Endless Abduction

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Endless Abduction Page 94

by Gloria Martin

“I’d like that,” he lied. He couldn’t tell, but he could have sworn he saw Charlotte laugh a little. Could she tell he was lying? He had to make sure he got a chance to speak to this mystery girl.


  When they reached the bar, Charlotte was already tired of the game her two friends were playing. They had decided to go “fishing” for a few clients who would pay a little extra once Bill and his crew moved to the strip club. Charlotte was not a fan of what they were doing as it entailed actually having sex with them at the end of the night for a few extra dollars. She wasn’t a whore and she refused to be treated like one. She had agreed to be a sort of look-out for the girls while they waited at the entrance, but she did not anticipate on running into these two handsome men.

  Though they were twins, the brother named Danny seemed to catch her eye. Danny was incredibly rugged looking, just like she preferred, but the way he carried himself seemed to suggest someone with a gentle spirit; not brash like his brother seemed to be. It was a trait that Charlotte would like, but never found with the men she was attracted to. She had almost written Danny off as too good to be true, until he mentioned his divorce. She had immediately discovered a kindred spirit, but knew that he was off the table; Maria had already staked her claim on him. Charlotte knew that Maria always got what she wanted because according to everyone at the club there was no better lay than her; a fact she took the utmost pride in.

  Using their own money, the girls bought the boys beer and ordered tequila shots for everyone.

  “To having a good night and screwing better people than our exes!” yelled Maria. Candice gave a woo as everyone went to take a shot. Charlotte watched Danny wrinkle his noise in disgust at Candice’s woo which made her laugh again. It was clear the girl’s had their work cut out for them if the plan was to make the boys fuck them for a few hundred dollars. Danny turned his gaze onto her. Their eyes locked onto one another and immediately, the room seemed to quiet around them. His eyes were so intense; it was as if he were trying to see right through her. His stare made Charlotte blush as the music shifted to a new song.

  Candice took ahold of Will’s hand. “Oh my gosh!” she screamed. “This is my favorite song! We have to dance!” Will nodded as she led him onto the dancefloor. Maria pushed past Charlotte and looked at Danny.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me, sugar,” she said. Maria followed his gaze towards Charlotte and made a slight sneer. “Of course… Charlotte can join in as well.”

  Charlotte was about to decline until, “That’s a great idea,” he said. “I know what it’s like to be left out. And besides, I want to see what the hype is about having two people around you at the same time.”

  Maria laughed obnoxiously before grabbing Charlotte’s hand and pulling them both on the dancefloor. As soon as they got to the dancefloor, Maria’s ass was already pressed against Danny. Charlotte danced in front of Maria, giving her a chance to continue to look at Danny on occasion.

  Though he seemed to enjoy himself, it was clear to her that Danny wanted a little time to get to know her. Charlotte was not sure, however, since that wasn’t the reason she was there that night. For all she knew, Danny was a jerk just like the other guys here for Bill Carroll’s party.

  It was at that very moment, that she felt hands sliding across her hips. The move startled her as she did not know who it was. At first she thought it was his brother, but Will was already making out with Candice. She turned her head slightly to see a rough looking older gentleman smiling back at her.

  “How are you baby?” he said, clearly drunk out of his mind.

  The man’s breath hit her like a tons of bricks making her nearly pass out from the smell. She attempted to pull away from him, but immediately felt him pull her back hard against his crotch where she could feel his member sliding against her.

  “Don’t be like that,” he said. “Imma take goooood care of you.”

  His speech was slurred and she knew this was not the situation she wanted to be in at this moment. Her first instinct was to look to Maria for help. The girls agreed to help each other out if one of the men got handsy, but it was clear Maria took pleasure in seeing her struggle. Maria was the epitome of a bitch when it came to others moving in on her territory and Charlotte crossed the line by just being a little too cute and stealing Danny’s attention.

  Charlotte struggled, but the man just laughed behind her as he made her bend over at the waist; his weight overpowering her.

