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Awakened in Shadows

Page 20

by Tigris Eden

  Dietrich gave her plenty of advice. He was kind to Faith and had plenty to say to the others. He many not want to care, but he did. His huge body sagged forward as the pup made a run for Jes. She picked up the pup, staring at the brown-eyed bundle of fur. Jo felt a strong grip on her hand and looked down to see Dietrich lace his fingers with hers.

  “Thank you,” he whispered before looking over to Draven and Jesminda. “The boy is like one of those jumping beans. Never stops moving.”

  He stood, turned, and offered his hand.

  “I don’t know how, but he’s yours.”

  Jesminda started to cry as the pup licked his mother’s face. There was more noise at the door, and Gregor and his two brothers walked in, battered and covered in blood.


  “Sorry for the interruption, Majesti. We were delayed by Hades’ bastard son.”

  “Enri has been dealt with,” Liam said as the others at the table began to whisper.

  “Please change and join us as we finish our meal.”

  Jorunn’s uncle motioned for them to leave, and he focused his attention on Jesminda and Draven. Both parents sat with their son, stunned and not speaking.

  Jo made her way over to her seat, and D sat across from her. She wondered if there would ever come a time when he’d remove his shades in front of everyone. Even after everything, they’d stayed intact during most of the trip.

  The brothers returned and took a seat at the far end of the table. Food was passed around again, and everyone began to eat in earnest. It wasn’t until they started dessert that the conversation started back up.

  “Jorunn, we are happy to have you home with us,” her uncle proclaimed, holding up a golden goblet. The others at the table did the same, and once he took a sip of his drink, so did the others. Except, of course, for her and the rest of the Shadow Unit.

  “Thank you, Majesti.” Jo nodded in his direction, still very unclear of the customs. He tossed her a smile over the rim of his cup.

  “Child, call me Ulstair. No need for such formalities. You’re family.”

  “And rightful heir to House Kanis,” Aoleon praised. She had a huge smile on her face. Her uncle, on the other hand, looked as if he had an ulcer that was ready to erupt.

  “Oh, I don’t want to be heir of anything. I just came here to learn more about what it is that I am, in hopes of living longer.” She wasn’t ready to die. Jo wasn’t as old as he others, she hadn’t been around like the rest of them. Well, except Jes. She and Jes were around the same age, but she knew the others were over a hundred years old, if not more. Especially Dietrich. He’d been alive during the slave trade. Making the journey across the Atlantic and surviving.

  “And you will, my dear. You’ve ingested the Ferals’ blood, correct?”


  “Good. They are direct descendants of your ancestor, Amrita. She’s on Solum somewhere, causing havoc, and will most likely visit sometime in the near future.”

  “She’s a bit of a diva and totally over the top,” Ryn supplied, laughing.

  “Ronin and Royce are part Fionan?” Draven asked.

  “Yes. Their father is more Fion than they are, but because of their beastly natures…” Ulstair paused for a moment to clear his throat. “Entirely not their fault, of course, we can’t have them down here. They tend to attract the attention of the young Fionan women. Overpopulation tends to be a bit of a problem.” There was something more to what her uncle was saying, but he didn’t seem to want to elaborate.

  “So they could come here? Do they know?”

  “Semain invited Romulus and Remus once, prior to their capture, but they turned the offer down,” her uncle supplied.

  “Who is Semain?”

  “Amrita’s brother. He’s long since passed.”

  “Amrita is the mother of the Feral race?”

  “Yup, Auntie is one bad mofo,” Ryn offered, kicking her feet up onto the table. Jo could tell she needed to be the center of attention. Normally, something like this wouldn’t annoy her, but after the way the female had latched onto Dietrich like a crack addict to their pipe, she was pretty sure she disliked her cousin immensely.

  “She’s definitely related to Royce,” Jesminda broke in, eyeing Ryn. She looked just as annoyed as Jo did. At least she wasn’t the only one.

