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by Douglas Brinkley

  “Can the World Be Saved?” segments, 430–31, 432, 438

  and Carter presidency, 527, 534

  censorship issues and, 495–96

  challenges on, 254

  Chicago antiwar protests coverage, 400–401, 402–4

  civil rights coverage, 294–95, 296, 297, 298, 301, 328–32

  comparison to The Waltons TV show, 509

  Cronkite and Mudd and, 294–95, 296

  Cronkite and Schorr and, 505–6

  Cronkite and Senate run suggestion, 390

  Cronkite before Senate Subcommittee, 465, 466

  the Cronkite Moment, 379–80, 383

  Cronkite’s awards and honors, 436, 438, 454, 455, 458, 503, 532, 543

  Cronkite’s bigfooting routine, 326, 372, 425

  Cronkite’s demotion from 1964 Democratic Convention, 317–19

  Cronkite’s “February problem,” 304

  Cronkite’s last day anchoring the, 547

  Cronkite’s last political convention broadcast, 542–43

  Cronkite’s retirement plans, 533, 535, 537, 539, 543

  Cronkite’s salary and contract, 306, 454, 480, 523, 524

  Cronkite’s star status, 359–60

  Cronkite’s successor, 532–33

  Cronkite’s “That’s the news” sign-off, 250

  Cronkite’s “That’s the way it is” sign-off, 120, 262–63

  Cronkite’s tours of Vietnam, 342–47, 368–76, 492–93

  Cronkite’s viewer and fan mail, 307, 319, 497

  Cronkite’s work ethic, 510–11

  Cuban Missile Crisis coverage on, 256

  Daley interview, 403–5, 406

  D-day special, 298–99

  deficiencies in, 291

  Ellsberg interview, 461–65, 473

  and environmental issues, 430–39

  Evening News team, 324–25

  fifteen-minute format of, 250, 256

  first broadcast of, 250–51

  first color broadcast, 323

  first-place ratings, 364, 480, 509, 533, 535

  and Ford’s presidency, 511, 513–14

  Gay Raiders disruption of, 494–95

  and gay rights issues, 495–96

  half-hour news format of, 256–63

  Hewitt and, 252–53

  In Celebration of US, 514

  and Iranian hostage crisis, 534–35, 539

  “Iron Pants” nickname for Cronkite, 277, 310, 313, 423, 515

  Kennedy and first half-hour broadcast, 259–63

  and Robert Kennedy assassination, 397

  Kennedy assassination coverage, 278–79, 280–81

  Kent State University massacre coverage, 434–35

  and King’s assassination, 395–96

  and LBJ’s death, 489–91

  and LBJ’s resignation, 391–95

  March on Washington coverage, 258–59

  Moon race coverage, 332–33, 336, 337–38, 407, 408–26

  multipart news format, 473–74

  and Murrow’s death, 335–36

  newsroom set design, 323–24, 666

  Nielsen ratings and, 289–90, 291, 292, 293, 315, 367, 382, 465

  1964 Election Night coverage, 325–26

  1964 political conventions, 304–6, 308–22

  1967 AFTRA strike, 357–59

  1968 Election Night coverage, 409

  1968 political conventions, 399–401, 402–4

  1972 political conventions, 471–72

  1974 Election Night coverage, 503, 504

  1976 Election Night coverage, 520

  1976 political conventions, 515–16, 517–19

  1980 political conventions, 540–43

  1980 presidential election campaign, 535–36, 537–39

  and Nixon’s resignation, 502–3, 505–8

  and Nixon’s trip to China, 466, 467–69

  and Nixon versus CBS, 440–48, 451, 454–55, 457–58, 466

  “On the Road” features, 364

  Peabody Award, 258

  and Pentagon Papers, 458–60, 461–62, 463

  political correctness of, 331–32

  Project Gemini coverage, 332–34, 336, 338

  ratings after “Report from Vietnam,” 382

  ratings and AFTRA strike, 358–59

  ratings and JFK assassination coverage, 280

  ratings competition between NBC News and, 205–6, 217, 251–52, 256, 265, 289, 295, 321, 364, 533