  “Yeah, baby!” he cried. “Shake that ass for me!”

  Charlotte’s worst nightmare was starting to come true until all of a sudden, she no longer felt the hands of her assailant on her. Instead, she realized that she was no longer standing in a crowd. Everyone around them had stopped dancing, and standing over the man, who now sported a broken nose, was Danny.


  Danny wished that the girl, Maria, was not so adamant about dancing with him. He saw the overweight biker eyeing Charlotte from the moment they took their shots. When he put his hands on her, he knew he only had moments to do something before he potentially grew violent with her.

  When the biker bent Charlotte over, that was the last straw. He moved with a quickness as he lunged forward and sent the man tumbling to the ground in a matter of seconds. Maria cried out in fear as the man’s nose gushed with blood. Everyone around them created a huge circle to see what would happen next. Danny watched as Charlotte stood there stunned and trying to process what had just happened.

  Will approached Danny and stood at his side. He knew his brother would be mad about throwing away their chance to get in good with Bill Carroll, but he was not about to let someone take advantage of a woman. His father had raised them better.

  Out of the crowd came a few more men; some older and a few younger. They took in the scene, but immediately turned their gaze on Danny and Will. Maria grabbed Charlotte and pulled her from the circle and into the crowd. She and Danny shared one last lingering gaze before she disappeared into the crowd.

  “What in the blue hell happened here?!” cried a low voice from the crowd. People immediately cleared a path as a tall man came striding from the crowd. Danny’s heart beat fast as he and his brother looked into the face of “Big” Bill Carroll. The man’s physique and exposed tattoos only made them believe more that the rumors of his reputation were indeed true. Bill was a man who had a lightning quick temper. One moment, he would be smiling in a group and the next moment he would be stomping a man’s head in.

  Bill looked at the two young men who looked poised to fight curiously. He studied both of their faces. Though he did not look at them angrily, Danny could tell Will was bit jittery as they looked into the eyes of their father’s greatest enemy.

  Bill then turned his gaze on the man on the ground; his nose still gushing blood. “Frank,” he said. “Get your fat ass up off this damn floor and clean up!” Bill gave a swift kick to the man known as Frank and kept his gaze on him until he walked away. Bill turned back to the Danny and Will and, surprisingly, smiled.

  “Be cool fellas,” he said. “Frank is just a little drunk. Plus, he’s a natural asshole so I’m surprised he didn’t end up on the floor sooner.” With that, the crowd soon lost interest as Bill did not look like he would be killing anyone today. The extra bikers who had emerged from the crowd, seemed to ease off as well; following their fallen friend to help him sober up. Bill approached them, wagging a finger.

  “You two are Chuck’s boys, ain’t you?” he asked. Danny and Will were hesitant to answer. This was not the way they thought they were going to gain an audience with Bill.

  Danny nodded. “We are,” he said. “And you’re Bill Carroll.”

  “Guilty as charged,” said Bill extending his hand. Danny hesitated, but promptly shook the hand of the man who had ruined his life.

  “Danny,” he said, getting his head back into the game. “This is my brother, Will.” Bill firmly shook both of their hands.

  “I thought I heard you two making a
racket out there,” he said. “Sounds like you have some sweet rides with you.”

  “They were our father’s,” he said.

  Bill chuckled, “Of course they were,” he said. “Despite the differences between your dad and I…that motherfucker could sure put in work on a bike!”

  Danny and Will chuckled; though deep down they would have loved to throttle him right then and there. They had to keep it cool though. The potential that was before them was great.

  “What brings you two boys down this way?” asked Bill. “Figured any place I was would be the last place you’d want to be.”

  Danny chuckled and threw up his hands. “You got me,” he said. “To be honest, I was just looking for a place to relax and forget.”

  Bill nodded. “I’ve been there, kid,” he said. “But I am still surprised you haven’t tried to take a swing at me…”

  Danny knew Bill was fishing for information. Waiting for him to slip up and reveal his true motives. Danny, however, never broke his gaze from Bill. He kept his smirk across his face as he stared him down.

