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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

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by The Sentinels- The First

  If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave a comment or question and I will do my best to answer or address your comment. You may also connect with me via my email at Thank you again and I hope you are looking forward to the next book in the series.

  About Gloria Viotti Olson

  Gloria Patricia Viotti Olson (1979 - present) is married and a stay-at-home mother of three beautiful girls. She grew up in Southern California and still lives there now. She has loved writing and reading since she was a young child; her preference in writing tends to lean toward the adult erotica fantasy genres, though her imagination can take the stories she writes anywhere.

  Bonus - Preview of ‘The Sentinels: The Void’ by Gloria Viotti Olson

  The Sentinels

  The Void

  By Gloria Viotti Olson

  Chapter One

  Grayson slammed his hand down on the loud annoying alarm and heard a distinctive crunch. He groaned and turned, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist again and pulled him into his chest, snuggling closer and burying his nose in the soft hair at Harry's neck.

  "Gray, did you break the alarm again?" Harry asked sleepily. Grayson grunted and huffed out a breath of air through his nose, making Harry's hair flutter forward onto his face. Harry giggled and pressed his back into Grayson's chest and wiggled his butt against Grayson crotch.

  "Mmmmmmm....." Grayson hummed against Harry's neck, kissing it softly and licking Harry, making him shiver. Grayson slid his hands down Harry's hips and pulled him as close as possible and started to grind his morning hard-on into Harry's butt. Harry's gasped and pressed harder, trembling from the intimate touch.

  "Gray we don't have time; we'll be late to practice."

  Harry gasped as Grayson's hand slid down under Harry's pajama bottoms to Harry's own persistent erection and moaned as Grayson began to stroke it rhythmically. Harry gasped and brought his hand around to Grayson's pulsating penis and pressed it in between his butt cheeks. Squeezing his tight cloth-covered butt cheeks around it and rubbing as Grayson stoked him passionately. Grayson groaned as he felt the stimulation of Harry's heated opening rubbing against him and wanted nothing more than to burry himself deep inside of his beautiful better half.

  Harry gasped as Grayson slid his other hand into the back of Harry's thin pajama bottoms and grazed the tight ring of muscle. His head dropped back onto Grayson's shoulder and he thrust forward and spilled his seed with a whispered moan.

  "Gray!!!!" Harry gasped and shivered as he came. Somehow he managed to pull his and Grayson's pajama bottoms down far enough that Grayson's hot penis was pressed against his twitching hole. Grayson moaned as Harry's hot soft skin brushed against the head of his penis as Harry pulled Grayson's come covered hand and brought it around to his opening. He rubbed the slick seed over Grayson's shaft and his own entrance and thrust his butt back impaling himself on Grayson hot slick shaft. Harry pressed back roughly in one swift movement and made Grayson gasp and exclaim in surprise as his hot penis was swallowed by Harry's hot and willing opening.

  "Fuck!!! Harry!" Grayson's cry though muffled by Harry's neck was still loud. The other's would hear them if they were awake. Harry trembled with the need to move but he gave his back a chance to relax and Grayson was shaking with the strain it took him to remain motionless. Losing quickly to his need, he thrust forward the rest of the way and made Harry gasp and arch his back. Then Grayson started to move. Pulling all the way out and sliding back in with one slow thrust. He pegged Harry's prostate with the first thrust making Harry cry out his name. Grayson aimed for Harry's sweet spot each time he pulled out and thrust back in, increasing his speed with each thrust.

  "Gray! Harder!" Harry whispered desperately. Grayson obliged, thrusting faster and harder until he was slamming into Harry and grinding deep, then pulling out and doing it again. He wouldn't last long especially with a morning hard-on but it felt amazing. So good!!!!

  "Harry!!! Ahhh Fuck!!" Grayson gasped as he continued his repetitive movements and thrust deeper, slamming into Harry each time until he felt Harry squeeze him tight. Harry's channel tightened around him until he was massaging Grayson's throbbing hot penis.

  "Oh goddess!!! Yeah!! Don't stop Gray!!" Harry moaned.

