The Story of Our Lives

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The Story of Our Lives Page 15

by Helen Warner

  ‘There must be something we can do?’ Sophie wasn’t used to being helpless. To not being able to solve a problem.

  ‘Well, I’ve told her that she can come to me any time of the day or night. I’m not sure what else we can do but make it clear we’re there for her.’ Emily sighed. ‘I’m actually more worried about her now than I was before. This resignation and acceptance are more terrifying than if she was hysterical and screaming blue murder.

  ‘He’s so bloody clever, that’s the problem,’ she continued. ‘He’d make out she was a mentally unstable danger to the kids. And that bitch of a nanny would back him up.’

  They lapsed into silence for a few moments while they each contemplated Amy’s situation.

  Suddenly Emily sat up and leaned forward. ‘We could stage an intervention!’

  ‘What? Kidnap her?’ Sophie looked at Emily in the rear-view mirror in disbelief.

  ‘We wouldn’t be kidnapping her,’ Emily said, a slight note of irritation detectable in her voice. ‘We’d be rescuing her. It’s very different.’

  ‘Jesus,’ Melissa muttered under her breath. ‘I can’t believe this is happening.’

  ‘I don’t know, Em…’ Sophie said. ‘I was talking to Steve about it earlier. He said we don’t know for sure that he’s violent towards her—’

  ‘We do,’ Emily cut in firmly. ‘We might not have actually witnessed it but we’ve seen the results with our own eyes. And when I confronted him last year, he didn’t even try to deny it. He just smirked in that creepy way he has.’

  ‘Yes, but whatever we think of him, he’s still the father of those kids. He will always have to be a part of her life.’ Melissa’s words fell into a vacuum of silence.

  At last Sophie spoke. ‘I’ve got room in the new house for all of them.’

  Emily sat up straighter and leaned forward. ‘And he doesn’t know where the new house is, so there’d be no chance of him tracking her down, at least to begin with. Let’s think how we could do it.’

  ‘I’m not sure…’ Melissa cut in. ‘It could go horribly wrong. We might make things worse.’

  ‘Nothing could be worse than him killing her, Melissa.’ Emily snapped. ‘And if we don’t do something, I’m seriously scared that’s what might happen.’


  ‘In entertainment news, a brand new talent show, The X Factor, is launching tonight. It is the brainchild of Pop Idol star Simon Cowell, who will sit on the judging panel, along with Louis Walsh and Sharon Osbourne.’



  They climbed out of their Ford Fiesta and Emily lifted their bags out of the boot. Jack hovered uncertainly, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jeans. ‘What’s wrong?’ she said, motioning to him to follow her up the path.

  Jack shrugged. ‘Nothing…’

  ‘Just feeling a bit shy?’ Emily finished the sentence for him.

  Jack nodded. ‘A bit.’

  At that moment the door flew open and Emma came flying down the path. ‘Jack!’ she squealed in delight, throwing herself at him, so that he had to take a few steps to stop himself from toppling over. ‘Hello, Emma,’ he grinned, glancing up at Emily.

  ‘Will you come to the beach with me?’ she implored, her big blue eyes widening as she grasped his hand and tried to pull him towards the seafront across the road.

  ‘In a little while, sweetheart,’ said Sophie, coming down the path and giving Emily a huge hug. She looked stunning, in a pale pink loose waterfall cotton cardigan over a matching tunic dress. Her eyes seemed to be shining and her skin glowed under her tan, making Emily feel plain and tired-looking beside her. ‘Let Jack and Emily put their things away and let’s get them a drink first, shall we?’ Sophie said.

  ‘OK,’ Emma agreed cheerfully, pulling Jack towards the house instead. ‘Come on, Jack, I’ll show you where you’re sleeping.’

  Emily and Sophie watched them go. ‘Oh, Sophie, she’s such a little cutie.’ Emily linked her arm through Sophie’s and they walked up the path towards the door together.

  ‘She’s exhausting!’ Sophie said, with a laugh. ‘But yes, she’s gorgeous. And Jack is getting so tall and handsome. You’ve done such a great job with him, Em.’

  Emily smiled proudly. ‘Thank you. He’s a good boy. Are the others here?’

  ‘Yup. All inside.’

