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The War Journals: Resistance (Screenplay)

Page 4

by Cory Mccoy

  D.C. is all but destroyed, the casualties are estimated at well over a million for the metro area near the Capital alone. Every major state building had been destroyed in simultaneous attacks, hundreds of large trucks had been used as mobile bombs. In most cities, the PLA is still facing pockets of fighters, but have began establishing a military lockdown of all major highways. Reports indicated that they aren't killing civilians if they didn't have to.

  As bad as the attacks on the United States are, we were probably better off than some of the others countries around the world. Russia had begun an all out assault on former USSR territories in an apparent attempt to reclaim their former land. The EU issued a unanimous declaration of war toward China and Russia. The UN security council had begun mobilizing all available troops to the closest cities that were under siege.

  India had launched an offensive against China only to be rerouted by Pakistani forces. About 100,000 troops remaining in Afghanistan were headed to rendezvous with Indian forces, but the Chinese had already set up a massive guard along their southern border in anticipation. Japan and the pacific island nations were mobilizing in anticipation of an attack. Japan vowed to assist the few hundred thousand marines stationed throughout the pacific, if they are to take the fight to China's soil. China hadn't been able to breach any of the joint bases on Japanese shores.

  No solid evidence of the fate of the President and his cabinet have come down the wire. Both Congress and the Senate had been in session when the attack began, most were thought to be dead. The only cabinet member accounted for was the Secretary of State who had been in Copenhagen for an environmental summit. Without contact with the President, she was the assumed head of state and acting commander in chief. An announcement on the U.S.'s course of action was expected within hours.

  Very little help would be coming from our neighbors who were also under attack. Venezuela and Cuba had begun an assault on Mexico City, sources said the drug cartels had allied themselves with the corrupt governments. Meanwhile, Russia had over run military forces in Alaska and began funneling into Canada. There were reports of a naval battle near the arctic circle. The Canadians had managed to help recapture Buffalo and had pledged to route forces into New York state to help fend off the PLA.

  Seizing the opportunity Iran had invaded Iraq, hoping to crush their long time enemy once and for all. Nearly all of the countries in the middle east declared outrage at their audacity and vowed to help Iraq. Africa had plunged into pure melee, with warlords from all over the continent outright attacking former enemies and allies both, in order to seize valuable land and minerals.

  We cut to Secretary of State susan thompson who has been moved to the relative security of an american aircraft carrier in the north atlantic ocean with her is usmc commandant geraldo "Jerry" rigalio

  Secretary of State SUSAN THOMPSON is a shrewd looking woman in her early 60s. She carries her stress well. She is in decent shape and a bit above average height with short graying blonde hair. Commandant RIGALIO is an older gentleman of average height and stocky build. His hair is cut short in a traditional high and tight. He is a hard looking man. Clearly tough.


  Any word from Airforce One or Marine One Jerry?


  Yes ma'am. The crash sites were swarmed by the PLA. Looking for survivors I presume.


  Have they located Jack yet?


  He was with the President Sue.


  You're certain?


  Unfortunately. Sue, I'm sorry. Believe me, I'm doing everything I can to get a recovery operation together.


  No, it's too late for that. They'll be long gone by the time an extraction team arrives. If they're even alive. They always were inseperable. Even at their age, they're like a pair of frat boys.


  He's a good man. The President would have believed that he would be safest with his detail.


  Of course.


  Sue, I'm here. Whatever you need.


  As much as I appreciate that Jerry, I'm not in a position that allows me to grieve. I need to see your intel. We have a hell of a lot more to do than just send a search and rescue for the president.


  We should have seen this coming.


  We did. We just refused to act. President Carthage knew that defaulting on international loans was synonomous with a declaration of war. We should have started preparing for it then, but instead we waited another seven years and let a new President ignore the same increasingly agressive rhetoric.


  You're right, but we both know it was more than just the President. The Joint Cheifs have no damn backbone. They're too damn scared to adjust to foreign movement because it would seem aggressive.


  Jerry, it's time we found someone a bit more aggressive, don't you think?

  We cut back to the hospital. Connor and liz are just walking back in, both look shaken.

  Int. Hospital triage

  A stranger sees CONNOR and makes a beeline toward him. RAUL CASTRONOVA is a shorter hispanic man in his mid 30s.


  Hey General!

  Hey! Hey! slow down, can I talk to you please? You're him right? The guy that saved all those people from the Mega Mart?


  I didn't save those people. They saved themselves and they paid dearly for it.


  Don't be so modest man. They're calling you the General, they said you single-handedly saved all of their lives. I heard you killed over a hundred Chinese yourself!


