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The War Journals: Resistance (Screenplay)

Page 6

by Cory Mccoy

  He was looking for his little boy. I tried to help him find the kid, but the soldiers were all over. Another guy managed to get ahold of a soldier's hand grenades.

  CONNOR is doing his best to keep his voice from cracking as the emotions came rushing to the surface. He is able to control them, even as his eyes begin to water.

  v.O. as we see overhead shots of battles raging in various cities around the globe.


  That is an amazing story. I met you there, at the hospital. You came across harshly at first, but I can't blame you after all you've been through today. I would never be able to hold myself together like that.


  We can't have let them die in vain R.C. Those bastards came looking for us and they killed an injured man along with his doctor. They weren't fighting back, it was in cold blood.


  Staff Sgt Michael McDonnell and Doctor Thomas Richards. They died today as heroes, giving their lives to protect others. And Jim, he's with his son now. Tell me, where do we go from here?


  Know this, no man will fall in vain while attempting to restore our lives. At the same time no loss of life should ever be considered small. So many of us will die, so that our brothers and sisters may live. We must willingly face our end in order to give our nation a new beginning. Without a doubt, we must take back our country. After that, the homes of our allies as well. We all fall together and together we will all rise again. Today the Chinese government and those of their allies decided that we were not fit to lead anymore, not even fit to run our own lives. They sent in their armies to break our spirit, to punish us all for our ignorance. Not just us, but all free people. If we do not stand now, this authoritarian army of tyrants will wash over the entire world, killing and suppressing any who stand in their way. They intend to hunt me like a dog for the insults I have made against them.


  Are you afraid for yourself, General?


  I am. I am afraid for all of us. But we can not let fear dictate our lives, we must strive to control our own circumstance. If we give in to fear, we will be lost within months. If we stand aside, we will never again have a chance to take our country back. We must embrace this fear and use it, because it is only this fear that can remind us what is at stake.


  How should we fight back?


  We face an army of unprecedented size, no one knows exactly how large it actually is. However, they do not know these lands, they do not know our cities. They can not imagine how fiercely we will fight them to wrest control out of their hands. So let them hunt me, let them send their troops to find me. It is a fool's move to waste massive amounts of resources to find one man.

  While they aimlessly attempt to track me down, we will be building ourselves up. We will organize to fight back. They have only been able to take major coastal cities, everything between the Cascades and the Appalachian mountains remains free. Within days our military will be mobile again. Our enemy is coming from across the seas, we are only witnessing the first of their massive armies, but it will take them time to move their Armada toward us. We must not simply bide our time, waiting for death to come


  You would have us fight them at every turn?


  No, no, we do not need people dying for no reason. We need to use our cities and forests to our advantage. We can fight as guerillas, it is our time to use the urban warfare tactics we have learned over the last few decades. We can mount an urban counter-offensive the likes they could never have imagined. We will not fight in the streets, we will use our heads. Our intelligence and resourcefulness are our most valuable weapons. There is no shame in retreating. Attack while the enemy is unsuspecting and move. Do not stay in any place longer than it takes to reload, never fight in the same spot twice. Always, always keep moving. Do not give your enemy time to breathe.


  So we are now the insurgents?


  You could say that. All of our lives are now intertwined. We can not let our enemy break our spirits. Even if I were to fall, let my death steel your hearts and cement your will. We are all the leaders of this new militia, they can not destroy us by simply killing one man. Let us strike fear into their souls. We will give them a fight so fierce that they will abandon their plans to conquer this land. Let our righteousness make this land untenable for them.


  We are running out of time here. It is unsafe for us to linger much longer, we will all become targets soon. Anything else you'd like to tell the people General?


  Though the night may seem too long to bear, remember that the dawn will always break. We are at a crucial point in the history of mankind, where all free people must fight to maintain their independence. We can not simply lay down and die. Embrace your brothers and move forward. In order to survive we must all resolve to stand as one. We are all the Resistance.

  Transition back to connor sitting at the desk trying to collect himself

  As he sits in the office, we hear the tell-tale sound of rain drops. Only a sprinkling at first, within moments a torrential downpour all but drowns out the sounds coming from the kitchen and the bar beyond. CONNOR takes a bottle of painkillers out and chases a few with his whiskey. He then gets up to return to the bar.

  We see Liz talking to Ralphie about his family and Jesse having a very intense conversation with Ralphie's daughter who had taken their order earlier. We notice her hand on JESSE's knee. She looks at CONNOR in the most peculiar way as he sits back down.


