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Dangerous Desires

Page 38

by Tia Siren

  She still moans as I rub her clit and Miles shakes a little. He jolts up straight and sighs, holding on to Alyssa's head, twisting his fingers into her hair as he cums.

  Alyssa swallows and wipes her mouth, she giggles a little at us both panting and leaning against the wall.

  "It's a shame we have to go back to work now. You guys should come over to my place tonight."

  Oh god, you don't know how much I want that.



  Ok, have I got everything ready? Food looks good, dessert looks even better. Now, how do I look? I leave my kitchen for a moment to check out my outfit in the mirror in the bedroom, before the guys arrive.

  I look sexy. That's good. They'll like this.

  I lean forward and make sure my tits look as appealing as possible. I've purposefully worn a thin white shirt with no bra, and they will be able to see right through it. I want them to want to fuck me as soon as they get in the door. The sort of romantic meal is all just a bonus here. I want them to feel comfortable at my place—with me—without being drunk or anything.

  They mean a lot to me, and I want this night to be amazing.

  I really can't wait. We're going to experiment with a lot of stuff we've wanted to do for a while but never had the courage to try, or even admit that we want to try. I feel like this will be really good for us, getting to know what we all like and what gets us hot. I'm exciting myself just thinking about it!

  I hear my doorbell buzz—that'll be them! I quickly run to the phone by the door.

  "Hello?" I say, perhaps a little too excitedly.

  "Hey, Aly," Mark says.

  "Hey guys, I'll buzz you in!" I reply.

  "Thanks, doll," Miles adds.

  I press the button and wait till I hear the door open before putting the receiver back. I've got so much energy… I really can't wait! Right… what to prepare first…? Food is ready to put out, dessert is in the fridge and… oh! Right, yes! The wine… just to set the mood. It's a deep red color, nice and sexy. I check my reflection one last time… just like my lips. This is going to go so well!

  Mark and Miles knock at my door, and I rush over to let them in. They both look so handsome. I greet them and give them both a kiss on the cheek before pulling them in by their ties and kicking the door closed.

  "You look gorgeous, Aly," Mark says, and Miles agrees.

  "Aw, thanks guys. You look great too." I can feel myself blushing a little. "I love the ties as well." I pull them around a little before pulling them both in for a kiss.

  They laugh and move through to my kitchen.

  "Wow, something smells amazing." Miles says, nosing around my oven.

  "That would be dinner. It's some fancy chicken thing that I can't really pronounce, but it tastes awesome."

  Mark can't help laughing at me again as he grabs the bottle of wine and pours out three glasses.

  "Are you excited?" he asks me as he passes me a glass while standing extra close to me.

  "Yeah…very," I say, looking up at him through my eyelashes and sipping just one mouthful of the dry red wine. "You two just go and sit down. I'll prepare dinner."

  The boys sit down and I dish out the chicken. They really love my cooking, which is always a plus. They seem to be excited about the later evening's events, so I have to keep telling them not to talk sex at the dinner table. We talk about our pasts and really get to know one another. By the time we have dessert our conversation has moved on to previous relationships. Not the sort of thing I'd normally talk about over a lot of chocolate and strawberries, but the topic moves on to what we like in bed. From there, the subject doesn't really change.

  "I'd always let them be in charge, you know?" Mark says, staring down into his second glass of wine, "I never wanted them to think I was too controlling or, do anything they didn't want me to do, so I let them take control. Sort of just ended up, I’d get told what to do and I'd do it. It ended up being not so much fun for me when it never seemed to be right." Mark sighs.

  "Well, just because you're in control in the bedroom, doesn't have to reflect the relationship at all." I reply, stroking his leg, "If you want to take control, all you have to do is ask, make sure they don't mind what you do first, and give them a safe word if they get uncomfortable."

  "Sounds like you do this sort of thing all the time," Miles says curiously.

  "Well, I had a boyfriend once who did that sort of thing all the time, took me to one of his community meetings as his sub. It was a little strange, but also kind of fun…all that leather and PVC."

