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Good Fortunes (A Claire Rollins Mystery Book 1)

Page 13

by J A Whiting

  “No, I was working a different ramp. A guy called in sick so I was covering for him. I didn’t see Melody until we were in the break room.” An angry expression washed over Joe’s face. “There was another picture on the fridge. It was a drawing of a cemetery. There was a grave and a headstone. It said “Melody Booker” on the headstone. I ripped it off the fridge and stuffed it in the trash.” Joe balled his hands into fists. “I’d like to do the same to the person who drew that thing.”

  “What happened when Melody didn’t come back to work with the food?”

  “A couple of us kept checking the clock. We were all working on the ramps. I texted her a couple times. No answer. Remember I said I wondered if she was coming down with something? I thought maybe she got worse and just went home.”

  “I read that someone clocked her out that night when the shift ended.”

  Joe gave a nod. “Some of us were afraid that Melody would get into trouble for not coming back to finish the shift. Maybe somebody clocked her out to cover for her.”

  “Did you notice if any of those guys who bother Melody had gone out around the same time she left on her way to pick up the food?” Claire asked.

  Joe’s forehead creased in thought. “You know, I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but I was in the break room hoping that any minute Melody would come in with the food. The jerk came in and I turned to leave. He grabbed me and tried to push my head into the trash can. He said, waiting for your food? Maybe you’ll go hungry tonight. Someone else came in and pushed the guy off me. We got out of there fast.” Joe’s face seemed to blanch. “My God. You think he did something to Melody?”

  “Did you tell the police what he did to you? Did you tell them what he said?”

  “I just remembered it now. Should I tell them?” There was a touch of panic in Joe’s voice.

  “I think you should.” Claire held the man’s eyes. “Don’t tell them I talked to you though, okay? Just tell them you remembered something. Tell them about the cemetery drawing, too.”

  “I will.” Joe ran his hand over the top of his head. “Why didn’t I think of this before?”

  Claire glanced around and lowered her voice. “What did Melody tell you about those guys wanting her to bend the rules?”

  Joe swallowed hard. “You know what? I’m afraid of those guys. I’m not going to say much. Don’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you. I’ll just deny it.” He sucked in a deep breath. “When jets were due to land, those guys would go into Melody’s office, it was the size of a broom closet, and they’d use the computer in there to look stuff up about the incoming plane. Melody and I think they stole her keys and had a set made so they could get in there whenever they wanted. We had no idea what they were trying to find out. Melody and I, we both heard them say something about the weight of the cargo, but we didn’t know what it meant to them.”

  “Did those guys unload the jets?”

  Joe nodded. “Sometimes they forced a crew to trade planes with them. There was something they wanted from some incoming planes and when that was the case, they made the other crew switch ramps so they could get into the planes they wanted.”

  “Did you ever see them take things from the planes?”

  “No, that’s what’s so weird.” Joe shrugged. “It seemed like normal cargo. What were they doing?”

  “Did you ever see them load things onto planes? Things that were unscheduled?”

  “No, never.”

  Claire took out her phone and turned the screen to Joe so that he could see the picture on it. “Have you ever seen this woman? Have you ever seen her with Melody?”

  Joe took the phone and brought the screen closer to his eyes and his face showed recognition. “Yeah. Yeah, I saw her. I saw her talking to Melody. They were off in a corner of the airport. It was the night Melody went missing. I was walking in to start my shift. I remember because they seemed to be having a serious conversation.” Joe handed the phone back. “I also remember because I thought that woman was a looker. Who is she?”

  Claire fibbed. “I don’t know. She’s been seen with Melody.”

  Joe checked his watch. “I better get going. I need to get to the airport.”

  Claire thanked the man for meeting with her. “Joe, what’s the guy’s name who told you that you might not be getting your food that night, the guy who was harassing Melody?”

