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Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm

Page 23

by J. Michael Fluck

  Senator Gindren pounded the hammer to call for a vote to address a tax increase and a cut to the military’s budget. The measure was defeated handily. “Ladies and Gentlemen, we will now address the next grouping of issues to include the recent series of events outside our borders, specifically the almost open state of hostilities with the kingdom of Shidan and their undeclared naval war. This includes the intense amount of pirating taking place as well as the Morgathian-tied battles in the unsettled lands surrounding Battle Point. The issue is, do we declare war with Shidan and possibly renew open hostilities with their Morgathian supporters, or pursue the Enlightened course of action and send another peace diplomatic envoy, as the last one sent was turned away,” Gindren announced after the last vote, to call on another debate. “We will hear from the chief of the diplomatic corps and General Becknor to give the senate the latest updates on recent developments,” he finished and nodded to the diplomatic corps representative to the senate.

  “Thank you, Senator Gindren. I will start in our most troubled spot, the Southern Ontaror region. As you all know of the failed military venture by Shidan against the kingdom of Ian two years ago, since then, King Ibliss has been attempting a two-front approach: one by whipping up a fervor against our small ally Ian, with all the neighboring kingdoms in that region based on their religious connection, and the other by sanctioning, supporting, and manning this open pirate war to finance their arms buildup. For even their gem and mineral wealth is not enough to satisfy Ibliss’s ambitions and lust for power. He is also starting trouble with the kingdoms of the Northern Ontaror region, in conjunction with the Arianans; most of those in Northern Ontaror are part of our Northern Confederation Defense Pact. The Ontaror Sea and the Straits have been constantly contested unless one of our fleets sails them to reinforce the warships of our allies.

  “The Canaris Twin Islands, or subcontinents, are currently engaged in a vicious civil war with the native tribes of both subcontinents fighting ferocious battles with their giant lizard armies. We believe that the Morgathians are supplying the northern and eastern tribes with weapons and refined dark crystal for their shamans. There are even reports of rogue black and green dragons aiding those Morgathian-friendly tribes. According to the Freiland raiders, who trade with the southern and western tribes, they are holding their own but are at a stalemate with the aid their enemies are receiving. We also believe that this war was instigated by the Morgathians because of deposits of dark crystal that have been found on both islands. They and the Shidanese have been taking the eggs and young of the giant long-neck thunder lizards, likely for food for the growing number of chromatics and the burgeoning orc tribes.

  “The archipelago chain island kingdoms are in trouble and falling into lawlessness. Their leaders are apparently weakening due to Morgathian and pirate provocation, as well as Shidan and Arianan strong-arming. While they do not have a substantial army or navy, they can cause trouble in that part of the southern sea, and they can definitely harbor a substantial number of pirate and Morgathian warships. Helping the islands that are still friendly to the Alliance is paramount.

  “We all know of the recent fights in the Battle Point region, especially the battle at Handsdown, where our legion stationed out there defeated a whole Morgathian army group and several wings of chromatics, with the help of Draden, Eladran, and the Capital Weirs,” he said as he looked over at Gallanth and the Draden Weir crew. “This escalation of aggression, as well as the current gathering of the fire giants in the Smoking Mountains has us deeply concerned. Additionally, the introduction of several new species of evil creatures seen in these battles, the reinforcement by the drow, and the power of these new unholy hybrid demon chromatic dragons leads us to believe that there is some sort of plot or at least coordination with all these groups. The Kaskar tribes are also starting trouble in the unsettled lands with several small skirmishes with the Northern Ontaror kingdoms and even with our forces in Battle Point.

  “On a more positive note, the Freilanders are doing an excellent job in helping the Alliance Navy fight this pirate threat and have been instrumental in supplying intelligence to us in the darker areas of the Southern Seas. The Southlanders are also strong in their resolve against the current threat, and the people of Ian are defiant in the face of a massive array of forces that surround them. The Ontaror Confederation is holding, but I fear weakening. I would now like to introduce the Freiland ambassador Ragnarg, who has a few words for the senate body,” he finished his brief summary of current events.

