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Dangerous Desires

Page 70

by Tia Siren

  “We’re taking a private plane?” I ask, unable to hide the surprise. I knew Percy had a private jet, but I wasn’t counting on using it on our way to Switzerland.

  “Of course,” he states matter-of-factly. “After all, I want all the privacy we can get,” he continues, his words telling me right away what’s going to happen once we’re a few thousand feet up in the air.

  Once the limo finally grinds to a halt, the driver gets out of his seat and goes all the way around the car, opening the door for us. I push the hem of my dress down my legs, gently patting the fabric, and take a deep breath as I step outside. My legs feel a bit shaky, but that’s only normal; after all, I’ve just survived one of the best orgasms I’ve had in months.

  Following Parker’s lead, I climb the stairs that lead up to the jet’s pressurized door. The two pilots are waiting for us at the entrance, and they greet us merrily, shaking Parker’s hand. Once they go back to the cockpit, Parker guides me toward the passenger aisle. We sit down side by side, his hand on my knee. I look around the inside of the cabin, and realize that I can barely focus. Here I am, on a private plane for the first time in my life, and all I care about is the man next to me. It’s funny to think of him as a man, when he’s so much younger than I am… But the way he dominates me leaves no room for doubts: he’s a man, through and through.

  Tapping my feet on the floor, I look out of the window as I wait for the jet to take off. Parker doesn’t wait; the hand he has on my knee starts to climb up my leg, only stopping when it reaches the hemline of my dress. I look back at him as I fasten my seatbelt, the anxiety of anticipation tying a knot in my throat.

  “Parker, shouldn’t we wait…?” I ask him as he slides his fingers under my skirt, moving them up to my inner thigh. Even though I’m protesting, I move against my own words, spreading my legs wide.

  “I hate to wait,” he simply says, pressing his hand against my pussy. I throw my head back against the headrest, a subtle moan flying out of my lips. Oh, God, this is going to be a long, long flight.

  “Then don’t wait,” I tell him, relinquishing all control. Grabbing his wrist with both my hands, I make him press hard against my pussy as I thrust at the same time. He’s right; why wait?

  By the moment I hear the steady hum of the engines starting, Parker already has his hand on my pussy. Flicking my thong to the side, he loses no time and slides two fingers deep inside of me. He moves them back and forth at a steady but patient pace, taking his time. By the time the jet lines up with the runway and starts to pick up speed, I’m almost ready to come again.

  “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” I whimper, repeating the words as if they were a mantra. Obliging, Parker doesn’t stop, instead, he starts to move his fingers even faster, stretching me wide. “Oh, God…” I finally moan, throwing myself against the seat as a seizure of pleasure starts to take over. Balling my hands into fists, I feel my muscles spasming as endorphins rage through my body. God, he hasn’t even used his cock and has already made me come twice. Twice! Now that makes me eager to have him fuck me. He has that massive cock, and now I’m more than sure he also knows how to use it.

  I only open my eyes when he takes his fingers out of my pussy. Then, my heart beating like a wild drum, I unfasten my seatbelt. Free from bindings, I turn to him on my seat. We lock eyes for a full second, and then we lean into each other, our lips drawn together. I run one hand through his hair, disheveling it, and I use the other one to unbuckle his belt. I try to steady my trembling fingers and then unbutton his pants as fast as I can.

  “Now this is making it worth my while,” I hear him say, but I don’t even register the meaning behind his words. I’m too far gone for that. My hands moving as if they were guided by a higher power, I unfasten his seatbelt and then hook my fingers on his pants and boxers, pushing them down all the way to his ankles. I only stop for a second—all the time I need to take a deep breath—and then curl my fingers around his thickness, my pussy turning into a wet mess as I try to imagine how it will feel to have something so massive inside of me. God, I can barely wait. Then, I remember what I thought before—why wait?

