The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc Page 2

by The Sentinels- The First

  They jumped, dodged, and ran toward the school fence, which they scaled quickly; they arrived with eight minutes to spare. Grayson opened the swimming pool fence, then ran for the gym and opened the doors; the whole time Harry followed him.

  Seriously, why is he following me? He needs to go change and rest; should he even be swimming with that bump?

  “Harry shouldn't you go and change; you only have a minute left,” Grayson asked. He really wanted to tell him he should go to the nurse, but he knew what Harry’s response would be; no. “Come on, I have to throw my clothes in the locker and get my goggles too," Grayson said after a second of Harry’s quiet observation.

  Grayson wanted to suggest that (at the very least) Harry not swim but he knew that Harry would get upset if he suggested it. He ran to the locker rooms through the gymnasium, taking his shirt off as he ran with Harry on his heels. Some of the new swim team members that had joined the day before were coming out of the girl's locker room right as Grayson put his hand on the door to the men's locker room, when the door flew open and almost hit him in the face.

  With the lightning speed reactions of years of training, he jumped back in an instant, pushing off the doorframe as he did a back flip, landing safely and perfectly about four feet from the door. Thank god, Harry had been far enough back or he probably would have kicked him. The girls stared at him in amazement; he'd moved to fast, shit. Jo was going to get mad at him; he wasn't supposed to show how fast he was even if he got a little hurt, unless the occasion called for it, he'd simply reacted without thinking. The guys looked at him then sneered and walked off laughing; fucking assholes. They were there for their weightlifting practice that started at the same time as the swim practice.

  "Hey are you ok?" Harry asked as he ran up to him.

  Grayson nodded, "Yeah I'm fine; we have to change, come on."

  "Assholes," one of the girls, Sheila Wilson, said loudly to the weightlifters. One of them turned around and started walking back. He was huge! He was at least 6'5" with excessive muscle. Was he going to threaten her? He wouldn't hit her would he? She was so tiny, roughly Jo's height; she couldn't be more than 5’2”, at most 5’3”.

  "What did you say to me bitch?" he yelled at her; she looked scared, but defiant.

  "I called you an asshole, don't you understand English? You could have seriously hurt him; shouldn't you at least apologize?"

  The big guy looked scary, and he moved fast for his size. Grayson realized what he was going to do a second before he did it and reacted instinctually as the giant pulled his hand back. He slapped her across the face hard and sent her flaying back as Grayson landed a hard kick to his gut then spun in place and used the same leg to sweep the big guy's feet out from under him. At the same time, Grayson placed his hand on the guy's chest and slammed him down on the gym's wood floor. The giant's head bounced hard on the floor as he landed; he was awake but in pain as he lay flat on his back. Grayson stood, towering over the huge man with an expression of rage on his face. The huge guy's face looked just as furious; he looked like he wanted to break Grayson in half.

  "What, you wanna come at me? I'm not as easy to hit as she was; try it if you want, see what happens," Grayson challenged, his hands were balled into fists.

  "Whatever man; I'll get you when you least expect it, you fucking pretty boy faggot!" the huge guy snapped at him angrily.

  The girl walked over with Harry; her mouth was bleeding and a huge bruise was already forming on her cheek. Once again, Grayson was struck by the fact that she really was a tiny little thing that looked like a pixie; actually, she looked like Jo. That was probably the reason he had gotten so mad, apart from the fact that he didn't like seeing the weak preyed upon.

  She kicked him as hard as she could directly in his crotch, her foot making contact with the big guy's entire package. He rolled over on his side, coughing and throwing up from the pain a second before he passed out. The other girls were standing right behind the big guy and one of the girls, Phoebe Wilson, who was Sheila's sister (and like Sheila, also resembled Jo), walked over to the unconscious huge man. She punched him square in the face, three times then walked back over to the other girls. Grayson and Harry stood there, looking at her in surprise.

  "He hit my sister; all Sheila was doing was stating the facts, and he didn't like it. I can't fight him the way you did, but at least that made me feel better," she told Grayson with a frown on her face. "Thank you for defending her Grayson," she said then pulled him down by his arm and kissed his cheek, smiling up at him as Grayson's face turn red; he wasn't used to girls kissing him.

