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The Watchmaker's Gift

Page 18

by Charles Zitta

  But now it was time for more important matters.

  “So, which one of you boys did my dear friend Ruth give the watch to?” the watchmaker asked.

  “That would be me, sir,” Charlie replied.

  “Ahhhhh, of course. You have the watch with you, yes?”

  Charlie pulled the damaged watch out of his short’s pocket and handed it to Raphael.

  Handling it gently, like a small, delicate bird, the watchmaker pulled the magic timepiece in closely, so that it almost was touching his red nose. He carefully assessed the damage through his thick glasses. “Why someone would want to harm such a nice timepiece, I do not understand. They must have been VERY unhappy.” He continued to examine the watch from every possible angle. “This is going to take me all night to repair. Don’t you agree Ticky and Tocky?” he asked his cats.

  “Bell’s father, Maurice, from Beauty and the Beast could help you fix it. He can fix anything,” Michael said jokingly. He did not expect an answer in return.

  “Oh, no-no-no, my young friend. Finalized characters are NEVER released in WONDER. The Patrons keep them tightly concealed, far away from this place,” the watchmaker said with a stern look on his face.

  “Sorry, I forgot,” Michael said, with an embarrassed expression. “What about your two cats? Aren’t you afraid they could get hurt?”

  “No. You see, uh, Michael, is it? Ticky and Tocky are here to protect me.”

  “Really? They look like regular cats to me,” Michael replied.

  Ticky was a grey, short hair male cat with a lean build, while Tocky was a white, long haired female. And while they first appeared quite different in looks, the shape and crystal blue color of their eyes were exactly the same.

  “Be kind, Michael,” his brother warned. “I am sure he has a perfectly good explanation, right Mr. Watchmaker?”

  “Yes…I for one would most certainly like to hear more,” Provo kindly added.

  “I wish I had time to explain, little mouse friend, but there is so much more we need to do,” the watchmaker replied. “Like getting to know all my wonderful new friends.”

  “Why of course, what was I thinking,” Featherwink replied. “I guess formal introductions are in order.”

  “I say we start with the cute little log over here who is carrying the tiny mouse on her head,” Raphael motioned with his hands towards Sassyfran.

  “Thank you, Mr. Watchmaker,” she replied, fluffing up her grassy hair, and nearly knocking Provo out of his nest.

  “Young lady, would you mind. I count too you know,” the mouse hollered from above with his little voice.

  “Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!” Raphael broke into laughter, which caused the others to laugh as well. “Be careful. You don’t want to make the little fellow angry.”

  “Don’t worry Mr. Watchmaker, he’ll be over it in a minute,” Sassyfran replied.

  The old man stared at the log with great curiosity. “You look…familiar, Raphael said. Have we met before?” I mean, you appear to have quite a bit of magic in you. Just like the piece of wood old Raspberry once showed me, which from what I understand, Pinocchio was carved from.”

  “Funny you should say that,” she replied. It just so happens I once sat on the same log pile as Pinocchio at Mr. Raspberry’s cottage.”

  “You don’t say?” Raphael replied. “Why, old Raspberry is a good friend of mine. He has been supplying me with wood for many years, which I use for all my projects.”

  “And, did you know,” Sassyfras added, “Pinocchio and I came from the same enchanted forest in a far away land?”

  “That is very interesting.” The old man placed a hand on his head, which quickly filled with endless possibilities for all the wood from the enchanted forest.

  “Boy, just imagine what Raphael could do with an entire stack of magic wood,” Ben said. “Why, it makes me tingle all over just thinking about it.”

  “Me too,” Charlie added.

  “Oh dear, too many things to think about.” The watchmaker shook his head clear of thought and refocused. “Now, where were we? Oh yes, we were making introductions. I forgot, did you give me your name?” he said to the little wooden log.

  “I must have gotten caught up in the moment as well,” she said with a giggle. So sorry. My name is Sassyfran. It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Raphael.”