  Joe’s eyes darted around the coffee shop. Before he stood up, he leaned forward. “Mickey Sleeper. He’s like the ring leader. His brother is one of the other trouble makers, Joel Sleeper. The guy’s as dumb as a stone.” Joe tossed some money on the table and got up. “Those two are as mean as rattlesnakes. They got no conscience, got no morals. Their flunkies do whatever Mickey and Joel tell them to do.” Joe looked Claire in the eye. “Whatever you do, be careful.”

  A shudder of anxiety zipped down Claire’s back as fast as Joe hurried out of the coffee shop.


  Claire and Nicole sat at the patio table in the dark under the tiny twinkling lights that Claire had strung between the two garden trees eating pasta, green salad, and Italian bread. The dogs lounged in the grass near the fence snoozing in the cool evening air. Claire had just finished telling Nicole about her meeting with Joe Elliott, the Fast Freight employee and colleague of Melody Booker.

  Nicole dipped a piece of her bread into some oil. “The biggest question I have, other than what are those guys doing with some of the arriving planes, is what’s going on between Melody and Merritt?”

  “That’s been my biggest concern as well.” Claire added some grated cheese to her pasta. “I’ve been trying to figure out if Merritt is working within the ring or not. Is she working with Attorney Freeman or is she working against him? Could she have helped Melody disappear or did she cause Melody’s disappearance?”

  “Which way are you leaning?” Nicole asked.

  Claire looked up at her friend. “I’d like to hear what you think first, then I’ll tell you my thoughts. I don’t want to influence you one way or the other.”

  Nicole drew in a long breath and set her fork down on her plate. “From everything I’ve heard, I’m inclined to believe that Melody and Merritt are working together, on the outside. They’re not involved with the illegal activity.”

  “Why do you think so?” Claire was trying to organize her own thoughts and wanted to hear the reasons why Nicole believed that the two women weren’t working within the illegal ring.

  “Well, they knew each other as kids and probably still have some level of fondness for one another. Melody has been having problems at work so that suggests that she isn’t cooperating with those involved with the crime ring. The harassment, being initially passed over for the promotion, the drawings and threats all seem to indicate that she is on the outside of the gang. “Gang” probably isn’t the right word, but I don’t know what else to call them.” Nicole went on. “Merritt seems to have done very well prosecuting cases when she worked in the DA’s office so she is obviously smart and hardworking. When she joined Freeman’s law firm, she might have overheard things about Fast Freight that made her suspicious. Maybe after hearing about or reading about Melody’s harassment in the news, Merritt got in touch with her. Merritt might have suspected that Attorney Freeman is running some illegal thing at Fast Freight and decided to ask Melody if she knew anything about it.”

  A little smile spread over Claire’s lips. “I’m relieved to hear you say all of that. It’s the same way I’ve been leaning. I wasn’t sure if I was being logical about it or if I was leaning that way because it’s what I hope is true. I’m glad you feel the same.”

  “I think it makes the most sense.” Nicole sipped from her glass of water. “Of course, we could come up with a plausible scenario placing both women in the middle of the crime ring, but I just don’t get the feeling that they’re involved with it.”

  “I agree.” Claire gave a nod. “I think that Merritt is trying to help Melody. I think she’s caught up in
the mess by chance.”

  Bear and Lady both let out a woof.

  Claire and Nicole laughed and the dogs went over to the table to cajole the young women into patting them.

  Rubbing under Lady’s chin, Claire felt a wave of unease pass over her as she thought about what she wanted to talk about next. “We need to focus on where Melody and Merritt could be. Have they been hurt? Have those Fast Freight guys put their threats into action? Have they kidnapped Melody and Merritt?” Claire’s voice went soft. “Have they killed them?”

  Nicole shuddered. “I can’t even let that thought enter my head. When it tries to weasel its way in, I push it down and focus on something else.”

  “If those guys have them, I don’t have any idea where to look. But….”

  Nicole cocked her head. “But, what?”

  Claire’s face was serious. “But what if they’re together, hiding out?”

  “It’s possible. They might have gotten wind of something about to happen and they took off.”

