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The Devil's Tattoo

Page 22

by Taylor, Nicole R

  "God, Zoe."

  "I remember everything. I remember falling down onto the concrete below. I remember screaming. I remember the sound my arm made when it broke." Tears began to spill out of my eyes.

  "That scar on your arm," he said, tracing the lines of my tattoo.

  "I had to have surgery. It wasn't healing and they had to fix it. I couldn't deal with seeing it, so I had it tattooed."

  "It doesn't look like a surgical scar."

  "I broke it so badly, the bone was sticking out."

  He drew in a sharp hiss. "Bloody hell."

  "Mrs. Cooper downstairs heard my screams and came out. By that time Jason had already ran. She called an ambulance and Dee."

  "That bastard ran off?"

  "I could have called the cops. He could have gone to jail. But there were no witnesses. It was my word against his and I didn't have the kind of money it took to fight it in court. I had no choice but to let it go. It was a week or so before I got out of hospital and in all that time, Dee and my parents were the only people who came to see me. It wasn't until I went home that I knew that he'd been telling lies to everyone. I tried to tell them the truth, but they were quick to brand me the jealous ex-girlfriend. I got hateful emails and messages. I deleted everything. Got a new number, got a new email. I had to fall of the face of the earth or end up in some psycho hospital. They seemed to forget the part where Jason had blatantly cheated on me. They all sided with him and believed the story that I'd just fallen."

  "Everyone but Dee."

  "Dee was the only friend I had outside of his."

  "If I ever see that bastard again…"

  "It's over, Will."

  "What about the other woman?"

  "I tried to find her in the beginning, to talk to her. Tell her the truth. But, I couldn't find her and nobody would talk to me."

  "What did he say to you tonight? Why was he even there?"

  "He wanted me back."

  "What the fuck?"

  "He didn't admit to it, but something must have went wrong with his marriage. He must have seen how well I was doing now and wanted to crawl back. You know, the whole victim messed up mentality. Maybe he wanted to take advantage. I'd never let him. Not after what he did."

  "Zoe," Will murmured, holding me close. "God, your resolve is so bloody strong. I feel like a coward next to you."

  "I was a coward," I said. "For two years I was. Then Dee got me to play in this silly little band called The Devil's Tattoo. Somewhere along the way I decided to live again, but even then it wasn't right, not yet."

  He pressed his lips to my forehead, fingers trembling against the skin of my face.

  I wasn't quite finished yet. "How the hell does someone recover from that kind of betrayal? I never did. I realise that now. I'm sorry I ran off that day. I'm sorry." I couldn't help the tears that began streaming from my eyes.

  "You have nothing to be sorry for, Zoe. Nothing."

  "I panicked."

  Will let out a long shaky breath and pressed his lips against my forehead again. "I wish I could take it away. I want to make it better."

  "Did you mean it? What you said before?" I whispered.

  He cupped my chin and drew my tear stained face to his. "I love you Zoe Granger. I don't even know how that's possible. But I do. I've never been more certain of anything in my life. I didn't tell you because I was afraid I'd scare you away."

  "I never thought I'd be able to let anyone else in," I said carefully. "But you walked in with your infuriatingly sexy stubble and turned me upside down. The effect you had on me scared me shitless."

  "If it's any consolation, I felt exactly the same way."

  "Then," I whispered. "You took it away."

  He gazed at me with hope in his eyes and my heart did that flip-flop it had done the first time he'd spoken to me. "Zoe, tell me I haven't fucked this up."

  "You really are a class A jerk, Will Strickland." After what we'd been through, he still hesitated. I captured his mouth with mine and kissed him, taking control. "You're mine."

  He had me on my back a second later, a knee pressing between my legs. "If I'm yours, then you are mine." He kissed me long and slow, his tongue teasing mine, and it was full of everything he felt for me. Everything fell away and it was just me and him.

  The cold packet of peas was back against my face, and instantly it cooled everything else down as well.

  "How's your hand?" he asked, pulling it up to his mouth, lips brushing against my tender knuckles.


  "You have a mean right hook, Zo."

  "I never knew." I pulled my hand away and pressed it against the top of the frozen peas.

  "Do you think it might be broken?"

  "No," I shook my head. "It moves okay. I think it's just gunna bruise a little."

  "Damn," he sighed. "You have an awesome new guitar to play, too."

  For the first time in days, I smiled a genuine smile. It would take a little time, but somehow I knew we were going to be okay. He loved me.

  "We're going to Europe in two weeks," he said, suddenly serious. "I'll be gone almost three months."

  "I know." And I didn't like it one bit, but maybe time apart would do us good.

  "I don't want to leave you."

  "It's okay, I have a Fender to keep me warm at night."

  "Zoe," he groaned, pulling me against the length of his body. "You're making me feel inadequate."

  I ran a thumb over his nipple in slow, lazy circles and teased the edge of his jaw with small fluttering kisses.