  The old man let out a laugh. “Just Raphael is fine, my dear. I am nothing more than a humble craftsman.”

  “Very well then. Raphael, it is very nice to meet you,” Sassyfran replied.

  “And who is the little fellow on top of your head with the big blue eyes?”

  “I”m Provo, the local field mouse. Well, almost local. I live on the other side of the mountains.”

  “How do you do, Provo. It is good to meet you.”

  “It is my pleasure, watchmaker,” the mouse kindly replied.

  “Hello, Mr. Watchmaker, I mean Raphael. I’m Ben, assistant to—”

  “Frank Wellington, yes, he has told me all about you.”

  “All good I hope?” Ben replied with a nervous chuckle.

  “Yes, yes, yes. Ohhhh, he has nothing but praise for you my friend.”

  “Whew, glad to hear it. For a minute there, you had me nervous,” Ben said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

  Midnight rolled his eyes at Ben’s choice of words, then introduced himself. “Good evening Raphael. My name is Midnight, Frank’s living companion. I’m sure he must has spoken about me as well?”

  “The big black WONDER cat with a grey striped tail and sparkling green eyes. Yes, he has told me all about you as well. I believe you already met my two cats, Ticky and Tocky? From what Frank has told me, I think the three of you will get along tremendously,” Raphael said. “Ticky, Tocky,” he called on his cats, who were curled up by the fireplace in the living room. “Why don’t the two of you come in here and introduce yourselves.”

  Ticky and Tocky walked into the room, stretched as cats do, then addressed their new, and very large, friend with a couple of, “meows”.

  “Nice to meet the two of you as well,” Midnight replied. His fluency in the feline language was as good as his English, though he never really spoke it, since most of the cats in WONDER could understand the human language perfectly.

  The watchmaker smiled then turned to Charlie’s brother. “And what about you young fellow. Do you have a name?”

  “I’m Michael.”

  “Very nice to meet you Michael. So you are helping your brother, yes?”

  “I guess you could say that. It’s not like I had a choice,” Michael replied sarcastically.

  “Yes, I can see that. It is hard to refuse a siblings request for help. Especially when you love them as much as you love your brother.”

  Michael’s frown was melted away by the watchmaker’s words. He turned to Charlie, then slowly back to Raphael. “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he answered in a humbled tone.

  “And you. You must be Charlie,” Raphael said with a twinkle of admiration in his eyes.

  “Yes sir. I mean, yes Raphael,” the boy replied nervously.

  “Frank has told me all about the great adventures you shared together last year.”

  “He did?”

  “Why of course. You are the chosen outsider. A very big role for such a young boy.”

  “So why do they call you the watchmaker?” Michael interrupted.

  “Uh, hmm?” The old man was initially caught off guard by the question, as he scratched his head in thought. “Oh, uh, yes. How did I get the title of watchmaker. Let me think a moment…oh yes, now I have it. One day, many-many years ago—when I was still living in the peaceful village on the other side of the mountain, Frank’s Great Uncle, Waldo Wellington, and several other Patrons came to ask me a favor. They were looking for someone who could build a magical device to track down one of five Kingdom Crystals if it were hidden away from the evil Dark Thorns, or any other members of FOTO. You are all familiar with the crystals, Dark Thorns and t
he Forest of Thorns Order, yes?”

  The boys and everyone else in the room nodded yes to confirm they did.

  “Very good,” Raphael continued. “I told the Patrons I would be honored to do so, but that I would need a great deal of time to think up such a device. They granted me all the time I needed, and said they would be back in three months to check on my progress. As soon as the Patrons left, I rolled up my sleeves and went to my bench to start thinking up whatever came to mind. I sketched pages upon pages of ideas. I started with simple things, like a flute and a whistle. But neither was complex enough for such a task. Then I thought, maybe a music box or a cuckoo clock would work. But they were too large to carry around. I continued to think, day and night, night and day. My mind and body were exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open. That is when I left the workbench to go sit by the fireplace in my big comfy chair. I started to fall asleep, when the pocket watch in my vest began to chime. I pulled the watch out to look at the time, and THAT is when it came to me! It was small, it was complex, and it was portable. I decided a watch would make the perfect object to pair with a Kingdom Crystal.”

