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PRIVATE: A Military Romance Novel (Military Men Book 2)

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by Leila Haven

  PRIVATE: A Military Romance Novel (Military Men Book 2)

  Leila Haven

  Smutpire Press (2016)

  * * *

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  Corporal Matt Rafter

  She doesn't belong here.

  She'll need to keep her hair from getting dirty.

  She'll need to keep her nails clean.

  Most of all, she'll be a distraction. I won't be able to stop myself from protecting her, even if it means putting my own life at risk. That smokin' hot body is going to get me killed.

  I'm going to run her through the dirt, for her sake and mine. This princess won't even make it to deployment. Our lives depend on her quitting and going home.

  The front lines are no place for a woman.

  Private Sasha Kincaid

  I held my own my entire life.

  I kept up with the soldiers I called brothers. The commander I called father.

  I'll show Corporal Rafter that I'm not just his average lady.

  But, there's a problem.

  He's the first man I've ever met who can stare me down. The only one who's ever been able to take charge of me.

  I can't stop the forbidden thoughts that creep deeper into my mind with every order he barks my way.

  If I don't rid myself of these dirty fantasies soon, I'm going to do something that I'll regret for the rest of my life.

  PRIVATE is a standalone romance with hot sex, strong language, and an HEA.

  Each book in the Military Men series can be read as a standalone, however we recommend readers start with HOSTILE (



  Military Men Book #2

  By: Leila Haven

  Published by Smutpire Press

  Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

  Other books by Leila

  This is part 2 of the Military Men series. Other books in this series can be found below:

  If you enjoy this story, why not spend a few minutes browsing over Leila’s entire naughty catalog? Don’t forget to sign up for her mailing list too while you’re there! :)

  Chapter 1


  ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉

  Getting called into the Major’s office was never something that I looked forward to. Today was no exception.

  The shiny new patches on my shoulders had brought with them more responsibility, which equaled more stress. But I wasn’t going to give back my promotion, I had to step up and prove to my superiors that they’d made the right decision.

  “Come in,” Major Arthur Atoll barked when I knocked on the door. He was standing, looking out the window, when I entered. “Ah, Corporal Rafter, I’m glad you’re here. Take a seat.”

  He gestured toward the seat in front of his desk as he sat down on the other side of it. At least the major appeared to be in a good mood. That had to count for something.

  “You wanted to see me, Sir?” I prompted.

  “Yes, congratulations on the promotion. That was fine work you did back in Afghanistan. Rescuing that civilian showed courage and initiative. Well done.”

  I was part of a team that went into a property owned by the Taliban. We were rescuing a reporter that was in our custody right up until the moment she was kidnapped by the enemy.

  One of the men even lost his leg when a bomb exploded during the mission. He was still trying to get over the shock. The whole thing relayed over and over again in my head, more than I’d ever like to admit. I often wondered if there was something more I could have done for him.

  “Thank you, sir,” I croaked out. The less I remembered about that mission, the better. Unfortunately, my promotion continually dragged my head back to that horrendous place. After all, my contribution there was the reason why I was now a corporal instead of a private.

  Major Atoll rested his hands on the desk between us, much more serious now. “Today we welcomed forty-nine new recruits to our ranks. They are being assigned platoons as we speak.”

  I still wasn’t sure where the conversation was going, but I wished he’d get to the point. I had been dragged out of drills to meet with him and I wanted to get back. I loved the physical side of the army, it was almost the best way to release some steam.

  Sex, of course, was the best way.

  But drills came in a close second. It wasn’t like we could get much fucking done when we were working. I’d only ever worked with males while on the job.

  “I have a recruit for your platoon that I am entrusting to your care,” he continued. “You are to treat them like you would any other soldier. You understand?”

  I swallowed. “Yes, I understand. But what makes this one so special?”

  “You’ll see.”

  The major’s eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and weariness as he dismissed me. I left his office with little more information than I came in with.

  I would have to escort my new recruit to his dorm, show him around a bit and make sure he got settled in. It was the army’s way of trying to make everything friendlier.

  The newest members of the US Military were all waiting in the courtyard. Their eager faces a mixture of excitement and being terrified to death. All of them were trying to not to let the emotions show but it was a futile exercise.

  “Private Kincaid,” I called out over the low murmurs. I couldn’t wait to get out of there.

  My eyes scanned the crowd as my irritation of his delay turned to anger. All he had to do was step forward and answer me, if that was too much to ask then we were going to have problems. Babysitting some green kid was not something I was interested in investing a lot of time in.

  I wasn’t above initiations. If someone had to slap this kid into line then I would rather get it over and done with upfront so it didn’t get a chance to turn into a habit.

  “Private Kincaid,” I repeated, this time louder and with more frustration in my voice.

  “Yes, sir,” someone replied.

  I scanned the crowd again, trying to identify the owner of the voice. It sounded like it came from a kid barely out of high school. A kid whose balls were yet to drop into manhood.

