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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

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by The Sentinels- The First

  Memories flooded his mind of the countless times they'd made love in so many different forms and the need drove his desire to a screaming peak; his need outweighed anything else except Harry.

  "I love you, always and forever."

  Grayson's declaration made Harry's eyes glow with his own reflected love. Slowly Grayson kissed each of Harry's nipples, then licked them, making Harry gasp. Grayson smiled to himself and continued his slow foreplay wanting Harry to go crazy with need and desire. He knew it would drive Harry to the edge until he couldn't think anymore.

  After nibbling on each of Harry's nipples in turn, he moved up his chest until he reached the hollow of Harry's neck. Another gasp escaped Harry's lips as he sucked on Harry's sensitive skin and marked him. There was no need for it, it wouldn't really last but it made him feel oddly satisfied, and Harry didn't complain or pull away.

  Grayson snugly ensconced his naked body in between Harry's legs, as he pressed himself against Harry more. He could feel both of their erections rubbing against each other, making both of them gasp and rub together more vigorously.

  Harry spoke in a hoarse voice.

  "Gray, I want you now! No more foreplay," Harry demanded.

  Grayson studied him for a moment and gave in. Groaning low in his throat, he leaned in and kissed Harry and he grabbed the lube he'd thrown on the bed along with Harry and popped the lid open. Lifting Harry's leg and placing it on his shoulder, Grayson slid down Harry's body and stopped at Harry's hard shaft. He poured some lube on his fingers and descended on Harry's twitching hole as he lowered his head to the tip of Harry's dripping penis. Licking from the base to the tip, Grayson began to rub Harry's opening and took all of Harry's hot length into his mouth.

  Harry gasped and pressed himself down onto Grayson's finger until it was all the way in, moaning from the pleasure. It didn't take long for Grayson to add two more fingers, bending his large fingers at an angle to peg Harry's prostate with each thrust of his hand. All the time he continued sucking on Harry for all he was worth. Harry moaned and gasped unable to form coherent words.

  "Gray, please!!!" Harry managed in a hoarse lustful tone.

  Unable to hold back anymore Grayson poured some lube on his own dripping almost painfully hard erection, pressed himself to Harry's relaxed opening, and slid forward slowly. Harry hissed at the initial burning intrusion but gasped in pleasure when Grayson's large head made it passed the tight rings of muscle.

  Grayson groaned and tried to control his need until he was all the way inside of Harry; slowly he moved, adding a dribble of lube to make sure Harry did not get hurt. Finally all the way in, he closed his eyes and stopped for a second, waiting for Harry to relax as much as possible and willing himself to not come, until he received a smack on the arm. Startled he opened his eyes and looked down at Harry's eyes, which were dark pools of green, silver, and gold lust, which only made Grayson shudder more with desire.

  "Move already!" Harry growled, trembling with need at the feeling of Grayson stretching him out.

  Grayson sighed in ecstasy as he pulled out and slowly slid back in causing Harry's muscles to squeeze him for all they were worth.

  "Harry, you're so tight! I won't last like this, oh Goddess yes!! So, so good!!" Grayson moaned as Harry slammed his hips down on Grayson's pulsing penis and gasped loudly in pleasure as it hit his swollen gland.

  "Oh God yeah!!" Harry exclaimed and started moving his hips in time to Grayson's thrusts, making their skin slap together and getting shivers of pure ecstasy with each thrust as it pegged his sweet spot.

  "Gray, harder!!" Harry exclaimed as he reached for Grayson's hips and pulled him closer.

  Grayson lost all his control when Harry called out his name; lifting Harry up higher, he started thrusting harder and faster, slamming each thrust into Harry's prostate as he stroked Harry's hard penis in time to his thrusts.

  Harry was lost in the pleasure and could only moan Grayson's name repeatedly, his voice getting more high pitched and breathless as he got closer to orgasming.

  "I'm going to come Gray, don't stop!!" Harry cried out as Grayson lifted Harry's hips and supported his weight as he started to move faster.

  He was so close!

  "HARRY!!! Oh fuck, I'm gonna come!!!" Grayson cried out.