  'Gray, what happen? You know it's dangerous to fight back like that; you know you have problems defending yourself.'

  Grayson turned to Jo as Sheila ran up to him, pulled him down, and kissed his cheek as well. How could she move like that? Didn't her face hurt? He was starting to get self-conscious; he wasn't too good with girls, he always got to nervous.

  Suddenly he heard Jo gasp then whisper, 'Sheila?!'

  Grayson snapped his head back in Jo's direction; she looked whiter than usual, which made Grayson frown at her. Harry looked confused and a little dejected, but why; and why had Jo reacted like that all of a sudden? Hadn't she seen the sisters before when he was fighting the huge guy? Had she not been there; that would be quite odd.

  "Thank You Grayson, and watch your back," Sheila said as Jo reached a hand out and touched Sheila's face gently. Sheila gasped, shivered, and started to cry.

  Grayson thought he heard Sheila whisper, "Mom?" but she’d said it so quietly that he wasn't sure.

  He'd have to ask Jo later; her reaction wasn't normal. Sheila looked up at Grayson, her face bewildered and uncomprehending. She gripped both his arms hard this time, much harder and stronger than a tiny girl should be able to.

  "You know where she is! Tell me Grayson!" Sheila demanded shaking him hard; he looked at her in surprise.

  'Tell her that now is not the time to discuss this, tell her to come to your house after school and you will explain.' Jo said, touching Grayson's arm.

  "Sheila now is not the time to talk about this. Come to my house after school, I'll explain it to you then," he said as a tall red-haired guy, as tall as Harry, walked into the gym; he was also another new swim team member.

  "Sheila, what the hell is taking you so long? Phoebe is calling you," he yelled; then he saw her face.

  His face turned to rage worse than Grayson's had; had Phoebe not told him about the big buffoon hitting her. The redheaded guy ran toward Sheila at full speed, stopping short of slamming into her; he was also huge and big boned, but his muscles were much more lean and solid. The way he moved gave him away; he knew how to fight. Grayson heard Jo gasp again, and another name trickled out of her mouth.


  Jo stretched out her hand and touched him too. He had the same reaction as Sheila, except he could actually pick Grayson up; which would have been bad had Grayson not been quick on his feet. He dodged his grasp, evading him every time.

  "Who taught you how to move like that?" Eric asked suspiciously. Grayson remained quiet and calm, his facial expression never changing, however when he glanced at Harry, he saw that he wore a small smile; he'd always enjoyed watching Grayson move.

  "I'm sorry I can't tell you that," Grayson said, Phoebe walked up smiling at Grayson again and touched Eric's arm.

  "What's wrong bro?" Phoebe asked.

  Jo dropped to her knees, whispered ‘Phoebe’, and started to cry silently, the tears trickling down her face. She got up faster than he had ever seen her move and launched herself at Phoebe and hugged her.

  Phoebe's reaction was stronger than the other two; of course, Jo had only touched them, she was fully embracing Phoebe. Phoebe gasped and began to bawl uncontrollably, speaking in a normal volume.

  "Mom? Mom? Mom, where are you? Please come back to us."

  Tears ran down Phoebe's face freely, as all three faces suddenly turned toward Grayson. Seriously, how did
they know it was him? Why couldn't it be Harry, or that big doofus lying on the ground unconscious? Then he heard Jo whisper,

  'What are they doing here?'

  He turned his gaze on her crumpled, confused form and stretched a hand out to her; he'd never seen her like this and it scared him. He realized what he was doing and stopped himself at the last second. He must appear to be crazy stretching his hand out in midair when no one could see what was there; and it would be a dead giveaway to someone that was quick witted. He turned back to what he guessed were Jo's children; their eyes never wavered.

  "Why are you all looking at me?" Grayson asked as another huge guy as tall as the giant on the ground but much leaner and less bulky, walked in to the gym.

