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Mason's Resolution

Page 14

by Kristine Allen

  By the time we arrived at the clubhouse and rolled through the gate, it was well after one in the morning. The gate closed behind us and we drove behind the building to park and enter the back door. The clubhouse reminded me of an old barn or shop with some serious fencing topped with razor wire. They were not playing around with that shit.


  Hollywood unlocked the door, and after securing it and setting the security code, he took my hand and led me down the back hall of rooms to the second door from the end. Then he unlocked the door and pulled me in behind him to close and lock the door behind us.

  No sooner had he locked it than he was grabbing my bag to toss it to the floor and scooping me up in his arms. Our eyes stayed connected, and we were both breathing heavy by the time he stopped at the bed and tossed me to the middle where I bounced then fell back against the pillows. The room was dark except for the moonlight coming in from the high window above the bed. I watched as he stripped off his leather cut and pulled his shirt over his head. That was a view I would never tire of seeing. My tongue ran across my lips unconsciously as his muscles rippled and flexed with each movement.

  Sweet baby Jesus.

  Everything he stripped off landed on a chair next to the door. The top button of his jeans was next. He sat on the edge of the bed to remove his boots and socks. Did it make me bad that I wanted to lick every rippling muscle on his body?

  When he crawled over the bed to me, he straddled me and placed his hands on either side of my shoulders. All I could do was concentrate on breathing and remaining still. He leaned close and buried his face in my hair along my neck. Mmm. His lips tickled the skin on my throat, and I tilted my head to allow him better access.

  “God, Becca, you are going to be my undoing.” He bit down on my shoulder where my neck joined it and sent shivers racing down my body. Oh God.

  My clothes seemed to melt away as his hands made quick work of pulling them off me. Every second seemed to tick by in slow motion when he stopped to gently kiss me. Becoming impatient, I reached for his jeans, but he took both my hands and raised them over my head and held my wrists in one of his large, calloused hands while the other ran reverently along my face, down my neck, over my chest to finally cup a breast where his thumb then rubbed back and forth across my nipple. His fingers trailing over my skin pushed my sanity to the brink. My eyes closed, back arched from the bed, and whimpers slipped from my mouth. His touch ignited a fire under my skin. The heat of his mouth closing around the other nipple left me feeling like I was falling apart.

  Jesus Martha, what this man did to me.

  “Don’t move your hands.” His voice was a demanding growl by now.

  His lips, hands, and tongue trailed down my body until I felt his heated breath against my pussy. The next thing I felt was when he nipped at my clit before going back to my nipples. If one could die from pleasure overload, I might just do that with him. He slid his legs between mine, and the denim from his jeans rubbed against me in a maddening friction as I arched up into his hardness. He groaned against my breast as he pressed into me. In desperation, my legs wrapped around him and pulled him closer, but he rose up, breaking their hold, and shucked off his jeans in record time. The smooth head of his cock slid through my wetness before he slammed into me. Now, I had obviously been with other guys before, but none that made my vision blank to blinding white before a frisson of pure, unadulterated pleasure swept over me.

  “Goddamn, baby, you feel so fucking good.” His voice was strained and raspy.

  His thickness stretched me, and I felt so full, I swore he was rubbing against every sensitive spot I had. Sex with him was on a whole different level. After just a few strokes, I felt my body tensing for the pending explosion.

  Holy shit, oh dear God, Fucking A…. I screamed his name as I felt waves of electricity pulse through me and white light flash around me once again. My pussy clenched against him over and over as he continued to bury himself deep into me. Finally coming back down to Earth, I looked at his handsome face and saw his cocky grin.

  “Well, that was fast, baby.” Before I could catch my breath from my shattering climax, he began moving in me once again. Sweat dotted his brow and shined across his chest. He was grunting with each demanding stroke when he suddenly found my clit with his thumb and circled it until I exploded with intense, earth-shattering pleasure, then buried himself to the hilt and roared with his head tilted to the ceiling. The surging pulse I felt as he filled me was like he was marking me as his, and I freaking loved it.