  “As long as you’ve taken their blood, you’ll be fine, dear. The Chrysalis will do the rest. Your mother, Aoleon’s sister, was a full-blooded Fionan. Your father was a laird in the Highlands. He stumbled upon our Gate when your mother was stepping out to return a child. The rest, as you topsiders say, is history.”

  Not really, but it was more information than she’d ever received before.

  “How did my parents die?” Jo wanted to know why they’d given her up.

  “They were killed shortly after your birth. Your uncle and I gave you to Rose and Colin because we weren’t certain who the threat was. Now that you’re home, we will need to keep a close watch. Especially now that you’re of age to give your essence to Suvack.”


  “The cup,” Gregor answered.

  “But only a little, right?” Jo clarified. She wanted to make sure that nothing that was told to her earlier was going to change.

  “Correct. But not until you’ve gone into your Chrysalis phase,” Gregor answered.

  “You want to elaborate on that?” Dietrich interrupted, looking down at Gregor.

  “It’s a process she will undergo. Her cells will realign themselves according to Fionan biology, and then she will come into herself.”

  “No more blackouts? My skin won’t dry out?” Jo questioned.

  “No. Your skin needs the moisture. Here on Fion the air is always moist. Without direct sunlight, your cells won’t dry up. Up there on Solum, things are a bit different. You’re constantly in contact with UV rays. They are not harmful to us, but to you it would prove deadly. Once your cells merge, you will be able to go topside and stay for longer periods of time. But you still need to come here and refresh yourself, or you run the risk of aging. That is the only way you can die now. That, and of course, beheading,” Arcane answered.

  “What about my markings?”

  “They’re your family markings. We all have them. Gregor and his brothers are from Solum, but are the protectors of our Gates. They bare our royal markings, which also double as longevity spells. Gregor and his brothers have been with our family for a long time. In time, your markings will fade and only be visible when you are here, under the dome, or anywhere in Fion for that matter. When we go topside, we appear human,” Arcane answered.

  “When do we do this Chrysalis thing?” Jo was anxious now. If this gave her life, she was all for it.

  “We must wait for first light. It will lend strength to the crystals. You’re welcome to be our guests tonight. Tomorrow, the Lady of House Kanis shall rise and be her true self,” Ulstair said, standing. “The girls will show you to your quarters. Feel free to walk about here in Arouni, no one will harm you.”

  Everyone stood as servants came to remove their plates. Ryn looked over at Dietrich, and in a voice that was nowhere near a whisper she said, “You can sleep in my room.” She winked at Dietrich, but he ignored her and followed Arcane, who was leading the others out. Jo couldn’t help the smile that slid across her face.

  NuNu and Jacobi were shown to their rooms. Draven and Jesminda were across the hall from them with their pup, and Dietrich was next to the end of the corridor.

  Jo knew her room was on the far side in the palatial wing.

  “Where is your room?” Dietrich asked, as he stood in front of his door. Jo pointed to the other end of the hall where two guards stood. She knew why she’d told him where he could find her. Could she call it idiotic? Yup, but she didn’t care.

  “I’m in the palatial wing.” She smiled, hoping that his question meant he wanted to go to her room, but he flipped his head in her direction as if to say goodnight, opened his door, and
then closed it behind him. So much for an invitation.

  Chapter 20

  Dietrich was walking straight to his demise and couldn’t bring himself to care. He followed the corridor until he came to two tall doors that resembled large fern leaves. There were two guards holding staffs. They were doing their best to look menacing. To him, they were a joke. D could tell their training was very limited. They were nervous at his approach, each male looking to the other as if they had no clue how to proceed with him. With caution, fuckers.

  “State your business.”

  He couldn’t very well say he was here to sleep with the heir to their kingdom, that he had every intention of burying himself balls deep, and that there was a slight chance they’d be stuck together permanently.

  “I’m here for Jo.”

  Both guards looked confused.

  Oh, right.

  “Lady Jorunna.”