  This one was also another one he would not want to get into a fight with. He came walking up to them and stood right behind Eric. He seemed very possessive of Eric and he looked at Grayson with a wary expression. Grayson just raised his eyebrows at him; really, those two guys were together? He would have never guessed; well whatever he didn't care, it didn't concern him.

  "You; what do you know about our Mother?" Eric walked up to Grayson.

  He had to look up at Eric's face, and it made him uncomfortable for some reason. He could see Jo walking behind Eric and brushing her hand along the other tall guys arm gently, then sliding her arms around his waist from behind him. His face went entirely white; he turned to Eric and Grayson, his face completely blank.

  Yeah dude! I know that feeling; complete and utter shock and confusion.

  However, it looked to Grayson like Eric's boyfriend had stopped breathing.

  Hey! He really isn't breathing!!! Shit!

  Grayson dodged Eric, spinning as he went around him to gather momentum and slammed his hand down on the big guy's back hard enough that he sent him reeling forward. Eric, Phoebe, and Sheila all reacted at the same time, slamming their hands flat into Grayson's chest and sending him flying back. He reacted fast enough, but only just, as he jumped back blindingly fast. Their initial blow had grazed Grayson, but he'd escaped their follow through; even so, they left him breathing hard. He landed crouched on his haunches, then stood straight up and spoke clearly and calmly.

  "He wasn't breathing."

  All three stood staring at him astonished, Jo was directly at the front of them, a huge proud smile on her face. Harry looked like he wanted to clap and his mouth was slightly open in surprise.

  'Now that was awesome! Well done Gray; it looks like you've finally gained your self-confidence. Oh and Matt is fine by the way, thank you. Now tell them this; after school, have them meet you here. From here, you will take them home with you and explain to the best of your knowledge what is going on. Right now is neither the time, nor the place. And tell them that you have a message for them if they are willing to hear it.'

  Grayson nodded his head the tiniest bit letting Jo know he got it.

  "Meet me here after school; I will take you to my house to explain to the best of my knowledge what is going on. Now is not the time, nor the place. Also I have a message if you are willing to hear it." The four of them stared at him, slightly surprised but completely serious as well.

  Sheila spoke for all of them, "we'll accept the message Grayson Phillips; what is it?"

  'Tell them this Gray; More than my very life, more than time itself, you are my cherished ones, forever and after I will always make my way back to you, you are mine and I am yours. More than my very existence, I will love you always.'

  What?! Seriously Jo, what are you making me say!?

  Grayson rolled his eyes and sighed; he was so embarrassed to say it, his face turned a pink color. He turned to Harry for a second, knowing he had heard what Jo had said; Harry smiled at him slightly looking like he wanted to laugh a little.

  "More than my very life, more than time itself, you are my cherished ones. Forever and after I will always make my way back to you; you are mine and I am yours. More than my very existence, I will love you always," Grayson said in a quick monotone.

  All four of them stood once again in total shock, staring at him. All at once, they rushed him and plowed into him, throwing their arms around him and sobbing. It was as if a bunch of overgrown kids were dogpiling him. He couldn't breathe; both huge guys were draped over him trying to cling to him and hugging him tightly, and the girls were on either side of him hugging him at the waist also clinging to him.

  Chapter Two

  Grayson stood there silently for a minute, extremely uncomfortable as he let them hug him; he looked at Harry who looked a little sad, but at the same time amused.

  Um, what am I supposed to do now?!

  He used to be able to call to Jo and talk to her without speaking aloud when he was a kid and had an emergency, or just really, really wanted to see her and talk to her but couldn't. It still happened but not as often, however it seemed a good time to try it again.

  'Jo help me please. What do I do now?' Grayson thought desperately.

  'Well you can always ask them to let go,' Jo said flippantly, humor coloring her tone. 'They are a bit clingy but I suppose that's how I raised them, all except for Matt, he's not mine; he's Eric's best friend and boyfriend. They've known each other since the day they were born pretty much; they were born two days apart. Matt's the oldest and they've lived their wholes lives next door to each other. He's another big brother to the girls, and he spent most of his time at our house since his parents traveled a lot for work, so they would leave him with us. I swear I remember a period where we could actually count the days on one hand that he actually went home. So I guess you could say that he's another one of my kids as much as you are, God knows I love you like one of my kids. Oh just let them hug you, it won't hurt you to be loved a little.'