  ‘How are things?’ Emily stopped before she reached the front door and turned to face Sophie. She really was looking fantastic – Emily wondered if maybe she was pregnant and the thought made her prickle slightly with envy.

  Sophie glanced towards the house. ‘I’d say she’s good, considering. But she’s also… fragile is probably the best way of putting it.’

  Emily nodded. ‘Not surprising really.’

  ‘No,’ Sophie agreed.

  ‘What about the kids?’

  ‘Hopefully too young to understand, although Megan’s very, very shy, especially compared to Emma. Makes you wonder how much she’s taken in.’

  Emily nodded, suddenly nervous about seeing Amy. ‘She doesn’t blame us, does she?’

  Sophie bit the inside of her cheek as she thought about it. ‘You know, I’m not sure. Maybe a bit.’

  Emily’s heart sank. ‘We did the right thing, though, didn’t we?’ She desperately wanted Sophie to agree with her.

  ‘Yes, we did. Of course we did. Sometimes it takes people a while to accept what the right thing is, though, doesn’t it? Especially when you have as little confidence as Amy.’

  Emily nodded, although there was a horrible nagging doubt at the back of her mind. It had all been her idea and she had been so forceful in persuading the others. If it turned out to have been the wrong thing to do, she knew in her heart that she was the one who was most to blame…

  It was lunchtime, two months after the meal at Amy’s house. Sophie was driving her SUV. Emily was in the passenger seat. They had told Melissa she didn’t need to come as there wouldn’t be room for Amy and the two kids if she did and she had agreed with what seemed to Emily like undue haste. Sophie parked on Amy’s drive and they looked at each other nervously. ‘Ready?’

  Emily gazed back at her with wide eyes. ‘Not really. I’m terrified. What if that bloody nanny’s there?’

  ‘You distract her. Tell her you’re looking for someone to look after your son and you want to ask her advice and to see if she can recommend anyone. I’ll get Amy and the kids out as quickly as possible.’

  ‘OK.’ Emily looked slightly calmer. ‘Let’s go then. No point in waiting any longer…’

  They climbed out of the car and walked up the steps together. Emily rang the bell and they waited in silence. After a few minutes, the sound of heels on a wooden floor could be heard. Amy opened the door a few inches, just enough to allow her to peer out nervously.

  She visibly jumped in shock as she registered Sophie and Emily. ‘No!’ she hissed. ‘You can’t be here.’

  She made as if to close the door but Emily was too quick for her and put her foot on the step. ‘Amy, can’t you see how ridiculous this is? This is your house! We’re your friends. Why on earth shouldn’t we be here?’

  Amy’s pale, frightened face crumpled instantly. ‘Because he doesn’t want you here!’ She dissolved into tears and put her hands up to cover her face, allowing Emily and Sophie to step into the hallway.

  Emily closed the huge front door carefully and scanned the hall for clues as to who else was in the house but as usual, everything was so pristine that there was nothing.

  Sophie put her arms around Amy and hugged her. ‘Amy, we’ve come to get you. You can’t stay here.’

  Amy’s wet eyes widened in terror. ‘No!’ she growled. ‘We tried that once before – Emily, tell her – and it didn’t work. He’ll make sure I don’t see the children.’

  ‘We’re taking the children with us,’ Emily said, in what she hoped was a calm, reassuring voice. ‘He won’t know where you are.’
/>   Amy put her hands over her face again and leaned against the wall for support. ‘He’ll find me. You don’t know what he’s like.’

  ‘We need to report this to the police—’ Sophie started to say but she was silenced by a yelp from Amy.

  ‘No! No! You mustn’t involve the police. I just couldn’t bear the shame. What if my mum and dad find out? And he’s a good father… he really is… he loves the children so much. And he loves me! He just…’ She stopped speaking suddenly, as if her words had run out.

  Sophie ushered Amy towards the kitchen, where they sat shakily either side of her at the table. ‘Look, Amy,’ she began, taking Amy’s hand in hers. It was freezing cold. ‘Do you love your children?’

  Amy frowned. ‘Of course I do. You know I do. Why would you ask that?’ She looked in confusion from Amy to Sophie.