  “Thank you, Ambassador; I would first like to thank the Alliance Navy and the weirs for their support in this undeclared war on the seas that we are currently fighting. Without your arms and the power of the dragons, the losses among our raider ships would be a hundredfold more,” the white-bearded former raider stood and spoke out; his studded leather armor was well maintained and polished as was his raider sword, with the traditional sea serpent dragon on the pommel. “We are, right now, fighting a wide variety of pirates that have been enlisted by the Shidanese and the Morgathians to conduct raids on all merchant shipping they find. Strangely enough, even the Morgathian warships we have fought mount the standard of the Blood Wolf pirate flag. They refuse to fight the Alliance Navy; they’re ready to scuttle their ships rather than face capture. On the vessels we did manage to take, we find a great deal of gold, copper, and drow platinum coming from Morgathia and Shidan. There are large amounts of goods, foodstuffs, and dark crystal going back. We have also noticed that when we sail with the Ianese fleet, they are attacked with particular vigor. While not the best seaman, they are good fighters and prove their worth.

  “The undersea war between the saragwin and the tritons—that we Freilanders call mermen—have been getting more vicious. The sea devils are also aligning with the kraken, which have taken several of our ships. Without the help of your bronze dragons and wizards, we would have suffered many more dead among our warriors. This is what leads me, on behalf of King Richion, to request from the Dragon Alliance Republic, at least one dragon, preferably a bronze dragon or dragons, with their affinity for the sea, to be permanently stationed in Freiland. The dragons would answer to the Alliance, of course, with our coordination in matters of dealing with major threats. This sharing of dragon friendship will strengthen the ties between our two nations, provide greater protection to our raider ships, and aid our cause against these current and future threats,” he finished and sat down to a small round of applause.

  “Now that our barbarian ambassador is finally finished, I would like to address a common theme that was brought to light in both these statements. In particular, meaning the connection with our dealings with the kingdom of Ian. Our unfettered support of this small insignificant land is likely the main reason why the Shidanese have been encouraging the hostilities we have noticed in the Southern Seas. If we would disavow our defense pact with them, that would appease the Shidanese and Arianans. It is a simple matter and easy point of negotiation, for if placed in a peaceable diplomatic environment, the reasonable rulers of Shidan will see our noble intentions, and we can resolve this matter in true Enlightened fashion,” the POE Senator Bidenj from the Ice Bay region arrogantly stated, to which Ragnarg stood with his hand on his sword hilt almost ready to challenge the senator to a duel for his statements, but his assistant calmed him down as did a nod from Senator Orhanch, who stood to address the senate.

  “Senator Gindren, may I address the good Enlightened senator’s comments?” he asked.

  “Yes, please proceed,” Gindren answered the scholarly senator from the Eladran Province.

  “First, I would like to say of the shame it is for us, as the leadership of the Alliance, to talk of abandoning the only republic-oriented kingdom in the Southern Ontaror Region. Ian has been a fierce ally to the Alliance in an area where we have few friends other than our neighboring Ismer Emirates. The mere fact that a free kingdom sits among those oppressive dictatorial
and theocratic states is a thorn in their back side, and they would love to drive them into the Southern Sea or annihilate them altogether. To abandon the Ianese would be the ultimate act of betrayal and cowardice, but then I am sure that this is a common practice among the Enlightened,” at which a rise of disgruntled shouts and murmurs rose from the POE senators, to which Gindren pounded his hammer to regain order and composure in the hall and allow Senator Orhanch to continue.

  “This is not to mention the proliferation of the chromatic dragons and giants that are apparently being harbored by Shidan, Ariana, and even some of the Kaskar tribes. These are all plaguing the middle kingdoms and provinces of Northern Ontaror with ever-increasing raids and incursions. Our very motto of ‘Truth, Justice, Honor, and Strength’ negates the dishonoring of a defense treaty. As far as negotiation, you can’t negotiate with evil, for when you do, evil always wins. They don’t compromise; they only lie in negotiations. And appeasement never—and I repeat never—works. Even this Kallysh religious fervor that has swept across that region and into the archipelago island kingdoms, in its present extremist form, is not tolerant of any others, even the moderates within their own populations.