  'JO! What the hell?! Come one, pleeeeeease!' Grayson actually stomped his foot. Damn it! 'Loves me like a son' my ass! Just abandons me to her wolf pack and laughs it off!

  Grayson noticed the weightlifter guy was moving. He was coming around; shit, this might mean trouble. If these were Jo's children, they would know how to fight, but it also meant that Sheila could have dodged the blow to her face easily but she didn't. So had he been mistaken to have defended her? Was it as Jo had taught him? He remembered Jo's words clearly:

  'Never show your cards unless you have no other choice; that is always your best line of defense. Never let them know what's coming, never give yourself away, and always pay attention and learn to read their movements and predict what they will do next. Like chess, predict your opponent's next movements and be prepared to parry it.'

  She'd always taught him this; she'd ingrained it into his very soul. So why had he reacted like that? His only excuse was that he really hated when someone took advantage of their strength and bullied the weak and now the big bully was getting up.

  Grayson cleared his throat, "um, we are going to be really late to swim practice; also I am really uncomfortable being hugged when I'm only wearing pants. We really should go to practice," he mumbled. All four heads snapped up and looked at him pitifully, with pleading puppy dog eyes.

  Really!? What the fuck?! This is not fair! I really am a pushover. UGH! FINE! Fine, fine, fine!!!!

  Grayson sighed heavily and looked over at Harry who was looking from Harry and the group hugging him to the big guy on the ground that was moving more now.

  "Fine, we'll all go to my house now, but we are going to have to make a stop first, oh, and Harry is coming too; I am only doing this once. Now can you please let me go?"

  The girls let him go first, then the guys; Eric lingered the most and Grayson was pretty sure he heard him sniffing his neck.

  Dude, isn't your boyfriend standing right next to you?!

  "Thank you; you guys can call in an excuse since the coach hasn't seen you. I can't do that though because I'm the one that opened, so he knows I'm here. I am going to go tell him I’m not doing so well and that I need to go home; Harry you should be able to call as well. I'll be right back, oh and watch
out for the dillweed on the ground there; he's waking up," Grayson said then ran to his shirt which Harry was holding and slid it on.

  He thanked Harry quickly and then went to find the coach. Once he found him and explained to him that he had the urge to vomit and wasn't going to be able to swim, the coach told him to go home and rest. Grayson gave the coach the key and went back to the five other people waiting for him in the gym. As he walked into the gym, he heard the big weightlifter guy yelling.

  "Hey dickhead where'd that fairy runt that kicked me earlier, go?"

  The big asshole had Harry by the throat and was holding him in the air; Harry was turning a scary purple color, not good! Grayson was suddenly furious; a rage filled him like none he’d ever felt before, he was seeing red. What was this fucker doing to his best friend?! How dare he, and why wasn't Harry fighting back? Why was no one doing anything to help him either?

  "I'm right here Dumb Fuck!" Grayson said loudly, standing directly behind him, rage coursing through him.

  Jo was going to be mad at him, he didn't care anymore though, this guy was hurting his Harry and he couldn't let that happen.

  'Jo I'm sorry I know it's against everything you taught me but I really don't have that much of a choice,' Grayson thought at her. Jo's hand touched his shoulder, encouragingly.

  'I understand Gray, if you need me just call out my name. Oh and Gray, kick his ass for me, I really want to inflict some pain on this child. He needs to be taught some manners,' Jo's voice had gone intense and slightly scary. When she was mad she was very scary, thank god she liked him.

  'Will do, Jo,' Grayson thought.

  Dropping Harry, the weightlifter giant turned and slammed his hand into Grayson’s chest. Grayson saw it coming and let him do it, he needed to gauge his strength to know what to do, and the adrenaline from the hit would give him a boost. He flew back and slammed into the gym wall on the other side; his whole back making contact with the wall which he knew was going to leave a bruise.


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