  Grayson lost all control and plowed into him roughly driven by pure ecstasy as he brought his hand around to Harry's front and began to stroke him in time with his thrust. Harry lost control of his voice and could only moan and hold onto Grayson’s hips as the minutes stretched and one orgasm turned into three.

  Grayson lost to Harry completely as Harry squeezed him tighter than the previous two times and made him explode violently into Harry, spreading molten seed inside of Harry and making him gasp with pleasure.

  "Harry!!!!" Grayson whispered as he came hard. He loved him more than words could express but sometimes (at times like these) he wanted to find the words to express it. Thankfully there were times when actions spoke louder than words.

  "Gray how am I supposed to swim now?" Harry said laughing quietly and breathing hard. Grayson chuckled into the crook of Harry's neck.

  "Next time's my turn then; that way we even things out," Grayson said breathlessly. Harry turned around and wrapped his arms around Grayson's waist and smiled at him.

  "Ok you got a deal handsome. I love you Gray, and that was great, but now we're really going be late. Get up, come on!" Harry said as he crawled to the edge of their huge bed and stood on wobbly legs. Grayson chuckled again and stood picking Harry up and carrying him to their bathroom. The showered quickly even with Grayson taking the time to clean Harry out properly and they dressed even faster.

  As they were finishing getting dressed Jo, and the rest walked into the room ready to go as well. They had all moved into Grayson's house with him since his mother continued to work and his father had started working with her. He'd been a savvy businessman before and his intuition was still top par even eleven years later. However, this left Grayson alone once again, therefore Isabel had asked Jo and her family to stay with Grayson so he wouldn't be alone all the time. They had all agreed. Harry had also taken up a semi-permanent residence at Grayson’s house since he spent most of his time there anyway, which made Grayson the happiest man alive.

  "Ready for a nice run?" Grayson asked them all. They all nodded. Matt and Eric watched Harry discreetly although Harry noticed nothing. Grayson could tell they had indeed heard them. Well it wasn't like they all hadn't heard them in the throes of passion.

  "How early is it?" Sheila asked looking grumpy.

  She was the only one not dressed in school clothes. She adamantly refused to wear anything other than her pajamas until it was time to wake up properly she said. So before she's go to sleep she would put her suit on under her sleep clothes so that she was ready to roll out of bed and go to swim practice. They were lucky, the school had decided to make their pool with retractable walls and roof so they could swim in the offseason too and not lose muscle tone, not that any of them would. Sentinels once transformed would not change.

  "4:50am," Grayson answered. Sheila glared at him and huffed.

  "Why do I have to be up so damn early? Can't I just skip practice? It's not like we're competing right now. Why couldn't coach Colson just make us work out like regular coaches? This is not fair," Sheila grumbled as she pouted.

  "Even if we worked out we would still be getting up this early. The practice would still start at this time," Eric said. Jo chuckled and hugged her youngest daughter.

  "Come on sleepy head, let's go for a run, it'll wake you up," Jo said. Sheila pouted more.

  "That is precisely what I don't want," Sheila complained. Phoebe was already stretching and looked at her sister upside down as she stretched her legs.

  "You know you wouldn't miss it if you get a chance to see Dylan Hershel in his Speedos. Kid's got a serious bulge going on," Phoebe said. All of them laughed and Matt nodded.

  After they each grabbed a protein bar that Gray's m
other bought for them regularly, they grabbed their backpacks and ran to school. Thankfully nothing weird happen to them on the way in and they arrived with enough time that they were still some of the first ones there. Sheila perked up and became happier when said Dylan showed up and strutted his stuff in front of her. Grayson was pretty sure he was into her too but the kid was sort of clueless, however, Grayson was almost positive that Dylan was a sentinel that had not changed yet.

  "Hey Grayson, Harry; hey Sheila," Dylan greeted them, smiling down at Sheila widely. She smiled up at him and winked.

  "Hey handsome; how's it hangin?" Sheila greeted, he shrugged.

  "I'd rather be in bed right now, but I got a swimming scholarship so I have to complete the full year according to the university and coach Colson," Dylan complained. Sheila nodded.