  A grin taking over my lips, I get out from my seat and climb on top of Parker, opening my legs and straddling him. I start to kiss him, no self-control to my movements, and start stroking him backhandedly. He places both his hands on my ass and pulls on my dress, hiking it up to my waist. His long fingers cupping my cheeks, I feel the fangs of madness burying themselves in my mind, and I finally let go of his cock. I place my hands on his chest, but I don’t even bother with unbuttoning his shirt; I just grab at the fabric and pull on it, forcing the buttons to pop out and scatter all around the floor. When his chest comes into sight, I run my hands over his naked torso, feeling the hard edges of his pectorals under my fingers. A shiver goes up my spine as I finally go over his chiseled abs, a fire growing under my skin.

  I start to sway my hips, pressing my pussy against his steel hard shaft. Only the small lace thong he has given me separates us, and I’m not that far away from just flicking it to the side. With both hands on my ass, Parker starts to squeeze my cheeks hard, one finger running over my crack; as his finger goes over my asshole, I start to grind against him even harder.

  Taking one hand to my neck, he suddenly grabs on my hair and ends our kiss. He looks me in the eye, and I can almost see the flames that are going to consume flickering there.

  “You know what’s going to happen now, don’t you?” he says, his words a barely audible whisper. I nod, a smile taking over his face.

  “You’re going to fuck me,” I manage to say, my heart thrashing around inside my chest.

  “I’m going to fuck you hard,” he corrects me, that maddening grin widening on his lips. As he speaks, his hands go to my shoulders and he pulls the straps of my dress down my arms; leaning forward, he presses his mouth against my cleavage, his fingers now going down my shoulder blades and fumbling with the clasp on my bra. He sets it free, and rips the bra off of me, a wild hunger taking control of him. “Very fucking hard,” he continues, reaching for my tits and squeezing them eagerly, pinching both nipples at the same time. I can’t help but gasp as he turns his face to the side and pulls one nipple into his mouth. Fire climbs up my spine as he wraps his lips around my aching tip, sucking it and lapping at it with his tongue.

  I run my hands through his hair as he sucks on me, and I press his face against my breasts, forcing him to suck harder. And that’s exactly what he does, taking his hands to my ass once again. This time, though, he hooks his fingers on my thong and starts to pull it down my legs. When he realizes he can’t take if off of me on the position I’m in, he simply pulls it against my outer thigh with both hands; there’s a sudden sound of fabric ripping apart, and I feel the thong sliding off my body.

  Pushing against the seat with my legs, I raise my hips slightly as Parker grabs his cock and angles it at my pussy. We look at each other, that fire building and building in both our eyes, and then he finally forces me down. I throw my head back and moan as his glans touches my inner lips, parting them as it opens the way for his shaft. Slowly lowering myself, I feel his thick cock straining against my inner walls on the way in, stretching me so wide that I doubt I’ll ever be the same after this.

  With his cock sheathed in me, I start to rock my hips against his, my body moving with an ebb and flow. While I move, Parker’s fingers dig into my ass cheeks, and he starts urging me to go faster. More than willing to obey, I start to sway my hips as hard as I can, his thickness moving in and out of my pussy.

  “I fucking love how tight you are,” Parker says, his words caressing my eardrums and blanketing my mind. You can’t imagine how good it feels to hear something like this from someone almost young enough to be my son.

  “I’m just tight,” I start, leaning in and purring against his ear, “Because you’re so big.”

  “That’s right,” he says, placing his hands on my hips and holding me down. At the same time, he thrusts upward,
his cock burying itself deep inside of me. Keeping me in place, he starts to thrust, his cock sliding in and out of me at break neck speed. I close my eyes, moaning and feeling a sweet dizziness taking over me. Each time his cock goes all the way in, my voice grows a little bit raspier, my vocal cords straining as my moan turns into a high-pitched scream.


  “Don’t stop, I know,” he cuts in, and I can almost taste the satisfaction in his voice. “Don’t worry… That’s the last thing on my mind.” His rhythm grows into a mind-numbing sequence of thrusts, and I don’t even know when his cock is sliding in or sliding out. Not that it matters anyway; my body is already tensing up again, and I’m just a few heartbeats away from one of the best orgasms of my whole life.