  “I think I understand now,” Charlie said. “You made a watch for the Patrons to use as an Object of Magic, so naturally they named you the watchmaker?”

  “Ha-ha! Yes, Charlie, that is right. You are a very smart boy.”

  “But how do you turn a Mickey watch into something like an Object of Magic?” Provo asked.

  “Yes, can you explain to us how something like that even works?” Ben added. “Besides telling time, what else can a watch—like the one you hold in your hands, possibly do?”

  “Ohhh, huh-huh-huh,” the watchmaker chuckled. “You see, this watch—”

  “Is a magical watch. Ruth, the Keeper of the Watch from the jewelry store, already told us how it works,” Michael interrupted.

  “Shhh,” the frog said. “If you give the watchmaker a chance, you might just learn a thing or two.”

  “Thank you, Featherwink.” I’m sure my younger brother would love to hear what you have to say, Raphael,” Charlie said, while bumping his brother in the shoulder. “Isn’t that right, Michael?”

  “I guess so,” Michael replied—even though he still believed there was nothing more to learn about the watch .”

  The watchman looked at Michael, shook his head, sighed, then continued on. “This watch is much more than a timepiece. And yes, while I am sure, young man, Ruth explained, very thoroughly, that the watch can be used to get you and your brother from one place to another within WONDER, I am also sure, she did not explain HOW to use it, in order to do so.”

  “How would you know that?” Michael asked.

  “Because, there is only one person who knows such details.”

  “And who would that be?” Charlie asked out of curiosity.

  “You are looking at him,” Raphael said, with a proud smile.

  “Now I see why the Patrons chose to hide you away in such a secret place,” Midnight said. “If something were to happen to you, then no one would be left to explain how the watch works. Nor would there be anyone to fix it.”

  “You are a very smart kitty. Remind me to get you a nice bowl of milk later for being so smart.”

  “If it is not too much to ask, I would much rather prefer a nice bowl of spaghetti and meatballs, if you have it,” Midnight replied.

  Raphael gave the cat a look of bewilderment.

  To break the awkward moment of silence, Ben jumped into the conversation. “He has what you might consider, a rather unusual appetite for a cat.”

  “Ahhh, now I see why he is so BIG,” Raphael replied, spreading his arms apart in a humorous manner to exaggerate the size of the cat.

  Everyone in the room burst into laughter, except for Midnight of course. He turned away and began to study some of the beautiful work on the shelves that the master craftsman had created.

  “Oh come now Midnight, we were only kidding,” Ben said, to lure his friend back to the conversation.

  The large cat turned back towards everyone and said, “You know, I have never been one to turn down a good plate of food,” followed by a small chuckle.

  “I knew you couldn’t stay mad for long. Get back here you silly cat,” Ben replied.

  “Yes, please come back and join us,” Raphael added. “I want to explain a few things about the watch you have brought me to fix.”

  Midnight quickly scurried back to the work bench and eagerly waited for the crafty watchmaker to begin.

  “I am sorry, Midnight. I did not mean to upset you,” Raphael said. I do hope you will forgive me.” The big cat nodded to acknowledged his apology then the watchmaker continued. “So the watch you see before you can do many things. But, in order for you, Charlie, to use it correctly, there are details I must first explain. Which, you will need to remember.”

  “I would be taking notes if I were you right about now,” the frog whispered softly to the boy.

  Without missing a beat, Raphael reached across his bench and picked up a pad of paper and a pencil, then handed it to Charlie.

  “See, what did I tell ya,” Featherwink said to the young boy.

