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The Dragon Family (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 5)

Page 10

by Jessie Donovan

  However, as soon as she entered the kitchen and dining area, she stilled in her tracks.

  Her father was at the cooker, flipping a pancake. Tristan and Melanie each had one of Arabella's sons, offering them various toys to keep them entertained.

  Finn was at George's side, issuing instructions on when to flip the pancakes.

  Considering the last time she'd seen her father, he'd barely muttered a few sentences and had kept his gaze trained on the ground, she wondered what had caused the transformation.

  Finn noticed her first. "Good morning, love. I hope you're hungry. We have enough food to feed an army."

  At her mate's cheerful tone, she smiled. "You mean barely enough to feed the MacKenzies, then."

  "Ah, but I didn't invite them over, so we have enough for ourselves for a change." Finn patted her father's shoulder. "Your dad here has been a huge help. He actually came down first and was trying to find everything. So I decided to help. Your brother and Mel came at the first scent of bacon."

  Tristan grunted. "More like your sons were crying and hungry. Unlike you lot, I don't eat to excess."

  Melanie rolled her eyes. "You smelled the bacon first, and your getting up woke the twins."

  "Mel," Tristan growled.

  "Hey, it's true." She grinned at Arabella. "Speaking of your sons, I'm not sure how you manage to feed all three of your babies. These two could probably eat an entire cow and still be hungry."

  "Good, because I need to feed one of them and I don't want to wake Freya. Speaking of which, when did she change back?"

  Finn came over and took their daughter. Freya snuggled into Finn's chest and went slack again. "She did it on her own," he murmured.

  Melanie handed over Declan and Arabella took him. "What?"

  Motioning with his head, Finn said softly, "Sit, Ara, and I'll tell you everything. Because if you don't start feeding that lad, Dec is going to scream bloody murder with the food source so close."

  In any other situation, Arabella would've rolled her eyes and made a quip. But she settled down and got Declan nursing before looking back at her mate. "Well? What happened?"

  Finn kissed Freya's forehead before answering, "Aunt Lorna and Ross came over last night, after someone told her of the commotion. In the time I went to answer the door and bring my aunt to the nursery, Freya had shifted back. Since I didn't want her to piss all over you, I risked putting a nappy on. And the little one slept through it the entire time. I suppose jumping out of a window is exhausting to a bairn."

  Declan wrapped his tiny fingers around Arabella's forefinger as he continued to nurse. "More like she's taken after you and is out to prove to the world how clever she is."

  Her father's voice filled the room. "Or, she has your stubbornness."

  Her gaze shot to her father's, and while her dad wasn't smiling, she didn't see the pity and self-hatred from before.

  Something must've happened, but Arabella wasn't going to question it right now. "Which would be your fault, as Tristan and I inherited that from you."

  She resisted holding her breath as she waited for her dad to respond. She hated walking on eggshells around him. But she more than any knew that change didn't come instantly.

  Her dad answered, "That's what your mother always said, too."

  Tears threatened to fall at the mention of her mother, but she held them back. Crying might send her father scurrying back into his room again. "Well, I think Freya has it as well. We have yet to see about the boys, although I suspect they may be even worse." She paused and finally blurted out, "Dec is finished. Did you want to sit and burp him, Dad?"

  Finn moved Freya to his shoulder and kept their daughter there with one arm. "I can take over pancake duties. I've become quite skilled at doing things one-handed."

  If Fraser had been in the room, Arabella knew the conversation would've turned to the gutter. And part of her wished all her family could be here, too. More than anyone, the MacKenzies could lighten the mood and make someone feel at ease.

  Well, after a person recovered from the initial shock at the MacKenzies' behavior. But in the end, everyone at least smiled with them in the room, bickering and fighting as usual.

  And her dad could sorely use some more smiles and maybe even laughter.

  Her dragon spoke up. Soon. We don't want to overwhelm Dad just yet.

  Knowing Aunt Lorna, we'll all be over for dinner this evening anyway, even with Fergus and Gina still in the frenzy.