  “I’ve been wondering.” Claire ran her hand through her curls. “They couldn’t hide out in a hotel. These guys seem sophisticated. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had someone who could track credit cards. They certainly wouldn’t hide out in their apartments.”

  “They might be with friends or family,” Nicole offered.

  “I think Merritt would think that was too dangerous. If they were found, then that would put whoever they were staying with at risk.”

  “Do you have an idea?” Nicole stared across the table at Claire.

  “I’ve been wondering if one of them has a cottage or a cabin somewhere. Merritt might have inherited a place or maybe Melody’s family has a house somewhere.”

  “They could be hiding out there.” Nicole gave a nod. “That’s a good idea.”

  “I think we should try to find them.”

  Nicole sat up straight. “Why? Isn’t it better to leave them alone? We could end up drawing attention to them.”

  “I think we need to talk to them, find out what they know. Bring the information to the police.”

  “That brings up another question.” Nicole leaned her elbow on the table. “Why haven’t Melody and Merritt gone to the police?”

  Claire ran her hand over Lady’s soft fur. “I wonder if they have. Melody brought the workplace harassment to light. She got her union involved. Maybe the police investigated? Maybe they are still investigating?”

  “Did the guy you talked to today, Joe, did he say anything at all about the police asking questions at Fast Freight?”

  Claire shook her head.

  “Maybe the police aren’t involved then.” Nicole frowned.

  “Could Melody or Merritt have alerted the police to what they knew, but….”

  “But what?” Nicole’s eyes darkened.

  “If this is a big crime ring, could some police officers be on the payroll? Could they brush complaints under the rug to keep the operation running?”

  Nicole visibly shuddered. “Ugh. This could be a bigger mess than we thought. If there are police officers involved, then the guilty parties may never be brought to justice.”

  Claire’s face clouded. “I can’t believe that would happen.”

  Nicole eyed Claire. “Do you get any feelings about what’s going on?”

  “My thoughts are so jumbled that I don’t know what I think or feel anymore. I don’t know how to sift the sensations from my normal thinking.” Claire rubbed her temple. “I do know one thing though. I feel like I’m failing them.”

  Nicole was just about to say something when Claire’s phone dinged with an incoming text. Leaning forward to see who had sent the message, Claire jumped from her chair. “Nicole,” Claire’s voice was breathless. She pushed the phone across the table so Nicole could read it.

  I need help. It was from Merritt.

  With shaking fingers, Nicole lifted the phone from the tabletop. She raised her eyes from the screen and looked at Claire. “Answer her.” She passed the phone to her friend.

  Where are you? What do you need? Claire pushed the send button.

  Standing by the table, they waited for a response. Claire’s heart pounded like a drum.

  “Why won’t she answer?” Nicole asked.

  The phone dinged.

  I’m shot. Can’t get out on my own. 136 Weston Avenue. North End. Hurry.

  “She says she’s been shot. She sent an address.” Claire’s breath was quick and shallow.

  Nicole pulled up a map of Boston on her phone and zoomed onto the address that was sent by Merritt. “It’s right here, near the waterfront. Looks isolated, like a bunch of warehouses.” Nicole made eye contact with Claire. “Let’s go. We can get a cab. Grab your pepper spray. I’ll get a knife from the kitchen drawer.”

  “Should we call the police?” Claire hurried into the house from the patio with Nicole and the dogs rushing after her.

  “I don’t think so. Not yet. Let’s wait until we get there.” Nicole removed two knives from the kitchen drawer.

  The two young women darted about grabbing the things they needed.

  “Bring the dogs,” Nicole said as they raced to the front door.

  Just as Nicole put her hand on the doorknob, Claire reached out and grabbed Nicole’s arm to stop her. She raised her index finger to her lips and then took the knob in her own hand. Trying to breathe deeply in and out, she held the knob for a few moments, and then Claire slowly turned her head to Nicole and whispered, “Something’s not right.” She gestured to the back of the house and the women and the dogs walked briskly, but quietly down the hall.