  "That's a little better," he said through heavy breaths, moving against me, the frozen peas falling aside again. "Seriously though, Zo. You need some rest. It's two am." He rolled me over, wrapping his arms around me, obviously intending to stay. I pressed my body back into his, closing my eyes. He could stay as long as he wanted.

  "I love you Zoe Granger," he said against my hair. "I know you're not ready to say it. I know it'll take time after everything, but I'll wait."


  "Shh," he whispered, capturing my lips with his thumb. "I'm never letting you go again."



  Three months later...

  The day after our last gig, Will took me down to the police station and we both lodged our statements. I told them everything from the beginning. The day Jason had come home and told me about his cheating, his assault, the slander that had followed. Even Dee came and gave his statement, though he hadn't been a direct witness. They said without substantial evidence, there wasn't much they could do to peruse a charge for the earlier assault, but they could seek a conviction for the previous night. With the statements from Will and the bouncer from the bar and some CCTV footage, they were able to pin a charge. It went to court a few weeks later, but he got off with a caution and a mild good behaviour bond.

  It wasn't ideal, but hopefully it would serve as a deterrent. He had a record of sorts, so next time he wouldn't get off so easily. To top it all off, I now had a fresh stamped and sealed retraining order. Unfortunately, reality didn't always see the bad guys going to jail.

  It took a week before the bruise went down on my hand before I could play guitar again, but the one on my face took a little more time to heal. In the two weeks before The Stabs went off to Europe, Will spent every moment with me outside of rehearsals. He was true to his word and stuck by me. He made everything better.

  He didn't hear from Mish again and I hoped it was for good. And to date, there hadn't been a peep out of Jason, either.

  For the two and a half months he was away, Will sent me messages and emails, updating me on everything that was going on and all the things he wanted to do with me when he got back. It was lonely without him, but the time apart had done us a world of good like I had hoped. It gave us both time to readjust and get our heads on straight. And when the skies cleared, both our worlds were still full of each other. I still hadn't told him that I was in love with him, too. That I
was saving for a face to face encounter.

  And tomorrow he was coming home.

  But right now, Dee was hovering inside the front door of my apartment, jumping from foot to foot like an impatient child.

  "Zoe, if you don't hurry up, I'm going to drag you out to the taxi over my shoulder caveman style," he exclaimed. "The metre's running."

  "Bloody hell," I cried, scooping up my keys and sunnies. "You're such a tight ass, Scrooge."

  We were off to the radio station, Absolute for an interview. They'd picked up our record as album of the week, which meant they were playing all the songs from it at least five times a day. Massive exposure. We'd even been in the week before and recorded little sound bites explaining the meaning behind each track that they played before each went to air.

  The station was located just outside the CBD in Melbourne, so we decided to get a taxi straight there and that way we didn't have to worry about parking the rusted heap of junk Dee liked to call a car.

  Hurrying me along, he bundled me into the taxi and he was way too amped for a little radio interview.

  "What's going on?" I asked as the driver puled out into traffic.

  "We're gunna be late," he said.

  "Since when do you care about being on time?"

  "I've always cared about being on time."

  "Dylan, I've known you since you were twelve and you've never cared about punctuality."

  "Damn it Zoe," he laughed. "Don't call me that. Now you've ruined my mystique with the taxi driver."

  "I don't think he cares," I said, catching the driver's eye in the mirror and he only shook his head with a small chuckle. "See?"

  "You're going to the airport tomorrow?" he asked, blatantly changing the subject.

  "Yes, of course," I scoffed. "I can't wait another day."

  "Blergh," Dee pretended to throw up. "I was gunna offer to come with, but if you're gunna be all Suckey McSuck Face, then I'll stay home."

  "Don't be such a child," I laughed at his reaction, knowing he was just being dramatic.

  "I love you, Zo," he said with a wicked grin.

  Scowling playfully at him I said, "I know you're playing games with me, Dee and I'll let it slide this time. But, if you're playing some kind of prank, know that I have a mean right hook."

  "Oh man," he groaned, throwing his head against the seat back. "I really don't think my mystique can take a black eye from a girl."

  I burst out laughing and even the taxi driver stifled one of his own.

  We were dropped outside the front door of the building where Absolute had its offices and studios and when we exited the elevator, we were greeted by a representative, who guided us through the security entrance into the office space.

  When we walked past the reception area, Frank was waiting along with Simone and Chris, who had become inseparable since they'd gotten together on the tour. They looked perfect together and were beyond happy. Everything had worked out in the end and I hoped it would stay that way. I couldn't think of two more deserving people than those guys.

  Dee guided me through the office, trailing behind the lady who'd greeted us at the door. I hadn't been on this side of the radio station before, and it was all very laid back with bright graffiti art spray painted on the walls, posters everywhere and all the staff were in casual clothes. Towards the back of the floor were the studios, wall to celling soundproof glass pimped out with all kinds of sound equipment and street art plastered all over the walls. It really was an awesome place and I thought it would be great to work here.

  When we approached the studio right at the back, the red light was on over the door, signaling that they were currently on air, but when I saw who was sitting behind the mic, headphones on his head, guitar in hand, I almost had a heart attack.

