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Dangerous Desires

Page 23

by Tia Siren

  Fuck me. I was screwed.

  She swarmed my thoughts until I came across something suspicious, a large landscape painting that pretty much took up a whole wall. The two paintings beside it had a small signature in the bottom left hand. This one had nothing. I needed a closer look, but my gut told me this was it.

  “This one is beautiful.”

  I smiled, Kennedy came to my side. Though I felt her before she got there, a feeling I had almost forgotten. Trust.

  “It is. Who is it by?” I asked. I glanced at her down my nose, her brows furrowed as she stared forward. Hmm. Perhaps she really didn’t know.

  “I am not sure, it is one of the pieces we got today.” She answered.

  I couldn’t do much from here, I needed the piece.

  “I would like to buy it.”

  She gasped inwardly, turning to me in shock. Her round blue eyes gazed up at me in wonder. I knew it then, I couldn’t say that I made a mistake, because it felt too good. But she looked at me with all these…expectations. Ones that I couldn’t fulfill. Work came first, this job…it was the only relationship I could have.

  As I gritted my jaw, and turned back to the piece, I felt her expression fall from excitement to confusion. I wouldn’t do anything about it though. I had to harden my heart.

  “How much?” I asked, avoiding her gaze. Her innocent, soft round face would undo me.

  “Um, the price is set at fourteen thousand.”

  Oh hell. I had forgotten how expensive these pieces run, and to think that it could be a fake is even worse. With anyone else I would have haggled then, but I think I caused her enough confusion for one night. One minute, I had her up against the wall fucking, the next I was giving her the cold shoulder. I felt sick, knowing I was playing her.

  How could I get close to her and still keep her at a distance?

  It would be my ultimate assignment.

  “Very well. I will be paying in cash. I need it delivered tomorrow.”

  “Uh, okay. But I don’t have anyone available on such short notice to bring it tomorrow.” Her voice was uneasy, choking back her emotions. I wanted nothing more than to take her in my arms and explain it all, but I only just met her. I couldn’t trust my own judgement.

  But I had a gut feeling. My work depended on it; my career would have gone nowhere without it. And my gut was telling me that Kennedy was the woman who would make or break me.

  “It will be rolled, yes?” I asked her.


  “I need it tomorrow. I will pay extra if need be.”

  I felt her eyes on me, in a deep scowl. I pretended to be engrossed in the painting.

  “I…I can bring it myself.” She spoke quietly.

  “Good. I will text you my address.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief when she took it upon herself to walk away. If she hadn’t done that, I knew how the night would go. She would end up back in my flat, and by morning I would forget why I was here. I would forget she could be part of this whole ruse, too.

  I got myself a drink from the open bar. As I sipped my scotch, I watched her from a distance. Her smile was effortless and beautiful as she talked to the guests. She lit up as she talked about the paintings, but most of the time I wasn’t looking at her face; no matter how beautiful and flawless it was.

  Her body was so enticing, the sinuous curves begged me to follow them to hell and back. The curve of her hips flowed right to her narrow waist, and the swells of her breasts begged to be kissed, nibbled, worshipped. I felt my throat go dry as I just stared at her, following her around the room with my eyes. I wanted to taste her, get my fill of her. I wished I hadn’t been so crude. When she would glance at me, her smile would fade and she would look away in embarrassment.

  I treated her like I just wanted to fuck her and then toss her aside. Which is exactly what I did. I needed to apologize, only then could I go about the rest of this assignment the right way. At least I hoped I could.

  Maybe I had already fucked it up beyond repair.



  I laid in bed and every time I closed my eyes I saw her. Her smile, but mostly her face of ecstasy as she would bite her lip, and her eyelids would flutter closed as she moaned beneath me. I could still feel her contracting around me, her heat against my body. There were too many clothes in the way, I didn’t get to properly admire her.