  Claire pushed open the sliding glass door to the back garden and waved for Nicole to follow. Once outside, Claire spoke in a soft voice. “Something’s wrong. I got a bad feeling when we were about to go out the front door. Let’s go this way.” Claire pointed to the fence.

  “Climb over?” Nicole looked through the darkness at the fence as Claire walked to the corner, tugged on a loose board, and yanked it to the side. Squeezing through, she waved for Nicole to do the same and once her friend and the dogs had slipped through the opening, Claire pushed the slats back into place.

  They hustled along the fence and through the neighbor’s yard to the quiet neighborhood that led around to the upper part of Claire’s street. Walking softly through the dark alley between two brick townhouses, they hugged the shadows and peered around to the front of Claire’s building.

  A dark sedan was parked at the curb. In the glint of the streetlamp, behind the lowered back window of the car, Claire could make out the muzzle of a gun pointing directly at her front door, waiting.


  Claire stifled a gasp and pressed her back against the brick wall. The dogs looked up at her with alarm, but they kept silent while Nicole moved closer with a concerned expression on her face. She mouthed, what is it?

  Claire pointed to where they’d come from and they inched back and around the building to the narrow alley. The dogs sat at Claire’s feet watching their owner try to slow her breathing. “That car in front of my house.” Her words were ragged with fear. “Someone was in the backseat. He had a gun.”

  Nicole’s eyes went wide. “A gun?”

  “It was trained on the front door. They were waiting for us to come out. They would have mowed us down.” Tears glistened in Claire’s eyes.

  “You felt it.” Nicole whispered and squeezed Claire’s arm. “You saved us.”

  “We need to get out of here.” Claire looked down the alley. “What will they do if we don’t come out of the house? Will they break in or start searching the streets?”

  “Maybe both.” Nicole grabbed Claire’s wrist and pulled her further down the alley. “They aren’t going to wait long before they do something. Let’s get out of the neighborhood.”

  Claire signaled to the Corgis to be silent and the four scurried down alleys and streets and ran to the river to cross over the bridge into Cambridge. They slumped down behind some trees ne
xt to a deserted playground to catch their breaths and figure out what to do. “We need to turn off our phones. They might have some way to use them to track us.”

  “Really? God.” Nicole shut her phone down.

  “They must know that I talked to Joe Elliott. They’re worried about what he said to me.” Claire’s face blanched. “Oh, no. I need to contact Joe and tell him what just happened. He might be in danger for talking to me.” Claire pulled out her phone, turned it back on, and placed a call to Joe. “He isn’t answering.” She left him a message telling what had just happened and warned him to get out of or stay away from his house. “I’m calling “911” to report the gunman outside of my house.” Claire made the call, explained what happened, described the car as best she could while cursing herself for not getting the license number, and asked the dispatcher to send a patrol car to Joe Elliott’s house in Quincy to be sure he was safe. When the dispatcher asked Claire where she was, Claire thanked the person, hung up, and immediately turned off her phone.

  “What about Merritt?” Nicole asked. “Should we go to her?”

  “I think those men have Merritt’s phone. I think they sent me the text message that she needed help, it wasn’t from Merritt.” Claire leaned her head back against the tree trunk. “It was a ploy to get me outside ... so they could kill me.”

  “What are we going to do?” Nicole looked out across the dark Charles River. “We can’t sit here all night.”

  “You could probably go home. They know you didn’t talk to Joe Elliott. You’re probably safe.”

  “No, thanks.” Nicole eyed Claire. “I’m not taking the chance. And I’m not leaving you, so think of something else.”

  “I’m coming up empty here,” Claire practically whimpered as she pulled her knees up to her chest, put her arms on them, and rested her head against her forearms. Bear got up and walked over to his owner. He slurped his tongue over her cheek.

  Claire lifted her head and hugged the dog.

  “Bear says you better not be giving up,” Nicole said. “We all need you.”


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