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Zara's Second Chance [One More Time] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 8

by Mya Larose

  “I don’t think she’ll come back anyway. I think it was just a misunderstanding.”

  “Just humor me and call me. Okay? Please?” he replied meekly.

  “Okay. Nevertheless, I still think it was a mistake. Are you off to bed now?” she asked him softly.

  “Yes, sweetheart. That’s me to bed for at least six hours straight,” he sighed heavily.

  It troubled him that she would brush off her problem so easily. It just wasn’t like her at all!

  “Well, call me when you’re up. Okay?”

  “You know I will, Sweetheart,” he replied softly.

  When Peter finished his conversation with Zara, he stood up and tapped the receiver against his lips. He had a strange feeling that something was wrong with Zara. Her voice sounded a bit odd like she was relieved to receive his phone call. Moreover, it wasn’t like an amorous relief, but more of a comfort.

  He put the receiver down on the coffee table and ran his hand over his chin. Every morning, he would phone her and would retire to sleep at least five to six hours. He recalled their conversations on the phone for the last two days. Each time, he would go to sleep with a massive hard-on, but today was different. He could feel it in his guts that something wasn’t right with her.

  Maybe during those last days, she made her mind up and decided that she made a mistake about them. Perhaps she believed that he had purposely stayed away from her after their night together. He shook his head trying to clear his mind. Even so, he’d made sure to explain to her about his two night shifts, but that afterward he would have a week off.

  No, that wasn’t the problem here. He made his way to his bedroom and got ready for bed. As soon as he settled himself in bed, his mind drifted off again. Maybe he was too rough. Maybe he misunderstood her needs. His heart beat faster now as sweat started to form. That would be horrible, but then again, Zara would say something about it.

  He wanted to find out what was wrong with Zara. He threw off the duvet. The phone rang again and again. Naked in the middle of his living room, he debated the idea of picking up the receiver or letting it ring. He wanted to go next door to see Zara.

  With a sigh, he picked up the receiver. “Peter Adames speaking. How can I help you?” he said as he scratched his bare chest.

  “Hey, Peter. It’s Gerald. How are you keeping, mate?”

  He groaned and rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to talk with Gerald Thompson but he was his longtime friend. They trained and fought together in the same regiment. Besides, they retired at the same time and strangely enough, they worked together at the same place. It was an amazing coincidence!

  “I’m good, mate. What about you?” he replied with a sigh.

  “Okay. So, are you ready to lose your toothpicks, tonight?”

  Once a week, a couple of work friends would gather to play poker. Instead of money, they would use toothpicks. This week, the game took place in Gerald house.

  “Yeah, right! I’ll bring along a six-pack of beers with me.”

  “Don’t worry! I’ll have enough drinks to last us couples of games. How was your nightshift, anyway? Last night was your last. Wasn’t it?” Gerald asked.

  Rubbing the back of his neck, he said, “Yeah, it was! I can tell you that I’m glad that’s over. I’m so tired. We not getting any younger, you know!”

  “Talk about yourself! I’m in my prime, mate.” Peter could hear laughter in Gerald voice.

  “What are you talking about? You have never done a nightshift. I would feel like you too,” he snorted.

  “Whatever you say, mate. Tell me if I heard it right. The guys from the nightshift told me that you were raving about some woman. So…who is she?”

  Always trust Gerald to go to the point. He wasn’t one to beat around the bush. The direct question didn’t surprise Peter. After spending ten years in the army with Gerald, nothing came as a surprise to Peter.

  “Is that so obvious?” Peter asked with a laugh.

  “I’ve never heard you speak so lively since we left the army. This person must be special if she could put the lustful gleam back in you, mate.”

  “You’re right, Gerald. I’ve known her for over a week. We had dinner a couple days ago.” He shrugged.

  “So you’ve met her what, twice, and boom, struck by the lightning of lust?” He could hear the irony in Gerald’s voice.

  “If it was about lust, I wouldn’t pursue her. I’m talking about more than lust, mate.”

