candy shrugged their shoulders. They’d only planned to stay for one round since Emma still had a job to get to in the morning, but after she’d started reliving her experience she’d ordered a few more drinks.

  “I’ll get a waitress.” He picked her up like she weighed nothing, set her back on her stool, and left.

  “Wait a minute.” She stumbled after him, getting almost across the dance floor before she reached him. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Taking care of you, again.” He stepped into her personal space. “You’re a lightweight.”

  “I’m not drunk.” She poked his chest. “For your information, I’m an excellent driver and I have been eating.” She held up her little stick with the one remaining olive.

  “You need more than that.” He slipped his arm around her. “Maybe I should have arrested you tonight.” His luscious lips relaxed into a little smile.

  “Take that back.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “You’re a nuisance.” They moved to the music.

  “No, I’m not.” She plastered her body to his. “I’m cute as a button.”

  “Honey, I have a feeling you’re a lot of things.”

  “I bet you are, too. You’re a Dom here, aren’t you? Wait, I bet you’re a Master.”

  “I’m not a Master yet, but that’s my plan.”

  “See, you’re not so scary.”

  “I’m okay?”

  “More than okay. You’re fucking hot.” She pulled him closer and pressed her pussy against his hard leg. “I’ll tell you a secret. I really liked the way you frisked me.”

  “That’s good to know. Do you get frisked often?”

  “That was my first time.” It felt like a badge of honor. However, now that she knew what she was missing, she wanted it again and again.

  “Hopefully, it will be your last.”

  “Oh, don’t say that.”

  “Okay. I think it’s time you called it a night.”

  “But you just got here. I haven’t told you anything about myself yet. You probably think I’m a dumb blonde or something.”

  “I don’t think that, honestly.” He took hold of her hair. “You’re a brunette.”

  She tripped over his foot and clung to him. “I think I drank too much.” Her head felt heavier than that last basket of laundry she’d hauled up the stairs. The thought of her stairwell sent her thoughts down a twisting tunnel. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she clutched him tight a second before the lights went out.


  He swung her up and caught her legs over his arm. Her head hung back, and her long dark eyelashes fluttered closed against her pale skin.

  “Is she okay?” Her two girlfriends ran up to him.

  “I think so. Probably just passed out.” He brushed her hair off her face. “How many did she have?”

  “Three, but that’s a lot for Emma. She doesn’t usually drink.”

  “Good to know.” He shifted her weight more evenly on his arms, and she tucked herself in the crook of his neck. She smelled sweet with a hint of something spicy, simply delicious. Ignoring how perfect she felt, he concentrated on his task. “How did you get here?”

  “Colin dropped us off. We were going to get a taxi home, but I can call him. He might be close by.”

  “Master Colin?” Fuck. His night just went from bad to worse. He turned and came face to face with the man he’d hoped to help.

  “I’m right here, sweetheart.” Colin wrapped his arm around the taller of the two friends.

  “I didn’t go far.”

  “Sorry, sir. It seems Emma didn’t eat enough this evening.” Miles pulled her tighter to him. “If I can get someone to cover my shift, I can take her home for you.”

  “Didn’t you get someone to cover your shift just last night?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m actually working Jeremy’s shift tonight, but he’s here. I’m sure I could get him to cover for me.”

  “I’ll go with them, sir.” Candy stepped between them. “Then you and Mary don’t have to take me home.”

  “Perfect. There’s a room I’ve been meaning to explore with Mary upstairs.” He tugged her closer. “You know the one, sweetheart.”

  “I do.” Mary’s cheeks flushed. She gave Candy a quick hug and pointed her finger at him. “Don’t drop our girl, okay?”

  “Not to worry. I’ve got her.” He gave Emma a squeeze, and she mumbled something, her breath tickling his neck. He felt responsible for the bundle in his arms and was determined not to let her go until she was tucked safely into bed.

  Once he cleared the change of plans with Jeremy, Mary and Master Colin disappeared through the guarded side door and they made their way outside and to his jeep.

  “Thank you for helping with Emma. I’m not sure how I would have gotten her up the stairs. We live in a walk up.”

  They didn’t live far from the club, but the stairwell to their third floor was a tight squeeze and it wound around an elevator that looked like it hadn’t been used in years.

  After laying her on her bed, making sure she had a glass of water and a trash can by her bed, he watched her sleep. How could someone be so damn sexy and a complete mess at the same time? He needed to get away from her.

  “I think you’ve done everything you can do.” Candy stood next to him, and they watched Emma sleep.

  “I should probably go.”

  Emma rolled over and started to snore.