  ‘She’s asking because it’s the reason that you are going to go upstairs and pack a bag. You are going to get the children up from their nap and you are going to put them in Sophie’s car…’

  Amy was shaking her head furiously all the time that Emily was speaking. Emily ignored her and continued calmly. ‘You are going to leave this house and you are going to leave Nick because it’s not safe for you to stay. If you love your children, as we both know you do, you won’t put them in harm’s way.’

  ‘He’d never hurt the children!’ Amy looked at Emily in disbelief.

  ‘He’s already hurt them,’ Sophie said gently. ‘Do you honestly think that by beating up their mother, he’s not hurting the children?’

  ‘But he doesn’t beat me up…’ Amy looked confused.

  ‘He might not punch you or kick you,’ Sophie said, tilting her head so that she could make eye contact with Amy. ‘But he’s violent towards you, isn’t he?’

  Amy blinked several times in quick succession. Emily held her breath. Amy had never admitted it before, maybe not even to herself. But Emily could understand why not. There was something terrifying about hearing the words spoken out loud. It somehow made it seem more real. ‘I… I’m not sure,’ she mumbled.

  ‘You’re scared of him, Amy,’ Sophie continued. ‘And there’s a reason why you’re scared of him. It’s not your fault. I’m scared of him too, and so is Emily…’

  Emily nodded ruefully. ‘It’s true. And we have nothing like your reason.’

  Amy’s head dropped. ‘I just haven’t got the guts to leave. I’m not like you two, I can’t stand on my own two feet. I’m useless.’

  Sophie reached out and lifted Amy’s chin. ‘You are not useless, Amy. He’s made you believe that you are but you’re not. You are a fantastic cook, a loving mother. You’re beautiful, clever, a great photographer and you are a very, very special friend to us. We love you and we’re worried about you. If you stay, you aren’t just condemning yourself to a life of violence and fear, but you’re condemning your children too. We know that’s not what you want. What damage do you think it must do to Megan to see her mum in such a state?’

  A large, fat tear ran down Amy’s porcelain cheek. ‘I don’t want that.’

  ‘We know you don’t, sweetie.’ Emily put her arm around Amy’s shoulder and rubbed her narrow back. ‘Do the right thing. Come with us now. It’s the best chance you’ll have.’

  ‘Where would we live? What would we live on?’ Amy shook her head as she spoke. ‘It’s impossible.’

  ‘You can live with me and I’ll support you until you get yourself together.’

  Emily looked at Sophie in admiration. It was a huge commitment she was taking on and yet she had absolutely no qualms.

  ‘No,’ Amy shrugged wearily. ‘I couldn’t do that, Sophie. You’ve got your own family…’

  ‘Yes, and I’ve spoken to Steve and he’s completely happy. Amy, I couldn’t have offered it a year ago, but now that we’ve moved into this new house, we have enough room for you. And… well, Nick hasn’t got a clue where it is so he won’t be able to find you.’

  ‘Oh, he’ll find me,’ Amy grimaced. ‘He’ll always find me.’

  Emily caught Sophie’s eye and gestured to her watch. She didn’t want a repeat of what happened last time. At least that bitch Suki wasn’t here this time.

  Sophie nodded. ‘Amy, you need to come with me now. I’m not leaving here without you and the children. It’s not safe for you to stay.’

  ‘Come on, Amy,’ Emily added. ‘This is the best chance you’ll get. Take it while you still can.’

  Amy looked from one to the other helplessly. ‘You’re not giving me a choice, are you?’

  Sophie shook her head. ‘No, we’re not. But you have to trust us. We are doing this for your own good – and for the good of Megan and George. Those children need their mum back. We need you back. Let’s go and get your things together.’ She stood up and looked down at Amy expectantly.

  Something in Amy’s face changed and set hard. She stood up and faced Sophie. ‘Do you promise me it will be OK?’

  Sophie blinked before replying. ‘Yes,’ she said, clearly and firmly. ‘I promise.’

  Amy nodded, holding Sophie’s gaze. ‘Then let’s go. But we’ll need to be quick. Suki’s due here at two.’

  Emily looked at the clock. It was just gone one. ‘We can pack and get out before then,’ she said, already heading for the stairs. ‘And that’s another reason why you need to leave, Amy. You can’t have that vile bitch anywhere near you or your children.’