  Her father's voice prevented her beast from replying. "I'm glad you're talking with your dragon again."

  "Me, too." She motioned to a seat next to her. As soon as her father maneuvered into the chair, she proffered Dec. "This baby loves attention, so you shouldn't have any problems with him."

  Declan gave a few "ahh, ahh, ahh" sounds and her dad smiled.

  The sight reminded her of when she was a child, and her dad would smile before picking her up and tossing her into the air.

  Maybe he'd be that way again in the future.

  As her father placed Declan over his shoulder and gently patted his back, Melanie brought over Grayson and said, "I think next time we need to bring the twins. Annabel tends to dominate the other children her age, but I think your kids might give her a run for her money."

  Settling Grayson at her other breast, she snorted. "You are aware that they're only a few months old, right?"

  Melanie motioned toward Freya. "But if she changes into a dragon, I bet it'll awe my daughter. At least, for a minute or two. And maybe that will convince her that she's not the strongest little dragon-shifter to ever walk the earth."

  Tristan grunted. "More likely it'll give her ideas."

  Melanie waved a hand in dismissal. "I doubt she'll be able to defy instinct and bring out her dragon."

  "She's half-human, so anything is possible. After all, you defied the odds. I'm sure our children will do the same."

  "And is that a bad thing?"

  Tristan sighed. "It just means trouble is coming."

  As Melanie and Tristan continued to argue, Arabella smiled and glanced over at her father. He hummed a tune as he burped Declan and met her gaze. He gave a slight nod and Arabella returned the gesture.

  All signs pointed to her dad deciding to fight. And if Finn could find a way for him to stay long-term, her family might grow yet again.

  And to Arabella, who had once had almost no family and thought she'd die alone, it raised her spirits. She would never be able to see her mother again or meet Finn's parents, but she would never be without someone loving her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Fergus MacKenzie stared at Gina's sleeping face and couldn't stop smiling.

  His mate carried his child.

  He had no idea how many days had passed during the frenzy, but more than enough had gone by to wear out his wee human. Ever since his dragon had told him she carried his scent, meaning she was pregnant, Fergus had wanted to pull her close and hold her.

  But she deserved some sleep after how many times he and his dragon had taken her, so he let her rest.

  His beast yawned. You don't have to worry about the frenzy any longer. If you pull her close, she'll probably just fall right back asleep.

  I don't want to chance it.

  Gina's sleepy voice filled the room. "I can feel you staring at me, Fergus." She opened her eyes. "Is something wrong?"

  Running a finger down her cheek, he answered, "Nothing is wrong, lass. The frenzy is finished and you need the rest."

  Gina sat up confidently, not bashful about her nakedness. Fergus should be the gentleman, but he couldn't help but glance down at her glorious breasts.

  "Fergus." He met her gaze and she frowned. "What do you mean the frenzy is finished?"

  Raising a hand, he lightly played with her nipple. "You carry my scent, which means you carry my child."

  She batted his hand away and moved hers to cover her belly. "I'm pregnant?"

  "Aye." He covered her hand with his. "I'm sorry it's
so soon after wee Jamie, lass. But I'm also happy I don't have to worry about doing this anymore."

  He pulled her close and hugged her against him.

  Many people took the simple act of holding a loved one for granted. However, Fergus had denied both of them the luxury for weeks, so he closed his eyes and savored his female's heat against him.

  Kissing the top of Gina's head, he finally murmured, "I love you, Gina."

  She snuggled into his chest. "Oh, Fergus. I love you, too. And I hope you know that I'm going to be glued to your side for a little while. I've missed my dragonman."

  "You were only asleep for half an hour, love."

  She lightly hit his chest. "You know what I mean. Maybe I should start using Jane Hartley's phrase of dragon cuddles." Leaning her head back, she met his eyes. "Promise me that you'll listen to me more from now on. I enjoy protection as much as the next person, but if you try to shut me out again, I'll leave. I need you to be open and honest with me, but also value my input, too."

