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Page 4

by Morgan Hawke

  Bryn wrapped her arms around his neck "Wait, my car..."

  "Don't you worry, we'll take care of that, Nick, why don't you start the water."

  Nick nodded. "Good idea."

  Conner carried her through the bedroom and Bryn caught a look at the massive bed. It was so big there was barely enough room to walk around it. The glassed-in shower had two showerheads and was large enough to hold four people comfortable. Nick walked into the glassed room and started the water in both showers.

  Bryn snorted. "Humble, my ass..."

  Conner raised a brow. "What was that?"

  "Your TV and living room furniture may be old, but that bed and this shower looks state of the art."

  "I had them installed." Conner shrugged. "Just because I like my privacy does not mean that I am willing to give up my creature comforts."

  Bryn was set on her feet in the shower and under the double spray. She hissed. It felt like a thousand tiny fingers were caressing her at the same time. Her nipples tightened violently and her body clenched. A wave of sensual heat snaked up from her belly. Her whole body trembled with sudden intent.

  Nick grabbed her before she could fall. "Are you all right?"

  Bryn moaned. "You're not going to believe this, but I think the water is about to make me cum again." She gave him a helpless smile. "Sorry, I'm not normally this sensitive..."

  Conner laughed. "There is no reason to be sorry that we excite you, but we're in here to clean you up, so you're simply going to have to wait until we're done."

  Bryn snorted. "That's what you think, I'm right on the edge."

  Nick's smile blazed. "That sounds like a challenge."

  Conner rolled his eyes. "Now you've gone and done it. Nick can resist anything, but a challenge."

  Bryn smiled. "I'm good with challenges."

  Nick licked his lips and the tips of his fangs gleamed under the light. "Are you now?"

  Bryn nodded. "Try me."

  Conner handed Nick a washcloth and the soap. "Shall we begin?"

  Armed with washcloths and soap, they attacked her with a will. The nubby cloth blazed across her sensitive skin and somehow, they found a way to plunder and soap every inch of her skin while conspiring to keep her from touching herself in any way.

  Bryn's gasps and moans were punctuated by masculine laughter. She tried everything, from squeezing her thighs to getting the water to strike her just right to bring herself off, but they caught her every time she got close enough to the edge to climax.

  By the time they rinsed the soap away from her, and from themselves; Bryn was ready to scream.

  Conner gave Nick a feral smile. "I think we've tortured our Bryn long enough, don't you?"

  Nick knelt in front of her, grinning demonically. "Say: please, and we'll give you what you want."

  Bryn set her jaw. "Give me two seconds and I can do it myself."

  Conner leaned down and his lips brushed her ear. "I told you before, your job is to make sounds of pleasure. Our job is to make those sounds come out of your mouth. If you do it yourself, then we are not doing our part. Make Nick happy, say: please."

  Bryn sighed. "All right. Please."

  Nick raised a brow. "Please, what?"

  Bryn opened her mouth. Both men went very still and their expressions became intent, waiting on her answer. She glanced at one, then the other and frowned. Nick was positively vibrating with anticipation and Conner seemed just as tense. Their expressions were positively possessive. Something more was going on here then a simple sex game, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was.

  "Go on," Conner encouraged.

  Bryn shook her head, unable to think past her body's voracious need for satisfaction. I'll have to think on this later, when I'm not so keyed up.

  She looked at Nick's hungry expression. "Please Nick, let me cum."

  Nick gave her a smile that reeked of pure male satisfaction. "My pleasure." He took a hard nipple into his mouth. His teeth lightly pinched her tender flesh.

  Bryn gasped. Fire blazed from her nipple straight down to her core. "God!" She felt Nick's fingers brush then flick against her swollen clit. He thrust two fingers up into her and suddenly she was bucking uncontrollably on his hand.

  "Come now, Bryn," Conner said softly.

  She came, whimpering then howling under the brutal wave of pleasure that raged through her. Spent, she collapsed against him, her knees shaking with exhaustion.

  Nick scooped her up into his arms. "Fuck yeah..."