  “Now, to begin with, I understand that Frank Wellington and Ruth have already explained to Charlie and Michael the meaning of the phrase: forwards, backwards, sideways and magic.”

  “Yes, that’s right,” Charlie replied.

  “Good. While you are busy writing down what it means, I will explain it to the others,” Raphael replied. “Now then, the Watch of WONDER does not tell time, but rather, allows one to travel to conceptual realities that Disney has dreamt up, or will dream up. These include park, resort, ship, movie, and other concepts—combined with all other dreams that never reached the concept stage. More importantly, the watch will lead the chosen outsider, that being you Charlie, to the second Kingdom Crystal by utilizing these magical places—which are all connected AND preserved in WONDER, thanks to the Magic Dream Expander.

  “So how exactly does the watch take you to all of these wonderful places?” Midnight asked.

  “Ahhh, that is the best part. You simply push the button on the side, then ask, or tell, Mickey where you want to go.”

  “So if Charlie wanted to go to a simulated version of the Haunted Mansion the day it opened in Walt Disney World, all he would have to do is ask the watch to take him there?”

  “Precisely, Midnight.”

  “Fascinating,” Provo replied.

  “What if he wanted to go somewhere in WONDER that was movie-related, like a conceptual scene from Fantasia?”

  “Yes, the watch would take him there too,” Raphael said with confidence. “In fact, the Watch of WONDER, when it is fixed, will take Charlie, and whoever is with him, anywhere they want to go within the magical boundaries of WONDER.”

  “Anywhere?” Sassyfran asked.

  “Well, almost anywhere. There are two limitations when using an Objects of Magic. They cannot access any of the finalized scenes or characters used in a Disney movie. These are all carefully locked away in WONDER, and are strictly off limits to everyone, except a select group of Patrons. Nor can an Object of Magic access the actual parks, resorts, ships, or anything else created by Disney, which exist in reality. Simply because, they can only exist in the real world, and not in WONDER.”

  “So basically,” Charlie said, “any Disney-related dreams, or concepts that have not been finalized, can be accessed using an Object of Magic—as long as they are preserved within WONDER?”

  “Precisely,” Raphael replied.

  “Still, seems pretty amazing to me,” Featherwink added.

  “Oh, and I almost forgot,” Raphael said. “The Mickey watch can also be used to locate dream dots. Making it easier to navigate around WONDER.”

  “Sounds like that would come in handy if the boys needed to make a quick getaway,” Ben said.

  “Exactly, the watchmaker replied. “Now, everyone gather in closely, so I can show you how it works.”
  Everyone huddled around Raphael and the watch.

  “First, everyone must understand the meaning of forwards, backwards, sideways and magic, and how it relates to the watch. Forwards represents the future realities of WONDER. So if the watch is asked to travel into the future, Mickey’s hands will both point to the three on the watch face, representing forwards. If it is asked to travel backwards, the hands will both point to nine. To travel sideways, one hand will point to three, and one to nine. And finally, if the watch is asked to travel to a place of magic, both hands will point to twelve. Everyone understand, so far?”

  Charlie and the others nodded their heads, yes.

  “Good. Now let’s say Charlie wants to visit Frank at his apartment in WONDER, which would be considered sideways, or present time. First, he would press the button on the right side, to activate the watch. Then he would ask the watch to take him to Frank’s apartment. Immediately, Mickey’s hands would begin to spin rapidly, in ether direction—and the watch would start to flash in a brilliant pattern of purple, orange, blue and red light. Each color represents a layer of WONDER. The magic rim is purple, WONDER is orange, Deep WONDER is blue, and the Dream Core is red. When the watch finds its location, which in this case is Frank’s apartment in WONDER, Mickey’s hands would snap into place—one hand would be on three and the other on nine. Then the watch would illuminate orange, and POOF, Charlie would immediately be sent to Frank’s apartment.


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