  ratings throughout Ford’s presidency, 509

  and Sadat-Begin meeting, 527–29, 530

  Sevareid’s commentaries on, 257, 294, 312, 335, 615

  space coverage, 332–35, 336–39, 407, 408–26, 436

  the Tet Offensive, 366–86

  and Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 533–34

  and treatment of blacks, 331–32

  and U.S.-Soviet Wheat Deal, 474

  Vietnam War coverage, 300, 301, 340–54, 356, 361–63, 364–86, 512–13

  Watergate coverage, 474–79, 496–97, 501

  CBS eye device logo, 200, 202, 203

  CBS Morning News, 58, 518

  Cronkite-Reagan interview on, 572–73

  CBS Morning Show, 314, 523

  CBS News, 158, 179–80

  “anchorman” term, 115, 141, 142, 161, 203, 543

  “Bicentennial Minutes,” 514

  Conquest, 257

  creation of, 160

  Cronkite and Murrow at, 172, 175, 176–77, 203, 206–10, 220

  dismissals from, 531

  editorializing policy at, 382, 384

  Emmy Awards, 192, 471, 514

  Face the Nation, 179, 180, 199, 344, 345, 376, 425–26, 471, 620, 660–61

  and Freedom 7 mission, 227–29

  and Friendship 7 mission, 232, 233–36

  and Huntley and Brinkley challenge, 185, 187, 188, 189, 205–6

  and instant replays for sports events, 202

  and Liberty Bell 7 space flight, 229–30

  Man in Orbit special, 235

  memorial service for Cronkite, 662–63

  Mike Wallace Interview, The, 249

  Murrow and Paley at, 207–8, 209, 217–18, 219, 225–26

  Murrow’s departure from, 225–26

  vs. NBC News, 175–76

  Night Beat, 249

  Nixon vs., 440–48, 451, 454–55, 457–58, 466

  Pick the Winner program, 188, 212

  PM East, 249

  Presidential Countdown program, 211–16

  retirement policy, 531

  and second-place status, 210, 216–17, 242, 248, 284, 315, 316

  space race coverage, 191–93, 194–97

  special-events team, 223, 225

  Sunday News Special, 189

  “Vietnam: The Hawks and the Doves,” 341

  Westmoreland v. CBS, 570

  See also CBS Reports; 60 Minutes

  CBS News Cairo bureau, 562, 565

  CBS News, Cronkite and

  “Biography of a Bookie Joint,” 231

  CBS Reports, 230, 231, 232, 237, 343, 449–51, 570–72, 577–78

  “Children of Apartheid” documentary, 559

  coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 171, 225

  Cronkite as CBS News special correspondent, 547–48, 554, 578, 586–87, 594

  Cronkite in Cairo, 560–65

  Cronkite-Mubarak interview, 562–63

  Cronkite on USIA blacklist, 571–72, 620

  Cronkite’s CBS News Special Reports, 258, 283–84, 287, 296

; Cronkite’s retirement contract, 547–48, 567–68, 586–87, 594

  Cronkite’s return to Vietnam, 577

  Cronkite-Wussler collaboration, 224–25

  and end of Cronkite age, 568

  Eyewitness program, 179, 226, 228, 242, 243–45, 250, 253, 261, 262

  Kennedy inauguration, 221–22

  1950 elections, 154, 155

  1952 Election Night coverage, 166–70

  1952 political conventions, 159–66

  1953 Yucca Flats, Nevada blast, 175, 176

  1956 Election Night coverage, 188–89

  1956 political conventions, 183–85, 186, 187

  1957 Playhouse 90 promotion, 190–91

  1960 Election Night coverage, 220

  1960 Olympic Games, 201–3

  1960 political conventions, 203–6, 208–11

  1960 Presidential Countdown program, 211–16

  1962 America’s Cup race, 243–45, 250, 253

  and Rather on CBS Evening News, 550, 553, 565, 566

  and Reagan assassination attempt, 552

  and Sadat assassination, 560–65

  salaries, 166, 199, 547–48, 554

  space race correspondent, 191–93, 194–97, 224, 226–30, 232–37

  and The Twentieth Century broadcasts, 179, 190, 191–94, 195, 196, 199, 200–201, 319, 320, 344, 350

  Universe science magazine, 548, 554–58, 567, 568

  “Walter Lippmann, Year End” interview, 232

  and You Are There broadcasts, 173–75, 176, 178, 179, 189, 191, 192, 196, 199, 333, 385, 482

