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Amish by Accident

Page 6

by J. E. B. Spredemann

  “Elisabeth, was iss letz? What on earth are you trying to do? Burn the house down?” She hurried over to the oven, grabbed a potholder, and pulled out what looked like a burnt blackberry pie.

  “Mamm went into town and I wanted to surprise her by having dessert made when she returned home,” Brianna whined.

  “She’ll be surprised all right,” Rachel said, turning the oven off before it caught fire. “You should have asked me to come over and help you.”

  “I’m afraid I must’ve left the strawberry pie in longer than it was supposed to be.” She sighed.

  Rachel’s eyes widened. “Those are strawberries?” She tried to hold it in, but couldn’t help it when a laugh escaped her lips.

  “How will I ever be able to get married if I can’t bake?” Brianna said miserably.

  “Why don’t you come over to my house a couple of times a week and I can teach you?” Rachel offered.

  “Really, Rachel? You would do that for me?”

  “Of course I would. Let’s start tomorrow, if it suits you.”

  “Tomorrow would be wunderbaar!” Brianna exclaimed.


  Chapter 9

  Elisabeth couldn’t get over how much she enjoyed the company of Carson’s family. His parents had invited their other son Clark and his wife over for dinner as well. Clark reminded Elisabeth of her own brother, Jacob, whom she often missed. His wife Evan seemed to be really kind too, but she couldn’t help noticing the awkward glances she received every now and then. She was beginning to wish she and Brianna didn’t look so much alike.

  She took another bite of the delicious vegan lasagna Carson’s mother had prepared. She wasn’t accustomed to many vegan dishes growing up Amish and all. Her family lived mostly off of the bounty produced by the farm animals: eggs from the chickens, milk from the cows, and meat from whatever her father and brothers brought back from hunting, and of course the farm animals themselves. Carson informed Elisabeth that he was vegan strictly for health reasons. He knew the Bible taught that there was nothing spiritually wrong with eating animal products and warned against those that command abstinence from meat. Carson stood to reason that God’s people could do so much more for Him if they weren’t sick all the time, and to that Elisabeth had to agree.

  She had already begun researching on the internet how to adapt her favorite Amish recipes into vegan ones. If she ever went back home to visit, she decided she would contact Danika Yoder. She knew the Yoders and the Kings, owners of the local health food store, ate healthier than most and figured they probably had some good recipes she could try. So far, the recipes she’d attempted had tasted okay. But she knew it would take practice to make them truly delicious.

  Carson suddenly stood up from the table and cleared his throat. He took Elisabeth’s hand and gazed lovingly into her eyes. “Elisabeth and I have an announcement to make. I have asked her to marry me and she has accepted,” he declared with a smile.

  Elisabeth glimpsed the faces around the table, but no one else seemed to be smiling. In fact, everyone appeared to be speechless.

  Carson’s mother gasped. “I’m sorry about our reaction, Son. It’s just that it’s so soon. Don’t get me wrong,” she said, turning to Elisabeth, “we love Elisabeth and all, but are the two of you ready to take this step?”

  “Mother, if I didn’t feel I was ready then I wouldn’t have asked her. I love Elisabeth and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her,” Carson declared.

  Carson’s father spoke up, “Well, then I guess congratulations are in order. How about some nice stemware for the sparkling cider?” He turned to his wife, who nodded and then brought some fancy gold-rimmed goblets to the table. They popped open a bottle, then poured a small amount into each glass.

  Carson’s mother handed one to Elisabeth, who took it hesitantly. A bit confused, she decided to speak up, “I’m sorry, but I don’t drink alcoholic beverages.”

  “Oh, neither do we, Sweetheart. This is just sparkling cider. It’s like juice with carbonated water added to it.” She patted her hand and Elisabeth released a nervous sigh.

  “Shall we propose a toast?” Carson’s father stood up and asked in a formal sounding voice. Elisabeth had no idea what all this meant, but she went along with it and nodded her head like the others. “To my oldest son Carson and his fiancée Elisabeth: May you have a long, happy, and prosperous life together. And may you serve the Lord all of your days.”