  Leaning into him, I press my mouth against his shoulder, and reacting by sheer instinct, I dig my teeth into his flesh as I feel pleasure and ecstasy boiling up inside of me. If I’m hurting him, he’s not showing it; he seems to relish it in fact. His hands once again on my ass, he spreads my cheeks wide, and using only one finger, he presses against my asshole. The gun was cocked, and he has pulled the trigger.

  “OH GOD!” I scream out loud, the words coming out muffled as my lips move against his shoulder. A cadence of spasms makes my pussy tighten up around his shaft, and it feels as if the blue flames of pleasure are licking all of my nerve endings. I shiver and tremble, my eyes rolling in their orbits as my mind starts to dissolve in a sea of ecstasy. “OH GOD! I shout again, tears on the corner of my eyes. Swear to God, I don’t think I have ever felt this much pleasure.

  Breathing hard, I turn my face to the side and rest it against his chest, slight spasms still making my muscles twitch. I stay like this for God knows how long, and when I finally find enough strength in my limbs; I get up, his cock popping out of me with a wet sound.

  My eyes never leaving his, I grab my tight dress; by now it’s all bunched up around my waist - and push it down my legs. As I step out of it, Parker gets up, kicks off his shoes and steps out of his pants and boxer briefs.

  “Remember when I told you that I was going to fuck you hard?” he asks me, but he doesn’t give me the time to respond. Planting his hands on my waist, he makes me turn around and pushes me forward. I grab the seat closest to me with both hands, and jut my ass back as he pulls on my hips. God, I’m breathing so hard I’m actually surprised my lungs haven’t collapsed yet.

  A loud sound of flesh-on-flesh explodes in the cabin as Parker slaps my ass hard, the palm of his hand hitting the curves of my ass cheeks dryly. I grit my teeth as the sharp pain spreads through me, and he does it again, this time harder. When he hits me by the third or fourth time, the pain has started to turn into a burning need; I thrust back at him, trying to have his cock inside of my pussy again. He doesn’t resist my advances; instead, he matches them.

  Placing one hand on my waist, he uses the other one to grab his cock, and then presses its tip against my pussy. But he doesn’t thrust; instead, he starts to rub his glans up and down my folds, teasing me mercilessly.

  “Please, Parker…” I find myself moaning, thrusting back harder.

  “Yeah? What do you want, Ashley?” he asks me, still rubbing his cock against my inner lips, driving me completely insane. I can’t think straight, but somehow I manage to get the right words out.

  “Please… Fuck me, fuck me hard,” I pant, my eyes rolling in their orbits and my heart pounding so fast I’m afraid it’ll simply burst. “As hard as you can,” I add, giving a final flourish to my pleas.

  He doesn’t even bother with a response. He simply thrusts, his shaft parting my folds and lodging itself inside of my pussy. Filling me up as no other man has ever done before, Parker starts to rock his hips, thrusting at me at a growing pace. With one hand, he grabs a handful of hair and pulls on it, forcing me to arch my back as I angle my head.

  I let myself be carried into a dreamlike state, the sound of his thighs slapping my ass like a hypnotizing tune. And the harder he goes, the faster I fall into a trance. I don’t even know if I’m moaning or if I’m screaming anymore; all that I know is that my insides are burning up, my mind turning into ashes as if it were made of paper.

  “Harder, harder…” I moan, like a prayer, having no idea if I can endure what I’m asking for. But, whether I can take it or not, Parker starts going harder all the same. His thighs slap my ass over and over again; then, he grabs my cheeks harshly, spreads them wide and places one thumb over my asshole.

  “Come, Ashley… Let go,” he whispers into my ear, leaning in, and I just lose it. I feel my knees buckling under my weight, but somehow manage to keep myself up on my feet. My pussy starts to choke his cock, and he drives it deeper than before, its tip brushing against my G-spot.

  I let out a loud scream, one loud enough for the pilots to hear. I couldn’t care less; right now, I don’t have a care in the world. Percy and my disaster of a marriage are just a distant memory, and all that my brain can process is a never-ending stream of pleasure.

  “Yes, yes, yes…” I repeat, my nerve endings succumbing to the wildfire that rages inside of me. I feel every single one of my muscles twitching, as if a high voltage current was powering my body.

