First Impressions

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First Impressions Page 6

by Aria Ford

  He unlocked the door and I slid in and then he was sitting behind the wheel. His face was bright red as he turned the key in the ignition and did some work with the pedals to get it to start. Then we were off.

  I felt my body heating up as I studied him. Those big shoulders, that strong jaw!

  “Uh… here we are.”

  “Oh.” I was barely looking at where we were – my whole body was on fire, shivering, as we got out of the car and we kissed again. I pressed myself against him and those strong arms wrapped me close.

  His kiss was passionate this time, his tongue thrusting between my lips with a searing intensity that made me shudder more. I was pressed hard to his lean, muscled chest, enfolded by those big, strong arms. I felt safe.

  We went upstairs in the darkness, and I felt my heart thumping with sweet excitement.

  “Here we are,” he said. He unlocked the door and let me in. He was hovering at the doorway shyly. I looked around. It was ordinary. The place hadn't really been upgraded since the late nineties, but other than that, there was nothing wrong with it. It was scrupulously neat. I noticed that first.

  “Welcome,” he said gently.

  Then he was on me. I felt the breath practically driven out of me as he crushed me against him, thrusting that lean, hard body against me. I was bruised by his kisses as they pressed against my lips. He pushed me against the door of the bedroom and I was surprised that I wasn't scared or threatened by his sheer powerful physicality. I liked it. I trusted him, though I couldn't have said exactly why.

  He led me to the bed and then we fell onto it. Like the front room, this room was also neat and almost monastic – there was a bed, a wardrobe and a little table. That was it. The bed was neat and clean and smelled fresh-washed.

  He pushed me down against it and his tongue thrust into my mouth. His body was pulsing against mine and I had a hard time restraining myself from starting to undress him. I sensed he would want to be the one to make the first move. His hands moved down my body and to my shirt.

  As he started unbuttoning me, I felt a sweet throbbing excitement. The passion in his kisses and the way he was looking at me was easily the most thrilling thing ever. I felt wanted in a way I never had before.

  He finished with the buttons and then tore off my underwear, bending down to take my breasts into his mouth. He kissed the nipples, then sucked them. My body was pulsing as his tongue worked expertly on them. I felt myself melting.

  His hands were everywhere. With surprising ease they undid the fastening of my pants and drew them down. I shivered as the cool air caressed my legs. Then he was stripping my undies in a single stroke.

  I lay on the bed before him. When he sat back and looked down at me, I was surprised. I hadn't expected him to take any time before devouring me.

  “You're... stunning.”

  I smiled. His gaze wandered over me and I felt amazing. His longing was written on his face and it was like an intoxicating draft. I wanted him so much.

  I felt his hand slowly slide down my belly and stop. I let my thighs move gently apart and when he moved his hand lower I gasped. He stroked down and touched me there, letting his fingers slide into my warmth. I gasped.

  He pushed them into me gently and I felt my body explode with longing. As he touched me I had to grit my teeth to stop myself climaxing.

  He looked down at me a little dazedly. I nodded.

  Then he was undressing. He took off his shirt and then pants with surprising alacrity. He knelt down and gently guided himself into me.

  I almost screamed as that full, throbbing cock thrust into me. I widened my stance and changed the angling of my hips, awed by how good this felt. I had never felt such a satisfying thrust before. And then there was another. And another.

  I was floating on an ocean of longing, my eyes closed, the thrust of my hips meeting his as he pushed right inside me and then almost withdrew.


  I couldn't believe just how beautiful she was.

  I had been imagining what she looked like under those clothes, I admitted to myself, since shortly after first seeing her. Now I knew.

  My imagination was flawed.

  There was no way I could have imagined this good.

  Her breasts were big and full, with big, pink nipples that ached for touching. Her belly was pale and led down to the sweet parting of her thighs. Her thighs were generous, womanly. She was a real woman, with soft, scented skin and a body that begged to be touched.

  It felt weird, to look down at her lying naked on my bed. I wanted her so badly, but at the same time I felt almost shy. I felt as if she was too beautiful, too much. As if she'd somehow appeared there by mistake and someone would call it all off at the last moment. Remind me that she couldn't possibly be there, that such amazing things didn't have any place in my hard, painful life.

  I couldn't quite believe it when she nodded to me. And when I knelt between her thighs I had a hard time controlling my shaking. I thrust into her.

  I had never felt anything so good in my life. Wet and clinging, she enfolded me.

  I pushed in and pulled out, loving the sounds of pleasure she made. We were moving in harmony and I was almost blind with the intensity of what I was feeling. I felt at once the sweet ache that built inside me and a strange, loved sensation. Like I was coming home.

