Ranlet, Philip, Enemies of the Bay Colony: Puritan Massachusetts and its Foes (University Press of America, 2006)
Ravenhill, W. W., Records of the Rising in the West (1655) (H. F. & E. Bull, 1875)
Richards, Lysander Salmon, History of Marshfield (Memorial Press, 1901)
Richter, Daniel K., Facing East from Indian Country: A Native History of Early America (Harvard University Press, 2003); Before the Revolution: America’s Ancient Pasts (Belknap Press, 2013)
Russell, Howard S., Indian New England before the Mayflower (University Press of New England, 1980)
Rutman, Darrett B., Husbandmen of Plymouth: Farms and Villages in the Old Colony, 1620–1692 (Beacon Press for Plimoth Plantation, 1967)
Salisbury, Neal, Manitou and Providence: Indians, Europeans, and the Making of New England, 1500–1643 (OUP, 1982)
Salmon, Marylynn, Women and the Law of Property in Early America (University of North Carolina Press, 1989)
Schiff, Stacy, The Witches: Salem, 1692 (Little, Brown, 2015)
Schultz, Eric B. and Tougias, Michael J., King Philip’s War (The Countryman Press, 1999)
Sherwood, Mary B., Pilgrim: A Biography of William Brewster (Great Oak Press of Virginia, 1982)
Showalter, Elaine, A Jury of Her Peers: American Women Writers from Anne Bradstreet to Annie Proulx (Virago, 2009)
Sibley, John Langdon, Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University, in Cambridge Massachusetts, 3 vols. (Massachusetts Historical Society, 1873)
Silverman, Kenneth, The Life and Times of Cotton Mather (Harper & Row, 1984)
Sprunger, Keith L., Trumpets from the Tower: English Puritan Printing in the Netherlands, 1600–1640 (E. J. Brill, 1994)
Starkey, Marion L., The Devil in Massachusetts: A Modern Enquiry into the Salem Witch Trials (Alfred A. Knopf, 1949)
Steele, Ian K., Warpaths: Invasions of North America (OUP, 1995)
Sterry-Cooper, William, Edward Winslow (Reliance Printing Works, 1953)
Stout, Harry S., The New England Soul: Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England (OUP, 1986)
Stratton, Eugene Aubrey, Plymouth Colony: Its History & People 1620–1691 (Ancestry Publishing, 1986)
Temin, Peter (ed.), Engines of Enterprise: An Economic History of New England (Harvard University Press, 2002)
Thacher, James, History of the Town of Plymouth (1835) (Higginson Book Co., 1991)
Thompson, Roger, Mobility and Migration: East Anglian Founders of New England, 1629–1640 (University of Massachusetts Press, 2009)
Tinniswood, Adrian, The Rainborowes (Jonathan Cape, 2013)
Trigger, Brice G. (ed.), Handbook of the North American Indians, Volume 15 (‘Northeast’) (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1978)
Trumbull, Benjamin, A Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, From the Emigration of its First Planters, From England, in the Year 1630, to the Year 1764; and to the Close of the Indian Wars (H. D. Utley, 1898)
Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England, 1650–1750 (Knopf, 1982)
Vaughan, Alden T., The New England Frontier (Little, Brown, 1965)
Vickers, Daniel, Farmers and Fishermen: Two Centuries of Work in Essex County, Massachusetts 1630–1850 (University of North Carolina Press, 1994)
Waselkov, Gregory A., Wood, Peter H. and Hatley, Tom, Powhatan’s Mantle: Indians in the Colonial Southeast (University of Nebraska Press, 2006)
Woodward, Walter W., Prospero’s America: John Winthrop, Jr., Alchemy, and the Creation of New England Culture, 1606–1676 (University of North Carolina Press, 2010)
Wolkins, George C., ‘Edward Winslow, Scholar and Printer’, Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, 60 (1950)
Zelner, Kyle F., A Rabble in Arms: Massachusetts Towns and Militiamen during King Philip’s War (New York University Press, 2010)
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Abenaki people
Adventurers see Merchant Adventurers
Ahaz, Charles (alias Paupmumit)
Alden, John
Alden, John (junior)
Alderman (Sakonnet Indian)
Alexander (alias Wamsutta, son of Massasoit)
Algonquian Bible
Algonquian language
Algonquian peoples
Allerton, Isaac
Allerton, Mary
Altham, Emmanuel
Ames, William
Andrewes, Thomas
Andros, Sir Edmund
Anglo-Dutch wars: First Dutch war (1652–54); Second Dutch War (1665–67)
Annawon (Wampanoag commander)
Anne (ship)
Anne of Denmark, wife of James I
Aquidneck, Rhode Island
Arbella (ship)
Arnold, Freelove
Arnold, Samuel Green
Ashley, Edward
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Atherton, Humphrey
Atherton Company
Awashonks (Squaw Sachem of the Sakonnets)
Aylmer, Professor G. E.