  Ummm... Hi?


  Jesse said you got shot earlier. You don't look like someone shot you.


  Well, it just grazed me. It's not nearly as bad as it sounds. In fact, it doesn't even hurt.

  CONNOR pulls his shirt off, a tanktop underneath. Ralphie and his daughter see the bandage. We see a tattoo on CONNOR's back. It's a Ohm/resistance symbol with crosed swords through it. (See book jacket for illustration)


  They damn near took your ink off, hun.


  Nah, it's lucky. We never lost a man who had this tat.


  Oh, that's good. Are you guys gonna stay here for a few days?


  No, we need to get moving pretty quickly.


  Oh. When will you guys be back?


  I doubt we will. It's not safe for us right now, so we'll have to keep moving until it is.


  You know what? Why don't you take this with you son. I think this bottle of Jack will do you more good than it will me.


  Thanks Ralphie. You guys be careful, there's no telling when those bastards will come this way.


  I'll just have the cook poison them.


  No matter what, we were never here. It's pertinent you don't tell anyone. I can't have you in danger on my behalf.

  EXT. Parking lot

  As they pull out of the parking lot, the first strands of sunlight are beginning to creep over the horizon.


  Ok, set that GPS for the Mount St. Helens observatory, but use the alternate route,We want to go around the east side of the mountain, there will be less of a chance of being followed.


  I cant figure this one out, it's so much different than ours.


  Here let me see. I can do it.

  LIZ hands JESSE the GPS.


  You have to type it in, it's not voice activated. How alternate do you want? I can do hiking trails.


  I Don't think the car would hike too well, but that's good to know in case we do need to hoof it. />
  Later in the day we come back to CONNOR driving while LIZ is nodding off. JESSE is going through the bags to stave off boredom.


  Hey, where'd you get this ninja sword?

  JESSE is swinging the kukri around.


  That's a machete. It's called a Kukri.


  No, it's called a bad ass ninja sword,


  If you end up cutting yourself, I'm just gonna let you bleed out.


  You killed my brother, prepare to die!

  (mouthing randomly as if he were in a poorly dubbed movie.)

  Holy shit, look there's someone else out here.

  JESSE points behind us at a car looming closer and closer. LIZ is fully awake at this point.


  How the hell did they manage to catch up to us? I haven't seen a cross road for at least an hour.


  Oh shit, Connor they're coming up fast. This isn't right, why are they coming up so quickly?

  We look back in the rear-view mirro and see was a green jeep.


  Mother fucker. Look, when we take this curve ahead try to see what symbol is on the side of the jeep. If it's not a big star we're in for some serious shit.

  CONNOR whips around the curve at 55 I could. JESSE is craning his neck to see.


  FUCK! GO GO GO! They've got a fucking machine gun on that bitch!.


  Hold on, I'm gonna try to shake 'em.

  As CONNOR slams on the gas we see the speedometer jump to 55 mph as he comes up on a 35 mph corner. He takes the corner at 60, back tires screeching. The jeep is unable to maintain the same speed.

  68 mph


  Someone's climbing on top!


  He's going for the gun, they're going to try to shoot us!

  77 mph

  The next curve is 50, CONNOR doesn't slow down at all.

  The soldier is trying to draw a line on them, but they are taking the corners too fast for them keep up. The frequent corners are throwing off the soldier's aim.

  CONNOR hits a 25 mph corner at 50 and the rear end starts to slide.


  How long until the road opens up?


  Just over 3 miles. A few more curves then completely open for at least half an hour.


  I'm going to put some distance between us. Jesse I need your help.




  Get a belt of grenades and climb open the hatch back there.


  Oh god, I've been kidnapped by crazy people.


  Trust me, we've got maybe 2 minutes before this road is wide open. When that happens, we are fucked. So i'm going to slow way down around this last curve. They won't expect us to be there. Open the hatch just enough to throw them. When I tell you, yank a few pins and toss them.


  But won't that hit us?


  No, as soon as you let go I'm gonna to floor it. Just slam the hatch and get the fuck down.


  This is how I die.

  (JESSE climbs in the back with grenades)


  Are you sure this is going to work?


  Well, for Jesse's sake I certainly hope so. If not, it's a hell of a way to go out.


  I fuckin heard that!

  50 mph around the next to last curve, the soldiers have started firing but are too far behind to do any good.

  Almost there Jesse

  (start slowing down around the last turn.)