  I pushed and thrust and moved and we were moving together in a way I had never imagined before.

  Her cry was like my own – untamed and uncontrolled – and we both collapsed together.

  I lay on top of her, surrounded by her scent. I couldn't really feel anything because my head was floating in a cloud of bliss.

  Later, when I rolled off her and she nestled closer to me I thought I might actually die of sensory overload. She was soft, and warm, and just having her there made me feel wanted and safe and loved. Things I'd never felt before.

  I kissed the side of her head, breathing in the scent of her hair. I must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I knew was her snuggling closer and the light of the window falling onto my lids and telling me it was morning.



  When I woke up I was pleasantly warm. My belly had a sweet ache in it. I remembered why. Jared.

  I snuggled close to him, feeling the warmth of his body beside me. His arm was under my head and I felt so safe, supported by his strong shoulder.

  I looked up at his face. His eyes were open and he was looking at the ceiling with a kind-of amazed expression. He caught me looking at him and tensed, then smiled.

  “Mm. Hello.”

  I smiled and stroked his soft, pale hair. It felt good under my hand. Fresh-washed and soft.

  “Hello,” I said.

  He rolled over and held me in his arms. “I'm...” he laughed.

  “What?” I asked.

  He grinned. “I don't know what to say.”

  I smiled and stroked his head. “Me neither.”

  Amazingly, I didn't. For a lawyer, being struck speechless is a surprising thing. I had literally no idea how to put any words to what I felt right now. I felt good. Amazing. I felt as if my body had been taken apart piece by piece, cleaned and oiled and reassembled in a revitalized, glowing way.

  I was happy.

  I rolled over and stretched. Sat up.

  “It's sunny out.”

  He grinned. He was leaning back on the headboard. He looked pleased too.


  “What?” I teased. He had such a naughty look in those stunning eyes.

  “I don't know what to say.”

  I smiled at him. I knew how he felt. I had no idea what to say either. All I knew was that I was so, so happy.

  I rolled over and kissed him. “I'm speechless.”

  He laughed. His eyes were twinkly. I took time to study that handsome face. Long, straight nose, long eyes with wrinkles just starting at the corners. Full lips. There was some scarring on his face, I noticed – a long scar, ba
rely visible in daylight, that ran down his forehead. I wanted to ask about it, but I felt it wasn't the right time. He would tell me about it one day, I felt sure.

  “I should get to work,” he said, stretching and sitting up again.

  “I guess.” I grinned. “I should go back.”


  We kissed again. My body was already stirring with desire for him. I had never experienced anything as good as what we did together. I shivered with pleasure just thinking of it. My body lit up like a candle and I wanted more.

  “I should go,” I said raggedly.

  I pulled myself away and started to dress.

  He stood up and slipped out of bed. I couldn't help that, as I got ready to go, my eyes wandered over that stunning body. He had big shoulders, rippling with muscle. They had developed heavily during yard-work at his new job, I guessed. When he moved, it seemed as though he danced, he was so lean and graceful. His narrow waist and strong legs only added to the impression.

  He is stunning.

  I felt my cheeks burn with delicious pleasure as I watched him. He didn't know I was watching him, or he'd probably have been self-conscious. But as it was, the sheer animistic grace of him made my body ache.

  I tore my gaze away and finished dressing.

  When I was done, I hastily ran my fingers through my hair, trying to flatten it out and reorder it into some style.

  “Would you like to shower?” He asked. He pointed me in the direction of the shower, attached to the bedroom. I shook my head.

  “It's late already. I should go. I'll shower at home.”

  He shrugged. “I guess you're right.”

  I was already getting ready to go, even though I didn't want to. I looked round the room.

  “My handbag?”

  “In the front room.”

  I nodded and headed out, realizing I'd left it on the table out of habit. He followed me through. His expression was surprisingly stark.

  “Have a good day,” he said shyly. I looked into those eyes, noting with some surprise that he looked sad. I felt my own heart hurt. I didn't want to just walk out either.

  Impulsively, I came over and kissed him. My heart flipped as his tongue gently, sweetly explored me. Then he moved back.

  “I should go,” I said again.

  “Mm,” he nodded. “See you sometime?”

  My throat hurt. I nodded. “I guess.”

  He smiled a little sadly and my heart wrenched.


  He nodded and waved and I walked out of the apartment feeling as if something inside me had just broken.

  I walked blindly onto the side-walk and realized I didn't know where I was. That was dumb.

  Come on, Darby! Look for landmarks.