Bacon, Francis
Baker, Mercy
Bancroft, George
Bangs, Jeremy
Barnstable, Plymouth Colony (now Massachusetts)
Barrow, Henry
Bartlett, Robert
Batchelor, John
Baxter, Richard
Beale, John
beaver, and the fur trade
Bellamy, John
Bellingham, Penelope (née Pelham)
Bellingham, Richard, Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony: character; death; defiance of Charles II; patentee of the Massachusetts Bay charter; helps Goodricke nieces after the Restoration; marries Penelope Pelham; and religious tolerance
Bellingham, Samuel
Billington, John
Billington family
Bishop, Bridget
Bishops’ Wars (England and Scotland)
Block Island
Blossom, Thomas
Bodin, Jean, Six Books of the Republic
Bossevile, Godfrey
Bossevile, Margaret
Boston, Massachusetts: and Anne Hutchinson; becomes main port of New England; established by Massachusetts Bay colonists; General Court; King’s Chapel Burial Ground, Boston; prosperity of
Boston harbour
Bourne, Nicholas
Boyer, Paul
Bradford, Dorothy
Bradford, William: ‘as one small candle may light a thousand,’ 46; on the abolition of episcopacy in Church of England; approval of execution of an Indian boy’s murderers; on arrival of the Mayflower; autodidacticism of; death; death of his wife Dorothy; disappointment at dispersal of colonists; disapproval of Winslow’s return to England; on division of land; elected governor of the Plymouth Colony; against freedom of religion in Plymouth Colony; on John Billington; in Leiden; on Miantonomo; on misapprehension about women and Plymouth Colony government; on Narragansetts uprising; on New England winter; retrieves Lyford’s letters attacking the colonists; on smallpox epidemic (1633); on Squanto’s death; on the ‘sweetness’ of New England; on Thomas Morton; on William Brewster
Bradstreet, Anne
Bradstreet, Simon
Braithwaite, Richard, Description of a Good Wife (1618)
Brewer, Thomas
Brewster, Fear
Brewster, Jonathan: arrives in New England; founds Windsor, Connecticut; friendship with Uncas; in Leiden; marries Lucretia Oldham
Brewster, Lucretia (née Oldham)
Brewster, Patience
Brewster, William: book collection; and the Brewster Press; chest belonging to; children; dea
th; decline in health; in hiding in England; lobbies for licence to emigrate; and the Mayflower Compact; position and status in England; publishes attack on new liturgy for the Church of Scotland; role as Elder in Plymouth Colony; and the Scrooby church; settles in Duxbury, Massachusetts; voyage on the Mayflower
Brewster Press
Bright, Henry
Brill, Netherlands
Bristol, Rhode Island
Brooke, Robert Greville, 2nd Baron
Brookfield, Massachusetts
Brooks, John
Brooks, Robert
Brown, Edward
Brown, James
Brown, John
Browne, Robert
Bry, Theodore de
Buck family
Bull, Jerry
Burton, Elizabeth (née Winslow)
Burton, Stephen
Burton, Thomas
Butter, Nathaniel
Butter & Bourne (publishers)
Button, William
Buzzards Bay
Calvin, Jean
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cannadine, David
Canonchet (Narragansett chief)
Canonicus (Narragansett chief): blames English for smallpox epidemic; death and funeral; feud with Massasoit; friendship with Roger Williams; peaceful relations with the English; response to execution of Miantonomo; rivalry with the Pequot tribe; sends symbolic gift of arrows to Plymouth
Canons 1604 (Church of England law)
Cape Ann, Massachusetts
Cape Cod, Plymouth Colony (now Massachusetts)
Careswell (Winslow home)
Cartwright, Thomas
Carver, John: death; elected first Governor of the Plymouth Colony; in Leiden; and the Mayflower Compact; parleys with Massasoit; prepares to emigrate to America; witnesses William Mullins’ will