  ‘You’re right,’ Amy said, suddenly energized as she climbed the stairs two at a time. ‘I hate her.’

  Emily and Sophie both laughed.

  The journey to Sophie’s house took over an hour. George slept in his car seat while Megan curled up in Amy’s lap and sucked her thumb. Emily watched her, noticing that even at the tender age of two and a half she looked troubled.

  Amy had quickly returned to being a quivering wreck, after almost an hour of seemingly superhuman energy, in which she packed up all her own things, as well as the cornucopia of baggage that accompanied each of the children. Once it was loaded into Sophie’s SUV and they had pulled out of the drive, she seemed to deflate like a popped balloon. Silent tears began to pour down her cheeks and dissolve into Megan’s dark hair.

  Steve came out of the front door as they arrived. He peered into the back seat at Amy and the children. ‘You made it then.’

  ‘Yes.’ Sophie got out the car and gestured towards them. ‘No hiccoughs, thank God.’

  ‘Are you sure this is OK, Steve?’ Amy’s voice was small and croaky as she leaned forward.

  ‘I’m absolutely certain,’ Steve said, throwing Amy an encouraging smile as he began to quietly unload the car. Emily watched him, envy scorching through her body. Sophie was so lucky to have him. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have that sort of support. Yes, she had her mum and dad but it just wasn’t the same as having a partner to help with everything. Sighing to herself, she unstrapped George’s car seat and carried the still-sleeping baby into the house.

  Inside, it was big, light and airy. It had all the same luxury of Amy’s house without the added tension. And it looked lived-in, unlike Amy’s, which had always seemed like a show house, rather than a family home. Emily looked up at the vaulted glass ceiling at the back of the kitchen, thinking how different it was to her boring little B&Q kitchen in her boring little flat. It made her sad to think that Jack would probably never live somewhere like this, with a pretty garden that stretched into the distance, and a trampoline and swings for the children to play on. Now that she thought about it, she didn’t ever remember seeing any toys in Amy’s garden. Nick probably thought they were too messy.

  ‘Are you OK, Em?’ Sophie was behind her.

  Emily turned and nodded. ‘I am. I’m relieved it’s over.’

  Sophie glanced at Amy, who was sitting at the kitchen table with Megan, feeding her a biscuit. ‘I’m not sure it’s over. In fact, I’ve got a feeling this might just be the beginning.’

  ‘I think what you’re doing f
or her is incredible, Soph.’ Emily reached out and hugged her. ‘You’re a good friend.’

  ‘So are you. We’re lucky to have each other.’

  Emily smiled, ‘Anyway, I’d better be off. They’re going to be OK, aren’t they?’

  ‘They’ll be fine.’

  Emily walked over to where Amy was sitting. Megan had climbed onto her lap again and the two of them made a pitiful sight. Amy looked dazed, her eyes not quite focusing, and Megan was sucking her thumb again. Beside them on the floor, in his car seat, George slept on, oblivious. ‘Look, Amy, I’ve got to go, but I’ll come back at the weekend, OK?’

  Amy nodded mutely.

  Emily crouched down so that she was at eye level with her. ‘This is the right thing for you, Amy. For all three of you. Sophie and Steve will look after you and you don’t have to be scared any more, OK?’

  Amy nodded again but her gaze was vacant and unseeing.

  Emily reached up and ruffled Megan’s hair. ‘I’ll see you very soon, sweetie, OK? And I’ll bring you something nice when I come back.’

  Megan shrank even further into Amy’s stomach but she managed a wary smile.

  Emily stood up again. ‘So, bye for now. Bye, Steve,’ she called.

  Steve broke off from where he was making tea and came over to Emily. ‘Bye, Em,’ he said, giving her a hug. ‘Well done.’

  Sophie motioned to him to follow her and Emily out into the hall. ‘Let’s keep in touch. If we hear anything from Nick, we’ll let you know…’

  ‘And I’ll do the same,’ Emily said, shivering slightly at the prospect. ‘Might be a good idea to take her phone too?’

  ‘Done it already. I’m hoping she won’t notice until the worst is over.’

  The first text came from Sophie a few hours later.

  He’s ringing her constantly. I only listened to the first voicemail…


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