  I couldn’t expect anything now, I was so rude to her. In my head, I told myself I had to make it right, for the job—so I could get closer to her and finish the assignment. But as I unplugged my phone from the charger, I knew that wasn’t why I was messaging her.

  How did the rest of the exhibit go?

  It was nice enough, I thought. It was late, so I wasn’t sure if she would reply. I desperately wanted her to though.


  Just fine?

  There was no response for almost twenty minutes. Even the football game on the television wasn’t entertaining anymore as I waited for her to respond.

  I’m going to bed. Goodnight.

  I couldn’t help but smile with a slight laugh. I should have known she would be annoyed. I hadn’t known her long but I knew that much already. She wanted me to leave her alone, but I couldn’t.

  I want you in MY bed.

  Let’s see her respond to that one.

  You got what you wanted!!

  Ouch, so she was definitely pissed. Rightfully so, if she only knew the truth.

  Far from it, love. I will see you tomorrow morning.

  I reminded her she did have a painting to deliver to me tomorrow. I sent her my address as well. Knowing she probably wouldn’t reply, I shut my phone off and turned in for bed.

  Just thinking of her made me hard. I drifted off to sleep with the thought of her wrapped around me again.



  I woke with the dawn and used the gym in the building. They had a rowing machine, and I stayed on it for nearly an hour. I rowed back in the Army and it was the best stress reliever. I hit it hard for the last thirty minutes, and then I was spent. I headed back up to my room and grabbed some breakfast.

  I had only two hours until Kennedy would arrive. Just as I was about to hop in the shower, Marx called. Right on cue, to remind me I was here for the job, not the girl.

  “What have you got so far?” He spat.

  “A potential painting. It could be counterfeit, but I haven’t fully examined it yet.”

  He grumbled in response.

  “Get it done.” He hung up.

  After I showered, my ringer buzzed. She was here. I peeked through the watch hole first, I could barely see her though, but her blonde hair lit up the entire entryway.

  “Hello,” I put on my best smile when I opened the door.


  She was so stunning. I barely noticed the large roll of artwork in her hand. My eyes took in every inch of her; her curves were wrapped up in a green pair of leggings, and her thin waist accentuated by a fitting white t-shirt, exposing a bit of her cleavage. It was tasteful, but it still drove me mad. Her blonde curls were up in a bun, baring her neck to me. Fuck, what was worse is she didn’t even know the effect she had.

  “Please, come in.” I stepped aside, and had to stifle a laugh at the glare she gave me.

  “Where do you want this?” she asked.

  I watched her walk past, my eyes right on her luscious ass. She made the flat look better than ever.

  “Not sure, what do you suggest?” I said.

  She turned to face me, her brows turned up in a scowl. I smirked at her, and she only narrowed her eyes.

  “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, Eli. But I don’t have time for it. If yesterday was a mistake just say so. Don’t…lure me to your apartment.” She sighed, and I saw behind her façade. I really had hurt her, and I never wanted to do that.

  And I didn’t have a choice either, she had to trust me. Both to finish the job, and so I could finish her.
r />   I had to keep my lines straight in my head. But right now I didn’t give a shit about the job. Right now…I needed her. I crossed the space between us, her neck tensed as she looked up at me. There was little space between us, I felt my erection rub against her leg and her throat bobbed as she swallowed.

  “I don’t regret it…maybe a little.” She tried to shove me away before I could explain. I grabbed her wrist in mine and held her waist firmly against me. “I regret I didn’t get to see all of you.”

  Her eyes flickered up to mine and widened. She looked so innocent and willing, I swelled at the thought. I was prepared to take her right here in the living room.

  I took the roll of art from her and set it on the table gently. And then I was on her, more than gently. I kissed her so hard she bowed against me, her breasts pillowing against my chest. The heat of her, and the weight of her breasts drove me mad. My hands wandered over every curve of her body, weighing her breasts in my hands as she moaned into my mouth.