  He felt his balls tighten up as he slid into Harry at the perfect angel and hit Harry's sweet spot full on, making Harry come explosively and arch his back. His muscles squeezed and gripped onto Grayson's hot shaft in a death grip.

  "GRAY!!!!!!!! Oh fuck!!!!" Harry gasped out.

  Grayson felt himself release, violently throbbing in pure ecstasy and spilling the heat of his seed into Harry. It felt much more intense than the first time they'd made love and that was saying something because that had been the best experience he'd had until this moment of union with Harry.

  "Harry, I love you," Grayson whispered and closed his eyes in ecstasy; finally feeling complete.

  Harry lay panting and looking up at a sated and panting Grayson then he pulled Grayson down to him and kissed him deeply.

  "I love you to Gray, always and forever."

  Harry smiled up at Grayson, repeating his words back to him. Grayson collapsed next to Harry and curled Harry's back into his own chest, wrapping his arms around his eternal lover and sighing in happiness.

  They drifted into a deep sleep and finally rested.


  They woke up startled by Kenneth's yells of anger. Grayson moved faster than he's ever moved before, dressing quickly he jumped from the top of the stairs down onto his front lawn and ran for the main house, Harry on his heels.

  When they entered the house Grayson drew Nurushi, and he heard the singing reply from Etushi as Harry drew him. Running toward his Father's voice he almost collided with Harry's parents as they came out of the guest room. Both blushed as they saw them, and Grayson scented the unmistakable smell of musky sex. Well they'd been apart for twelve years and Leeann had never dated after her husband 'died', it was to be expected and it was only fair.

  David opened the door almost at the same time; he looked from Harry's parents to Harry and Grayson and began to get his weapon but Grayson shook his head and put a finger to his lips and indicated they stay where they were. He took three stairs at a time stealthily climbing until he reached his parents room, Harry directly behind him. Jo, her family, and Grayson's parents were in the room. Jo was talking to a man holding a gun in his hand. Grayson recognized him from Jo's memories.

  John Wilson stood facing them in anger, Grayson recognized his essence, though it felt broken; he was also a Sentinel, the same type that Isabel was, except he'd been changed into a Sentinel a long time ago. What was he doing in Grayson's home, had he been looking for Jo this whole time? He'd betrayed her and tried to kill her though, so that was unlikely.

  "Jo, what's your ex doing here?" Grayson asked calmly.

  He was raging inside, his anger wanting to boil over; John had hurt Jo and her family, abandoned them and then tried to kill Jo, now he seemed to be attempting to do the same to his family. Well he considered Jo family so her family was his.

  "He didn't know his family was here, he came for Kenneth and Frank. He's the one that imprisoned them," Jo said calmly, but Grayson knew her well.

  She was furious, her anger and hatred wanting to boil over as his and Eric, Matt, Phoebe, and Sheila's wanted to. Grayson could feel their anger vibrating off of them from behind him, but Harry was by far, the most enraged by John, the heat of his anger was actually making Grayson feel hot.

  "Turn yourself over to us peacefully and I will spare your soul, this is the only time I will extend you this offer, and only because of Jo," Harry said with an eerie calm.

  Grayson studied John silently.

  "Fuck you punk! Who do you think you are, you think you can beat me? I work for The Void, he will never let me parish. Even if you got in a good hit, I would not die; I can't die and even if you manage to give me the final death, I still can'
t die because he will just revive me. I will kill you all, especially that bitch! She should have died a long time ago," John said angrily, looking from Harry to Grayson, then to the rest of the occupants of the room.

  His gaze landed on Eric, Phoebe, and Sheila and he looked remorseful for a moment but not enough that he wouldn't follow through with his threat. He would kill his children and wife and not dwell on it long enough for their bodies to grow cold. Grayson saw red; he took a deep breath and turned to Jo.

  "Jo, it is your right to request his final death. What do you want to do?" Grayson asked her, Jo kept her eyes on John and spoke in a neutral tone.

  "Do your job, judge him," Jo said.

