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PRIVATE: A Military Romance Novel (Military Men Book 2)

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by Leila Haven

  Sasha appeared peaceful as she lay unconscious. I hoped she was dreaming of beautiful things and not reliving the nightmare of being trapped underneath a collapsed building.

  She had to be okay. I’d found her and now I wasn’t going to let her go. The moment she woke up I would tell her how I felt. I wouldn’t let her be anything other than okay.

  I held her head in my lap as the truck hit every pothole and bump in the road all the way back to base. A team of doctors were waiting there for the influx of new patients. They took Kincaid from me but I followed them, never letting her out of my sight.

  The doctor tightly bandaged her broken arm and then cleared her, assuring me she would wake up in time. Her head wound with a dozen stitches underneath and an IV was put into her arm to rehydrate her after so many hours without water.

  “I’ll put a cast on her arm when the swelling goes down. You should get some rest,” the doctor said. “Drink some water and go to bed.”

  “Is that your formal diagnosis?” I asked, knowing going to bed was still a long way off for me.

  “It’s common sense.” He said as he left to attend to another of the many patients still needing attention.

  The base hospital wasn’t well equipped but it did know how to deal with major trauma without many resources. The stretchers lined along the walls in two straight rows. Sasha was in the corner, left to wake up in her own time.

  I settled by her bed, ready to be there for as long as it would take.

  It was another three and a half hours before her eyes opened. I hovered over her, desperate to hear her say she was okay before I would believe it. “Nice of you to join us,” I said. “Trust a woman to be late.”

  A tiny smile quirked her lips. “You didn’t have to wait for me.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  Her bloodshot eyes blinked a few times before they remained open. “That was some ride.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Out of all the words she could have used for what had happened, a ride was not on the shortlist I expected. “Yeah, it was. There were no safety harnesses though, it was a bit irresponsible. Do you need anything?”

  “I’m thirsty.”

  I immediately reached for the water jug and poured her a glass. She needed assistance sitting up enough to drink. I helped her lay down again. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like somebody dropped a building on my head. Plus, my arm feels like it’s on fire. Otherwise, I’m okay. How about you?”

  “I’m fine. It’s you I was worried about. You’ve got a broken arm.” My body and mind felt better after seeing her awake. “I was so scared I wouldn’t find you.”

  “You did.”

  “The dog squad helped. I can’t take all the credit for it.” We sat in silence for a few moments while she processed what had happened. Then there was no more time to wait. “I love you, Sasha. I realized just how much when I couldn’t find you.”

  “I was thinking the same thing before I lost consciousness.”

  “I don’t want to stay away from you.”

  “Neither do I.” She closed her eyes slowly before continuing. “But we still have to. Nothing has changed since this morning.”

  “Yesterday morning.”

  “I was trapped for that long?”


  She seemed to have a hard time comprehending how long she was out for. The doctor joined us, going through all of her injuries before giving more instructions for me to get some sleep. I must have looked like hell, I sure felt it.

  I stayed with her, refusing to leave her side until I was called away by Atoll. I was ready to fight him, say there was no point in telling me to stay away from Sasha because I just couldn’t do it. One day with her working on another unit and she’d almost died. Nothing could make me stop protecting her now.

  When he spoke, the words were not the expected ones. “We’re all assembling in the mess hall. Get your ass down there, I need you to hear what I have to say.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said.

  He issued the same order to another few soldiers on the way out. Only those incapable of moving were excused from the meeting.

  “Will you be okay here?” I asked Sasha.

  “As long you come straight back here and tell me everything that he says.”

  “Will do.”

  I left the hospital tent and joined the flood of soldiers heading toward the central meeting hub. The mess hall was the only place inside the base able to hold us all at one time.

  Watson was leaning against the wall when I joined him. “Do you know what this is all about?”

  “Nope,” Watson replied. “You?”


  We faced the front where a box was being used as a makeshift podium. Atoll had climbed up and was waiting for some silence. A hush fell over the room as voices were lowered.

  Atoll took a deep breath before he began. “I know we’ve all had a hellish couple of days so I’m going to get straight to the point. The horror that we have experienced and all the lives that were lost was an intentional destruction of our people. We have a traitor in our midst. There is evidence to support this.”

  Voices were raised again as they processed the news. It wasn’t anything that I hadn’t suspected. Making it public was a bit of a surprise but I understood what Atoll was doing. He was sending a message to the spy, telling him that now we were all watching him.

  Atoll waved at the crowd to quieten again. “I know this news is unwelcome but I do not take treason lightly. I have evidence that indicates the bomb planted in the hospital was US Military issued. Someone here used one of our bombs to kills hundreds of people. I will find out who is responsible for this and I will throw the resources of the entire military into finding you. The dead will have justice.”

  Everyone started to look around, surveying those standing by their side and wondering if it was them whom had betrayed us. Nobody was going to trust anybody now and it was a sad state of affairs when comrades had to be suspicious of their own.

  When the major was finished, I pulled Watson aside. “Did you know about this?” he asked.

  “I only found out a few days ago but I had my suspicions before that,” I replied somberly.