  I walked up the side-walk, trying to reach a higher vantage point. The neighborhood was surprisingly relaxed and felt safe. Which was good. I was feeling a little raw this morning and I didn't want to face any extra trouble.

  The road followed a gentle incline up. When I reached the top, I looked around. I could see the spire of a church that I knew was in the center of the town. That was good. That gave me direction.


  I had my phone with me, though the battery was a little low – about forty percent. I reckoned it was enough to get me to the center of town. I noticed some notifications – two missed calls. They were both from home – one from my uncle's place, one from Alex. I sighed. I knew they must have been worried. I closed my eyes, imagining the explaining I'd have to do. But for now, I had to walk into town. I'd make a plan from there. My car was still outside the restaurant. I would drive it back. That would do me just fine.

  I keyed in the name of the restaurant where we'd been – it was in the town center. Then I asked Google Maps for directions and set off.

  The walk took half an hour and while I walked, I mused about the day. I had never felt quite this good in my life before. The post-coital glow had never been like this. My whole body sang.

  When I walked into town, I stopped, looking around. The main square was empty and I found a bench and sat down heavily. I was drained. I hadn't had breakfast, but it wasn't just my body that felt drained. I was sad.

  I was sad about the thought of missing him.

  I laughed.

  “Come on, Darby.”

  This was ridiculous. I had met the guy three days ago. We'd had sex once. Okay, it was amazing, but that shouldn't make me feel like this. What had gotten into me?

  I had no idea. All I knew was that it made me feel happy. Really happy.

  And thinking of never seeing him again made me feel sad.

  I sighed. Imagining what anyone I knew would think of what I just did made me feel sobered. I couldn't tell Alex. I couldn't tell my family. I certainly couldn't tell my friends. What would they think of me?

  It shouldn't have mattered to me, I knew. But it did. He wasn't like me. He was from here, from this place and this time. I shouldn't think about it as anything other than that. My experience of the wild North. I should just forget about him.

  I took out my phone, blinking, and focused on the screen. I still had about thirty percent of the battery. I knew where the restaurant was. I didn't need to use the maps for that. My eye caught the profile picture on WhatsApp from where I'd texted him yesterday.

  Damn you for being so sweet.

  Somehow I felt mad at him for the effect he had on me – for the way my heart flipped when I saw him, not just my body tightening with longing. I wanted him and I also liked him. A lot, I knew.

  I swore and stood, heading to my car.

  I was not going to let myself get involved. Not again. And certainly not with the most unsuitable man I could ever imagine.

  When I sat down at the wheel my eyes were blurred, but focused. I knew I was crying and I couldn't understand why. I should be happy. I'd just had a surprising night. But the emotional load was quite strong.

  I blinked, frustrated, put my foot down and sped back to the ranch.

  “Darby!” My brother greeted me when I walked in. “There you are!”

  I felt instantly tense. I had spent some time neatening up – applying some makeup, combing my hair, doing some rearranging of my clothing – so no-one would be likely to guess where I'd been or what I'd been up to.

  “Yes,” I said. “I, um... had trouble with the car again. I had to stay in the center overnight.”

  He frowned. “Darby! You should have called me. I was so worried about you! I could have fetched you...”

  He trailed off, evidently noticing a look on my face. I had no idea how I was looking at him, except that I felt mad and frustrated and impatient at him for babying me like this. It must have shown.

  “Hey. Sorry,” he said.

  I blinked savagely, trying to stop the tears from falling. Hell, what was wrong with me?

  “It's okay.”

  I tried not to sound impatient with him and I turned and walked to the stairs, feeling my eyes damp.

  “I can help, Darbs. What is it?”

  “Nothing,” I said. I reached my bedroom door. “I'm just fine.”

  When I got there I sat on the bed and cried. I had no idea what was up with me.

  I think it's because I'm happy. I was happy – because of Jared – and sad, too, because I knew that anything besides that one night with him was an impossible dream.



  I remembered something the next morning. It was a memory I thought I had forgotten. As I rode out with the other guys, it was right before my eyes as if I was living it again.

  “You're worthless, boy.”

  My father had said that. It was when he was drunk, so maybe I shouldn't have listened so much to what he said. But I had. He'd just been shouting at my mom again. I'd gone to confront him.

  I paused, licking my lips. I was fourteen years old. My father was a full-grown, heavily-built guy. He smelled of cheap drink and engines and violence.

nbsp; “I don't like what you do,” I began slowly.

  He'd laughed at me. “What're you gonna do about it?” he'd asked. “Tell the police?”

  I blinked, blinking back tears of anger.

  “Maybe,” I said. My lip trembled. I might have been defying him, but I was terrified of him too.


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