  Elisabeth followed suit as everyone held up their glasses and gently touched them one to another, each one making a tinkling sound as they did. “Cheers!” they all said to each other, and then happily drank down the sweet sparkly substance. Even though different, Elisabeth decided she enjoyed this strange Englisch custom. After all, it was vastly different than the ‘publishing’ that went on when an Amish couple’s engagement was announced.

  The dinner resumed and Carson’s family bombarded the happy couple with a plethora of questions. The main one being: “When’s the big day?” Of course, Elisabeth didn’t know the answer to that since she and Carson hadn’t discussed a wedding date yet. But as the evening wore on and the awkwardness dissipated, Elisabeth found herself more and more excited about her upcoming wedding.


  “Jacob, I’m really nervous about attending the gathering tonight,” Brianna said, squeezing his arm as she sat next to him in his buggy.

  Jacob laughed. “Well if you keep squeezing my arm like that, neither one of us will going to the gathering. Will you let go, please?”

  “Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize I was doing that.” Brianna let go and scooted over a bit.

  “What are you so nervous about?” Jacob asked. “You already have a ride home.”

  “Well, I don’t really know anyone. Except for maybe Rachel.” She fidgeted.

  “And you know Luke.” He reminded her, casting a knowing smile her way.

  “Yeah, well. I guess I’m kind of nervous about him too. I…I’ve never ridden home with anyone before,” Brianna said, twisting up the side of her apron.

  Jacob laughed. “You’re acting like you’re fourteen and this is your first singing. Elisabeth, you’ve gone on many buggy rides with Luke. This one will probably be no different.”

  “But I don’t remember any of those. This is like my first gathering. I don’t know what Luke will expect from me.” She attempted to calm her nerves, but it seemed the closer they came to the gathering the more tense she became.

  Jacob turned to her and patted her arm. “He expects you to be you. You don’t have to worry that he’s going to take advantage of you or anything. Luke is not that kind of guy. If you decide that you don’t want to go home with him, then I will take you home. Does that make you feel better?”

  Brianna blew out a nervous breath, and then leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Jah, denki, Jacob.”

  “Hey, that’s what little brothers are for.” He reached over and playfully pulled out one of her hair pins from under her kapp. Brianna grabbed it back and fastened it to her bun again.

  “You’re going to ask Sarah to ride home with you?” She lifted an eyebrow.

  “Sarah Anne Yoder, jah.” He shrugged as if it was no big deal.

  “Why don’t you ask Rachel? Aren’t the two of you the same age?” Brianna suggested.

  Jacob’s eyebrows lifted curiously. “Why would you ask about her?”

  “I think Rachel is really kind. And she’s pretty, don’t ya think?” She hinted.

  “That may be the case, but Rachel has no desire to ride in my buggy,” Jacob asserted.

  “So you’ve already asked her before and she turned you down?”

  “I didn’t say that.” He shook his head.

  “So you like her, but you’re afraid to ask her,” Brianna stated, but Jacob remained conspicuously silent. “Ah ha, that’s it!”

  “Is not,” he denied, his cheeks blushing furiously.

  “Is so. How cute! My little brother has a crush on my be
st friend,” Brianna taunted.

  “You better not say anything!” he threatened.

  She threatened him back, crossing her arms. “I won’t, if you ask her home.”

  “You can just forget about the buggy ride I offered you earlier.” He huffed.

  “That’s okay, I don’t need it. I’m riding home with Luke,” she declared smugly, and then turned up her nose.


  Chapter 10

  Brianna sat next to Rachel on a bale of hay that had been moved outside the barn. They watched on the sidelines as their peers played softball. Many of her former friends and schoolmates had come and said hello, welcoming her back into the community. More and more, Brianna was feeling like part of the Amish community and it helped to ease some of her tenseness.

  Luke had briefly waved at her before joining the other guys on the field. Rachel told her it was normal for the boys to act nonchalant, and necessary in order to keep courtships secret. Brianna was a bit relieved because she wasn’t sure what she would say to him anyway. Her nerves were still a bit raw, and became more so as the sun descended on the horizon.