  How could he explain with words? Since he met Zara, he’d experienced this feeling of being whole, like he found the little piece that was missing in his life.

  “So you think it’s serious between you two?”

  “Well, I hope,” he sighed heavily.

  “You lucky bastard. Tell me all about her. What’s her name?” Gerald inquired.

  “Well. Her name’s Zara Miller. She’s a beautiful, brown-haired Venus, slightly younger than me, and very talented.” Peter described Zara proudly.

  “Venus? Huh…talented?” Gerald chuckled dryly.

  “She’s a full-figured woman…if you know what I mean.”

  He didn’t expect to be attracted to the woman, but after he sampled her sweetness, he couldn’t let her slip away now. Even his cock had stood up and saluted her since the first time he laid his eyes on her. It still did. He looked down at his cock, then shook his head in admiration. Even mentioning her name gave him a hard-on. Unbelievable!

  “And I’m not talking about that kind of talent, you man-whore.” Peter shook his head in amusement.

  Gerald’s mind was always up every woman’s skirt. The age didn’t matter to him, from eighteen to…well, one could only guess. He also would go for every shape and size. His motto was beggars couldn’t be choosers.

  He was such a horn dog that Peter didn’t know how he spent his time in the army without going nuts. When Peter asked him how he did it, Gerald would remind him about his sore wrist every morning and go into a fit of laughing.

  He could hear Gerald clear his throat before he answered back like he was in an awkward situation.

  “She isn’t the type of woman you usually go for.”

  “I know that, but she affects me to a high level, mate. I’m completely head over heels in love with her.”

  “Wow! When can I meet her? Does she have a sister?”

  “No way, mate. Yes, she has a younger sister. Then again, if she sees your ugly face, she’ll turn around and run.”

  “Ha! It’s really very funny! She must be special and unique. Congratulations,” Gerald offered.

  Peter had no doubt that Gerald wanted a good woman to love. One that loved him in return. However, like any man would, he denied it.

  Still, it showed, like now. Peter could hear it in Gerald’s voice when he mentioned Zara. Still, his biggest problem was that his dick did most of the thinking for him.

  “No hard feelings, mate. Your time will come soon.”

  After he confirmed the time with Gerald for the next day, Peter hung up. He slowly made his way back to his bedroom. He couldn’t wait to see Zara. Two nights and three days had elapsed since their time together. What an amazing time they’d had! He remembered with a goofy face every single detail. They talked on the phone for hours while he was on his night shift. Still, it wasn’t the same. He needed to see, talk to, and touch her.

  He decided to go back to bed and confront Zara later. He settled comfortably in his bed. He dug his head in his pillow. Her scent still lingered on his pillows as he remembered ravishing her in this same bed. The taste of her was so sweet and creamy while he had his head buried between her luscious as well as silky thighs. He never met a woman so responsive to him. She was like a firecracker—she ignited as soon as he laid his hands on her. He shook his head in admiration. What a beautiful woman!

  He had never believed in fate. Still, Zara proved to the contrary. The beautiful woman, who was shy and reserved to the outside world, was his dream woman. She had such passion in her that wan
ted to be let free. Peter thought that night was a revelation to her. It was like Venus came out of her shell to discover the world around her. His mobile phone rang, but Peter didn’t answer because he knew who it was, like every morning. He closed his eyes as he let his mind drift to Zara. They had so much to discover and explore with each other, sexually as well as emotionally. He actually felt giddy about the prospect.

  Chapter 13

  While she attempted to hold two mailbags with one hand, Zara locked the door of her flat behind her. She put her keys in her purse and made her way to the elevator. When she reached the end of the corridor, she stopped at the front of the lift. She put her mailbags on the floor next to her, then pressed the button to call the elevator.

  While she waited for the elevator, she tried to remember what she had to do today. Well, she had to take her orders to the post office and mail them. Then she planned to meet with her sister for a wee coffee. Eventually, she had to phone Peter to find out his plans for tonight.