  Chapter Three

  Emma woke the next morning, gagging on the distinct taste of stale chalk. She found a convenient glass of water on her nightstand and gulped the whole thing, only stopping to pick up the two aspirin that had sat next to the glass.

  She peeked at her alarm clock. “Shit.” It would take a miracle for her to not be fired today. She was already late. When she swung her feet out of bed, she stepped into her trash can.

  “Shit.” Luckily it was empty. The next five minutes flew by. It only took a few minutes to splash her face with water, brush her hair into a pony tail, and exchange her clothes for a clean look. Most of the time was spent brushing her teeth clean.

  She grabbed her phone, checking the messages as she ran down the stairs. She stopped at the bottom once she realized the first message was from Mr. Keller. Her pulse pounded against the top of her head and it felt like it was going to explode.

  She took a deep breath and played the message.

  “Hi, Emma, since you worked
late last night, I’m not expecting you to be in today until after lunch. So, take it easy this morning and make sure you eat before you come in.”

  She leaned against the wall. The man clearly missed nothing. The pounding in her head ticked up a notch when she closed her eyes. She was damn lucky she still had a job and that she could crawl back to bed to sleep off her latest poor choice.

  Hours later, after several more hours of sleep, two more glasses of water, and a lengthy shower, Emma made her way to work, snacking on her favorite breakfast burrito and sipping the perfect cup of coffee along the way. She hoped for a busy day so she didn’t have to think about all the people she would have to thank for getting her home safely.

  She stopped in the middle of the entrance to Voyage industries, trying to remember exactly how she got home. Panic raced up her spine. A black wall appeared in her thoughts. The last thing she remembered, she was joking around with Candy and Mary about how she almost got arrested.

  “Shit,” she whispered and made her way to the bench by the big tree sitting in the corner. Its glossy leaves looked much too chipper for her current state of mind.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll be fine.” Emma took a deep breath. “I’m just trying to remember something.” She looked up and found Keller’s assistant, the single friendliest person she’d ever met. She was not only Keller’s assistant, but she’d also been a member of Club Voyage for years. “Hi, Anne. Please tell me I didn’t come in just to get fired.”

  “No, not at all. When a customer can contract for an app one day and Keller can have the programmer he needs start the next day, he’s quite pleased and entertained. I have to say, well done.”

  “Entertaining. Interesting.” She chuckled in an attempt to hide the heat flaring into her cheeks. “Well, he’s already on the list of people I need to apologize to. I think my list lengthened after I went to the restaurant last night.”

  “Try not to cringe, but I heard about how you got home last night.”

  “You did? How? Please tell me. I can’t remember a thing after that third martini.”

  “Keller gets a report each morning about shifts at his clubs, and it includes any last minute changes in working assignments.”

  “I’m not following.”

  “Miles Hoffmann took you home last night.”


  “You might know him as Officer Hoffmann.”

  “No! I hope he didn’t actually want to arrest me this time?” Those cool blue eyes shifted into her thoughts, along with the most comfortable of slow dances. She set down her coffee cup and covered her face. “Oh no.” What must he think of me? Her stomach twisted into knots trying to determine if she should move out of town for fear of ever seeing him again or apologize and make sure he knew she wasn’t a complete mess.

  “Emma, there’s no need to be embarrassed. Keller was actually quite pleased. He’s been having a hard time getting Miles to respond to any of the customers at the club, but he wouldn’t be deterred from your care last night.”

  “Really? So, he wouldn’t be upset if I tried to find Miles today?”

  “No, in fact, he asked me to give you the name of his precinct.” Anne handed her a note.

  “Miles is a Dom, right?”

  “Oh yes, he’s on track to become a Master actually. It’s been a goal of his for some time.”

  She stared down at the white card wondering if she was about to make it better or worse.


  Miles relaxed back in his favorite recliner. It had been weeks since he’d had a night off, and tonight’s break had been unexpected. He never asked his fellow cops to cover for him, but tonight he needed it. All day, his thoughts had been with the little bundle he had taken home last night.

  He wanted to know if she was okay, wanted to know if she was keeping out of trouble. Most of all, he wanted to hold her again. If he was being honest, he’d admit her sassy mouth amused him, even if it drove him to want to spank her tight ass.

  She’d been soft and warm. Just thinking about how she’d molded herself to him on the dance floor had his cock hard again in a second. He rubbed his palm along the hard edge, and her pretty baby blue eyes came into focus. She’d called him hot. He rubbed harder, imagining her sex kitten lips wrapping around the head of his dick.

  He tugged on his zipper, and then his phone rang.

  “Fuck.” He grumbled as he made his way across the room for his cell. “Hoffmann.”

  “Sorry, Miles. I know I promised you the night off.”