  Who are you and what the hell are you talking about?


  Relax, I'm a journalist. Raul Castronova with the Willamette


  Well, isn't that special. You still haven't told me what the fuck you want.

  I'm sorry man, I know you must be stressed out. Listen, I'd like to interview you. I think it'll be good for people to hear your story.

  CONNOR explodes, screaming at the journalist, but Liz grabs his shoulder to let him know to dial it down a little.


  What the fuck do you think is happening here? This is real goddamnit. People are dying and you act like the PLA is just trying to take away your birthday.


  Hun, maybe you should. People are going to want to know what happened, it'll give them hope and maybe they'll be able to fight back if they know it's possible.


  Fine, but not right now. We need to check on Jesse and those girls"


  I don't think you have much time. The dispatchers said they found the PLA's radio signal and are having it translated, they're pissed. They want to bring the wrath of whatever god they pray to down on the motherfucker who was in charge of the fight at the Mega-mart. They want to make you an example man.


  Liz. Go find Jesse and the girls, we need to go. Make sure they're ok. Give Jesse your keys, we need to take his car, he'll have to stop by the house and pick yours up later.


  Ok, I'll try not to take too long, but, I've got to make sure someone is going to take care of those kids.


  Alright , you've got until she gets back, then we're out of here. I dont want anyone else dying on account of me. Oh and don't use my name, yours, or anyone else's. The last thing we need is family and friends getting killed because of you want a Pulitzer.


  Ok, sounds good. I'll use the nickname they gave you. We'll call you The General, that ought to shake those bastards up a little.

  CONNOR sighs, clearly annoyed.


  Fine, where do you want
to start?


  Give me a little background about yourself.


  Well I like long walks on the beach under the moonlight...

  Fade out.

  We see LIZ coming back with JESSE about half an hour later, CONNOR is just finishing up with RAUL. LIZ looks irritated. RAUL is sketching a symbol that see tattooed on CONNOR's back as he is being stitched up. SARAH hands LIZ 3 prescription bottles, which she puts in her purse.


  It'll heal up, but I have a feeling he isn't going to take it easy. Those are for the pain. Make sure he takes them.


  Hey, what took so long? Whoa, where do you think you're going?


  I'm coming with you guys.


  I'm sorry hun. He wont take no for an answer.


  Listen Jess-


  I don't have anyone left, what the hell am I supposed to do? My mom is dead man. She is fucking dead and I have no where to go. You have to let me come. You know they'll fucking kill me if you don'.


  You're gonna have to learn how to handle a gun.


  Good, let's go!


  LIZ, why don't you take him to the RV and grab us three bags. Pack 'em just like we did when we went to Yellowstone. Put all the dried food you can find in there along with the laptop. I'm going to finish up with RAUL and have SARAH stitch my arm up real quick. She's going to grab a needle right now. Ill catch up in a few minutes.

  LIZ and JESSE exit.


  We're gonna have to take off. It's too dangerous for us to stay here. They're coming and they'll kill anyone who might have information


  I know. We havent entered anyone into the database tonight. Triage is a little harder, but it might keep them safe.

  SARAH gives CONNOR some cleaning swathes, a few changes for the dressing, and antibiotics in case it gets infected.


  You know I could lose my license for this, but at this point I don't think it matters anymore.


  Thanks Sarah, and again thanks for agreeing to look after those girls. They need someone like you right now.

  We follow connor as he exits the hospital and walks slowly to the rv. Bombs are lighting up the night sky like the Fourth of July, occasionally shaking the ground with the force of their explosions. It is eerily beautiful, the sky clear and the stars bright, mortar shells and ground to air missiles streaking through the night sky. Smoke lying heavy over bombarded neighborhoods and sirens screaming in the distance.

  Int. RV


  We need to find out what the closest safe city is and get the fuck out of the Portland area. If all else fails, there are thousands of hiking trails through the cascades we could take to stay off of the roads. We might be safe for now, because the PLA has no idea who they're looking for, but how long until someone identifies us?

  What if the security cameras at that store are still active? Game over man, we're fucked if they are.

  This morning I woke up thinking I would be cooking steaks right now. Instead I'm probably targeted by the world's largest military. Within days there are gonna be millions of PLA soldiers looking for me. If I can get away from here, go on the run, then people might start to think that they can fight back. Fuck. All I wanted was to get some god damn beer.


  Hun, can you make me a list or something? I'm having a hard time figuring out what's essential and what isn't.


  What she really means is Jesse has no clue what the hell he's doing.