  “Listen,” he said, “I’ve got no issue with you. Now, Jolene on the other hand…” Bill let out a huge laugh before clapping Danny on the shoulder.

  “She is a wild bitch!” he laughed. “Tell you what, I feel bad about what happened. It ain’t much, but let me buy you a drink. I stole your girl and my guy made you lose a cutie, I can’t let you think ole Bill is out to get you.”

  Danny chuckled. He knew if his father was there, Bill would be on the floor and if his men were not with him, Danny would have been sure to send him there too. As it was, this was exactly what they wanted. He needed to be cautious, but if Bill could trust him enough to spend the evening with Danny and his brother, their plan might just work.


  Will was no fan of sharing a drink with Bill; even a free beer. However, it was clear that Danny was willing to follow through with their plan which was working out nicely. The hardest part was getting Bill to spend time with them. Now that they had him ensnared in their trap, they needed to make sure to not let him go.

  As they drank, the three men laughed and talked as if they were old friends trying to catch up on the past few months. Will found it incredibly curious, but as they spoke he began to realize just how arrogant Bill was. The man was so powerful that he clearly feared nothing, even the sons of his worst enemy. After all, how stupid would Will and Danny have to be to start a fight in a club with his entire crew present?

  One of Bill’s men came up whispered in his ear. A wide smile emerged on his face as he chugged his beer and finished the shot he had just ordered.

  “Finish your drinks!” he said. “I’m having a party that I feel will more than make up for any animosity between us.”

  Will snorted. “I find that hard to believe,” he said.

  There was a look that flashed across Bill’s face; one of anger. However, it faded back into a smile as quickly as it arrived.

  “Oh?” asked Bill. “How so?”

  Danny looked at Will with stern eyes. The copious amounts of liquor in his system were causing him to speak unfiltered.

  “Well,” he said. “I just mean… how can you beat free drinks?”

  Bill chuckled and hit Will on the side of the arm hard; making him wince slightly.

  “How about free pussy?” he asked. “My brother owns a strip club down the street. I got business there, but he was more than happy to make sure his best girls were there to entertain. I like to mix my business with pleasure, you know what I mean?”

  Will’s ears perked up at the mention of business. “Oh, I know exactly what you mean,” he said with a sly smirk. Nothing Bill did was legit. If business was happening at the strip club, you could bet that it was illegal in nature.

  The three men met the rest of Bill’s entourage outside as they all mounted their bikes.

  Bill crossed over to their bikes and gave them a once over; nodding in appreciation. “I swear, your daddy was like a magician when it came to workin’ on bikes!” he exclaimed.

  Will felt uneasy with Bill being in such a good mood. With the amount of alcohol he had consumed, you would think that Bill would have blacked out. As it was, he looked like he was just getting started for the evening.

  It took no time to arrive at the strip club. Will knew that the club was owned by Bill’s brother, Kyle, but also knew to stay away from there. If you were not a member of Bill’s club, there was a good chance you would leave there with no money. Bill led the charge as they entered the strip club and they were immediately greeted by women who wore the equivalent of shoe strings. Bill kissed and fondled the women who merely giggled and pushed their silicon enhanced breasts against him.

  Will was no prude, but he was very particular about the women he let get close to him. He loved a woman who knew what she was all about and one with a little mystery to her. It was one of the reasons he was attracted to Charlotte when she and her friends approached them. It was clear, however, that she was only attracted to his brother.

  Still…what he would give for just one moment alone with her…

  Beautiful girls were everywhere and the club was jam packed them flirting with potential clients and passing out complimentary shots.

  Bill clapped them both on the shoulders. “You boys pace yourselves,” he said. “I need to make sure these ladies keep their skills up.” Bill squeezed the ample asses of the two girls with him before they went into a private room.