  “You don’t need to apologize, and you didn’t need to make it up to me. If you need me, I’ll be out the door in a second.” He reached for his boots and pulled them on.

  “I’ve just pulled a woman over, and you’re flagged in her record.”

  “Wieland?” He swallowed against the sudden dryness in his throat. “Is she okay?”

  “Yes, she’s fine. Bewildered, but fine. It sounds strange, but I’m getting the impression she was out here looking for you.”

  “Tell me she wasn’t speeding.”

  “Can’t do that. What do you want me to do?”

  “Tell me where you are and I’ll be right there.”

  Chapter Four

  She should have stayed home. Candy and Mary both tried to warn her off her plan, but she didn’t listen. Sitting at home was driving her crazy, knowing he was out here somewhere thinking who knew what about her. Now, she had no idea what was going to happen, but she doubted it would improve his opinion of her.

  She’d made a fool of herself in front of another cop. It might have been worth it if it was Miles who pulled her over, but it was someone else. The only thing she did right this time was keeping her hands on the wheel. Ten and two, her hands weren’t going to move from the position, even though her phone kept ringing. Finally, she was coming to her senses.

  She’d been driving around all evening, circling around his patrol zone, searching for his assigned vehicle. Getting pulled over hadn’t been her plan, but it’d happened all the same.

  She looked in her review mirror, wondering what was taking the cop so long. He’d taken her license and registration at least twenty minutes ago. She caught sight of another car pulling in behind the cop. It looked like a truck. She took a tighter grip on the steering wheel.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  Someone quite tall had gotten out and was now talking with the cop. Nerves danced along her skin. They shook hands. The cop got in his car and pulled out, leaving the man with the truck behind. When the cop finished turning his car around, his headlights gave her a good look at the mystery man coming towards her.

  “Miles.” Her heart rate spiked, and her pussy warmed with need. Why had he come? Maybe to tell her to stop stalking him. She lowered her chin. Figuring there was no hope he’d come for her, she licked her lips and squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Good evening, Miss Wieland.”

  “Hi.” She opened her eyes enough to see him in her peripheral vision, but she kept her gaze forward. She needed to forget about her mission, stop wasting his time, and go home.

  “I see you learned one lesson from the first time we met.”

  “Yes, thank you.” She rubbed back and forth on the steering wheel.

  “Here’s your paperwork back.”

  She took the papers from him and ignored his charming smile. After setting her documents in her purse, she returned to gripping the wheel.

  “What are you doing out here tonight?”

  “Oh, just out for a drive. It’s a nice night, not too cold, don’t you think?”

  “You want to talk about the weather?” He grabbed hold of her door, leaning towards her.

  “Sure, we don’t really have anything to talk about, right?” She looked up at the roof of her car, noticing its fuzzy texture.

  “We have plenty to talk about. Get out of the car, Emma.” He opened her door, but she didn’t move. “Don’t make me take you out of there.”

/>   “Okay. Okay.” She unbuckled and slipped out, keeping far from him and his stern expression. “What did you want to talk about?”

  “I’ll let you pick.” He walked around her to the back of her car and pointed in front of him. “I want you right here.”

  “I thought the weather was a good conversation.” She slipped in between him and her bumper. Even with her boots on, he towered over her. The last of her control over the situation flew away.

  “You don’t want to talk about how you drank too much last night and I had to carry you home. Or how about how you got pulled over for speeding, again.” He hadn’t backed away, and she was forced to look up.

  “Well, the first was your fault. I couldn’t relax after you pulled me over yesterday.” The bumper pushed against the back of her legs. There was no escape.

  “Let’s not confuse things. I do enjoy taking control.” He caressed her cheek and then down the side of her breast. “However, how much you drank last night was not one of them.”

  “Okay, fine.” Her deep breath pushed out her breasts. All it took was one touch and his stern voice and she was back on her mission. “Tonight is your fault.”

  “Really? Please, tell me more.” He shook his head, backed up a step and crossed his arms. “This should be entertaining.”

  “You were supposed to be on patrol tonight. I’ve been out here looking for you.” She gazed at him from beneath her eyelashes, trying to figure out the best way to entice him to touch her again.

  “Now, we’re getting somewhere. Last week I covered for a fellow officer, and tonight he returned the favor. So, what did you want to tell me?”

  “I wanted to apologize for last night.”

  “Is that all you’re going to apologize for?”

  It felt like a trick question. It was like he was trying to get her to admit something more. She needed him to want something more.

  “My assignment yesterday came in before I had a chance to eat dinner and took a lot longer than I anticipated. That’s it.” She pushed herself on top of her trunk and rested her feet on the bumper. After grasping her knees, she held them wide open. “I got a little tipsy. It was no big deal.”


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