  “Fuck.” I knew how he felt. “Are you sure?”

  “Sure as I can be. Something happened when I was in that hospital yesterday.” I hesitated, hoping I was putting faith in the right person. Watson was one of my best friends, I trusted him with my life. I was certain he wasn’t the spy.

  “What was it?” he prompted.

  “When the floor was giving away in the hospital, I had good footing. I could have made it out safely if someone hadn’t pushed me into the hole.” Saying the words out loud brought the memory back. I could still feel the hands on my back from where I was pushed.

  The look of shock on his face was proof enough of my faith in Watson. “Are you sure? I mean, it was chaos in there, couldn’t it have been a beam or something?”

  I shook my head. “Someone tried to kill me in that hospital. I think it has to be the same person who planted the bomb and is tipping off the Taliban to every single thing we do.”

  “We need to find him.”

  “I completely agree.”

  “I have your back, brother,” Watson declared.

  “And I have yours.”

  That gave me a grand total of two people that I could trust. Watson was one of them and Sasha was the other. It was a pathetic amount out of the thousands of soldiers on the base.

  God help us all.

  Chapter 17


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  The broken arm hurt, but it didn’t sting as much as finding out there was a traitor on the base. I couldn’t help but look at people and wonder if it was them.

  Whoever it was, they had done a good job of blending in. In my mind I scrolled through all the faces of every soldier I knew. They all seemed so genuine, ready to lay their lives down in the name of our co

  I had nothing to do except think about it for three straight days while I was in the hospital tent. Matt had spent every moment with me he could but that still left a lot of thinking time. Being allowed to return to my dorm was a godsend.

  I’d just made it back to my bunk when Uncle Arthur caught up with me. “Ah, there you are. How are you feeling, Sasha?”

  “Better, thank you. I can’t wait to get this cast off my arm, though. The thing itches like a bitch.” And that was putting it lightly. Sometimes I wanted to gnaw my own arm off just to have some relief.

  “That’s why I’m here, actually.” Atoll was using his apologetic voice, the one that warned I wouldn’t like what he was about to say. “I have spoken with your doctor and he said you need further treatment. You need surgery to reset your bones properly. A procedure we are not equipped for here.”

  It wasn’t news to me, I’d had the same conversation with the doctor before he let me go. When I’d refused to listen to him, he must have run straight to the major. I hated the way everyone tried to protect me without caring about what I actually wanted.

  “I’m sure the doctor is exaggerating the extent of the damage. This cast will be fine to fix my arm,” I replied, trying my best to put a warning into my words. I didn’t need all these men looking after me, I could function perfectly by making my own decisions.

  “This is not a choice, Sasha. I promised your father I would watch over you and I never shirk my responsibilities. This is an order to return home and get proper medical treatment. You are officially on medical leave until your arm is better. A plane is expected in tomorrow at six hundred hours to take you to Germany. From there you will be transported home.”

  He didn’t wait around for further arguments. I tried not to get angry and make the situation worse. I knew he would have given any soldier that order if they were in the same situation. But still, a part of me was certain it was personal too.

  I had one night left on base before I would be whisked away. I knew exactly how I wanted to spend that time and my uncle Arthur would hate it.

  Packing could wait, this couldn’t. I headed straight back out of the dorm before I hurried through the corridors. I searched the mess hall, the rec room, the strategy room, and a dozen more places before I found him.

  Matt was talking in hushed tones with Watson in the weapons storage facility. Being subtle was no longer my concern. “Sir, I need to talk with you.”

  Their heads snapped around like two little boys that had been caught doing something they shouldn’t. Watson slapped Matt on the back. “I’ll see you around, Rafter.”

  “Yeah,” Matt said without taking his eyes off me. He waited for Watson to be out of earshot before continuing. “What can I do for you, Kincaid?” His eyes were smoldering, knowing exactly what was on my mind.

  I’d been thinking about his naked form since the last time we’d been together. I was wet between my legs just remembering it. “I need a debriefing, corporal.”

  “You’d better come with me, then.” His lips quirked into a sexy smirk and it was all I could do not to tear his clothes off in the armory.

  I followed him, noticing how Matt tried to keep a normal pace when he was just as keen to run away as I was. My steps matched his, our black boots almost identical as they beat a rhythm much faster than our hearts.

  I wanted to giggle like a schoolgirl while we weaved through our comrades with the dirtiest of intentions on our minds. The base suddenly seemed way too big as we tried to find a moment of privacy.

  Matt took me back to his dorm. It was empty but it didn’t have a lock on the door. “People are going to come in,” I protested.

  He pulled me against him, melding our bodies together. “I’ll put a sock on the outside handle.”

  “That will stop them?”

  “If they know what’s good for them.” He laughed at my unease and let me go long enough to hang the sock. He returned to me, his mouth instantly found mine, kissing me passionately and deeply.

  I moaned with relief, finally having Matt in the way I wanted to. I felt complete with him, cherished in a way I’d never experienced before.

  “Get down on your knees, private,” he whispered next to my ear, sending a wave of shivers down my spine. Our eyes met for a moment before I followed his command. “Suck my cock. That is an order.”