  The boys stare for a moment, no doubt thinking of me in a little leather bikini.

  "Do you have any photos?" Miles asks, I respond with a laugh.

  "So, you wouldn't mind me taking control a little? Maybe tying you up?" Mark asks.

  "No, not at all. In fact, I'd really like you to try to bring out your darker side…see what sorts of things you can do." I grin, Mark laughs a little and we lean in close, making lustful eye contact.

  "Whoa, calm it a little…I've not said my thing yet!" Miles protests.

  "Sorry, honey." I suppose I was getting a little carried away there. I want them to feel like I'm seeing to both of their needs.

  "Well, the last few times we've been together, I've kind of liked just sitting back and watching. Seeing the two of you together, knowing I can jump in at any time is exciting for me. I think I really like to watch. So when you guys are tied up, maybe I could just watch for a bit?"

  "Of course! I mean, I'd want you to join in, but maybe just wishing you were there would make me want and enjoy it more." I bite my lip and think about it for a moment. I've never had someone truly watch me before, and the thought of him getting off to it, even just the thought of him watching me if I was just by myself is so exciting. I kind of love the idea of him watching me getting off by myself.

  "Great," Miles grins.

  "I think I'd really like it if you guys were both watching me, just to start off with…." I pull the two of them closer to me, as I trail off from what I’m saying. I think the red wine is starting to affect us a little and all this talk of what we need and want in the bedroom has got me a little flustered.

  I start to kiss Miles gently on the lips, and he slides his hand up my leg, just under my skirt, while Mark moves his hand up my side to my chest while kissing my neck. I love the feel of their hands on my body. Their light touches drive me crazy, like they're teasing me, and I want them to be a little rougher with me. I turn to Mark and bite his lip, causing him to moan. I know this always brings out his lustful side, willing to do more to get himself satisfied.

  He growls at me and I giggle, feeling a little helpless to his more-dominant side. I can't wait to have that lying over me, my arms and legs spread as wide as possible for him to do as he pleases. I feel my spine shiver at that thought, and I grab Mark and kiss him passionately while climbing into his lap.

  Mark pulls me close and I feel his hands stroking my breasts through my shirt. I know they both realized I wasn't wearing a bra from the moment they walked in—their eyes went straight to my chest, just like I knew they would. He plays with my nipples through my shirt and makes me shiver. Miles tugs at me from behind and I turn around to kiss him.

  The boys are getting restless and I realize now is the perfect time to move into the bedroom. I stand and pull them up with me, and all I have to do is head over to my bedroom and they follow. I leave them by the door and kiss them on their cheeks before walking over to my bed, alone.



  Alyssa leaves Mark and me at the door. We watch as she lies back on her bed and takes off her clothes, teasing us with her naked body. Just lying there, as if one of us could just jump straight in and kiss her or touch her. But in this sort of role-play she's all alone. We're only watching, waiting to get caught at any moment.

  But I know that if we did get caught she would pull us in with her, into her world of sexual fantasy, where nothing matters but

  She giggles to herself. I wish I could know what she was thinking, what she was planning.

  But I guess that's the excitement, you never know what's going to happen next.

  I watch as she bends over to reach something in a drawer. She looks so hot when she bends over, that I have to hold myself back from smacking her perfect ass.

  She drops her panties to the floor and stands before us, completely naked. Next she lays back on her bed and opens her legs. Slowly, she licks all the way up her finger and with her other hand she moves down her body and parts her lips.

  I bite my lip and sigh when she makes that little squeak she does when she first touches her clit. It's unbelievably hot to watch her play with herself like this, the way she moves her legs, shaking in pleasure.

  Next she picks something up from her side, must have been whatever she got out from her drawer…a vibrator? Nice. I wonder what other things she has in that drawer. She picks up her vibrator and switches it on. It's pretty quiet but I can tell that it's working its magic on her. She shivers and squirms, making herself writhe under her own touch.