  This is gonna be fuckin awesome... Open it, get ready.

  23 mph.

  We heard the Jeep's breaks screech as they realize CONNOR has slowed down. The soldier on top starts firing, but his gun is pointed to the side. He was panicking.


  Do it!!!!


  Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!

  Jesse screams as he tosses the grenades.

  CONNOR slams hard on the accelerator.

  43 mph.

  CONNOR is Shifting frantically as they come out into the open. We see an explosion in the rear view, it is huge. the flash is almost blinding

  64 mph.


  Hell yeah! Choke on that bitches!


  Ho-Leee- Zombie baby Jesus. How many did you throw?


  I don't know. The entire strip?


  That's like 20 grenades you maniac.


  They landed right on their fucking hood! I think I saw the guy on top go flying off.

  79 mph


  Why are you still going so fast honey?


  We've got to make room in case there are more behind them. We don't have enough grenades to do that too many more times.

  84 mph

  The engine is roaring.


  Wow, this is the fastest I've ever seen a car go!

  115 mph


  How far are we from the observatory?


  Just about an hour. Well Maybe five or six minutes if you don't slow down.


  Don't worry, I will as soon as we get back into the curves.

  Int. Secure conference room with large monitors


  What do we know?


  Gentlemen, let's not begin to waste our time speculating.


  Sir, I did not request speculation. What do we know?


  Commandant we must formulate a response and way our options. We must move on.


  You're damn right we must form a response, but I refuse to sit here and let you ladies discuss surrender. We are not beaten. Not yet.


  That is not for you to decide Commandant


  No sir, It is my decsion


  Madam, this is a closed session.


  I am acting President and I will not be asked to leave. Not if you wish to remain in your post General.


  The fact of the matter is, the chain of command is unaccounted for and we must consider arranging a new one.


  I beg your pardon?


  I believe I was clear Commandant.


  What you propose is treason. Your Commander in Chief is in this room and you will respect her.


  Have you ever been in a war, madam secretary?


  You will address her as Madam President and I would ask you the General the same question. Have your boots ever hit the ground outside a greenzone.


  That is irrelevant.


  No General, it is not. I am the only man here who has been in combat. The only one of us who knows what it's like out there when your life is on the line and the only thing between you and St Peter is the cheapest flak we could mass produce. So I will ask you again, and you will hold your tongue if you can not contribute. What in the bloody fuck do we know?

  Ext. Mt st helens observatory - abandoned.

  CONNOR sneaks around the building while LIZ and JESSE wait in the car. He has his Kukri and hatcet out. After searching for a moment, he finds a window that can be forced open. CONNOR climbs in.

  Int. Mt St helens observatory. Office opening to large hall

  CONNOR slowly moves through the cracked doorway and down the hall. Suddenly he hears a noise coming from a nearby room.

  Soldier (in chines

  Damnit, you're going to clean me out.

  Officer (chinese)

  Just hand over the hazard pay. I may let you try to win it back later.

  We hear a third soldier laughing. CONNOR positions himself outside the doorway and waits. He straps the weapons and pulls out a field knife.


  It's time for to make your rounds.

  Third soldier

  Don't touch my chips.

  As the third soldier leaves the room, CONNOR steps out and slits his throat. He lowers the SOLDIER to the ground, his hand covering the man's mouth.

  CONNOR sheaths the knife and pulls out the other weapons. He shoves the door open and flings the hatchet at the OFFICER, lodding it in his skull.

  The other soldier trips while trying to run, he is cowering against a desk begging incoherently.

  CONNOR grabs a pistol off the table and tosses it to the SOLDIER. The SOLDIER scrambles to grab it, but CONNOR slams the kukri into his shoulder, nearly severing the arm.


  Why? Why you do this?


  Every man deserves a chance to die fighting. You chose a coward's death. You didn't want the weapon.

  The SOLDIER slides toward the pistol, CONNOR does not advance.


  No. My choice, not the butcher's.

  The SOLDIER raises the gun and shoots himself in the head rather than let CONNOR finish him.

  CONNOR calmly walks to the OFFICER's corpse, putting his foot into the dead man's chest to dislodge his hatchet. JESSE and LIZ come storming into the room, weapons drawn.


  I asked you to stay in the car.


  We heard gunshots.


  Did he... Did he fucking kill himself? What the hell did you do?


  Only what was necessary, nothing more.


  They might be the enemy, but theyre still people CONNOR. Why the hell would he kill himself?


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