  She barely felt the towels they used to scrub her dry and blinked blearily when they tucked her, pink and naked under the down comforter of their bed. She yawned and a thought tugged at her mind. If I didn't know better, I'd say they were attempting to voice train me to cum on command. She smiled. Ha! That only happens in fiction. She was asleep a moment later.

  Chapter Four

  ~ Pursuit ~

  Conner looked down on the sleeping girl then smiled at Nick. "Ready for another drink?"

  Nick nodded then scowled. "You mean chocolate don't you?" He rolled his eyes. I'll go heat the milk."

  "So Nick, what do you think of our Bryn?"

  Nick sat on the couch, wrapped in a thick towel. He frowned at the hot chocolate, but he drank it. "I've have never tasted anything like her..."

  "Bryn isn't an actress, dear Nick."

  Nick looked up at Connor. He was wrapped in another towel and actually drinking chocolate too. "What the hell have we got?"

  Connor threw an arm over the back of the couch. "Bryn is a writer."

  Nick scowled. "Not another damn screenplay -- "

  "No." Connor shook his head. "Not another damned screenplay scribbler. Bryn is a fiction novelist."

  "Which one?"

  Connor smiled. "Bryn Savage."

  "The vampire novelist? You're shitting me -- I love her shit!" Nick laughed softly and shook his head. "No wonder she didn't piss herself over the fangs!"

  "Thought you might like her."

  Nick's eyes narrowed to feral slits. "Can we keep her?"

  "I am considering it." Conner sipped at his steaming chocolate. "Writers are easier to keep than artists and they travel well. They do all their creating on a computer, or a laptop. They're easy to pack up and take with you if you need to spend months or years, on location."

  Nick leaned back on the couch. "You're right, she's perfect."

  Conner slanted a narrow look at him. "If we keep her, she'll need constant supervision."

  Nick's brows arched up. "What for?"

  Conner tilted his head toward the bedroom. "Her imagination is where all that fire comes from. Two many of us drinking from her will ruin her for writing."

  "God, I love her books, she can't stop writing."

  "No she can't. On top of that we'll have to be very careful not to drink too deep..."

  "Yeah, she'll lose her potency..."

  "No dear Nick, we'll get too young."

  Nick grinned. "I thought I was feeling really, really good... Your hair has a lot more blonde in it and your face looks a lot better."

  Connor nodded. "And you drank far deeper than I. I only took a mouthful. You had at least three whole swallows." Connor raised a brow. "Haven't you looked in the mirror? I'd say you lost about twenty years."

  Nick lunged from the couch and dashed to the bathroom. He came back digging his fingers through his sin-black hair. "What the fuck am I gonna do? I can't show up like this!"

  Connor pursed his lips. "We'll go back in a week or so, and do the same thing that singer turned actress did..."

  Nick grinned "The one with the tattoo across her ass?" Nick laughed out loud. "She spent a little too much time on that navel base."

  Connor nodded. "We'll simply tell them the same thing she did -- we had a little visit with the doctor."

  Nick shook his head. "Plastic surgery? They'll really fucking believe that?"

  Connor raised his chocolate. "Well, what else could it be?"

  Nick tilted his hea
d. "A week huh?"

  Connor nodded. "I'm sure Bryn won't mind."

  "With all that cum in her?" Nick snorted. "If we keep her a week, it'll take a month for the craving for our dicks to wear off."

  Connor smiled. "Personally, I have no intention of letting it wear off."

  Nick leaned forward. "So you are keeping her?" A long tooth pressed into a full lip. "Good."

  Conner scowled. "Considering all her books, I'm quite surprised that none of our associates discovered her."

  Nick snorted. "I'd say she's been damned lucky."

  Conner nodded. "Her luck was due to run out sooner or later. That talent of hers is far too rich to escape notice for long. You can read it on every page she writes."

  Nick curled his lip. "And now she's ours."

  Conner pursed his lips. "I'll move her in with me. The house in Colorado is big enough and the security is tight. Even so, it will take considerable effort on both our parts to keep her from accidental discovery."