  The guards nodded in understanding. But they didn’t go on the defensive, which is what his guys would have done if he’d posted them outside her door. They were about to say something, and as long as they weren’t going to deny him entrance, he’d let them live. Now we’re killing for pussy? Guess so.

  Ryn and Taea came up behind him. Both women on either side of him now.

  “Ah, so you do want a piece of me,” Ryn beamed.

  Dietrich told himself he wasn’t going to be a prick, but his mouth had other ideas.

  “Nope, here for someone, but that someone is not you.”

  That wasn’t harsh.

  “It’s like that?” Ryn put her hands on her hips and tilted her head to the side, eyeing him up and down.

  “Did I give you any reason to think I was the least bit interested in you?” He waited for her answer, and when she didn’t say anything, he continued, “Yeah, thought so. If you want some advice–”

  She cut him off.

  “Don’t recall asking.”

  Normally, he wouldn’t share, but he had a feeling guys brushed her off regularly because she was too forward.

  “Well, I’ll give it anyway. Most men, especially men like me, don’t like overly aggressive women. It puts the wrong idea in our heads. Makes us think, damn, this girl must be crazy, or she’s doesn’t have good intentions. Or worse, we think you’re desperate. Not gonna lie, you’re a dime and a half, but I don’t do desperate. At all.”

  Taea laughed and motioned for him to follow her down the hall, leaving Ryn standing in the hall looking confused.

  “You must excuse my sister.”

  “I don’t have to excuse anything. She should know better.”

  Taea laughed again.

  “You are the first to ever turn her down.”

  Dietrich highly doubted that. But if it were true, he wouldn’t be the last.

  The door at the very end opened, and Jorunn stepped out. She was wearing a dress that dipped low in the front and molded tightly to her body until it fell to the floor behind her in waves. Was she really wearing that to bed? Damn.

  “Dietrich, what are you doing here?”

  She knew. Whether she accepted it or not. She knew the reason he was there. Slowly, she made her way to him, and he could tell the dress restricted her movement somewhat. It was some sexy sleepwear that was for sure. Peeling her out of it would be his pleasure.

  “I’m here to see you, Peaches.”

  He didn’t care if they had an audience, soon it would be just the two of them. Dietrich grabbed her around the waist and walked her into the wall, effectively caging her in.

  ~ ~ ~

  Jo was trapped. Her back was pressed against the wall, and the heat from Dietrich’s body, as he stepped closer, set fire to her already flushed skin. It kick-started her heart. The beat pounded out in a staccato rhythm, making her gasp for breath. She inhaled deeply. In, out, in, out, and another inhale before she was finally able to calm her nerves. Jorunn was trying to stop the train wreck of emotions bombarding her defenses. He didn’t want her. He’d made it a point to steer clear of her except when necessary. There had to be some catch. Maybe he wanted something from her.

  Strong, warm hands cupped her face. Calloused thumbs rubbed gently against her cheeks in a soothing motion. Calm. Cool. Collected. She could do this; she could stand here and endure whatever it was he had to say to her, even though she knew without a doubt it wasn’t anything she wanted to hear. He’s just being nice, Jo reminded herself.

  Her chest was on fire from their skin on skin contact. If it weren’t for the wall and him holding her by the face, she’d have fallen into a pool of goo at his feet. Dietrich removed his shades, placing them on the top of his head. He took a deep breath as if he were smelling her, his breath hot on her skin as he exhaled. His white, icy stare penetrated to the heart of her as he spoke.

  “I’ve wanted you for a while.”

  Now he wants to come to her with this? Now? When her hormones were raging and her legs were shaky. She wanted him just as bad, but she wanted to be strong, to let him know that she could handle whatever this was that they were doing. The back and forth was getting tiresome. If he wasn’t offering her a real, solid, tangible thing, she wanted no part of what he had to offer.