  Grayson nodded to Jo and sighed; he hated having to hurt Jo and her kids by killing John in front of them, but there was really no other outcome for the things he had done; it had to be done. Without another word, he stepped forward flanked by Harry and Jo.

  "You'd sell out your own husband you good-for-nothing whore?" John hissed at Jo.

  "I have no husband any more, I lost him the minute he tried to kill me and my children. You tried once before to kill us all, I will never let you hurt us again, and you are mistaken if you think this Void person will save you from the final death," Jo said coldly; John snorted.

  "The void is stronger than any other Sentinel and he grows stronger every day with every soul he consumes. Why do you think we have those prisons for the Sentinels? He sucks the energy out of them, their very souls and uses their energy as his own. He is unstoppable and indestructible; even the first would not stand a chance against him, not that the bastard would ever show up. He's just a myth that our Grandparents made up to scare us into obedience when we were little if you ask me. The void will bring this world to its knees and take it for his own. He will rule the world and I will be right by his side as his second in command. What do I need a family for when I have him, with him I can have anything and anyone I want, what use would you be to me then?" John asked her smirking coldly.

  Jo turned to Grayson and Harry and arched her eyebrows, Grayson shrugged and Harry looked even more pissed off than before. Eric spoke quietly from behind them but the anger in his voice distorted it.

  "You were never fit to be a Dad, I feel ashamed to have your blood running in my veins. You are a worthless sack of shit, the world will be better off without you," Eric said shaking.

  Matt putt a hand on his shoulder because he looked like he wanted to attack his Dad; Sheila and Phoebe had their own weapons out and looked ready to use them against their Father as well, Jo's kids meant business.

  "Well it's good that my blood does not run through your veins then, huh? Thankfully, your Father was not I at the moment of any of your conceptions. Someone used my face to trick your stupid whore of a Mother and had sex with her. Had I not seen it with my own eyes I would have thought she'd cheated on me, but I saw him. He looked, acted, and seemed to think just like me, had I not known I wasn't him, he would have convinced even me. I was not the one that had sex with your Mother, just thought you should know that before you died," John said and shot at Jo.

  Grayson moved fast, blocking the bullet with Nurushi. The bullet hissed and popped as it hit Nurushi and disintegrated; Nurushi rang with anger as John turned his attention on Grayson.

  "So you want to go first, fine by me punk!" John yelled and shot his gun at Grayson.

  Harry was the one that moved fast this time and blocked the bullet with Etushi, the bullet did the same thing, hissing, popping, and disintegrating. John shot off one bullet after another and as if in slow motion; Grayson saw one hit Harry in the gut and then Grayson snapped. Logic went out the door as red-hot anger like nothing he'd felt before flooded him. Even though he knew Harry would not be hurt for long and had most likely already begun to heal, Grayson did not care.

  He moved so fast he was too fast to even appear as a blur, slamming his hands flat into John's chest and sending him flying through the window his back faced. Grayson jumped out the window so fast he was on the ground before John was even halfway through his fall. Jo, Eric, Matt, Sheila, Phoebe, Harry, Kenneth, and Isabel had all jumped down as well, following both men down.

  Grayson grabbed John out of the air as if he were a floating piece of paper and slammed him into the ground so hard that he left a small crater in the soft soil. He brought this fist down onto his stomach, missing his sternum on purpose because he wanted him to feel pain. John grunted and tried to roll away but Grayson wasn't having that. He picked him up by the shirt, slammed his fist into his face and felt, and heard, his cheekbone break, caving in on his face a bit and obstructing his breathing.

  Then Grayson flung him up then punched him in the gut again and sent him flying back up into his parent's room as if he were a ball. He jumped back into the room with one leap, once again followed by everyone, and landed as John attempted to move once again. Grayson grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and turned him as he wrapped his big hand around John's throat. He hissed into John's face, his anger coming off of him in a heat wave like it had come off of Harry earlier.

  "How dare you hurt Harry?! I will never forgive that!" Grayson growled at him in a quiet voice that was distorted with rage.