  I backed her up against the counter, and then set her on it. She wrapped her legs around me instantly, trapping me in her warmth. Only because I needed air, I pulled away from her and suckled the skin of her neck. The smooth, creamy hollow of her neck was lost to me as she leaned away to give me better access.

  “Eli,” she whispered. My name sounded perfect rolling off of her tongue, but the hesitation in it made me pull away as I looked into her eyes.

  “Tell me you don’t want this.” I tightened my grip on her hips, they were narrow enough that my thumbs brushed against the crease of her thighs and crotch teasing her even more.

  She stared back at me, lips swollen and parted, but she didn’t say anything. I waited for her response, my dick throbbing in my pants.

  “Eli, I…you aren’t fighting fair.” I smirked, as she shook her head. “Yes, I want this.”

  It was all I needed to hear. My lips were on hers again, and her slender fingers curled under my shirt. We broke apart and I took off her shirt as she took mine off. Her bare skin against mine set me aflame, I didn’t want to waste any time.

  My hands trailed up the smooth skin of her back, until I reached the clasp of her bra. She leaned her chest towards me as I unclasped it, and tossed it aside. She leaned back, baring her chest to me. Fuck, she was so beautifully perfect. Her nipples were hard, rose-pink buds, begging to be touched. But I wanted to see all of her first.

  My eyes didn’t leave hers as my fingers went to the waist of her pants, and she gasped as my fingers curled underneath, brushing against her through her panties. She bit her plump bottom lips, and the sight of it almost held me prisoner. She shimmied her hips so I could peel the pants off. I watched as every inch of her soft skin appeared, the creamy skin of her legs all the way down to her French-tipped toes when I took her leggings off.

  Her blue cotton panties were enticing in their own way. Her blush spread through her whole body, and my cock swelled at the thought of how far it went. I needed to see. When I rid her of her panties, she was practically gushing onto the counter top, so I almost came just then. She was so wet for me.

  “You’re bloody soaking,” I breathed.

  I closed the space between us and kissed her, my fingers trailing down to her slick sex. She jerked beneath me, her thighs clenching until it was only my wrist holding them apart as I trailed through her opening. I pulled back to watch her. Her soft round face was calm with desire, her eyes closed as her mouth parted. The more I worked her, the harder the crease in her forehead got. I used my other hand to pull her bottom lip from her teeth, caressing her cheek and tilting her head back.

  Her moans spurred me on, and filled the empty room. I knew she was close. I slipped one finger inside of her and she clenched around me, and then I added another as my thumb circled over her clit. It was all it took to make her fall apart. She clenched around me, her thighs tightening around my hand as she dug her nails into my arms.

  “God, you’re perfect,” I said, and then I kissed her, hard and without warrant.

  She tore off my pants, and I groaned as she rubbed me through my boxers. By the time she had me in her hand, I was shuddering as she pumped me from the hilt to my base, her thumb curling over the moisture at my tip. But I was done with teasing, I needed to be suffocated by her.

  I entered her in one swift movement, stretching her to her absolute limit as I took her. I clenched her hair in my hand, tilting her neck to kiss her as she adjusted to me.

  “Are you still mad at me, Kennedy?” I whispered against her lips. She smiled as she shook her head, bucking her hips towards me.

  She ran her hands over the muscles of my back, clenched tight as I tried to restrain myself from pounding into her without mercy. But I had to move. Slowly, I buried myself in her over and over again.

  “Faster, please,” she breathed.

  I did so, taking her hard and fast. She moaned, screamed, so much so that it echoed in the room. I grunted against her, as she clenched around me, and her hands seared a fire in their wake as she scratched almost every inch of my body.

  She was so fucking perfect; soft and warm against me, her body a contrast to mine. Her heart…I felt her pulse everywhere, especially in her sex as she clenched around me.

  She was so close, and I was falling apart. I took her lips again, my tongue swirling around hers, and hers fighting mine stroke for stroke.