  His dragon grunted. Don't you dare lose her.

  Ignoring his beast, he cupped her face with his hands and searched her gaze. "I just hated the thought of losing you, lass. I know the doctors said you endured childbirth easier than any human they'd seen with a dragon-shifter mate before, but that doesn't mean you're invincible."

  "Oh, Fergus. I'm not about to go anywhere. After all, if I leave you alone to raise our children, they'll never be allowed to run and play like normal kids."

  "Of course they would be allowed to, provided they have several supervisors to watch over them."

  She laughed. "See? That's why I have to survive childbirth. I need to conspire with your siblings on how to insert a little fun." Putting up a hand, she added, "Fun with some limitations. I'm not like your brother Fraser."

  "I'm sure Fraser will change somewhat once he's a father." He kissed Gina gently. When he finally pulled away, he murmured, "As much as I miss wee Jamie, I wish I could have another week alone with you so that we can enjoy each other. I've missed my lass as well. Not just the physical, either, but simply talking with you, too."

  Closing the distance between their lips, Gina took his in a slow, lingering kiss. When she broke it, her hot breath danced against his lips. "We'll figure out some way to have a little alone time before our second child is born. But for now, we should probably see how everyone else is doing. After all, Holly might've given birth by now."

  "And no one barged in to tell us?"

  She raised her red eyebrows. "And if they had tried?"

  He sighed, because Gina was right; he would've kicked them out instantly. "Fair point." After one more kiss, he looped an arm around one of Gina's shoulders and opened the small drawer on the nightstand next to their bed. After plucking out his mobile phone, he glanced at his mate. "I just want to check and make sure everything is all right. Is that okay, lass?"

  Gina rolled her eyes. "I'm not a delicate flower that requires every second of your attention. I'll continue to snuggle my dragonman as you make sure both of our families are fine. I trust that our son is behaving more than my sister right now. If she's not careful, she's going to cause a fight between some of the younger dragonmen."

  Fergus switched on his phone and grunted. "I've tried telling your sister that flirting with every dragonman who looks her way isn't wise. But she's either going deaf or enjoys the attention."

  Gina sighed. "She has always enjoyed getting attention from men. I was hoping Finn would assign her a personal tutor on the ways of dragon-shifters, and that might help her understand the trouble she could cause. Unfortunately, Finn has had a lot going on."

  "I'll make sure it happens sooner rather than later." His phone turned on and he clicked his text messages. There were messages from every member of his family, and then some.

  After reading the first one, he froze. Gina peered at his face. "What's wrong?"

  "Fraser and Holly had twin females."

  Patting his chest, she murmured, "Good. Freya could use some female cousins. But I sense there's something you're not telling me."

  Fergus explained the stories of twin females being good luck and bringing on change before adding, "I'm not sure if Fraser is going to play it up and soak up the attention, or if he's going to keep his children locked up and out of danger."

  "Don't worry, I'm sure all of us can help with that. Faye will especially be determined to make sure his babies get into trouble and I can help her."

  Fergus raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure you want to step into that lifelong war of pranks and tricks."

  "Oh, come on. There's nothing wrong with a little fun. You were that way as a child, or so your mother says." Laying her head on Fergus's shoulder, they sat in silence for a few minutes before she spoke again. "I can tell you miss them, Fergus. How about we shower and visit? And not just because I miss our son. I miss everyone."

  "They're going to fuss over you, lass. Be prepared."

  "More than you already do?"

  "Maybe not quite that much, but a fair bit."

  She grinned at him. "I could always play it up and see how far they'll take it."

  At the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled, his heart skipped a beat, and he forgot all about their conversation. "You're so beautiful."

  She searched his gaze. "You already had me many times over. There's no need for compliments to get into my pants."

  He threaded the fingers of one hand through her hair. "I mean it, Gina. You're beautiful."

  "And you're quite the catch yourself." She gently stroked his bare chest. "How about we take a long shower and then head out?"

  "You must be sore, lass. I'll help you wash and promise to leave you alone."