  She starts to moan and shake, squishing her legs together as she holds the vibrator down while she cums. She sighs in pleasure and drops back on her bed with a huge grin on her face. Fuck, I'm pretty hard right now. I want to join in, but I know that it's Marks turn now.

  He takes off his tie and then mine before heading over to Alyssa. He gently kisses her body, making her shake and gasp… then he takes her hands and ties them together, securing them to her bed above her head. Next he takes her leg and ties it to the other end of the bed, leaving one leg free. He spreads her legs as wide as possible then picks up the bullet vibrator.

  I watch as he starts to tease her with it, making her gasp and pull at her bonds. She must be so sensitive after cumming. This must be torture for her. He holds her other leg still so she can't move at all.

  It's so strange seeing Mark like this. I never thought of him as such a dominant person, but the way he holds control over her is incredible to watch.

  He leans over her body and kisses down her chest to her hips, still holding the vibrator down on her clit. She starts to moan again, this time more desperately, like it's hard to breathe.

  She cries out in pleasure again, pulling hard at our ties, trying to move but to no avail. She breathes heavily and Mark slowly inserts the vibrator inside of her pussy. Her legs shake and he kisses her pussy, gently licking her clit before moving up to kiss her tits. I can see the way he moves his tongue over her nipples, and it makes me wish it was my turn to jump in. I want to join them so bad. I can feel my cock begging to be set free from my boxers, but I have to wait.

  He takes off his pants and undoes his shirt, then sits over her, gently rubbing his cock against her clit, teasing her with it. He then takes out the vibrator and lifts her leg onto his shoulder. He pulls her hips up to his where he kneels and slowly pushes his cock inside of her, while rubbing the bullet against her clit.

  "Oh… Mark!" she cries out, she pulls hard again with her hands, making the whole bed shake, but Mark has tied her very tightly. He thrusts into her pretty roughly, going as deep as he can, holding her leg up.

  I wonder how she feels inside without a condom on? Fuck, I bet it’s amazing. I can't wait to feel it for myself!

  Fucking hell, this is incredible to watch, just the way he controls her body and fucks her like she's just a sex toy to him. It's amazing.

  I lean back against her door and slide off my pants. I know they're going to ask me to join in any moment now and I want to make sure I'm ready. I pull down my boxers and grasp my cock in my hand. I'm pretty hard already, but touching myself while watching them is really doing it for me.

  My own personal pornography. I can watch whenever I want and join in whenever I want. This is incredible…the way she's lying there, helpless and vulnerable, a slave to the passion and pleasure. I can't wait for it to be my turn to fuck her.

  She turns her head and makes eye contact with me, and then she grins. It seems she likes the idea of being watched. She likes that I'm enjoying the sight of her getting fucked like a good little submissive. I can tell she desperately wants me to join in.

  But I'm fine to wait and watch for a moment. I'll let Mark have his fun.

  So I watch, I relax, and I enjoy my wank. I mean, I'm just keeping myself occupied, I'm not going to cum just yet. I'm saving that for Alyssa.

  Mark still slowly teases her. I bet her pussy feels so good and wet, just dripping with lust and begging to get fucked properly, but she'll have to wait a moment longer before—

  "Oh, yes!" Alyssa cries out as Mark starts fucking her hard and fast, pushing himself up into her as deep as he can go. Fucking hell the way her tits bounce around is hypnotizing. I just want to shove my face in there and kiss her all over.

  Then Mark unties her other leg, holding it up on his other shoulder and practically bending it behind her head, shit…she's so flexible. I really wish that was me right now. I want to join in now, I think I've worked up enough energy, and I've held back long enough. I'm ready to fuck her, right fucking now.

  I watch as Mark fucks the shit out of her, her small body going completely limp as she orgasms again. The way she screams in pleasure—I can't wait to make her make that sound. I bet the neighbors hate her, she's so fucking loud. Anyway, it's my turn now.

  I move into the scene, and Mark moves aside. Alyssa lies there, panting before me, looking almost exhausted already. But no matter, I'm sure she'll still enjoy this.

