Zara's Second Chance [One More Time] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Zara's Second Chance [One More Time] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 3

by Mya Larose

  “When did you ever play the lottery, Lara?” she remarked cheekily.

  “Never mind that! Do me a favor Zara. Give the man a chance. He might be the one.”

  She thought about arguing with Lara on this subject, yet she knew her friend like the back of her hand.

  “When did you become so wise, girl? Okay, Lara, I’ll try and test the water. I just want to know if he’s serious or just playing with me.”

  “That’s my girl. I knew you had it in you. Well, I don’t want to be rude, but I have to leave, you know, honey. You call me if you need anything. Okay!”

  “Of course, Lara! Thank you again for listening to my middle-aged-woman problems. You’re the best!”

  “Now let’s not get too emotional here! You’ll only make me cry. Bye, love!” She snuffled at the other end of the phone.

  “Bye!” she replied, laughing softly.

  Zara hung up the receiver. She wanted to follow Lara’s advice and give the man a chance. He might be the man who could answer all of her needs. What could she lose?

  She was about to make her way back to her bedroom when the doorbell rang. She quickly glanced at the clock sitting on the hearth. She was never going to get ready and be out of her flat in time at this rate. She hurried back to her bedroom to grab her robe before she answered the door.

  Chapter 4

  After he rang Zara’s doorbell, Peter straightened his shoulders, curved his palm in front of his nose, and breathed into it to check his breath. He combed his fingers through his hair. He felt so nervous. His fingers were shaking as he rubbed his hand over his clean-shaven face. He tried to slow down his breath. He thanked God for his military training. His motto was to get ready before the sun is up.

  He looked down at his watch. He thought maybe Zara hadn’t heard the bell because of the music playing in the background, so he rang the bell a second time.

  “I’m coming. Keep your knickers on.”

  He could hear Zara curse from the other side of the door and he smiled. She was such a feisty little woman. He shook his head with amusement. Peter got himself ready with the cup in his hand for the battle ahead of him. He took one step backward before the door opened.

  When she opened the door, she had only her morning gown on with her bare feet. His mind went completely blank. Suddenly, he felt lightheaded, and all of his blood went to his cock.

  He was a bad, bad boy, but he couldn’t help himself. He blamed his mother for not breastfeeding him when he was an infant because his eye went straight to her chest. She wore some sort of fleeced robe. His eyes skimmed over her ample chest, her waist, and her dainty feet. When he heard Zara clear her throat, he remembered he was standing in front of her.

  He felt like a randy teenager caught red-handed with a hard-on. He coughed into his fist and looked at Zara. She had her arms crossed under her breasts, one perfectly arched eyebrow up while the other was down, lips pouted. She tapped one foot rhythmically on the floor. He really fucked this one up, didn’t he? But what the hell!

  He tried to hide his hard-on. He pulled on his T-shirt and gave her his best smile. He introduced himself. “Hi, Miss Miller, I’m Peter Adames from next door.” He pointed his thumb toward his flat.

  He didn’t know if she’d actually paid attention to him since last week. He had attempted to speak with her, even tried to apologize, but she had ignored him like he was some sort of ghost. Her behavior didn’t go down well with his ego. Maybe that was the reason why she fascinated him, because she was the one who could resist him.

  “I know who you are, Mr. Adames. What can I do for you?” Her beautiful face didn’t reveal any of her emotions.

  “Please, call me Peter. Mr. Adames reminds me of my father,” he joked, alas, without any success.

  Maybe he was barking up the wrong tree. Maybe she wasn’t interested in men generally. However, he caught her assessing him, and the fact that her eyes trailed around his middle section gave him hope. Except it didn’t help his massive hard-on. Down, boy, down!

  He tried again to play on his legendary charm. “I’m sorry to disturb you this early in the morning but I’m out of coffee. The stores aren’t open yet. I knew you would be up. I heard your music playing.” Oh man! He was mumbling to her like a teenager.

  “Can I borrow some of your coffee grounds please?” He winked at her while he balanced his cup around his forefinger.