  She tapped her shoe point rhythmically on the floor as she glimpsed at her watch. She thought that the lift was very slow today or that somebody held it. With a contented sigh, she looked at the heavy bags and thought that her job was running smoothly. She had received enough orders to keep her occupied for at least an entire month. She never thought her hobby would be her breadwinner.

  A couple of years ago, she sat on her backside and was financially desperate because she didn’t have a job. She came up with the idea of selling online some of her knittings she made some years ago. She crossed her fingers and hoped for the best. She set up an account with an online auction sale. This was the start of her luck. As soon as she sold her first knitting, people started to contact her to put orders in.

  With an irritated sigh, she pressed the button a second time, then looked at her watch. She knew that she was out of time. Maybe she could meet with her sister first, and afterward, with Yasemin’s help, they would carry the sacks to the post office.

  Lately, her relationship with Yasemin was rocky. She didn’t think it was anything major, but maybe she should’ve told Yasemin her feelings toward Peter instead of hiding them. She felt her mouth dry and tears in her eyes. Their last encounter was very emotional.

  Shaking her head to clear her mind and sighing heavily, she decided to tell her sister everything about her relationship with Peter. She couldn’t leave any details out because Lara knew about Peter. If Yasemin got wind about it, she would be destroyed. She would think that Zara didn’t trust her.

  Yasemin was a beautiful young woman, but she always projected stern expressions that misled others. However, on the inside she was soft like a marshmallow. It was some sort of protective wall she had erected some years ago. Zara had asked her sister about it, and her only answer was to not worry about it.

  When she heard the ding of the elevator door opening, she bent over and grabbed her mailbags. As she straightened to step inside the elevator, she came eye-to-eye with the blackest eyes she had ever seen. The man’s pupils were as large and obscure as his irises. It was like looking into a bottomless pit or a trap hole. There was nothing. No light, no sparkle, and no emotion.

  “Well, hello there, love. Aren’t you a sweet meat?” he said with a dark grin.

  He held the door with one of his arms, although the rest of his body didn’t leave the elevator. When he leaned toward her, she took a step back, then tightened her fists around the bags.

  “Are you getting in, love? We’ll have a nice ride down together.”

  She could feel his putrid breath on her face. She tried her hardest not to screw her face up and to tell him to go to hell. But she knew she was being confronted with another kind of predator, more dangerous than Satan himself.

  “No, I’m still waiting for my boyfriend,” she replied firmly.

  She could feel her heart pound so hard in her chest that it echoed in her ears. She didn’t trust that man. There was a negative aura about him. She didn’t know how she knew it, but she did. She let her breath out slowly.

  Before she could predict his next move, the man grabbed her, turned around, and covered her mouth with his hand. Trying to free herself from his grip during the struggle, she dropped the bags as she started to claw at his forearms.

  “Is that the bitch you want to get rid of?”

  Lifting her eyes, she looked into the hateful eyes of the blonde woman. She was the same person that came to her door and made some crazy allegation.

  With an evil grin, “Yes, that’s the fat bitch,” she said with a hiss. Then, she eyed the man holding her. “Make it quick and clean, please! I told you not to mess with me, bitch.”

  Without uttering another single word, she waggled her fingers to them and turned her back. She made her way to the stairway. Zara could hear the sound of her heels echoing though the stairs case. It acted like a ticktack timer to her death.

  “Hush now. Hmm, I think I’m going to like this job after all. Oh! Let me introduce myself. My name’s Blake and my nature follows my name.”

  He trailed his finger against the side of her cheek. She tried to claw at his face, but the bastard was faster. He took hold of her hands to hold them against her stomach while his other hand was against her mouth and nose.

  “Oh, come on now, sweet cheeks. I told you I wanted a nice ride with you. If you’re a good girl, I’ll try my best not to bleed you when I fuck you in the ass. Well, not too much.” He chuckled at his own joke.

  “Hummm!” Her voice was muffled into his hand.