  Jesus fucking H. Christ. Every muscle in my body quivered and tensed as I emptied into her wet warmth. When she came apart under me, I could barely contain myself. My breaths came in rapid succession, and I rained kisses across her tits and up her neck. We were both slick with sweat, and she tasted salty-sweet on my lips. Rolling over, I pulled her to me where she snuggled up against my side and tucked her leg over mine. My hand lazily stroked up and down her back, pausing to grab a handful of her firm, rounded ass. This woman was fucking perfect. Perfect looking, perfect feeling, perfect tasting, and perfect for me. There was no way I was letting her go. Call me crazy, but I needed her like the air I breathed. Inside, I warred with the thoughts of tying myself down versus being ecstatic over claiming her as mine. Yeah, I had told her before that she would crave me and become addicted to me, but I was beginning to realize she was my very own drug.

  She had a beautiful smile, and I loved her laugh. Those spellbinding green eyes were straight mesmerizing and, whether she was chewing my ass or teasing me, they flashed and sparkled. Shit, listen to me sounding like a fucking poet. No lie, I just loved everything about her. Fuck, I just loved her.

  Shit. What the hell?


  I loved her.

  It was true. I fucking loved this gorgeous woman lying next to me. This was not where I saw this going when I saw her again. In all honesty, I figured I would just be a selfish prick and use her body as long as it was fun for us both, and then we would go our separate ways, like I usually did with the women I was with. Inside, part of me still felt broken and wondered if she would be a balm, or fire, to my somewhat tortured soul. We hadn’t really known each other long, but hell if she hadn’t crept into every pore of my body. Pulling her close to me, I gave her a tight hug and kissed the top of her crazy wild auburn hair. She gave a soft sigh, and her body curled into me further.

  Her breathing was soft and even, and I knew she had fallen asleep.

  I love her. I really love her. Fuck, now what?

  She seemed cool with us just fucking and having a good time. When I said no strings, she said okay without hesitation. What if she never felt the same way about me? God, I was a fucking idiot not to have protected my heart better, but I sure as shit didn’t think it was capable of actually feeling love in such a way for someone other than my family. Not even with Lorie had I felt so connected. No, I told myself, I just needed to convince her that she couldn’t live without me either. My only hesitation was I didn’t know if it was a good idea to be pulling her into the shitstorm we had brewing.

  When the brothers arrived at the strip joint tonight, we had kicked the Demon Fuckers out and told them they could keep moving on and not to come back. As they all pulled out on their bikes, one of them shouted they would be back and we wouldn’t like what happened when they returned. Yeah, well we would be waiting for those dumb fucks. They would learn not to fuck with us. Of course, this meant more time away from her as we stepped up on security at all of the businesses and making sure everything was secure at our storage warehouse.

  That just meant I would have to enjoy every damn chance I had with her. It made me want to keep her here, but that would only be okay for a little while. We could talk about looking for a place for the two of us tomorrow. Maybe I was rushing things, but I didn’t give a shit. I felt like I had waited my whole life for her, and if there was anything my time in the Army had taught me, it was that life could be short and we needed
to grab onto the good shit while we could. She was definitely one of the good things. I closed my eyes and breathed her sweet scent in as I listened to her soft breaths and felt her small puffs of breath against my chest. My last coherent thought was that she was as close to heaven as my tortured soul may ever get.

  Kisses feathered across my chest like the flutter of butterfly wings. My cock was pressed into warm softness. When it was suddenly surrounded by wet, tight heat, I woke with a start. My eyes opened to find thick red hair surrounding my face as the greenest eyes stared into mine, and for a moment, I was disoriented and panicky. My knee-jerk reaction was to try to buck her off and push her away from me. Fucking hated it when that shit happened.

  “Shhhh, baby, it’s just me.” Her whispered words were like warm honey, and I groaned as I felt her tighten around me then begin to move against me. With a mind of their own, my hands found the smooth skin covering her hips and guided her pace as she rode my cock. Jesus, I could wake up like this every damn day of my life. Fuck.