  Peter knew she was on the verge of turning away and closing the door on his face but something happened. He couldn’t tell exactly the reason. When she opened the door wider, he knew his luck wasn’t over yet.

  “Would you like to come in, Peter?”

  As soon as he stepped over the threshold, he felt her hand along his back to guide him gently toward the kitchen. Her touch caused his stomach to contract. His heart beat faster and his mouth watered as her natural scent washed over him.

  He kept his shoulders straight and his walk steady. He didn’t want Zara to know that her touch affected him to such a degree. If it was up to him, he would plunge his cock so deep inside her weeping pussy that they could never be separated again.

  When she drew her hand away from his back, he felt a sense of emptiness. He longed for her to touch him all the time and on every occasion.

  He stopped at the doorway of the kitchen and looked around. He realized that the kitchen’s layout was the same as his. He felt her gentle tap on his shoulder with her index finger, gesturing him to go and take a seat. Instead of sitting down, he walked in the kitchen. He stepped aside to let her pass him. He noted how careful she was to touch him, which he thought was very strange, recalling her cold attitude toward him since last week. Still, he wasn’t a man to complain.

  “Please, why don’t you take a seat? I’ll pour you a cup of coffee. My name is Zara,” she offered with a tiny smile.

  He nodded his head with a grin. He didn’t want to tell her that he already knew her name, in case she thought he was some sort of a crazy man.

  She went to the wall cabinet, opened it, and stretched on her tiptoes to reach a mug. Peter’s eyes went straight to her beautiful and round ass. The robe didn’t avail at hiding her bountiful shape, and his hands itched to run his palms over her ass cheeks. He wanted to know how smooth her skin was. Oh fuck! There it goes again! Down boy! He pulled discreetly on his shirt to hide his erection.

  The difference between Claire and Zara was enormous. Where Claire was lean and tall, Zara was a little shorter and had curves. Although he hadn’t had sex with Claire, he could easily imagine what kind of body she had—flat chest and ass.

  “I know, you asked for some coffee grounds. Unfortunately, I ground the last handful this morning,” she said apologetically.

  She looked uncomfortable. So, to put her at ease, he decided to once again act on his legendary charm. Well! It had worked before, so maybe it would work again. He hoped anyway!

  “Don’t you worry about it!” He waved his hand. “If you would kindly pour me some coffee. I even brought my own cup. See?” He showed her the cup. “I’ll be on my way and out of your hair.” He gave her his best sad puppy eyes.

  She shrugged her shoulders, grabbed the coffeepot, and made her way toward him. He extended his arm to show Zara his cup. While she poured the coffee, Peter took the opportunity of being so close to her. He leaned gently forward, then took a deep breath of her hair. There was a mixture of talcum powder as well as an orange-blossom scent that came from her. It was such an intoxicating scent.

  When she stepped back from him, he noticed her hand shook slightly, yet her face didn’t betray any emotions. Did he make her swoon with passion? She certainly made him hot, in more than one way.

  “I don’t want to be rude, but I’m short of time this morning. I have some errands to do, also some orders to fill in.”

  She talked so fast that she didn’t have time to catch her breath. Then, under his watchful eyes, her whole face became bright red. Her breathing got gradually shallower. He smiled when her breathing

  Right there and then, he felt like a small boy who had received his first Christmas present. Oh hell yeah! Miss Miller wasn’t so indifferent to his charm after all. He could smell her arousal. He wanted to pump his arms and jump up and down. He needed to withdraw, come up with a new plan, and strategize.

  Chapter 5

  Zara couldn’t keep her breathing even. She felt dizzy. Her nipples hardened and tingled. Her cunt gushed cream. She wanted to look down between her legs to see if she actually dripped. For the love of God, woman, get a grip on yourself! It was the first time since she lost her virginity that she felt so overwhelmed sexually. Even then, she hadn’t become so wet.