  CBS News Extra, 235

  CBS News Inquiry: The Warren Report, 282–83, 356

  CBS News Moscow bureau, 551

  CBS News Saigon bureau, 367

  CBS News southern bureau, Atlanta, GA, 330

  CBS News Special Report

  on African Americans’ freedom struggle, 258, 296

  on Agnew’s resignation, 493

  American Assassins, The, 283–84

  “Hour with Ed Murrow, An,” 335

  “Battle of Ia Drang Valley,” 348–49

  “Cape Kennedy Disaster,” 337

  “Correspondents Report, The,” 442

  Cronkite’s final, 628–29

  “D-Day Plus Twenty Years: Eisenhower Returns to Normandy,” 114, 288, 298–99

  “Earth Day: A Question of Survival,” 432–33

  on end of the cold war, 592

  on end of Vietnam War, 512

  on environmental issues, 430

  during Ford’s presidency, 511

  on Moratorium Day protests, 443

  “109 Days to Venus,” 287

  “Report from Vietnam: Who, What, When, Where, and Why?,” 369, 371, 374, 375, 376–86, 392, 393, 394–95, 513, 569, 570

  “Showdown in Iran,” 534

  “The Summer Ahead,” 296

  “T Minus 4 Years, 4 Months, 30 Days, and Counting,” 332–33

  To the Moon, 337–38

  “Vietnam Perspective,” 351–52, 354

  CBS News Sunday Magazine, 363

  CBS News Washington, D.C., bureau, 189, 255, 265, 294, 304, 325, 471, 476, 484, 485, 525

