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Tales From the Tower of London

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by Donnelly, Mark P.

  Macaulay, T.B., History of England,

  Mears, Kenneth J., The Tower of London, 900 Years of English History, Phaidon, Oxford, 1988

  Minney, R.J., The Tower of London, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1970

  Parnell, Geoffrey, English Heritage Book of the Tower of London, Batsford, London, 1993

  Rowse, A.L., The Tower of London in the History of the Nation, Book Club Associates, London, 1972

  Shuttleworth, Dorothy, The Tower of London, Bailey Bros and Swinfen, Folkestone, 1972

  Treasures of the Tower: Inscriptions, no author listed, HMSO, London, 1976

  Wilson, Derek, The Tower – 1078–1978, Book Club Associates, London, 1978

  Wilson, Mary, Stories of the Tower, Cassell, London, 1896


  The Axe, the Arrow and the Wailing Monk: William the Conqueror

  The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Everyman Press, London, 1912

  Douglas, David C., William the Conqueror: The Norman Impact upon England, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1964

  Heworth, David, 1066: The Year of the Conquest, Penguin, New York, 1981

  McLynn, Frank, 1066: The Year of Three Battles, Random House, London, 1999

  Dangerous Liaisons: Wat Tyler and the Peasants’ Revolt

  Dean, James M. (ed.), Literature of Richard II’s Reign and the Peasants’ Revolt,

  Froissart, Jean, The Chronicles, Viking, New York, 1978

  Oman, C. (tr.), The Great Revolt of 1381, Stackpole, Harrisburg, PA, 1989

  Account of the Insurrection of Walter Tyler and of his death at the hands of William Walworth, the Mayor, Geoffrey Chaucer, <>

  Conflagration: The Peasants’ Revolt (parts 1, 2, 3 & 4),

  Medieval Source book; Anonimalle Chronicle: English Peasants’ Revolt 1381,

  VillageNet Local History (Peasants’ Revolt 1381)

  A Family Affair: The Princes in the Tower

  Clive, Mary, The Sun of York: A Biography of Edward IV, Sphere, London, 1975

  Dockray, Keith, Richard III: A Sourcebook, Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 1997

  Hallam, Elizabeth (ed.), Chronicles of the Wars of the Roses, Markham, Penguin Books Canada, 1988

  Weir, Alison, The Princes in the Tower, Pimlico, London, 1993

  The Warder, the Wolf and the Woman: John Wolfe and Alice Tankerville.

  All the notes have been taken from the general reference books listed above.

  Treason in the Bedroom: Katherine Howard

  Erikson, Carolly, Great Harry, St Martin’s Press, New York, 1997

  Fraser, Antonia, The Wives of Henry VIII, Vintage Books, Vancouver & Washington, USA, 1994

  Weir, Alison, Six Wives of Henry VIII, Grove Press, Berkeley, California, 2000

  Nine Days a Queen: Lady Jane Grey

  Plowden, Alison, Lady Jane Grey and the House of Suffolk, Franklin Watts, New York, 1986

  Correspondence of Lady Jane Grey,

  Lady Jane Grey The Nine Days Queen,

  Lady Jane Grey [Nine Days], [Correspondence], [Jane the Queen], [Execution],

  Lady Jane Grey, Marriage, Early Life,

  Lady Jane Grey, The Nine Days Queen,

  List of State Papers of Queen Jane, Proclamations of the Accession of Queen Jane and Queen Mary, Accession of Queen Jane, Chronicle of Queen Jane, Will of Edward VI, Notes,

  List of State Papers of the Reign of Queen Jane,

  Proclamations of the Accession of Queen Jane and of Queen Mary,

  The Devil’s Dancing Bear: Bishop Edmund Bonner

  Alexander, Gina, Bonner and the Marian Persecutions, Kidbrooke School, London, 1975

  Burnet, Gilbert and Pocock, N. (eds), History of the Reformation of the Church of England, London, 1891

  Catholic Encyclopedia online:

  Dickens, A.G., The English Reformation, Pennsylvania State University Press, Pennsylvania, 1964

  Dixon, R.W., History of the Church of England, 1891

  Foxe, John, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, Whitaker House, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1985

  Foxe, John, Acts & Monuments of John Foxe, Vol. VIII, Seeley, Burnside & Seeley, London, 1843–9

  The Spymaster: Francis Walsingham and Anthony Babington

  Hibbert, Christopher, Elizabeth I: The Virgin Queen, Guild Publishing, London, 1990

  Jenkins, Elizabeth, Elizabeth the Great, Coward-McCann, New York, 1959

  Mary Queen of Scots and the Babington Plot,

  Queen Mary’s Letters to Babington/Babington’s Letter to Mary Queen of Scots,

  Williams, Neville, The Life and Times of Elizabeth I, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1972