  The crazy woman sent him to have her killed. Why? She couldn’t think. Her mind went blank. He had planned to rape and kill her in the most painful manner. Her breathing increased by the minute, and she couldn’t breathe. His hand blocked her nostrils. She could feel her blood pumping so hard. She started to see black spots. She knew she was about to faint.

  She could hear him sniff her like he could smell her fear. He trailed his tongue slowly up on her cheek like a predator enjoying his victim before the fatal kill. When she struggled, he slightly released his grasp, and she whimpered. It echoed in the confined space of the lift.

  “Hmm…you taste so sweet like cotton candy. I think I’m going to keep you to myself. However, that crazy bitch wants you dead. Stupid cunt, telling me what to do. I have a confession to make. It’s going to stay between you and me, okay?”

  She was paralyzed with fear. His putrid breath washed against the side of her face like waves. When she didn’t answer him back, he tightened his hold on her.

  “I asked you a question, bitch!”

  She whimpered again. The man was psychologically disturbed. She shook so hard. She couldn’t talk, so she just nodded her head.

  “Thank you, love, I knew I could trust you. Well! After you’re dead anyway.” He laughed gleefully. “Well…you know the bitch that wants to have you killed? Well, her name is Claire Snowdy. And after I’m finished with you, I’m going to go after that skinny whore.”

  She could hear him breathe faster and faster. His voice got huskier. She could feel tears run down her cheeks. Her thoughts turned to Peter. They had such a short happiness. She never admitted her true feelings. She was going to die with the regret of not seeing his beautiful face one more time and not telling him how much she loved him. What about her beautiful sister? She cried silently.

  Still, with his hand against her mouth, he stepped away from the elevator, then pushed her against the wall adjacent to the elevator door.

  “Please, put your hands on the wall facing you and wide apart,” he said with such a soft voice against her ear that it gave her the chills. She knew she had to comply with him, if she wanted to survive, as she felt the tip of a knife against her throat.

  “Thank you, love! You’re such a good girl. I like you very much. Well, I have great news for you, love. Would you like to know what it is?” Again, she nodded. She tried not to whimper in fear.

  “I’ve decided to fuck your pussy first, then I’ll do your ass. Isn’t t
hat great news, love?”

  Oh God! Please make it fast. She prayed silently. Oh God! Please give me strength to go through his torture. Suddenly, she felt his hold on her mouth loosening. She knew that split second of weakness was her chance to escape. With her back to him and the strength of her arms, she propelled herself back on him. He tried to hold on to her. He tripped and fell backward, taking her with him. At that moment his hand slipped away. Hoping Peter would hear her or someone, she screamed as loud as she could.

  Chapter 14

  It had been two hours and he was still awake. He sighed heavily as he looked at his digital clock sitting on his nightstand, just to confirm his suspicions. He’d tried almost everything. He’d tossed, turned, buried his head under his pillow, and even counted sheep, but nothing worked. He knew exactly what bothered him.

  He tossed his duvet from his body, got up from the bed, and made his way to the bathroom. There wasn’t any point staying in bed—he couldn’t sleep anyway. The lack of sleep didn’t really bother him. He’d gotten used to spending sleepless days and nights when he served for his country.

  After a quick wash and shave, he strolled toward the kitchen for something to eat. He never ate when he came back from his night shift. He had his routine set in stone, and he blamed it on his army background. He would come home, take a quick shower, and go to bed, but for the last week his routine had been altered.

  The ringtone on his mobile phone interrupted his thoughts. He jogged back to his bedroom and grabbed his phone. He wondered who it was. He couldn’t recognize the number.

  “Peter Adames,” he promptly answered.

  “Hello, Mr. Adames. I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m Zara’s sister, Yasemin Miller. I would like to know if Zara was with you.”

  “Well, hello to you, Miss Miller. Don’t you worry about disturbing me! And no, Zara isn’t with me. In fact, I haven’t seen her for two to three days now. I talked to her on the phone a couple hours ago. By the way, how did you get my number? Did Zara give it to you?” he asked.


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