  “The religion of the Triad, which we have here and in many other lands, teaches peace and selfless sacrifice. This is exemplified in the sacrifice the Creator’s own spirit made in an attempt to mend the rift between the metallics and the chromatics. Even after a violent execution, his spirit dematerialized and reappeared here in Draconia, where he talked of faith before he ascended. That is true negotiation, not capitulation.

  “So now, I give a warning to all gathered Enlightened senators and your mindless followers. Appeasement has never and will never work. It will only lead to greater bloodshed, innocent blood, which will be on your hands, and you can be absolutely sure that you will be held accountable,” Orhanch finished to the thunderous applause that even included a congratulatory salute from Gallanth and Valianth in Draconic.

  “This outrageous point of view is as barbaric as our Freilander allies. Peace and understanding are the answer. Greeting our misunderstood antagonists with open hands, not swords or dragon claws, is the only way to proceed. Negotiations with promises of compromise and gifts, to accommodate their ways and beliefs into our own, to demonstrate our noble intentions, is the only way!” Senator Bidenj shouted.

  Orhanch quickly countered, “Fools! Negotiations only work from strength. What you are proposing goes against human nature, and never does nature say one thing and wisdom another. Negotiations only work among reasonable people. You can negotiate with metallic dragons, elves, dwarves, the Freilanders, maybe even the Northern Ontaror kingdoms—not the Shidanese, not the Morgathians, not the orc tribes or the chromatics. I would like to see you approach them with open hands, for if you would be so foolish to do so, you would have them cut off. And if you would still persist in this maddening approach, you are of no more worth than chaff, and maybe even less consequential.”

  “I call on the word of our elven nobility to bring the wisdom of their years into this debate. King Denaris, Queen Eladra, do the elves not see, in their infinite wisdom, the futility of maintaining a warlike approach in the dealings with these misunderstood kingdoms? They are only hostile to the republic because of their fear of our so-called dragon benefactors,” Bidenj attempted to shift the debate, by bringing the elven rulers into the fray. For even though the POEs thought of themselves as the pinnacle of intellect, even they had to acknowledge that the elves, with their mastery of nature and magic, were a force to be reckoned with in any discussion or debate. While they disliked the elves, they also admired them for a multitude of reasons. The Enlightened begrudgingly admitted the superior intelligence of the elves but more envied them for their wealth and longevity. They, however, did distinctly dislike them in one sense, for they usually sided against most of the Enlightened points of view.

  “My dear Enlightened senator, I see your memory is as limited as your sense of honor, but now let me recall the last two thousand years of my life and our combined history. My husband and I aided your ancestors and forefathers in creating the great republic that is the Dragon Alliance. This was in coordination with, and oversight by, our illustrious metallic dragons. Without them, your entire society, and especially your trade guild, would fall. They are the wellspring of your security and prosperity, which somehow, in spite of the evidence that is plainly in front of you, in your irrelevant diminutive minds, you actually hold them in contempt. The elves, as always, stand with our dragon benefactors, their riders, and those with the wisdom and foresight among your peers to see us through this looming crisis. You ask for the elves’ thoughts, I will instead give you yours. Your whole philosophy is based on arrogance, condescension, and lies and you depend on your followers to be ignorant and gullible, for truth and knowledge are your worst enemies,” Eladra replied. As usual, she was quick to the point and as sharp as a mithril arrow.

  Bidenj, obviously frustrated at the reply from the elven queen, fired an irate response back, “My dear elf queen, you must also know that without the Alliance and the trade and merchant guilds, the independent elvish kingdom in Allghen Forest would not be as prosperous or even exist in its present state, so who is truly the wellspring of prosperity?” he retorted referring to the trade guilds that many of the more wealthy Enlightened controlled.