  "Yeah; I'd rather be in bed too but they won't let me sleep in," Sheila said pointing at the entire group now behind her. Matt, Eric, Phoebe, and Jo all stuck their tongues out at her. Harry kissed her forehead and Grayson petted her head and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  "Go for it shorty; you should invite him over, or do you want me too?" Grayson said smiling down at her, she nodded enthusiastically. Grayson smiled and turned to Dylan who was watching them intently. Grayson smiled at him too and was about to ask him if he wanted to come over to their house after school when Dylan turned to Sheila and took matters into his own hands.

  "Hey Sheila, my sister, Emma just started working at this new club in town and I thought you might like it. Do you want to go with me?" Dylan asked looking a little pinker than normal. Sheila looked at him for a second without reaction then she smiled widely and nodded.

  "Yeah, I'd like that," Sheila said blushing slightly.

  Harry leaned down and kissed the top of her head again and whispered, "Way to go pretty." Then Harry walked into the boy's locker room where the rest of them had gone.

  Sheila and Dylan said goodbye for the moment and they went into their perspective locker rooms to change. As they changed Grayson caught Dylan looking at his and Harry's Sentinel tattoos intently but he didn't say anything. No one had really said much about the fact that Harry and Grayson had almost identical tattoos so neither had ever felt the need to explain. It made it easier for them since it would be hard to tell a human the truth about them. That explanation would sound something like:

  'Yes the swords are real and yes the wings are real and we are really time traveling Sentinels who are the supreme commander and sub commander of all other Sentinels that are tasked with the protection of this world. We are bound to oversee the justice of all beings on this world and judge them accordingly'

  That explanation would be sort of hard to pull off straight-faced. Grayson didn't want to think craziness what that would cause, so they never said anything; instead they ignored the looks they got. Turning to the rest of them when he finished changing, Grayson waited.

  When the guys, including Dylan, had all changed they all walked out to the pool in a group and were admired by everyone getting ready to get in the pool. A few people whistled at them as they walked out in only their Speedos and Harry blushed. Matt smiled and Eric looked around to see who had whistled. Dylan seemed to be lost in thought, painful thought.

  "Hey Dylan, you ok dude? You look like you're in pain," Grayson asked him, smacking him on the shoulder. Dylan nodded silently and spoke with a frown on his face.

  "Yeah, just my stomach; I've been getting this tugging feeling in my stomach for about a month now and it's turned painful now. I went to the doctor, but he said I'm fine. My mom thinks I'm just trying to get out of practice. I'll be right back, I'm gonna go take some painkillers," Dylan said and turned around to go back into locker room. About a foot from Grayson he grabbed his stomach and grunted then fell sideways headfirst into the pool still in a curled up ball. Grayson was the quickest to react and jumped in after Dylan. Dylan floated to the bottom of the pool looking unconscious; then he started thrashing violently and Grayson saw Harry, Sheila and Jo jump in to the pool.

  As Grayson reached Dylan a portal opened up and started pulling the now unconscious Dylan through and he dove in behind him trying to pull him back. The pull was stronger than Grayson expected and he felt strong hands grab him from the waist and start pulling him back. But Grayson wouldn't let Dylan go and he had been under too long. There was only one outcome to Dylan being underwater for to long if they couldn't get him out, he would drown.

  Grayson turned to the people behind him and pointed to the portal and then followed Dylan through holding on tight to him so he wouldn't lose him. He'd been right, Dylan was being forced through a time portal which meant only one thing; he was a Sentinel.

  Grayson realized that every one of them had followed Dylan and him through as they fell onto a grassy field. A shiver and déjà vu hit him hard. Harry, Sheila, and Jo lay panting close to him and Matt, Phoebe, and Eric were getting up and shaking the water off.

  "Where the fuck are we?" Eric asked as Grayson started CPR on Dylan. He wasn't coming around and he was afraid he was dead. Phoebe walked over and felt for a pulse.

  "I don't feel a pulse. Gray, give him a bit of your energy while I give him CPR. Sheila, come give him mouth to mouth while I do the compressions," Phoebe ordered. Sheila and Grayson obeyed silently. Grayson pushed as much energy in short bursts as he could but it didn't seem to be working much. Dylan's chest rose and fell but nothing seemed to be working.