  Yeah, that too.


  We need to keep it light in case we have to run. Make sure we don't grab anything with a strong scent.


  The bear did what?


  If we're being following, we don't want anything with us that is gonna make us easier to track. Especially by bears. They're fond of eating faces off.


  How do you know all of this shit?


  Connor was Force Recon when he was in the Marine Corps. He's seriously more comfortable Macguyvering it up in the woods than most people are living in a house.


  Oh man so you're like one of those dudes from Call of Duty!


  Yeah, except I don't respawn when someone shoots me in the head.

  Alright, here's your list. Tear this place apart. If you find something that might be useful let me know. Oh and Liz, no coffee.


  What? You know I'm useless without my coffee.


  Well if you can make the grounds magically disappear then you can bring it.

  LIZ finds a jar of instant coffee as she digs through the kitchenette.


  Instant coffee. What now, bitch?


  Fine, bring your damn coffee.


  This is like winning the survival gear lottery. They've got like 90% of the stuff on this list.


  Well, that's a damn good start.

  LIZ holds out a water pitcher with a filter.


  Connor, what do you think about this? Wouldn't it be easier to take this instead of all that water?


  Yeah, good call sweetheart. I'm gonna take this collapsible shovel too.


  Hey, look I found an old school cell phone!I wonder if I can call 1987 with it?


  Whoa, that's a sat phone. Try to call your cell phone, we need to get the number on it. Those things can make a call from just about everywhere, except under the ocean.


  Damn, I really wanted to check in on Aqualad.

  Ok, got it.


  Hey, we should give that reporter this number. I bet he would know if there are checkpoints set up along the way.


  Why don't you run it to him. Oh and give him our cell phones, tell him to smash 'em and drop 'em in with the medical waste.


  Wait, what?


  Just do it. They'll be able to track us with them if we don't.


  But... All the ladies' digits...


  Uh huh, sure.


  You better not leave without me!

  JESSE hurries off, he doesn't seem to be completely joking about being left.


  Babe, I can't find a tent anywhere. They probably just slept in here, this thing is nicer than my college dorm was.

  CONNOR points out a large U.S. map covered with thumbtacks. Liz is piling all of the equipment on the table he is sitting at.


  Yeah, look at that map on the wall. Looks like they were going to try to hit all of those places. That would take months and probably more money than we make in a year.


  Ok, this is pretty much everything. Well except for a tent, sleeping bags and some jackets or sweaters.


  Well we could always try to stuff a comforter in the bags, but that would take a ton of room. Hmm, let's check the outside compartments. Wish I knew which ones opened it.


  CONNOR and LIZ walk outside the RV and begin trying to open the compartments.


  You could always break it open if you cant find the key. Use some brute force on it.


  Fuck that, ill just shoot it in it's nonexistent face

  CONNOR is trying different keys on a compartment as LIZ laughs at him. We see JESSE running into frame.

  Connorr />
  Ok, there we go. Let's see what's in this treasure trove.


  Alright, you guys didn't get away yet. Ok so Raul, gave me his number too. He said to call anytime we need information. Oh and he wants to do a longer interview with you when we get a chance to stop.


  Awesome. Here's an emergency kit, why don't you take out the parkas and the shiny blanket things. They aren't much, but they're compact. Holy shit, a vacuum seal kit. It's got a hand pump too, let's take that in case we need to keep stuff dry.

  JESSE grabs the keys and tries to open the next compartment over.


  He wasn't half this excited when I gave him a new big screen last christmas.


  TV ain't gonna be much use to me in the field babe.


  Your face ain't much use to me anywhere.


  Hey, there are some tarps and bungee cords here.


  They're probably for the dirt bikes, but we can use them since we don't have a tent.


  Ok, good. We're pretty much done, let's get this shit bagged up and get the fuck out of here. Jesse, take those gas cans to the car. Just in case.

  int. subaru

  We move to the interior of JESSE's Subaru as the group is leaving the city. Liz and CONNOR are in the front, JESSE is sprawled in the backseat with the bags behind him and in the floorboard.


  I think we need to try to make it to Seattle, it looks as if the PLA have been completely shut down north of Olympia. So if we can make it past the capital, it's smooth sailing from there. We'll take the side roads, since the highways are compromised.

  It is much later as we come back to the group. The gunpowder filled skies are giving way to stars as they leave the Columbia River Basin's cloudcover. We still hear the sounds of battle, fainter as they put distance between them. The buildings they pass are almost all damaged, people are hiding when they see the headlights. All of the main roads are packed, but the backroads are almost empty.


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