  A figure emerged from the group, heading toward me. Finally, Private Kincaid was getting a move on. I was rehearsing the lecture in my head already.

  He stood in front of me, his head bowed down and looking at the floor. “Private Kincaid, I presume? Took you the hell long enough.”

  His head lifted so he could look me in the eyes.

  Only, it wasn’t a he.

  It was a she.


  “Private Kincaid, reporting for duty,” she said, saluting me. Her whole body was rigid and straight as she waited for my next command.

  Now I could see the curves in her camouflage uniform. The swell of her big tits and the legs that went on forever.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “You made me wait,” I grumbled.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I was in the restroom. It won’t happen again.”

  A laugh escaped my lips. “What, surely there couldn’t have been a queue in there?”

  She never even blinked. “No, sir. It was a case of unfortunate timing. I didn’t know you would be coming for me so soon.”

  I glared at her but it didn’t seem to have any effect. She held my gaze for as long as it took for me to get tired of standing there.

  “Come on, then. Follow me.”

  She trailed after me as eagerly as a puppy while I fumed with anger. I’d never worked with any females in the military. Never thought I’d have to either.

  Women didn’t b
elong on the front line. I’m not saying they belonged in the kitchen at home, either. I just didn’t think they have what it takes to survive out there.

  War was tougher than anyone realized. I’d seen grown men break down out in the field. How the hell was this tiny woman going to handle it?

  I needed to get rid of her.

  For her sake, and for mine.

  Chapter 2


  ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉

  My first day on the job and I’d already blown it with my boss. Scrap that, it wasn’t even the first day – it was the first minutes. If I hadn’t needed to pee so badly I would have crossed my legs and held it for as long as it took to make a good first impression.

  Corporal Rafter was a bit of an ass about it, though. I was only a minute longer in responding to him than I should have been. It wasn’t like he’d waited hours for me. A girl had to pee.

  As I followed him around the base, I tried to take in everything he told me. I got the feeling Rafter wasn’t one to repeat himself.

  It was only a temporary base anyway. As soon as we were cleared we would be shipping off to Afghanistan on a deployment that would last for six months. That was when the real work would begin.

  I was chomping at the bit to get started. Time in waiting was just that – time passing. The mistake I’d already made with Rafter still crackled in the tension between us and I was more determined than ever to show him what I was made of.

  Being in the military was something I’d waited my whole life for. It took me twenty-two years before I could finally step foot on this base and have a home in the platoon. I wasn’t going to waste my shot.

  “This is your dorm, your name should be on a bunk,” Rafter said as he finished the tour. “What is your first name, anyway?”


  He rolled his eyes. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, sir, I am.”

  “Even your name is girly. You’re not going to last two minutes here,” he grumbled. I was expecting some resistance from the assholes that hadn’t caught up to the twenty-first century yet, but I was hoping my superior would be a little less rude about it.

  Ignoring his comment, I wandered into the room. Rows of bunk beds lined both sides of the pathway down the middle. Not many of the bunks had names on them. I found mine and dumped my swag on it.

  “What are my orders?” I asked.

  Rafter shrugged. “Get settled in and wait for dinnertime, I suppose.”

  Helpful, he was not.

  An asshole, he definitely was.

  “Don’t you have afternoon drills? Shouldn’t I be getting changed and lining up with the others?” My brother George had quizzed me on the standard roster of the Camp San Luis Obispo Army Base. I knew when things happened in the facility, I wasn’t going to miss anything.

  “I have afternoon drills,” Rafter said.

  “May I join you, corporal?”

  His eyes went to the ceiling as if he would find the answers written there. I got the distinct feeling he would rather have been anywhere except standing in front of me.

  Which was kind of a shame, because Corporal Rafter was hot. Like panty-dropping hot. His cropped blond hair was gorgeous, even if shaved into a buzz cut. But it was his eyes that really sealed the deal. They were the greenest green I’d ever seen.

  He finally sighed, defeated. “Fine. Get your ass in the field in ten minutes and prepare to work. I don’t show mercy to anyone, not even women.”

  “Yes, sir. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  I saluted him again and he half-heartedly returned it before leaving.

  Thankfully, when I packed my bag this morning I had anticipated arriving and going straight into drills. My workout gear was on the top of my pile. I quickly changed in the lighter khaki pants and T-shirt.

  Rafter hadn’t exactly shown me where the field was where we did our drills. He had merely waved in the general vicinity. I had to hurry around the base to find it.

  The grass across the field was short from the hours of abuse it suffered under the soldiers’ boots all day long. It was largely men running up and down the worn track, I only noticed one other female.

  I spotted Rafter and his men huddled around in the far corner and made a beeline for them. There were eight in total, all men and all sweating.

  Rafter didn’t even acknowledge my presence as I slipped into the group. He was giving orders – something I think he enjoyed a little too much – and the men soon scattered.