  I flip her onto her front and slowly enter her from behind, holding her up on her knees so she's face down into her pillows. I hold her hips and smack her hard, leaving a red mark on her ass cheek.

  Fucking hell, her pussy feels amazing, so much better without a condom. I can really feel how soft her pussy is! Compared to my hand, this is definitely worth all that build up and waiting. She's so wet and warm and fucking tight as hell. Is that from all the punishment she's taken so far? I didn't know getting in second would be so good. She's really tightened up for me, and fuck me, does it feel amazing.

  I tangle my fingers in her hair and force her to arch her back. This makes her tense on my cock and causes me to moan. I think I've waited long enough, time to let loose. I hope you can take it, Alyssa.

  I grab her hips and pull her back to me, fucking her as hard as Mark was earlier. Oh man, this feels amazing. I could cum pretty quickly from this, but I can hold on long enough to make her cum for me. I know I can.

  I look over and see Mark untying her and getting her to suck his cock. Fucking hell, if I fuck her hard enough it'll be better for him. I have to show him I'm good, no, I'm fucking great and he'll see that, no, he'll feel that.

  He starts to moan and I grin, knowing that I'm helping her be that good. I watch as her head bobs up and down on his cock. I smack her ass hard again, and I guess she must have tightened her mouth, because Mark moans and grips the edges of the bed.

  I see the bullet just lying on the edge of the bed and realize I can make her cum twice while I fuck her. I can play with her clit as well. I should surprise her, she'll love that.

  I let go of her hair and grab the bullet, switch it on, and hold it down on her clit. She gasps and tenses up, making Mark and me moan at the same time.

  I'm so close, I can feel it, if I make her cum I know I will too. That'll be it for me. So I have to make it count.

  Alyssa starts to moan, by the sound of it I can tell how hard she's trying to hold on to Mark's cock with her mouth, but I can see it's becoming difficult. She builds up a few cries of pleasure before she completely lets go of Mark. She arches her back, kneeling up and screaming in pleasure, completely lost in the moment. I can feel her pussy tightening around me, and fuck, that's set me off! Oh fuck!

  I hold her hips down as I cum inside of her. I pant for a moment and notice Mark watching us, his cock in his hand, looking like he's ready to burst.

  He sighs as he reaches hi
s climax too, all over Alyssa's bare chest.

  We pause for a moment as we let the high wash over us. Panting, we flop back onto the bed. I look down at Alyssa, cum dripping from her tits and my cum dripping from her pussy. She looks a mess. A fucking hot mess.

  I bet she loved that, getting filled and covered by us. She's our little slut.

  I loved it. It was fucking amazing. The best sex I've ever had.



  I leave the guys outside my door and pretend that they're not even there. I'm all alone in my bedroom. I take the time to light a few candles before I lie back on my bed. I sigh and let the feeling of how turned on I am wash over me. A light breeze flows in from my open window and causes the candles to flicker, sending the sweet smell of vanilla into the room.

  I slowly take off my top and skirt dropping them to the floor. I lie there for a moment wearing only a lacy thong. The cool air prickles my skin and makes my nipples hard. I feel so naughty just laying here by myself, thinking about what I'm about to enjoy. Nobody is here but me, I repeat to myself. But I know that the boys are watching.

  So I get up and head to the door. When I lean over them and switch off my light, the candles make the room glow softly. I pretend not to notice them but I flash them a grin and make quick eye contact with them before heading back to my bed.

  I lean down to my bottom drawer and take out my purple bullet. I bend over long enough to make sure they get a good view of my ass—I know they love it—then I lie back on my bed and spread my legs for them. I lick my finger and look over at them, before parting my lips and slowly rubbing my clit.

  Nothing quite compares to getting yourself off. I know what I like and how to enjoy my own body, and if they like to watch that then I'm happy. I just know exactly what I want at any given moment. I start of slow, barely even touching it. Just ghosting over the edge, teasing myself. My finger slips over my clit with ease, because I'm so wet just thinking about them getting hard over watching me.


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