  She did her best to keep her expression neutral, but she was so close to him. She could smell his woody and manly scent. It certainly didn’t help her. Today he wore a plain old gray T-shirt that didn’t do justice to his beautiful, sculptured, and magnificent chest. She let her eyes drift to his sweatpants. It was such a shame to hide his magnificent manhood.

  When she poured him his coffee, she felt him leaning over and heard him sniffing her. Did he smell her hair? Could he also smell her juices that coated her thighs almost to her knee? She almost panicked.

  Her center began to tighten and pulse behind her clit in a way she had never felt before. She wanted to know if he noticed her body react to him, so she lifted her eyes to look at his beautiful face. It looked like he didn’t notice. Thank you, God! She sighed with shaky relief.

  She turned her back to him and went to the counter to place the coffeepot back on it. She tried to regroup. Zara recalled her conversation with Lara and decided to test the waters with Peter. She slightly shook her head. She knew, deep down, that she would be rejected. Even so, as Lara said, If you don’t try…

  Courageously, she took as much air into her lungs as she could get. She faced Peter. She leaned back on the counter for support. She was on the verge of asking him to come back tonight for dinner.

  “Would you…?

  “Can I…?”

  They both started to ask questions simultaneously. They suddenly stopped to stare at each other. Peter began to chuckle, then he went into laughter and his cheeks flushed red. The sound of his laugh was as magical as chimes in the wind. She tried to suppress her giggles, only to end up bursting into laughter as well. He was contagious.

  She exhaled loudly as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Peter was in the same state. What a pair they made.

  “You are a potent man, Mr. Adames. I have not laughed so hard for some time now.”

  “I’m here to please the lady.” He bowed to the waist with a cheeky smile on his face.

  He straightened to look at her in the eyes. She could see determination as well as hesitation dwelling within him. She heard him breathing through his nose, and he took a step toward her. She felt her heart beat so fast in her chest.

  “Zara, I know we met in a strange situation and maybe I’m being too forward for your liking.” He gulped and added, “Would you be interested in giving me a chance to show that I’m quite a gentleman?”

  She blushed. “Oh, you heard that, didn’t you?” She recalled the words she told him that day.

  “You actually took my breath away, sweetheart, literally.”

  The term of endearment he used fluttered her heart like a butterfly who took its first flight because no man ever called her that. Also, he had such an expression of tenderness written all over his face. Perhaps that was why she didn’t know what to say or do.

  She inclined her head to the side to study him. She tried to figure out if he was real or a con. As soon as she looked into his eyes, she knew in her heart that he told her the truth, except her head told her the opposite.

  “Me? Really? Are you actually telling me that you’re attracted to me?” She pointed her finger to her chest. “Have you looked at me? I mean, look!” She gestured to herself from head to toe with her hand. “I’m not the kind of woman you would date.” As soon as she uttered those words, she regretted them, because Peter’s beautiful face clouded.

  “What do you know about the women I have dated? Do you think I’m some sort of shallow man that goes through women like there isn’t a tomorrow? How dare you?”

  His heated reply revealed that she hurt him with her suspicion. He genuinely wanted to make it work. Could she trust him and take the leap?

  “Listen, I’m sorry. Okay? I don’t know what to think or say. My last relationship didn’t go down well. I don’t want to go into detail about it. It’s too early for that yet.”

  Peter must have seen her genuine struggle to apologize because slowly he came toward her like he would have approached a skittish puppy. He gently traced the shape of her cheek with his forefinger.

  “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t jump down your throat this way,” he said sheepishly. “Let’s start all over again.”

  His proposition felt like a balm smoothing a burn, so refreshing. She nodded her head as she gave him a shy smile.

  With a cheeky grin on his face, he said, “Miss Zara Miller, my name is Peter Adames. I live next door, as you might know by now. I would like to take you out to dinner. I can cook, clean, and sew. I’m also potty trained.” She could see he tried his best to sound serious.

  She laughed softly. “Are you trying to sell yourself, Mr. Adames?” She added, “Because I might be interested. First, I have to try out the merchandise.”