  Dietrich cleared his throat, as if something were stuck in its passage. “I want to be with you for the night. Is that all right, baby?” The last part was said against her forehead, his lips barely touching her skin. He’d called her baby. Jo’s body did a full-on swoon. If she weren’t a mangled mess of emotions, she would have said something cute, or even sexy. As it was, Dietrich had rendered her speechless. What happened to being strong? Her face warmed, and she knew, without a doubt, she was blushing. Dietrich noticed her reaction. Hell. He wore a smug look on his face when she tilted her head to look at him.

  “I know you want me, Jorunn.”

  Well, duh, she was shaking like a lone leaf on a naked branch. What had he expected? He’d shoved her against a wall. Okay, not roughly, but his stare had the same effect as if he’d slammed her against the wall and knocked the air from her lungs. Gods, his bare hands touching her, bringing her body to life. Jo bit her lip to keep from moaning.

  “What were you thinking just now?”

  Her eyes widened. Damn, she couldn’t hide anything from him.

  “Answer me. Now. Don’t lie either, I’ll know.”

  Damn. Damn. Damn.

  Don’t be scared. Don’t be scared. This wasn’t hard. All she had to do was open her mouth and speak. Easy.

  “I was thinking about your hands,” Jo’s voice came out in a whisper. Why did he reduce her to a bedazzled weakling willing to bow down at his feet? She wasn’t a pushover. Not really. Well, okay, she was. The slight rumble of laughter coming from Dietrich, vibrated against her skin. Even his laugh was sexy. He is not in this for the long haul. Keep it together. Lock it up. Don’t give up the gold.

  “What about my hands?”


  Jo rolled her eyes.

  His hand gripped her face more firmly, lifting her to his gaze.

  “You’re going to have to answer for that.”

  For what? She hadn’t done anything.

  “Answer the question, Jorunn.”

  Jo let out a low, exasperated sigh. He was so damn pushy. If he really wanted to know what she was thinking, fine. But once the words were out of her mouth, she was taking the nearest exit, and was going to throw herself over a wall and hope the tide would carry her out to sea.

  He’d asked for it.

  “I was thinking about your bare hands touching my body.” She wasn’t going to look away, no matter how uncomfortable his stare made her feel. She was going to watch him process what she’d just said, then she’d run and throw herself off the wall. The smile that spread across his full lips was devilish. Not at all what she was expecting.

  “Good girl.”

  Frustrated, Jo tugged her head free of his hands and dropped it back against the wall.

  “You’re certifiable. Crazy! I’m crazy f
or letting you do this to me. You act as if you can’t stand to be near me, and now, all of sudden, you’re all over me.”

  He stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Your point?”

  “My point? My point!” Now she was getting pissed. Like he didn’t know what it was he was doing to her. Stringing her along as if she were some lost puppy. “I’m confused. You’re sending out mixed signals. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going with you.”

  There was that damn smile again. He stepped back into her personal space and there was nowhere left for Jo to go. He’d surrounded her on all sides, effectively blocking her escape.

  “Well, Peaches, I will tell you one thing, you’ll definitely be coming.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Dietrich couldn’t control the feelings warring inside his body. It took effort to make sure he didn’t squeeze the life out of her. His ears flooded with what sounded like a hundred-man percussion band as his heart beat wildly. His chest was heavy with an overwhelming sense of longing, and every time he ran his hands through her hair or over her warm, supple skin, it calmed the hurricane that swept through his body like an F5. He was too anxious, and wanted to go slowly, as he swooped in and took her mouth in a hungry kiss. He wanted to take it easy, but as he overpowered the kiss, a moan slid up her throat and escaped inside his mouth. And he was lost. Slow down. Too much will overwhelm her. That was the new conscience talking. Any other time, he wouldn’t have cared so much about a female’s reactions. But with Jo, he wanted to feel everything. He wanted to make sure she was experiencing the same intense need he was feeling.

  He wanted her to feel what he felt. Heated skin against heated skin, electric lust, as it flowed congruent to the lines of his veins, giving strength to his body’s movements. The intense need and primal desire to conquer and devour urged him on. Her lips were fire and reminded him of an aged whiskey. A smooth, bold flavor that burned on its way down, leaving its mark to forever linger.


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