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Page 61

by JN Lenz

  My brain wanted to burst from my skull, like a can of expanding foam. The intensity and speed of all these thoughts continued to race through my mind.

  Murder, fear, anguish, love, speed, need, greed, FUCK

  It was like acid times ten, and I barely remember the acid from way back when.

  But in another strange way it made me feel more alive than I had ever been, like every atom of by being was racing in opposite directions with the power of the sun

  That hand crafted tub I was driving was the only thing preventing my molecular break down. Another life advantage of driving the old 356 over any other late model car was it had none of the myriad of electronic and satellite links the current vehicles are mandated to carry. This meant the local Police force had no access to the Satellite Data Link identifying the speeding Porsche, along the city streets. The Data Link had long ago become mandatory on all new vehicles.

  The majority of the vehicles on the road had a mandated tracking technology installed at the factory, only old historic vehicles like my nineteen sixties Porsche could be excluded from carrying such devices. The systems linked each registered vehicle to satellite, with feeds to Police and the Transportation Ministry. All vehicles manufactured in the last sixteen years had the mandated collision avoidance systems; everything was tracked by onboard computers. These same computers fed the Police data bases with live time reporting, on speeding and various other infractions; they could also locate and immobilize any of these vehicles.

  There would be no such alerts to warn authorities of the speeding 356, the old sixties version of a stealth racer. Not visible on the touch screens inside the nearby cruisers, nothing to display this vehicle grossly ignoring the posted limit.

  The majority of the residential side streets I zoomed through were lined in decade’s old Maple and Linden trees, their leaves in a full canopy much of the road and the stop signs along the way.

  With the majority of the neighborhoods already free of traffic, I was driving through using most of the four way stop signs. As I motored along the current side street, it was lined solid on both sides with parked cars. I moved the speedster into the center on what had become more a lane and a half than two full lanes.

  Passing a line of parked cars before entering an intersection with no stop sign, I was instantly blinded by four beams of light; they sat at the height of my face.

  My body instantly became clenched in fear, like sixteen thousand volts surging through my body.

  The shock gripped my entire body, fear like I had never had it.

  My eyes almost completely blinded from the head lights, as the sounds and sight of smashing glass sprayed into my face.

  The force of the impact violently slammed me towards the driver’s door. The sound was deafening, as the screeching tires, the smashing glass and torn metal, as the Jaguar steam rolled over the side of my diminutive little German roadster.

  Through the blinding light came a vision, the final images crossed my mind, the sight of that pouncing chrome Jaguar, held still in that instant, before it sliced through the center of my head.

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