  “That’s it,” Parker whispers, slowly sliding his cock out of me. When it pops out, I go down on my knees, my legs finally giving in. Still trembling, I make one final effort and turn toward Parker, his cock casting a shadow over my face. With my lips slightly parted, I let my eyes roam over it, his shaft glistening from all the fluids that cover it. Still submersed in a deep trance, I lean forward and take his drenched cock into my mouth, tasting my own pussy on his shaft. “Good girl,” Parker continues, placing both his hands on my head. He’s calling me a girl when I’m far older than him, but the irony of his words is lost on me. By now, all that I care about is sucking his cock and having him shoot his load inside my mouth.

  With that single purpose burning in my mind, I start to bob my head back and forth as fast as I can, my lips making a wet sound as they slide over his long inches. Wanting to go even faster, I place my hands on the curves of his ass, steadying myself as I redouble my efforts. As if rewarding me, I finally feel his cock spasming. After that subtle spasm has just registered in my mind, a more violent one takes its place. I hear him breathing out sharply, and then I feel a salty warmness filling me up.

  He starts to cum like a geyser; just a few spasms of his cock and my mouth is already brimming with semen, drops of cum escaping my lips and dripping down my chin. Even though I don’t take my mouth off of his cock, his load is so immense that it doesn’t take long for thick strands of cum to go down my chin and neck, and then toward my tits at an urgent pace.

  I keep bobbing my head back and forth, even though now I’m doing it at a more gentle rhythm. As I do it, I grab my tits, a few strands of cum already going over their curves. Squeezing them, I rub the open palm of my hands against them, and start smearing Parker’s semen all over my naked body.

  When his cock gives its last spasm inside my mouth, Parker finally slides it out. As I feel his glans popping out, I look up at him and open my mouth; cum starts to cascade down my lips immediately, and Parker’s expression of delight turns into a wicked one.

  “Swallow,” he says curtly, his voice infused with a need for control. Like the good girl he wants me to be, I close my eyes and swallow it all, his salty flavor going down my throat easily. “Come here,” he reaches for me with his hand and I take it, allowing him to pull me up to my feet. Smiling, he leans into me and our mouths crash, my cum-coated lips wetting his.

  “This… was better than… Than anything I could have ever imagined,” I find myself saying as I pull back from his kiss, the words coming out of me before I can filter them.

  “I know,” he tells me, running his long fingers through my hair. “And we’re still a long way from Switzerland.”

  Oh, God… By the time we land, I’m afraid they’ll have to carry me out of the plane on a stretcher. I never re
ally liked travelling by plane, but I’m starting to get a taste for it now.

  “I wonder how we’ll pass the time,” he continues, the devil’s smile on his lips.

  Oh, I wonder how.



  I swear to God it's a good thing that the Swiss are neutral in all major world conflicts, because if they ever took sides, we’d probably be in a state of permanent world war. They’re so fucking annoying in how they smile at you and tell you to fuck off. At least, that's the vibe I’m getting from the banker sitting across from us.

  Although, I gotta hand it to the bank. This place is legitimately fucking high tech.

  I mean, when we got to Geneva, I was pretty fucking impressed with the city. It screams money from everything you see. Saudi oil sheiks are walking around with Brazilian cattle ranchers, Colombian drug lords, and Indonesian gold tycoons. Lawyers and bankers are everywhere—throw a stone and you’ll hit a fucking lawyer somewhere.

  It’s like Disneyland for the fucking wealthy.

  The banker doesn't even have a desk. He’s ready for us with all the information in his head, and he sits across from Ashley and me on a sleek leather chair. It’s like we’re in a modern family room. I mean his office looks like a vault or something. Not a single paper anywhere. No windows. The walls are dark and the whole office is dark with spot lighting and mood lighting around the walls. The door to the office sort of blends in and because of its dark nature you can’t really see it after a while. Like being in a giant bubble.

  The guy’s also impeccably dressed. Tom Ford suit. Perfect fucking hair. He’s probably fifty years old, but he’s fucking fit.

  “Herr Kane,” I understand your request to see the records, but unfortunately without the proper clearances from Lowell and Company, I can’t allow you into the vault,” he says for the eighth time.


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