  “Senator, the elves have little need of your greed and avarice. We have existed as a kingdom under ourselves long before the formation of even the provinces of the weirs. We live to maintain the order of nature and of all living things, as well as to aid the noble metallic dragons in their cause. You and all your plotting, scheming, and shortsighted plans are as inconsequential and as temporary as a summer squall but unfortunately just as damaging,” Denaris spoke in a slightly irritated tone, as if scolding a child for doing a selfish act.

  “You arrogant, pointy-eared, and self—” Bidenj started to rant when he was interrupted by Valianth.

  “Senator! Ours is a world governed by the aggressive use of force. However, it is the application, motive, and intent of that use that truly matters. For it can be used for good or evil. The very nature of life is struggle, not a peace demonstration or Nature Purist festival. These things, while they can be said have a small portion of use, are inconsequential. They are only allowed to occur under the shield that the weirs, elves, dwarves, and Alliance military provide against the storm of evil and tyranny that would flood your lands if it were allowed. To deny this fact is to deny the very fabric of nature itself,” Valianth answered sternly in the powerful, almost frightening voice only a gold dragon could muster. It echoed against the stone walls of the great senate gathering hall. This caused the Enlightened senator to sit down, for none could withstand the stare of a gold dragon, unless they were totally shielded by the truth.

  “Senator Gindren, may I address the senate?” Premier Reagresh stood, his salt-and-pepper hair along with his imposing height giving his worn but commanding countenance a determined look.

  “Please, Premier, the floor is yours now that Valianth has cleared it of false air,” he answered.

  “To answer part of this argument, I will discontinue the flow of food and relief monies to Shidan, Ariana, and all those neighboring kingdoms that we deem are harboring pirates or chromatic dragons and are sponsoring violence against their neighbors and on the high seas. To recapitulate the words of our esteemed elf partners and noble Valianth, the purpose of great power is to protect the weak and to promulgate good. With few exceptions, kingdoms don’t have friends, they have interests. This is at their best; at their worst, they have devious intent—” Reagresh stated but was interrupted by Senator Tekend.

  “Premier, I request, no, I demand, that we send a special diplomatic envoy to Shidan to discuss the current situation of this so-called undeclared war at sea. For with the leadership of the Enlightened, I know we will find a peaceful compromise to this problem
,” Tekend stood and arrogantly stated in his thick accent.

  “First, Senator, you demand nothing; you request. But as a final compromise, I will authorize the diplomatic corps to arrange a reinforced envoy to the Shidanese capital, as one last attempt to settle this matter peaceably. I ask General Becknor and Valianth to escort the ambassadors in a sign of strength to demonstrate our intent. If the Shidanese do not agree, or we do not see results, then I will call on a vote for war with Shidan and their allies,” Reagresh was quick to seize the moment, for he knew that at present, the non-POE senators did not quite have the two-thirds majority needed to formally declare war. The weirs could still fight the Shidanese and likely wipe out their army and most of their navy, but without the support of the rest of the Alliance military, they could not sustain the fight. This would put too much strain on the dragons to provide the combat power and logistics to their forces for a prolonged campaign, not to mention that the weir legions were less than half of the total number of soldiers the regular Alliance Army possessed.

  While not ideal, or totally what the Enlightened wanted, Tekend agreed on one condition, “Premier Reagresh, I accept this offer, but I request the entire Capital Wing to escort my portion of the envoy for our protection.” This fit into their plan to keep the Capital Wing busy. Little did they know that the Morgathians and Shidanese had still other plans.

  “In the interest of diplomacy, the Capital Weir agrees to escort this envoy to the Shidanese capital, but let me state now, that we will not tolerate any aggression made against us and will answer such with incredible ferocity,” Becknor stated.

  Mkel asked Gallanth telepathically, “Gallanth, why don’t the dragons just lead us?” he asked half-jokingly, half-seriously.

  My dear rider, you know that our role is to guide and protect mankind, not to lead it. That would be the chromatics’ goal; plus how would your race learn, if not from your own mistakes? The gold dragon replied.


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