  CBS Radio News, 40, 41, 47, 48–49, 64, 71, 73, 96, 185, 234, 247

  Battle of Britain coverage on, 73–75

  vs. CBS TV, 172

  Cronkite and Clinton impeachment verdict on, 629

  Cronkite as correspondent for KMBC, 146, 147–49, 151–52

  Cronkite-Carter call-in program, 525–26

  Cronkite-Glenn interview on, 627–28

  Cronkite’s “The American Challenge” reports, 501

  Cronkite’s “Answer, Please!” show, 199

  Cronkite’s reports for, 58, 101, 104, 108

  Cronkite’s voice on, 147

  and Kennedy assassination, 273

  KTBC radio, Austin, TX, 40, 285–86

  Lowell Thomas with, 30

  Murrow as war correspondent for, 74–76, 78, 101, 120, 124, 127, 130

  Murrow’s job offers to Cronkite, 105–8, 151, 152

  Murrow with, 47–48, 60–61, 64, 73, 154, 165, 291

  and 1964 elections, 309

  Nixon and Cronkite’s commentaries for, 446–47

  Nuremberg trials coverage, 131

  “Postcripts to the 20th Century,” 629

  television and, 115–16, 181

  WCBS-AM radio, New York, 331, 362, 512

  CBS Reports, 293, 308

  “Abortion and the Law,” 343

  “Biography of a Bookie Joint,” 231

  “Can We Get Out?,” 300

  Cronkite and, 230, 231, 232, 237, 343, 449–51

  “D-Day Plus Twenty Years: Eisenhower Returns to Normandy,” 298–99

  Eisenhower interview on, 230

  on environmental issues, 429–30

  “Harvest of Shame,” 208, 217, 219, 335

  “Honor, Duty, and a War Called Vietnam,” 577

  Lippmann interview on, 232

  “1984 Revisited,” 570–72

  “Selling of the Pentagon, The,” 449–51, 460–61

  on space exploration, 237

  “Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception, The,” 569–70

  Who Speaks for Birmingham?, 245–46

  CBS Special Reports bulletins, 336, 337

  CBS Sports, 223, 565

  CBS Television

  Nielsen ratings and, 288–89

  president of, 172, 188, 210, 211, 289

  CBS Television News, 149–51

  Cronkite’s first TV newscast, 152–53

  first director of, 149

  CBS This Morning, 666


  Cronkite and The Morning Show, 178–79, 180, 196

  Cronkite on Letterman, 635

  Cronkite on Mary Tyler Moore Show, 498–99

  Cronkite on Murphy Brown, 613

  Cronkite’s announcement of Kennedy’s death, 275–76, 281

  Cronkite’s Kennedy assassination coverage, 268–84

  experimental TV broadcasts, 115

  first president of, 158, 159–60

  first televised political conventions (1948), 141, 159

  See It Now program, 156–57, 177, 178, 218, 291, 293, 335

  Suspense drama, 171

  WCBS-TV, New York, 500, 515, 616

  CBS TV network division, 189

  CBS TV stations division, 189

  CBS World News Roundup, 64

  Cedar Rapids Gazette, 148

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 401, 502

  and Cronkite-CIA rumor, 519

  Pike Committee report on, 508

  and Vietnam War, 349

  Chaffee, Roger B., 336

  Challenger space shuttle disaster, 590, 591, 603, 626

  Chamber of Commerce, St. Joseph, MO, 442–43

  Chancellor, John, 188, 219, 328, 384, 465, 480, 498, 523, 567, 575, 661

  Chaney, James, 297, 301

  channel surfing, 252

  Channing, Carol, 611

  Chaplin, Charlie, 579

  Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts, 410

  Charlemane (puppet), 178–79

  Charles, Ray, 652

  Charles Street Club, London, 124

  Charlie’s Angels (ABC TV), 517

  Chauncey, Tom, 583, 584

  Chauncey, Tom, II, 583

  Chayefsky, Paddy, 520, 521

  Cheney, Dick, 342, 636

  Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, 258

  Chesterfield Club, Kansas City, MO, 50

Chevron Oil Company, 437

  Chicago antiwar demonstrators/protests, 400–401, 402–6

  Chicago Daily News, 32, 334

  “Chicago Eight,” 406

  Chicago Police Department, 400, 404, 405–6

  Chicago Sun, 249

  Chicago Tribune, 53

  Chicago World’s Fair, 1933, 35–36, 38

  “Children of Apartheid” (CBS News), 559

  children’s shows

  Captain Kangaroo (CBS TV), 179, 330, 482

  CBS Saturday morning, 458

  China (see People’s Republic of China)

  China Syndrome, The (movie), 533–34

  Chi Phi fraternity (UT), 36, 37, 43–44

  Christian Coalition, 623, 630–31, 636

  Christian, George, 379, 380, 383–84, 395

  Christian Science Monitor, The, 228

  Chung, Connie, 485, 487, 509, 548, 550, 565, 647

  Church, Frank, 517

  Churchill, Sir Winston, 83, 89, 90, 147, 191

  Church, Wells, 151

  Civil Rights Act of 1964, 294–95, 296

  civil rights movement, 177, 245–46, 257, 258, 262, 294–98, 301, 328–32, 395–96

  Clark, Blair, 246, 307, 356–57, 365

  Clark, Bob, 267

  Clarke, Arthur C., 193, 224, 415–16, 418, 421, 426

  Clark, James G., Jr., 328

  Clark, Wesley, 638

  Clay, Cassius (Muhammad Ali), 202–3

  Clearing the Air (Schorr), 519

  Cleveland, Grover, 581

  Clifford, Clark, 462, 574

  Clinton, Bill, 496

  Cronkite and, 620, 625–26

  on The Cronkite Report, 619

  and Cronkite’s death, 665

  impeachment proceedings against, 625, 629

  and 1992 elections, 610, 611

  and 1996 elections, 621

  presidency of, 614, 624–25

  Clinton, Chelsea, 626

  Clinton, Hillary, 620, 623, 625–26, 644

  Clooney, George, 516, 649, 653, 654, 659

  Clooney, Nick, 516, 653

  Clooney, Nina, 653

  Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and Technology, The (Commoner), 432–33, 438

  cloture vote, 295

  Cloud, Stanley, 107

  CNN (Cable News Network), 490, 508–9, 534, 558, 567, 621, 639

  American Morning, 642

  Cronkite and Glenn’s second space mission, 627, 628

  Cronkite’s D-day (Plus 50) coverage for, 620

  and Cronkite’s death, 659

  and Dukakis death penalty question, 600

  Gulf War coverage, 604–5, 607

  Larry King Live, 613, 665–66

  and 9/11 terrorists attacks, 633–34, 635, 636

  and Northridge earthquake, 612–13

  Turner and, 584, 585, 586


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