  "I want you, Fergus. After so many months of strain, I want the chance to take it slow. Maybe even make you come once with my mouth."

  His dragon growled, Yes.

  Before he could answer, Gina slid out of bed and glanced over her shoulder. "It's your call, dragonman. But now's the time to prove you're listening to me. Because right now, I want you. End of story."

  As Gina sauntered across the room and into the attached bathroom, Fergus didn't hesitate to get out of bed and follow her.

  After all, he couldn't disappoint his female. If she said she wanted to suck his cock, he was all too happy to oblige.

  Of course, Fergus had a few surprises of his own for her. But he didn't think she'd complain.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Finn surveyed the fourteen adults and six bairns crammed cheek and jowl around Aunt Lorna's dining table and decided that for future family dinners, he might have to use the Great Hall.

  His dragon snorted. As if Lorna would tolerate using any kitchen but her own.

  As Fraser elbowed him on one side by accident, and Arabella did the same on the other, he mentally sighed. She might not have a choice. I don't think even a double-decker dining table would be enough.

  Then have Fraser design an extension to the house. I'm sure everyone will chip in to have it built.

  Aunt Lorna finally entered, with Ross on her heels, and placed the roast on the table. "It's not an entire cow, so this will have to be enough. Which means, no wasting the meat."

  Ross put a giant bowl of potatoes down next to the roast. "More than that, let's not give the bairns any ideas about using their food for anything but eating. Maybe the next generation will have some table manners."

  Tristan muttered, "Maybe we shouldn't bring our children up here next time."

  Arabella spoke up. "Do you want them flying off on their own or maybe tossing a few rolls? I think tossing food is the lesser evil of the two."

  Fraser tossed a roll into the air and caught it. "Besides, there's a strategy to it. Even Faye knows that."

  Faye snuggled into Grant's side. "Aye, you only toss what you're willing to lose. I'm surprised Mum hasn't learned that over the years. Because making less food would mean fewer fights."

  Lorna put a hand on her hip. "I deduced that when
you were barely out of nappies, Faye Cleopatra. But as Ara said, I'd much rather deal with a wee bit of trouble in my house than foolish expeditions across the English Channel, or some such nonsense."

  Fergus chuckled, his arm around Gina at his side, his fingers lightly tracing shapes on her bicep. "We have a few of those adventures you don't know about, Mum. Maybe someday, we'll share them."

  Gina bounced wee Jamie on her lap. "Besides, we may not have to worry about any extra food once all the boys are grown up. Declan and Grayson already eat twice as much as wee Jamie here. If Faye and Grant have twin boys, too, then they'll definitely be less food around to waste."

  Faye raised her eyebrows. "Don't dismiss the lasses. I usually eat more than Fergus or Fraser. At the rate this family keeps growing, we're going to leave each meal hungry before too much longer, unless Mum takes up a collection for the grocery bills."

  Lorna opened her mouth, but Chase McFarland—Grant's younger brother—grinned and beat her to it. "Then maybe we should plan in advance and bring extra things to use as ammunition. That way we can eat and have a little fun without wasting any of Aunt Lorna's delicious cooking."

  Chase flashed a smile at Lorna and Finn glanced at Grant. They shared a look—Chase was nearly as bad a flirt as Gina's sister, Kaylee. Good thing they kept them on opposite sides of the table or Finn might start rolling his eyes nonstop at their continuous banter.

  Grant and Chase's mother, Gillian, sighed. "Chase, we're guests in Lorna's house. Don't suggest bringing food to toss about."

  Chase shrugged. "Oh, come on, Mum. You laugh along with everyone else, so there's no need for the pretenses of formality and manners."

  Gillian opened her mouth, but one of Fraser's daughters started crying. Holly murmured to her mate, "Take Summer into the hall to calm her."

  With a sigh, Fraser inched his chair back and managed to squeeze himself out of the chair, all with a tiny newborn in his arms. Once he was outside the room, Holly smiled. "I think our daughters are on my side. It should help with the madness, Lorna."


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