  Nick leaned back. "Once they see our faces, they're going to figure out what we have."

  "Yes, but they do not need to meet her." Conner sipped his chocolate. "I'd rather not let the others catch even her scent. Too many of them are not above kidnapping, so we will need to keep tight security around her. That means she does not go anywhere near California without one of us, and she does not get taken to parties. She'll have to stay with you when I have a producer house party and vice versa."

  Nick nodded. "It'll be my pleasure. I have a spare suite..."

  Connor raised a brow. "You'll have to rid yourself of that actress."

  Nick curled his lip. "I'll kick her out of my house as soon as I get back."

  Connor leveled a narrow gaze at Nick. "I will not see Bryn changed in any way, she stays just the way she is. No surgery."

  "The way she tastes? With those tits and that ass? No problem!" Nick frowned. "But how long can we really keep her? She only has a mortal lifespan..."

  Conner snorted. "I have no problems donating the occasional mouthful of blood to keep her exactly as she is."

  Nick's brows rose. "Shit, I forgot we could do that..."

  "You forgot?" Conner snorted. "That little trick is in every vampire movie Hollywood makes."

  Nick scowled. "I prefer comedies."

  Conner nodded. "And it shows."

  Nick curled his lip showing a long tooth. "Will you get off my ass?"

  "As soon as I know you don't need me to ride it."

  The door buzzer was an annoying interruption.

  Connor rose from the couch. "That'll be Ed for Bryn's keys." He grabbed the thick black robe tossed over the end of the couch. "I'll be right back."

  * * * *

  Bryn snapped awake. The convention! She lifted her head from the pillows. Nick was sprawled face down on one side of her with the comforter tucked under his hip. One long leg was out and curled on top of the covers. Conner was lying on his back on the other side of her. Both of them were fast asleep, and utterly still. They were also decades younger. Nick's hair had gone coal black and brushed his shoulders. The gray was gone, and so was the receding hairline. His face was brutally handsome. Conner had a pronounced amount of pale blonde in his long silver mane and his face had smoothed into a sinful sensuality that was the trademark of his earlier movies. Both of them were displaying an indecent and mouth-watering amount of virile chest and shoulders.

  Bryn swallowed then eased out from under the covers. Every female she knew would gladly spend the entire weekend, if not longer, shacked up with these two, but her agent had made dire threats toward her publishing career if she didn't show for this convention. She'd skipped out on one too many book-signings already. The ultimate fantasy or not, she still had bills to pay. Cautiously she made her way to the foot of the bed. Sorry guys, I'd really love to stay, but I got to go!

  Bryn padded naked and barefoot, out to the living room and found her clothes neatly folded on the TV set. A peek out the window revealed broad daylight and her Saturn parked outside with her tire-chains on. Bryn stared at her car. She was out of excuses to stay. At least she got to share one night of incredible sex with the two hottest men in Hollywood.

  * * * *

  The jingle of tire-chains woke Conner from a sound sleep. He looked over and Bryn was not in the bed. He strode for the window and peeked out. "Shit!" Conner grabbed for his pants. "Nick, get up."

  Nick jerked awake and rolled over. "Huh? Hey, where's our little sex-toy?"

  "I think I just heard her leave. Her car is gone."

  "What?" He fell back onto the pillows. "Damn it! There goes the whole fucking weekend."

  Conner pulled a thick sweater over his head. "We need to catch up with her before she gets to that convention."

  "Why? We can catch her at home..."

  Conner turned to face Nick and pulled his hair back into a tail. "It's a science fiction convention she's going to."

  "Yeah? So?"

  "There's a certain television actor she does not need to meet." Conner pulled on some socks. "Does Star Convoy ring any bells?"

  Nick sat up. "Fuck... Isn't one of the Irish piss-ants is in that?"

  Conner leveled a cold predatory gaze at Nick. "Yes, Boyd."

  "Son of a bitch!" Nick swung out of bed and grabbed for clothes. "That sorry sack of shit doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone but himself. He'll eat her alive."

  Conner stomped into his boots. "If he smells us on her, he'll destroy her just for having been with us."