Carver, Katherine
Cave, Alfred A., The Pequot War
Cayuga people
Charles I, King: execution of; hostility to the New England colonies; invades Scotland; kidnapped by the New Model Army; repression of Puritans; succeeds to throne; suspends Parliament during the Eleven Year Tyranny
Charles II, King: bans death penalty for Quakers; at the Battle of Worcester; grants Plymouth Colony the Mount Hope lands; restored to the throne; sends Royal Commissioners to the New England colonies; supports Narragansetts against Atherton Company
Charles River
Charlestown, Massachusetts
Chaudière River
Chickatabot (Indian chief)
Child, Robert
Chilton, James
Chilton, Mary see also Winslow, Mary Chilton
Chilton, Mrs
Chilton family
Chipuxet River
Church, Colonel Benjamin; belief that King Philip’s war could have been avoided; captures and tries to save life of Annawon; good relations with Indians; and killing of King Philip; objects to Indians being sold into slavery; persuades Sakonnet Indians to side with English; sends wife to safety in Rhode Island
Church of England
Clarke, John
Cleaver, Robert
Clinton, Lady Arbella see Johnson, Lady Arbella
Clusius, Carolus
Coddington, William
coins, made in Boston at John Hull’s illegal mint
Cole’s Hill, Plymouth
Columbus, Christopher
Commission for Regulating Plantations (1634)
Committee for Compounding
Commonwealth England
Conant, Roger
Connecticut, New England
Connecticut River
conversion, of Indians to Christianity
Cooke, Francis
Cooke, Hester (née Mahieu)
Coppin, Robert
Corbitant (Pocasset chief)
Corey, Giles
Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy (1655)
Cotton, Joanna
Cotton, John
Cotton, John (junior)
Coventry, Thomas, 1st Baron Coventry
Coventry family
Cradock Matthew
Cressy, David
Croke, Captain Unton
Cromwell, Cedric (Chairman, Mashpee Wampanoag tribe)
Cromwell, Oliver
Cudworth, Captain James
Curtis, Ephraim
Curwen, Elizabeth (formerly Brooks, née Winslow): childhood; children by George Curwen; death; dispute with stepson over inheritance; in London with Edward Winslow; marriage to George Curwen; marriage to Robert Brooks; son, John Brooks; strong character
Curwen, George: death; friendship with Josiah Winslow; marries Elizabeth Brooks (née Winslow); portrait of; support for Penelope Bellingham; wealth and business success
Curwen, Jonathan
Curwen, Penelope
Curwen, Sheriff George
Curwen, Susanna
Cushman, Robert; death
Cushman, Thomas
Cushnoc trading post, Maine
Cutshamekin (Indian chief)
Cuttyhunk (island)
Dartmouth, Plymouth Colony (now Massachusetts)
Davenport, Reverend John
Davison, William (Elizabethan diplomat and Secretary of State)
Deer Island, Boston Harbour
Deerfield, Massachusetts
Defoe, Daniel
Delannoy, Jean
Dermer, Thomas
Dickson, Richard
Digton, Thomas
Discovery (ship)
disease: introduced by Europeans see also smallpox
Dod, John
Dominion of New England
Donne, John
Dorchester, Massachusetts
Dorchester Company
Downing, Emmanuel
Downing, Lucy (née Winthrop) see Winthrop, Lucy
Downing, Sir George
Dowsing, William
Drake, Samuel
Droitwich, Worcestershire
Dudley, Thomas
Dugdale, Sir William
Durie, John
Durie, Robert
Dutch cheese, taken on the Mayflower
Dutch East India Company
Dutch traders and colonists
Duxbury, Plymouth Colony (now Massachusetts)
Dyer, Mary
East India Company
Easton, John
Eaton, Theophilus
Eel River garrison
Eels, Captain
Eikon Basilike
Eleven Year Tyranny
Eliot, John
Elizabeth I, Queen
Elliott, J. H.