  Gunpowder, Treason and Plot: Guy ‘Guido’ Fawkes

  Caraman, Fr Philip (tr.), The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest, Fr. John Gerard, Four Faces Press, Springfield, Virginia, 2000

  Fraser, Antonia, Faith and Treason – the Story of the Gunpowder Plot, Doubleday, New York, 1996

  Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, What the Gunpowder Plot Was, London, 1897

  Jardine, David, A Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot, London, 1857

  Simons, Eric N., The Devil of the Vault, Frederick Muller, London, 1963

  A Right Royal Heist: Colonel Thomas Blood

  Thomas Blood, Generally Called Colonel Blood, G. Smeeton, London, 1817

  Strong, Roy, Lost Treasures of Britain: Five Centuries of Creation and Destruction, Guild Publishing, London, 1990


  The Bloody Assizes: The Duke of Monmouth and Judge Jeffreys

  Historical Account of the Life and Magnanimous Acts of the Most Illustrious Protestant Prince James, Duke of Monmouth, 1683 (from the collection of York Minster Library)

  Macaulay, T.B., History of England, Ch V, online at

  The King Over the Water: William, Lord Maxwell

  Bland, Elizabeth (ed.), Exciting Escape Stories, Octopus, London, 1980

  Burke’s Peerage, Scotland online at

  Fraser, Paul, Book of Caerlareroch, Edinburgh, 1873

  The Highlander: Magazine of Scottish Heritage, September/October 1992, pp. 52–5

  Scott, Maxwell, The Making of Abbotsford and Incidents in Scottish History, London, 1897

  The Scots Peerage, Edinburgh, 1909

  The American (P)Resident: Henry Laurens

  Age of Revolution, Henry Laurens,

  American Revolutionary War in the South, Pt II, by Paul R. Sarrett, Jr, 1991,

  ‘Capture of Henry Laurens’, from The Annual Register, or A View of the History, Politics and Literature, for the Year 1781, Pall-Mall, London, 1782

  A Narrative of the Capture of Henry Laurens, of his Confinement in the Tower of London, Henry Laurens, South Carolina Historical Society, 1857

  Papers of Henry Laurens,

  Papers of Henry Laurens, Model Editions Partnerships, 1999,

  The Black Book: Sir Roger Casement

  Inglis, Brian, Roger Casement, Coronet, London, 1974

  The Crime Against Europe, Roger Casement, C.J. Fallon, Dublin, 1958

  ‘Outcry as secret gay life of Irish hero is “proved”‘, Guardian, 25 July 1999

  Rebellion in Mexico, China and Ireland,

  Sir Roger Casement,

  The Weatherman: Josef Jakobs

  Josef Jakobs file, Public Record Office

  Sellers, Leonard, Shot in the Tower, Leo Cooper, London, 1997

  Wasserstein, Bernard, ‘Hitler’s Jewish Agents’, Jerusalem Post, 9 April 1999

  Every effort has been made to trace all copyright holders, but if any have been overlooked the authors and publisher will be pleased to make any necessary amendments at the first opportunity.

  1. Richard II, aged fourteen, leaves the Tower to meet Wat Tyler and his rebels during the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381. (Authors’ collection)

  2. Murder of the two young princes – Edward V and his brother Richard (original painted by James Northcote in 1790). (Authors’ collection)

  3. This fifteenth-century image from Froissart’s Chronicles incorrectly shows the murders of Archbishop Simon Sudbury and his companions taking place in St John’s Chapel, when, in fact, they took place on Tower Hill. (Authors’ collection)

  4. The headsman’s block and axe displayed at the Tower of London. (Authors’ collection)

  5. Woodcut dated 1497 depicting the Tower of London. (Authors’ collection)

  6. The doorway to Little Ease from an 1883 painted postcard. (Authors’ collection)

  7. Queen Katherine Howard. (Authors’ collection)

  8. Woodcut from a pamphlet of 1662 showing traitors being hanged, drawn and quartered. (Authors’ collection)

  9. Seventeenth-century regicides are hanged, drawn and quartered on Tower Hill shortly after the Restoration of the Monarchy. (Authors’ collection)

  10. Nineteenth-century representation of heads displayed on Bridge Gate, Tower Bridge. (Authors’ collection)

  11. Near contemporary portrayal of the trial of the Babington conspirators. (Authors’ collection)

  12. The Tower of London at night as viewed from the Thames, and engraved by H. Winkler in 1834. (Author’s collection)

  13. Portrait of Colonel Thomas Blood taken from a near contemporary account of his life. (Authors’ collection)

  14. A Dutch broadsheet depicting the execution of the Duke of Monmouth. (Authors’ collection)

  15. The escape of Lord Nithsdale from the Tower, 1716 (engraving by F. Fraenkel from the picture by E.M. Osborn). (Authors’ collection)

  16. An eighteenth-century engraving of Henry ‘Tower’ Laurens, the only American citizen to have been imprisoned in the Tower. (Authors’ collection)




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