  A rapid pounding on my door, with Hacker’s voice hollering at me to cover my dick and answer the door, interrupted what was close to the quickest orgasm I was about to achieve. It obviously didn’t stop her as I felt her clench around me and throb over and over as she mewled and dug her nails into my shoulders. Hell, yes, I wanted her to mark me. The sharp pain from the bite of her nails was a welcome one.

  “Get lost, fucker! Unless the building is on fire or Snow is calling for me, I’ll be out when I’m ready to be out!” I knew the fucktard heard me because I heard him laugh before he beat on the door again. Shit, at this rate, I was never going to finish this morning. Fucking cockblocker.

  “Get your dick out of that sweet-as-hell redhead and you two come have breakfast with me.”

  “Fuck off, asshole! We’ll be out when we get out. Wait for us.” He was quick on his way to an ass beating.

  Becca had the nerve to giggle.

  “Oh really? You think this is funny? Mmm, I’ll show you what happens to my woman when she laughs at my interrupted orgasm after she already got hers.” She laughed as I flipped her over until she was under me and on her belly. She quit real quick when I pulled her hips up, pushed her chest to the mattress, and rammed deep into her soaking wet pussy.

  Holy Jesus, she felt like a slice of heaven. When I slapped her ass, she squealed, looking over her shoulder at me in shock. The tightening of her sheath around me belied her expression of disapproval. My hand softly circled the red handprint I left on her creamy-white ass cheek, and my lips and tongue ran up and down her back, my teeth nipping and scraping until she was a quavering, whimpering, incoherent mess.

  Only when she was finally begging me to fuck her, did I grip her hips tightly and slide almost completely out before slamming into her over and over until I blew my damn load just as her walls tightened and she joined me in my moment of trembling ecstasy.

  Yeah, I said trembling—as in my whole body felt like it had earthquake tremors running through it that didn’t quit. Hell, my eyes damn near rolled in my head. We both shouted out our satisfaction and collapsed in a tangle of limbs amongst the wrinkled, scattered sheets.

  My beautiful girl turned to me smiling and gasping. Damn, she was amazing. My smile mirrored hers, and I slapped her ass, lighter than before. “Come on, woman. Let’s get in the shower, unless you want to go have breakfast with Hacker smelling like straight sex.” She shot across the room and into the adjoining bathroom faster than I could even roll my ass out of the bed, my laughter hot on her heels.

  Sundays were family days. We usually went for a ride, stopped somewhere for dinner, or came back to the clubhouse for a barbecue. If it was winter and too shitty out to ride, we would just barbecue and chill in Reaper and Steph’s big-ass barn. Since the weather was nice, we were going for a ride through Fort Defiance, then through the lakes, down through Spencer, and back on Eighteen, to Four, and back to the clubhouse. It was a peaceful, gorgeous ride.

  This would be the first time I had ever brought a woman on a ride, and Hacker had given me shit for it all through breakfast—at times making Becca laugh, and at other times, making her face match her fiery hair. She was fricking cute as hell when she blushed because it snaked down her chest and up to her hairline.

  Not that I made a big deal about it to anyone, but I bought her a helmet. Iowa didn’t have a helmet law, but the club was pretty pro-helmet after Stumpy, one of the founding members, hit a deer and died about ten or eleven years ago. That was way before my time, but just knowing he had been a founding member whose life was cut short, it was sobering. Granted, Reaper and I often went without and would get shit for it, but it was not something I even wanted to contemplate with Becca. So… I got her the helmet.

  Really, I wasn’t looking for it when I got it. I mean, I had an extra plain black one I was letting her use, but when I had gone to the cycle shop in Spencer to get some parts, I saw it and couldn’t resist. It was totally her. With skulls, roses, and wicked-looking butterflies, it was a little badass, a little froufrou, and a little spunky, just like she was. So, it was sitting on the seat of my bike when we went outside, where everyone was gathering before heading out.