  I was more than happy to comply. My fingers deftly worked his zipper until his pants were loose enough to fall to the floor. There was already a bulge in his underpants, begging me to release his mighty cock.

  Instead of moving too fast, I massaged the bulge first. Cupping his cock through the material, I gently rubbed it until there were spots of pre-cum on the fabric. Matt hissed out his approval while looking down at me. I loved the fact he was watching everything I did, allowing me to see his approval.

  Finally, I pulled his underwear down, making sure not to catch his cock in the waistband. He was gloriously naked from the bellybutton down, his camouflage shirt the only barrier to seeing all of him.

  I moistened my lips before I licked a circle around the tip of his cock. It was salty and slick, getting ready to fuck me hard when it was time. My broken arm had to remain at my side while my good hand cupped his balls. I rolled them between my fingers, tugging them downwards until he moaned.

  His approval spurred me on, I took more and more of him in my mouth. Matt was big, I didn’t think I was going to be able to fit his entire cock into my throat. I tried anyway, my tongue sliding up and down his shaft to draw out his pleasure for as long as he could withstand.

  The head hit the back of my throat as I sucked as hard as I could. I wanted to bring untold pleasures to him, leave him with a reminder of our time together before I had to go home. To know we shouldn’t be together like that only made it sweeter.

  Matt tangled his fingers in my hair, helping guide my head along his shaft the way he wanted me to. His penis easily glided along my lips, now soaked with saliva. He closed his eyes and was lost in the exquisite feelings for a few private moments.

  His hand stilled while just the tip of his cock was still in my mouth. I looked up at him through my lashes to see the approval blazing in his eyes. “Any more, sweetheart, and my cock is going to explode. Stand up so I can take your clothes off and show you how much I love you.”

  I reluctantly let his cock fall from my mouth with a whimper. The taste of his juices still lingered on my lips. “My body is all yours, corporal.”

  “So it should be.” He stepped forward before his hands got busy with the buttons of my shirt. He moved in double time, getting my uniform off before I could even start on the first of his buttons.

  My shirt fell away, guided by his hands to make sure it didn’t hurt my broken arm. It was quickly followed by my bra, pants, and panties. I was naked and throbbing for him, my pussy begging to be touched and fondled.

  “It’s your turn now,” I muttered as I lunged for his buttons. Matt caught my wrist in his grip and stopped me.

  “Patience, private.” He released me when he was satisfied I wasn’t going to rush again. He took a step back and flashed me the panty-dropping smile he had perfected during this deployment.

  One by one, he undid his own buttons. He gave me a striptease, revealing his chest bit by bit until I was so horny I was ready to climb all over him just for some satisfaction.

  His shirt was finally undone before he dropped it onto the floor. We were equal now, both as naked as the day we were born. It was my favorite way to be with him.

  Our bodies rushed together like we were magnetic. Once we collided, our mouths fixed on each other, and he ripped all the breath from my lungs. It made me wonder how I’d truly lived without him in my life.

  Matt’s hands went wandering, sliding down my bare back and cupping my ass cheeks. His hands were warm, making my skin tingle with his touch. One hand slid around my body, lifting my knee until I could wrap it around him. He held me against him, his hard cock pressing into my

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he moaned against my skin as he starting running a trail of kisses over my neck. It was tickling and sizzling, affecting me in ways I’d only ever dreamed of before.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard,” he promised.

  “Whatever you say, corporal.”

  I could feel the smile on his lips between kisses. He was going to send me home with a hickey that I hoped nobody noticed. It would make me think of him every time I looked at it.

  He stood up again, letting my leg return to the floor. I could still feel his hand on my knee even though it had been removed.

  “Turn around and lean over the bed,” Matt ordered.

  I followed directions until my ass was in the air and begging to be spanked. Matt’s warm hands ran over them, dipping between my legs until he could just skim over the sensitive skin of my pussy.

  “Your cunt is so perfect, private. I’m going to be buried deep inside of you soon and you’re going to love it.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He stepped closer until I could feel his cock rubbing along my clit. I was so horny I could feel everything he did with hyper awareness. One tiny rub on my nub and my knees almost buckled.

  Matt leaned over as he positioned himself at my entrance. His hand reached around me and slid between my folds. He didn’t need to check whether I was ready for him, it was painfully obvious as my pussy dripped with juices.

  His strong hands gripped my hips, guiding my movements as he brought me backwards to meet his every thrust. We moved in perfect synchronicity, connected by our most private regions. His cock filled me until I felt complete.

  One of his hands rubbed along my back, warming the skin with his hot hand. I was already heated from the high temperature of the air outside, having this incredibly sexy man touch me only made my fever skyrocket.

  “I love your ass, private,” Matt crooned. Every syllable sent a new shiver down my spine. I loved every part of that man and I wanted him to love every part of me too.

  His delicious cock pumped in and out of me, making my thoughts fuzzy. All I could think about was the exquisite pleasure as it continually rolled through me. I was nothing but a burning ball of fire and completely at Matt’s mercy.


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