  She was too good, too perfect. She was intoxicating, and I was completely under her spell. I kissed her deeper, harder, and she came beneath me. I couldn’t hold off anymore, I stilled deep inside of her as I filled her with my seed. Before her, I never came inside of a woman.

  Now, it was all I wanted to do. With her only. In my sex-induced haze I screamed to myself, fuck this job and this assignment. I wanted nothing more than to forget it all and take her away with me, where we wouldn’t be found. But I only just met her, and I was distracted by the clench of her sex around me. The heat, the feeling…it was making me crazy. It was what I told myself.

  It was what I needed to tell myself.



  My knees were weak as I hopped off the counter and collected my clothes. Eli passed me my leggings. I didn’t regret it, the closet or his apartment, because I told myself I would just remain unattached. He was here on work, so that meant he would be leaving soon. I could enjoy him until then, but I could never let him know me. I couldn’t fall for him, and I definitely couldn’t trust him. No matter how much I wanted to.

  “I can make you dinner, tonight. Then maybe we can find a good place for my new art.” He smirked, his hair disheveled from our tryst. He tossed his Henley back on; it was so unfair that he made those things look so good.

  “I have to meet with my boss today.” Julian was returning from his flight overseas and I had to give a good update of everything, so that I could hopefully run another exhibit on my own.

  Just as I suspected, I sold half the work featured earlier in the morning. Surely he would be happy about that, well I could only hope. But I finished getting dressed and planned to get a good shower in before I met with my boss. Smelling like sex wasn’t a great impression professionally, no matter how good it felt.

  “After, then?”

  I avoided his gaze. Why was he pressing so hard? I knew I couldn’t look in those beautiful eyes of his, or at his gorgeous face that was so hard to resist. Why would he want me again today? I mean the sex was mind blowing, but he seemed oddly pushy.

  “I don’t know.” I replied. What if it was just dinner? Surely I could still have fun with him, and not get attached.

  He walked me to the door, but stopped as he opened it. It all happened so fast; he gripped my forearm and pressed me to him, that electricity fighting through my body as he touched me. He cupped my cheek in his hand, firm and warm as he tilted my face up towards his.

  “Please, I need to see you again. And I need your…expert opinion.” He smirked. Lord, that crooked smirk made my knees weak. And my resolve even w
eaker. “Say yes, love.”

  God, he made me swoon when he called me that! I didn’t stand a chance against a dashing Brit…

  “Fine.” I whispered. He leaned in for a kiss. I intended it to be short, but against my own brain, my toes curled as I leaned up to kiss him deeper, his tongue flicking against my bottom lip. I pulled away, breathless, and practically ran out of there.



  I barely had any time once I got home. I showered, changed into a navy dress and sandals, and then headed back to the gallery. I hadn’t told Julian I was doing a personal delivery, and I didn’t think they are allowed anyway. Especially not the way I was doing it.

  “I am pleased with your performance. We have sold all of our new pieces. Perhaps I should go out of town more often.” Julian leaned against my desk with his smug smile.

  His matching brown linen pantsuit was very loud and imposing, just like him. He did look like he just got back from vacation though. I needed a vacation too.

  “Thank you.” I smiled softly.

  “I have been thinking. We have about three or four exhibits a month, and I think it would be good for you to take over one each month.”

  My eyes widened in shock. Me, manage an exhibit? Before the past weekend, I wouldn’t have thought I could do it. But, now I knew I could. It was exciting, and still a little scary.

  “Really?” I checked to make sure he hadn’t had too many morning Mojitos.

  “Yes, really.” He smiled.

  I did a little happy dance internally—this was another big step to what I really wanted. I couldn’t even believe it. I kept my cool and smiled as I leaned back in my chair.

  “Okay, sounds good. Are we planning for next month?” I asked.

  “Yes, starting with the fall exhibit in two weeks.”

  I smiled. That was my favorite one that we did.


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