  Of course, everyone remembered her from Reaper and Steph’s wedding, and they all smiled and various greetings rang out to “Red,” but they didn’t know she and I had history from then, nor that she was now mine. The only ones who had any idea we were sort of an item were Reaper and Hacker. So, you can imagine the response when the rest of the brothers saw us walk out of the clubhouse together, after Becca insisted on changing from what she had worn to breakfast into a “better outfit for riding.” Personally, I didn’t see the difference, but hell if I was telling her that.

  As we walked up to my bike and she saw the helmet, all conversation stopped when she squealed. “Oh my God, Mason, you got me my own helmet!” She swooped it up, looked over the entire thing inside and out, hugged it, and then stood on her tippy toes to kiss me. Fuck, now my face was probably the one as red as her hair.

  “Um, yeah. I saw it and thought you would like it. And safety. You know…,” I mumbled, embarrassed at everyone finding out what I had done. Now, if you don’t understand, it’s a pretty big deal to get a girl a helmet. Becca didn’t know that, but everyone else did, which was why there were some pretty shocked faces, a few jaws scraping the ground, and plenty of raised eyebrows.

  Shit. I knew I should have given it to her inside.

  “I freaking love it, baby!” She ran over to show it to Steph, who made sure to look over Becca’s shoulder at me and give me one of her smartass smirks while Reaper looked at her, Becca, and then me before elbowing Hacker, who hadn’t been paying attention, and busting a gut laughing. My palm flattened on my forehead and slid down my face.

  Hacker was quick to walk over and hand me a ration of shit too.

  “Hmm, so your girl, Red, got her very own new helmet, huh? Isn’t that sweeeeet? So, is the infamous Hollywood getting—” He let out an exaggerated gasp. “—serious about a girl? Say it ain’t so!”

  God, please make it stop. No, of course not. Thanks.

  “Fuck off.” Grabbing my helmet from my handlebar, I jerked it down over my head and buckled it. By that time, Becca had bounced back over to me, ear-to-ear grin splitting her face, and she hugged me again. She reverently sat the helmet on the seat while she braided her beautiful, deep-red hair and finished it off with a hair tie she had around her tiny wrist. Once she was done, she popped her helmet on and looked at me expectantly.

  Most of the brothers were on their bikes because Snow and Vinny were mounted up. Shaking my head at her infectious smile, I laughed before I could say something stupid to Hacker, making my life even suckier. Climbing on first, I motioned for her to get on. Once everyone was on their bikes, they all started them up and, of course, guys on motorcycles being guys on motorcycles, every one of us revved our motors until all you heard were rumbling, roaring, growling thunder. It was fucking awesome ev
ery time I heard it. Not gonna lie.

  Becca must have loved it too because she was clapping my back, and I could hear her laughter over all the noise. That sound might just rival the sound of our pipes.

  Smoke, as our road captain, signaled and we all pulled out, two by two. We were rolling deep with thirteen members and three prospects in our formation today. It was impressive.

  Reaper and I rode next to each other, and the girls were both taking pictures of the surrounding scenery, all the bikes, each other, and whatever the hell else they were taking pics of. Looking in my mirrors to check on her, I caught Becca getting some crazy selfies, and I couldn’t help but to laugh at her. She made me do that a lot.


  With her it was laughter from the heart. It wasn’t just me trying to be the life of the party or keeping everyone in a good mood. It wasn’t just on the surface. She made me feel light and buoyant inside.

  THE BELL RANG AND my little students followed me out the door single file, followed by my aide, to be picked up by their parents or go to the buses. Surprisingly, I had gotten a job at the local private pre-school and elementary thanks to the amazing reference letter Mr. Strankowski had written for me. It sucked that the teacher I replaced had to quit due to family reasons, but it was a blessing for me.

  My children were the brightest little kindergarteners I had ever met, and they had already wormed their way into my heart after only three weeks. It was a trade-off in that I was bummed about not being able to teach just art, but I loved that this school taught year round to ensure continuity of learning and less forgotten skills over the summer break that most schools had. We just had more days off here and there with smaller breaks scheduled in place of an entire summer off.


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