Endecott, John; and the Pequot War
English, Mary
English, Philip
English Civil War
English Committee on Foreign Plantations see Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Plantations
Fane, Mildmay see Westmorland, Mildmay Fane, 2nd Earl of
Fenwick, George
Ffloyd, Richard
First Church of Boston
First Encounter Beach
First Peirce Patent
fishing trade
Fletcher, Moses
Fortune (ship)
Fox, Summerset
Foxe, John, The Actes and Monuments (1563) known as Foxe’s Book of Martyrs
Free Grace
French Protestant (Walloon) community
Fuller, Edward
Fuller, Samuel
fur trade
Gardiner, Lion
Gedney, Bartholomew
Gerard, John
Gibbons, Edward
Glorious Revolution (England)
Gloucester, Massachusetts
Godsoe, Elizabeth
Goffe, General William (regicide)
Good, Dorcas
Good News from New England (1624)
Goodricke, Colonel William
n, Daniel; The Sufferings of the Indians
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando
Gorton, Samuel
Gosnold, Bartholomew
Gower family
Gray, Elizabeth
Great Swamp Fight
Green Harbour
Green Harbour Canal
Greenwood, John
Groton, Massachusetts
Guazzo, Stefano, The Civil Conversation
Gunpowder Plot (1605)
Gurdon, Brampton
Gurdon, John
Hadley, Massachusetts
Hakluyt, Richard (the Younger)
Hale, Sir Matthew
Half-Way Covenant
Hals, Frans
Harlakenden, Roger
Harlakenden, William
Hartford, Connecticut
Harvard University
Hawkins, Jane
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Heale, Giles
Henrietta Maria, Queen
Henry VIII, King
Herbert, George
Hesilrige, Dorothy (née Greville)
Hesilrige, Sir Arthur
Hibbens, Anne
Hibbens, William
Higginson, Reverend Francis
Hilton, William
Hinckley, Thomas
Hingham, Massachusetts
Hobbamock (Wampanoag brave)
Hocking, John
Hooker, Richard
Hooker, Thomas
Hope (Indian servant)
Hopkins, Ann
Hopkins, Edward
Hopkins, Elizabeth
Hopkins, Oceanus
Hopkins, Stephen
Howland, Arthur
Howland, Elizabeth (née Tilley)
Howland, John
Hubbard, Reverend William
Hudson, Henry
Hudson Bay
Hull, John
Hunt, Thomas
Hutchinson, Anne
Hutchinson, Captain Edward
Hutchinson, William
Indian culture, European fascination with
Indians, dehumanisation of
Indian Removal Act (1830)
Ingham, Mary
Ireton, Henry
Iroquois confederacy
Iyanough (chief of Mashpee Indians at Barnstable)
Jackson, Andrew, President
James I, King; Pocahontas received by
James II, King
Jamestown, Virginia
Johnson, Lady Arbella (née Clinton)
Johnson, Edward
Johnson, Isaac
Jones, Christopher (Captain of the Mayflower)
Jones, Inigo
Jones, Captain Thomas
Jonson, Ben
Josselin, Reverend Ralph
Josselyn, John
Katharine (ship)
Keayne, Robert
Keith, Reverend James
Kem, Jemima (née Pelham)
Kem, Reverend Samuel
The Mayflower Page 43