  Will scanned the room and watched as Bill’s men let their eyes occasionally fall on him and his brother. They needed to be careful. No doubt Bill was not so trusting to leave them unwatched.

  Danny smiled and leaned into Will’s ear as if to talk about the girls. “Keep smiling,” he said pretending to point at a girl across the room. “Something is going down here tonight and we need to be nearby when it happens.”

  Will nodded. “Agreed,” he said. “But be on guard. I think he suspects something.”

  Danny chuckled. “Yeah,” he said. “He’s definitely no idiot.”

  Just as they were about to break apart, Will felt slender arms wrap around him. He turned and was greeted by Candice, the girl from the previous club.

  “I knew that was you, sugar,” she said. Will smiled politely. Candice clearly wanted money from him. He cursed at himself for not gravitating toward Charlotte sooner.

  “Well, you still owe me a dance,” he said in mock excitement. She pressed her full breasts up against him.

  “That I do,” she said seductively.

  Will laughed nervously, “Yeah, my brother got a little excited,” he said.

  Candice chuckled, “It was sweet,” she said. “Charlotte is like my little sister. I look out for her when I can, but I was glad to see he was able to.”

  Danny, who was standing next to them the whole time nodded. “It was nothing, really,” he said. Candice smiled coyly.

  “Well, Charlotte definitely didn’t think so,” she said. Candice nodded towards a private room in the corner with a red light on.

  “We saw you two come in and she wants to give you a private dance,” she said. “On the house.”

  It was hard for him not to blush. Despite being able to throw down and plot to overthrow the president of a biker club, Danny had a particular weakness for girls. “I couldn’t…” he said, but Will quickly wrapped his arm around Candice.

  “Well, shit!” he said. “If you don’t then I will! Bill said to have fun so let’s have fun.” Will leaned into Danny and nudged him. “Besides… what would he say if he saw us just moping about…” Danny clearly got the message and nodded slightly.

  Candice cackled. “That’s the spirit!” she said, pulling on his shirt. “Just go into room 8. She’ll be waiting for you looking sexy as hell.”


  Charlotte was very nervous. The night had taken a turn in a way that was far from what she expected. One moment, she was dancing alongside her friend and a man who truly peak
ed her curiosity and in the next moment she was watching that same man turn savage before her in her honor!

  Charlotte could not deny that she found the moment incredibly exciting. No one ever did that for her and here was this stranger who stood up for her. When she made it back to the club and changed her clothes, she decided to wear a red bra that pushed her breasts up, exposing a bit of her nipple and a G-string with stockings and garters. Upon leaving the dressing rooms, she saw him enter with her boss’s brother. Part of her wanted no part of him since he seemed to be quite friendly with Bill Carroll, but there was something about the way he seemed to interact with him; perhaps they were not as close as they seemed. She decided that a debt to him was enough to bring him into a private room for a dance.

  She moved to the slow, rumbling bass groove of the music as she waited for him to arrive. Charlotte was nervous as she wondered if her rescuer would show up, but no sooner had she thought that then Danny walked in.

  Her eyes were half lowered as she moved on the platform in front of him. Danny smiled. He seemed nervous and uneasy, but that only made Charlotte more interested. He definitely was not one of Bill’s boys. Danny took the lone seat in front of her.

  “Uhm…hi,” he said.

  Charlotte slid down the pole; her hands trailing up her body and framing her breasts.

  “Hi,” she said with a smirk. “I’m glad you came.”

  Even in the dim light, she could tell that the young man was blushing. “Yeah,” he said nervously. “I’ve… never had a private dance before so you’ll have to forgive me.”

  Charlotte smirked. “It’s alright,” she said. “I’ll take good care of you. Besides, it’s on the house.” Charlotte spread her legs wide as she showed off her panty clad pussy. Danny’s eyes drank in Charlotte’s body as she slowly moved her hands over herself. She closed her eyes and moved to the music. For the first time since she started there, Charlotte wanted to put on a good show. There was something special about him that made her want to show off for him. For him to like her.


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