  "What the hell, Dee!" I slapped him on the arm and he jumped back with a laugh.

  "You know me, Zo. Always meddling."

  "Always devising little stratagems," I rolled my eyes.

  Turning back to the studio I shook my head in disbelief as the one and only Will Strickland winked and made a kissy face at me. Pete sat next to him and with a sly smile, gave me a small wave. They weren't meant to be back until tomorrow.

  "They got back last night," Dee said.

  "And what's going on?" I asked, gesturing to the studio. "I thought…"

  "Shoosh, Hot Legs. They're back on."

  We couldn't hear them through the glass, but a speaker was positioned outside, amplifying to the entire office what was currently being broadcast. The announcer, I realised, was Hugo, the guy who'd interviewed me and Frank all that time ago on the day we found out that we were touring with The Stabs.

  "You're listening to Absolute and that track you heard right there was Luck Now from a band out of Melbourne called Big Scary. Hey. I'm Hugo taking you right through to five. We've got a special surprise for you right now. I know you were all expecting the guys from The Devil's Tattoo in for a chat, but we've been hijacked by a couple of guys you might know from a band called The Stabs. Will and Pete, how are you guys going?"

  "Great, thanks Hugo," Will said, eyeing me through the glass.

  "So you guys have come in this arvo and just wormed your way into the studio. But I understand you've got something special lined up for our listeners? Care to explain?"

  "Well, we just got back from our tour in Europe. Last night, in fact and we have this song we'd like to play," Pete said, amusement in his voice.

  "A new song?"

  "This one is actually a collaboration," Will replied. "I helped a beautiful, tattooed, rock goddess write this one night on our last Australian tour."

  "You're not talking about Zoe from The Devil's Tattoo are you?" Hugo asked with a laugh. "Because she's standing right outside this studio looking at you like you're mad."

  "The one and only."

  "Well, I'm dying to hear it now. What's the story behind it?"

  "Well, we didn't get off to the greatest start. So, one night I managed to corner her and convince her to let me help with a song she was writing. And it was the first time I knew I wanted her forever. I mean, I knew I wanted her the first moment I laid eyes on her, but that was the first time I wanted it to be forever. I hope she doesn't mind, but I made up a couple of words."

  "Ohhh, a love story in the making," Hugo laughed, looking out at me with a wink.

  Grimacing, I shrugged.

  "We'd like to play it for you today and I'd especially like to play it for Zoe."

  I recognised the song immediately, after all it had been rolling around my head for days before we wrote it out that night. With the two acoustic guitars, it was more haunting that I remembered. At some point he must have worked further on it. As they played through the intro, I picked out a few progressions that weren't there before. But, when Will started singing, my breath caught in my throat and I swear my heart stopped beating.

  See the colour in your eyes, I'm strung out no place to go now

  Light bared on a grey soul

  Soul lights of night, A spectre came stole my breath

  Don't worry, I'll find you, I've never been gone

  See that I'm losing my heart, It's never seen the likes of you

  My soul struck confession

  Bright lights of night, That burn into my soul

  Don't worry, I'll find you, I've never been gone

  Just a ghost in a crowd

  Look and see her eyes, they glow

  It's a hard mountain to climb

  But the view from here is Undeniable

  See me and you'll feel the same, And we'll stay here forever

  No matter where I've been

  Dim lights of life, that burn a length of years

  Don't worry, I'll find you, I've never been gone

  Just a ghost in a crowd

  Look and see her eyes, they glow

  It's a hard mountain to climb

  But the view from here is Undeniable

  Don't worry, I'll find you, I've neve
r been gone

  The view from here is Undeniable


  As soon as the song finished, Will ripped off his headphones and pushed his guitar into Pete's surprised grasp. I was too stunned to move as he pushed through the studio door and swept me up into his arms, spinning me around, planting a kiss right on my lips in front of everyone.

  "I love you Will Strickland."

  His face split into a wide grin. "I was hoping you'd say that."

  I smiled in return and couldn't help it in the slightest when I said breathlessly, "It's undeniable."


  Nicole R. Taylor is a paranormal, urban fantasy and contemporary fiction author from Ballarat, in Victoria, Australia.

  Nicole is a graduate of the University of Ballarat Professional Writing and Editing program and is a former music memorabilia sales person and grocery merchandiser. Previously, she has written for and various small street press music and entertainment publications as a gig and album reviewer before publishing her first Urban Fantasy novel in early 2013.

  When she isn't writing, Nicole likes to spend time curled up with a good book and her 3 year old rescue cat, Burger. She gets itchy feet more often than not and has lived in three countries and travelled to three times as many.

  Her new paranormal fantasy series, The Witch Hunter Saga is available in print and eBook (from March 2013).

  Learn more about her writing at:

  She may be contacted by email at:


  The Witch Hunter Saga

  The Witch Hunter (#1)

  The Return (#2)

  The Shadow’s Son (#3)


  What Remains (late 2013)

  The Awakening (#4 in the Witch Hunter Saga) (early 2014)


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