  On her tiptoes, she leaned over to him and breathed in his tantalizing smell. She smelled him from his chest up to the crook of his neck. His scent washed all over her, a woody, male musk. She pointed her nose toward his close-shaven cheek. She stopped midway and looked to her left. She waited for Peter’s reaction to her bold move. She wasn’t disappointed.

  “Do as you wish, Miss Miller. I’m at your service,” he whispered.

  He turned his face toward her. He slightly bowed his head to meet her lips. He took possession of them. He nipped at her lower lip, then licked the tiny sting and the seam of her mouth until she opened for him.

  She wouldn’t make it easy for him. She decided to make him work. All the same, he parted his lips slightly, and barely touched her to entice her to open up for him again on and off. She gave up, closed her eyes, and parted her lips. She didn’t have any willpower when it concerned him.

  This is the green light Peter was waiting for. He took passionate possession of her lips. That was what she lacked. That was what she had craved in the past, a man who claimed possession of something he wanted without asking for it. Yes, that was exactly what she needed.

  He sucked on her lip like a newborn baby who nursed from his mother’s breast for the first time. The moment she tasted him, she knew this man was going to play a major role in her life. She couldn’t help herself and groaned as his taste exploded on her tongue.

  Against her thigh, she could feel his hard cock. Excitement washed through her body. She felt the rising need build even as the heat burned low in her belly. It sent hot licks of fire racing to her womb. Those sensations were new to her. His kisses went on, spinning higher as they became hotter until she thought they would burst into flames.

  “Do you think you are going to get lucky today, big boy?” she moaned, then strained her neck to look at him in the eyes. She wanted to see if he was as affected as her.

  “If it’s not today, I was hoping for tomorrow, or the next day or the next,” he groaned.

  He wrapped his hands around her waist as he backed her up against the kitchen counter. She curled her arms around his neck as she started to eat at his lips again.

  He tasted like dark, sinful chocolate and coffee. She just couldn’t get enough of him. It was beyond her power. She felt her nipples poking hard through her robe at the contact of his broad chest pressed against her. Peter slipped a hand through the opening of her robe, cupping one satin- and lace-covered breast. He rolled the erect nipple between the pads of his thumb and forefinger and emitted a hungry sound deep in his throat. He nudged himse
lf between her legs. When she felt the hard yet long bulge pressed against her core, she moaned into his mouth.

  Peter thrust his hips forward. “Are you wet for me, Zara? Is your sweet pussy nice and juicy? Do you like it, sweetheart?” he whispered hoarsely.

  “Oh, God!”

  Her response was to press her clit forcefully, directly over the seam of his sweatpants. She died and went to heaven. She took the shameful opportunity to straddle his leg, and the movement opened her pussy lips. She rubbed against his thigh like a cat in heat, and they both moaned.

  The potent combination caused her pussy to clench. His breathing was as heavy as hers. She could feel his heartbeat thumping against his chest. His hand left her breast and glided down to her shapely thigh. He hooked it around his hip while his other hand rested on her waist to steady her as he began to thrust vigorously. He dry fucked her.

  “Don’t you dare stop! Oh, God!” she moaned.

  “Beautiful,” he said, mesmerized.

  She couldn’t breathe. She felt like she was swept away. The sensation was too strong now. The sole method of masturbation she knew was her vibrator. Hence, she could do nothing but go with the flow and hold on tight.

  Her insides started to get tight. There was a pressure building up that almost felt like giant contractions that covered her entire body. Her toes clenched. The inside walls of her pussy started to throb. She was so hot and wet. Her thighs quivered and shook. As she ripped her lips from Peters, she gulped some air into her lungs.

  “Oh, Peter! What’s happening to me?” she almost cried.

  “That’s right, sweetheart, let it go. Don’t be afraid, I’m here,” he groaned.

  “Oh! I just can’t. Please let me go before I embarrass myself.” She endeavored in vain to escape from his embrace.

  He pressed himself harder against her. “God!” he murmured softly. “You’re so fucking hot, sweetheart, come for me,” he ordered.


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