  Brianna didn’t ask Rachel if she had her eye on anyone because it didn’t seem the proper thing to do. She was curious if Rachel had feelings for her brother, however. Hopefully, Jacob would get the chance to drive Rachel home tonight and it would be the beginning of a beautiful courtship.

  Soon the games ended and young people gathered around the bonfire. Folding chairs and hay bales formed a large circle several feet from the small inferno. The boys and girls sat on opposite sides, but it seemed Luke sat where he could catch Brianna’s eye. As the singing began, Brianna fell in love with the mixture of melodic voices. She felt closer to God somehow as she joined in with others, as best as she could, in praise to her Maker.

  When the singing ceased, the young folks gathered in the barn for snacks and fellowship. It was there that Luke approached Brianna and confirmed their plan for him to take her home. A nervous excitement rose up in Brianna’s belly and she hoped she could calm it before Luke’s buggy ride.


  Rachel snatched a napkin from the snack table and placed two chocolate chip cookies in it. She felt someone next to her and looked up to see Jake Yoder nearby.

  “Hello, Rachel.” Jake smiled.

  “Hello, Jake. Are you having a nice evening?” She attempted to make polite conversation.

  “Jah, ’tis nice. But it would be even nicer if you’ll let me drive you home tonight.” Jake twisted his hat in his hands. Was he nervous?

  Rachel found the thought amusing since their mothers were best friends and they saw each other fairly often. They had gone to school together too, although he was several years older than her. She found it interesting that he’d approached her instead of her brother, Levi—like he had last time when she’d turned him down. Did he think his chances of receiving a ‘yes’ were greater if he asked her outright?

  “Jah, alright Jake,” she agreed, and then smiled at the look of surprise on his face.

  “Really?” His dark eyes brightened. “You will?”

  “Jah, I would like to ride home with you.” Rachel gave him a reassuring smile.

  “Uh…denki, Rachel. I will get my buggy ready directly.” He turned and walked out of the barn with a spring in his step.

  Rachel went and sat down next to Brianna. They had just begun a conversation when Jacob walked up to them. “Rachel, may I speak with you, please?”

  Rachel looked at Brianna who stood up.

  “I need to go now.” Brianna grinned at Jacob, then walked outside the barn leaving them alone.

  “You wanted to talk to me, Jacob?” Rachel looked into his eager eyes and hoped he wasn’t about to ask her what she thought he might.

  What was with these boys not going through her brother, Levi? Were they afraid of him? Or did they just want an excuse to talk to her directly?

  “May I take you home tonight?” He seemed a little more nervous than usual.

  Finally Jacob asked her and she had to turn him down! She shook her head regretfully, not wanting to say the words. “I’m sorry, Jacob. But I—”

  Rachel was abruptly cut off when he held out his hand to silence her. “Let me guess. Your mother won’t let you go, right? Jah, I think I finally get it. Well, you know what? Never mind! I only asked you because Elisabeth forced me to anyway. I knew I should have just asked Sarah Anne,” he said angrily, and then stomped off.

  What was that all about? She really hadn’t a clue.

  Rachel put her hands over her face which was now red with embarrassment...and hurt...and anger. Why did Jacob’s words have to cut so deep? I can’t believe this. I don’t know why I ever liked dumm Jacob Schrock in the first place! She stood up, brushed the hay from her dress, and went to meet Jake Yoder at his buggy.


  Brianna fiddled with her kapp string as she waited for Luke to join her in his buggy. She took a couple of deep breaths as Luke readied the horse, hoping to calm her nervousness. What would they do? Would he drive her straight home? Would they be able to find things to talk about? What if she wasn’t the same girl as before? What if he got to know her and discovered he didn’t like her anymore?

  Or worse yet, what if he tried to kiss her?