  "That sniveling shit..." Nick bared long teeth and dragged his pants on. "Because we killed his movie career after he sucked that composer's talent dry."

  Conner passed Nick his dark sunglasses. "Bryn doesn't stand a chance against him."

  In less than ten minutes, they were in Conner's SUV and speeding toward the pass.

  Conner frowned at the road. "We're not going to catch her on the road. We'll have to find her at the hotel and get her out of there." He tossed his cell phone into Nick's lap. "As soon as we get in range, call Bess, my secretary. We need to know what hotel the convention is in, and where Bryn Savage is signing books."

  Nick scowled at Conner. "Damn it! That little dick-wipe will sniff her out as soon as she walks into the hotel."

  "Which is why we are hurrying." Conner smiled grimly. "At least she will know what he is as soon as he gets in range. I just hope she's clever enough to avoid him until we can get there."

  "What? How? We never warned her to watch out for pricks like him."

  "During the feeding, she felt us riding her orgasm, remember? That arrogant shit stinks of scavenger. She should feel what he is without too much trouble."

  "You do know what's gonna happen to us once we walk in there?" Nick swiped a hand down his face. "We're going to get eaten alive by rabid fans."

  Conner scowled. "We'll just have to lie."

  "Lie?" Nick choked out a laugh. "We don't stand a virgin's chance in Hollywood, of fooling anyone!"

  Conner raised a brow. "You forget, all our most recent pictures show us as severely old farts. We look decades younger. We'll just tell everyone that we're the understudies."

  Nick grinned. "Or stunt men."

  Conner raised his brow. "You never had a stunt man, you did your own bone-headed stunts."

  Nick sneered. "They don't know that."

  * * * *

  As soon as she got in her hotel room, Bryn used her cell phone to call her agent. "Paula, this is Bryn, I'm here, and I'm getting ready now."

  "Where the hell have you been? The dealer's room has been open since nine and it's eleven, you already missed one book-signing appointment!"

  "I was stuck in the snow on the mountain." Bryn tucked the phone under his chin and pulled an outfit from her suitcase. Everything she had was icy cold from being outside all night.

  "Snow? There was no snow here."

  Bryn scowled. "Well, there was snow on the mountain, and I got stuck in it. If you don't believe me there's still a fo
ot of it sitting on the roof of my car." She pulled the iron and ironing board from the hotel closed. Thank goodness for four-star hotels! She could warm her clothes by ironing them.

  "Fine! Get dressed in something sexy and get down here, there's someone I want you to meet."

  "Who?" Bryn put her leather pants back, can't iron those. Frowning, she pulled out her long black gown of semi-sheer cotton with the buttons down the front, and the low neckline. The black sequins and jet beads looked iridescent under the light. This'll do... "Who, Paula?"

  "A fan. He wants to see if you'll write a few episodes for his show. He was here all morning but he had to leave to go do autographs and a guest panel for the Sci-Fi channel."

  "What show?" Bryn pulled out her stockings and her Fredrick's bustier. She went with silk panties rather than a g-string; her crotch was still a little sensitive from last night.

  "It's for Star Convoy."

  Bryn frowned. "I don't know, Paula. I'm in the middle of another novel and it's under contract..." Star Convoy was not one of her favorites. She preferred the one about the space station, but that program already had a world-class writer. Probably why I like it better, those episodes actually have real plots.

  "Are you out of your mind? Do you realize how much money this will bring you?"

  Bryn scowled and set her high-heeled shoes on the bed. "Paula, I don't write that kind of stuff and I have no idea how to write a script..."

  "You can learn."

  Bryn raised her brow. Paula was being awfully insistent. "Paula, how much of a finder's fee do you get, if I write for this guy?"


  "I see... Is this why you were determined to get me to this convention, you wanted me to meet this guy?"

  "Maybe. Look, writing for television would be great for your career -- "

  "Not to mention your bank account." Bryn tossed the semi-sheer cotton gown on the ironing board. Ironing around the beading took concentration, and both hands. "Look, I need to finish getting ready. We can talk about this when I get down there."


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