  We were running laps, including making our way through obstacles along the way. I put everything I had into keeping up with them.

  I ran like there was no tomorrow. Down the path, over the wall, under the barbed wire track, and zigzagging over the tires in the dirt.

  My heart was racing in my chest while I gulped in breaths. I’d trained for hours like this at home and at the army college. These drills were nothing new to me.

  They were not going to leave me behind, I made sure of that. Rafter could kiss my ass if he didn’t want me there, I wasn’t going anywhere.

  I ran alongside one of the men as we crossed the imaginary finish line. He gave me a kind smile as we slowed down. “So you’re the new recruit?”

  “I certainly am. I’m Kincaid, nice to meet you,” I replied, holding out my hand for him to shake. He took it, his grip firm and serious.

  “Watson. Nice to meet you too.” So far he was the only one who had spoken to me from the group. “You from around here?”

  “No, sir. I’m from a little itty bitty town near Omaha called Bennington. Ever been?”

  He shook his head. “No, but I’m sure it’s really nice. Good luck here. Don’t take any shit from Rafter, okay? He’s grizzly in the mornings but he gets better closer to dusk.”

  “I’ll remember that, thank you.” My lips worked their way into a smile. After the reception I got from my new boss, it was good having someone that seemed genuinely nice.

  “Kincaid,” Rafter barked my name, grabbing my attention. “You dropped out on five of those pushups. Run the whole course again.”

  “Sir, I didn’t—”

  “Now, Kincaid! Before I make you do double.” He pointed to the field and didn’t let his arm fall until I was doing exactly as he’d said.

  I had not wimped out on the pushups.

  Rafter really was an asshole.

  Chapter 3


  ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉

  “Looks like you’ve got your hands full,” Watson said with his patented smirk.

  We took our dinner trays over to a table and sat down. The whole mess hall was overcrowded with people as they ate.

  “I can’t believe Atoll stuck me with her. She’d going to be a disaster when we get out to Afghanistan,” I replied, shaking my head.

  It made no difference to me that Kincaid had kept up with us during our drills. It didn’t change my mind about her. Being in training conditions was a lot different to the conditions she would have to put up with in the warzone.

  Where would she plug in her hairdryer?

  “She seems like she has what it takes,” Watson said. “Maybe you’re just worried she’ll show you up. She made those last drills her bitch. I don’t think I could even run it that fast.”

  He was joking, of course. Corporal Derrick Watson hadn’t been one of the youngest recruits to ever be promoted to corporal a few years ago for nothing. He could outplay us all.

  “She has no place here. And she sure as hell shouldn’t be being shipped off to the middle of the fucking desert. If the military wants to make a show of enlisting women, they should keep them behind a desk and leave the fighting to us.”

  Watson shook his head slowly, disagreeing with me. He could do that as much as he wanted. At the end of the day Kincaid was my responsibility as the leader of my platoon. I was going to have to look after her and the rest of the men without any of us getting killed.

  She was going to slow us down.

; She was going to make us look sloppy.

  I bet she would run the moment she caught a whiff of the enemy. She had no place being on the front line and nothing anyone said or did was going to change my mind.

  Even if she did look fucking hot in her tight T-shirt.


  “Well done, men,” I said as we finished training the next day. I’d ridden them hard but they had all managed to step up to the plate.

  All except one.

  Kincaid was a pain in my ass.

  “Kincaid, stay behind. Everyone else can leave.” She shot me a scathing look while the rest of the group left for their rec time. She’d worn that look on her face for most of the day.

  “Yes, sir,” she said as she moved to stand in front of me. Sweat was rolling down her beet-red face from the exertion of the rigorous training schedule I’d implemented.

  “You’re all over the shop out there,” I started. “I need all my soldiers to be at the top of their game. Otherwise people are going to die. You need to be faster and stronger.”

  Her jaw grew tighter the longer I spoke. I was waiting for her to bite back, say something that could cause me to report her for insubordination. I wanted proof of my suspicions, something I could use to get her grounded before we left.

  Silence was all that greeted me.

  Until she finally opened her mouth. “Yes, sir. I’ll train harder and work on my skills.”

  I fumed. “Get started then, I don’t want to be here all day.”

  She shot me one last look before she took off in a run. I thought for sure giving her extra drills would have made her snap. I was pushing her beyond the brink of many people but she hadn’t even batted one of her pretty eyelashes.

  She was quick, too. Watching her run through the obstacle course was like looking at a professional athlete do their training. Her feet were swift and smooth, her sculptured arms setting the rhythm as they pumped by her side. I could imagine those arms pumping something else with equal vigor. My cock hardened with the image.

  She’d tried to contain her boobs with a sports bra but they still bounced with her steps. They were almost hypnotic. Thankfully I was too far away from her to be caught staring. There was nothing sexier than a healthy, fit woman. Kincaid was the perfect specimen but that didn’t mean she was able to handle her own out in a warzone.


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