  "Pushing it through like this isn't working. Sheila let me in there, let me try something. Harry, come here; Sheila, stand next to him," Grayson said. Sheila backed away and Harry came over, kneeing in Sheila's place.

  "I'm going to kiss him and give him a surge of energy, then Harry I want you to do the same thing, after Harry, Sheila you do it. Everyone line up and do the same. Sheila when you are done come to my side. I want to give him a drop of your blood, but you know that if I do that you will be bound to him. Are you ok with that?" Grayson asked calmly. Sheila nodded.

  "I'm fine with that," Sheila said quietly.

  Grayson nodded and opening Dylan's lips he pressed his mouth to Dylan's and breathed energy into it. After a minute Dylan twitched then remained still except for his fingers which moved. They waited for a moment but there was no other reaction. Grayson nodded to Harry, and he did the same thing; once again Dylan twitched and then stilled again. Next it was Sheila who repeated Grayson and Harry's actions but she kissed him like she meant it. Dylan gasped and convulsed but didn't open his eyes, and then he lay still.

  Sheila came around as Phoebe, Jo, Matt, and Eric repeated the kiss.

  "Sheila I am going to have to bite you ok? I don't have anything sharp except for Nurushi and I don't think it's wise to use her right now, not unless I want to force his spirit back into his body, I'll use that as a last resort. Now, can I have your hand?" Grayson asked, Sheila placed her hand in his and Grayson bit down. She remained silent, but the pain was evident. Grayson grabbed Dylan's hand and repeated the action. Once the skin was broken he pressed their bleeding open wounds together for seven second then pulled them apart. Sheila had begun to tremble and Dylan gasped, and grabbed Sheila's hand again, refusing to let go. His eyes snapped open, and he rolled to his side and heaved. Sheila crawled over to his side and pet his back and head soothingly. The wound on Sheila's hand had already healed.

  Grayson could see Dylan's body changing as he remembered he and Harry had. Grayson held Sheila's other hand in support and Harry placed his hand on Sheila's shoulder. Everyone touched her and gave her support.

  After about ten minutes Dylan's body stopped changing, and they were looking at a very sexy 19 or 20-year-old looking kid with muscles that almost rivaled Grayson's and Harry's, height that was almost as tall as Matt and Grayson's. He had light golden colored skin, brilliantly bright blue eyes that seemed electric with their beauty, blue black hair, and a handsome face that put some of the gods to shame. He was hot! Something Sheila was quite happy about it, but would Dylan
be? She'd just bound them for eternity; hopefully he liked her enough to deal with her for a while at least. If he didn't want her they could separate if that was what he really wanted later but they would always be bound to each other.

  Dylan looked at each of them and then around the grassy field. It was a clearing that was surrounded by trees and if Grayson's ears didn't deceive him there was a stream or river around near them as well. It looked like they were in the middle of a huge forest with massive and tall trees. Where they even in California anymore? Maybe they weren't even on the American continent anymore. Well they'd find out soon enough.

  “Are you better now Dylan? Can you stand because we need to move from here? This isn't a safe place, we're too exposed,” Grayson said. “We'll explain as we walk,” Grayson said at Dylan’s look of confusion.

  Dylan stood too fast, surprising himself. They all made their way toward the trees as a number of what looked like Native Americans came out of the tree line pointing arrows at them. Their golden skin glowing in the sun's light and one of them yelled in their native language. Grayson heard Dylan gasp then hiss. Sheila disappeared from Grayson's side and he turned to look where she'd gone. Dylan had shoved her behind him and was trying to block her from the Indian's sight. Of course Sheila was just like her mother and wouldn't sit still.

  "I said, don't move. Why are a group of white skins trespassing on our land? You were not invited!" The man at the forefront of the group said aiming the arrow directly and Grayson's chest. Grayson held his hands out in front of him showing the Indian he had no weapon on him, turning slowly he showed him his body concealed nothing, especially since he wore his boxer brief Speedo. Unless the man thought he was hiding a weapon behind his rather bulky penis.


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