  He realized, as a side thought, that he was also glowing as Harry had been glowing at the Sentinel prison. Grayson open hand slapped John, hard enough that he almost knocked him out but not quite, it was made worse by the healing broken cheekbone and Grayson knew it. Dropping him onto the ground and forcing him onto his knees he walked back a few steps, stood in front of his family, and looked at the beaten John Wilson. He picked Nurushi up where he'd dropped her when he attacked John and spoke quietly.

  "I have found you unfit to be my Sentinel. I dispatch you whence you came, never to return, be gone," Grayson said as he swung Nurushi at John and dispelled him.

  Nurushi sang happily as she sent her soul severing energy, burning the man asunder, which only made her anger more evident. Nurushi worked in mysterious ways; she could see into another beings soul, Sentinel, human, or whatever else it may be, and decided herself on the level pain she should inflict.

  Personally, Grayson wished he had burnt longer and more painfully, but something felt off to Grayson, John's essence though not the same at the end (which was unheard of) had remained as if it were a bad taste in his mouth; that never happened.

  Was that the work of the Void? How exactly would he bring John back if he indeed could do that? He had not felt that John's words were a lie which made him worry. If he could bring dispelled Sentinels back, then they had a whole other problem on their hands. It also meant there would be a full on war because Grayson and Harry had dispelled quite a few bad people and Sentinels that had not been too easy to beat. Could the Void bring those Sentinels back as well, or only those he had working for him?

  Well he would have to talk to his Dad and Harry and he would have to convene with Gaia about this. If it was bad enough, he might even have to contact the council of Sentinels and order backup from the other worlds that were part of the Sentinel network. Of course, that was only if the Sentinel council still remained.

  However, if they did remain, then something was very wrong with them, because they should have stopped the kidnappings and the rise of this Void, whether he and Harry were present or not.

  So much went through Grayson's mind but the foremost was sorrow for his lifelong friend; Grayson turned to Jo sadly.

  "Sorry Jo," Grayson said, Jo nodded and walked out of the room silently.

  "Sorry about the window Mom, Dad, I'll fix it, I didn't mean to lose my temper like that," Grayson said and turned to Harry to check on him.

  The wound had already completely healed and the only thing that remained was the blood. Grayson hugged Harry tightly and sighed kissing the hollow of his neck in a possessive manner, wanting to feel Harry safe in his arms.

  Kenneth walked up to Grayson and Harry and checked on Harry then smiled at Grayson and nodded.

  "No worries
son, we tend to get a little obsessive over the ones we love, God knows I did with your Mother and you. We'll fix the window later, for now why don't we just board it up, we'll get the stuff to fix it tomorrow," Kenneth said.

  Grayson nodded and hugged his Dad.

  "You need to eat Dad, so does Mr. McDonnell, you are both way to thin," Grayson said.

  Isabel and Harry both nodded as Grayson turned to Eric, Sheila, Phoebe, and Matt who stood at the spot where Grayson had dispelled John, looking at it with a mixture of emotions; sadness, anger, hatred, confusion, but mostly sadness. Walking over to them, he spoke quietly.

  "I'm sorry for what I did; my intention would never be to hurt any of you. I consider you as much my family as I do Jo, please forgive me for having killed your Father," Grayson said sadly, though he'd never be sorry for dispelling John, he felt sorry they were suffering for it.

  Eric, Sheila, and Phoebe looked up at him; Sheila gave him a watery smile, Eric sighed and squeezed his arm and Phoebe leaned over and hugged him tightly. Matt looked up at him, nodded his understanding, and looked over at Eric. Grayson understood; Matt would have reacted the same way Grayson did, had John attacked Eric.

  "I think any of us would have done the same Gray, there is really no reason to apologize. You heard what he said; he was not even our Dad, but what he said about this Void dude worries me. Can he really bring him back? If he can then wouldn't that mean he will be able to tell the Void about you and Harry being real and having returned? Well, we are not positive he figured out who you really are, and from the way he was speaking, I don't think he did, but there is no way of verifying this. Not only that, wouldn't it also mean the Void could bring back anyone you have dispelled in the past? If he can then we have a huge problem, it may be possible that he is stronger than you two, if he has had so many souls to feed off of," Eric said.


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