  Her thoughts were interrupted when Luke hopped up into the buggy. He cast a reassuring smile her way. For some reason, she never realized how small the buggy seats were until now. Probably because they sat in such close proximity to one another. Or maybe this was just how Luke’s buggy was made. As Luke took up the reins, their arms brushed, sending delicious shivers up her spine. He clicked his tongue to get the large beast moving.

  She was sure there were many girls envious of her right now. How could they not be? Luke was certainly the finest-looking boy at the gathering tonight. She knew she was swooning over him, but felt she had no control over it. Luke had already professed his love. He had expressed his intentions of marriage. All of this just seemed too good to be true. As if she’d stepped right into a fairy tale—horse and carriage and all. She smiled to herself.

  “What did you think of the gathering? Did you have a gut time?” Luke’s blue eyes shined from under his straw hat.

  “Yes. I had a wonderful time, although I was a bit nervous. Still am.”

  “I appreciated your honesty. The pre-Englisch Elisabeth wouldn’t have been so forthcoming.” He smiled and reached over and clasped her hand. “Ach, you don’t need to feel nervous with me, Beth. If I do something that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know. I want you to feel at home with me. If we marry soon…”

  Did he think he was moving too fast?

  He was so caring, so considerate. She just could not understand why or how she could have left him. Or her family, for that matter. They were wonderful. Hadn’t she known what she was walking away from? “I still don’t understand why I left. Did you and I have an argument or something?”

  “Nee. And as far as I know, you were at peace with your family as well. I think you were just tired of being Amish. Wanted to go off and live in the big city.” He sighed.

  “You know, it’s kinda funny. I’m frustrated with myself because I left, yet I can’t remember any of it.” She tried to jar a memory.

  “Perhaps it’s better if you don’t remember.” He frowned.

  “Why? Do you think I might want to leave again? Luke, I can’t even imagine why I would want to leave.” She shook her head.

  “Lieb, let’s not talk about the past anymore. I don’t want to think about you leaving ever again.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’ve forgiven you, Beth. You must forgive yourself as well,” Luke stated, stroking her hand with his large thumb. The strength of his hand holding hers brought a sense of comfort and security.

  Brianna looked up and saw the pain in Luke’s eyes. For the first time, she realized she must have really hurt him deeply. She determined from that moment on not to mention the
past anymore. She couldn’t bear seeing the hurt in his eyes and the pain etched across his lovely face, so she changed the subject. “Tell me about Him.”

  “Who?” Luke wore a puzzled expression.

  Brianna laughed. “I guess I can’t expect you to be a mind reader. God, I mean.”

  “Oh Beth, you really have changed.” He smiled. “In a good way. What would you like to know about God?”

  “Everything,” she stated, oblivious to the beautiful scenery passing them by.

  Luke laughed. “I’m afraid nobody knows everything about God. If we did then He wouldn’t be God, jah?”

  She nodded. “Tell me what you know.”

  “That might take a while.” He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “You got all night?”

  Maybe it was his hot breath against her cheek or the sensuous way he seemed to ask, but Brianna got the feeling he was referring to more than just talking. “I…I don’t—”

  Luke laughed out loud. “Relax. I’m teasing you, Beth. And just to put your mind at ease, you should know that I intend to stay pure. We won’t…I mean, until we’re married…” he said, suddenly uncomfortable.

  Brianna laughed. “It’s all right, Luke. I know what you mean.”

  Luke sighed, and then arched an eyebrow. “But you don’t mind if I kiss you, do you?”

  “Right now?” she squeaked, swallowing hard.

  He laughed again. “Well, no. Not right now…unless you want to.”

  She shook her head outwardly, but inside she was nodding.

  “That’s what I suspected. I meant just whenever.” He lightly flicked the reins, urging the horse to travel at a quicker pace.

  “I…I think I might like that. We are getting married, right?” She blushed.

  “Nothing would make me happier,” he declared, and then suddenly remembered her original question before they’d gotten sidetracked. “You were asking about God.”

  “I was. I want to know more about Him. Since the accident…well, Rachel said I should talk to Him.” She shrugged. “I did, a few times.”


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