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Guilty Pleasure

Page 7

by Justus Roux

  “We played here last night. I was just in here getting our pay. The guys want to go on the road and play a few gigs to get my mind off of things.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.”

  “I think so too.” Adam watched her finish her burger. She ate so daintily it was cute. She was like sunshine in this dark place. Adam was grateful for the warmth she gave. He didn’t want to say anything to her, but she didn’t seem to fit with Michael. Michael was standoffish and a bit cold at times, it was almost like he was putting on an act, yet Michael’s actions were so generous. Not everybody is a people person. Adam just chalked it up to that. Hell, the guy has really helped him out so who was he to complain.

  “You are deep in thought?” Nicole said.

  “I seem to drift off a lot here lately. Sorry about that.”

  “You don’t have to apologize I understand. You have been through a lot.”

  “So have you. Nathan must have been a real piece of work.”

  “I’m just glad I’m away from him.”

  “If he ever tries to contact you I will take care of it for you.”

  “Nathan is too big of a coward to come seek me out.”

  “That asshole didn’t hit you, did he?”

  “No, but sometimes I think it might have hurt less if he hit me instead of fucking with my emotions. To be honest, I’m not sure what gave me the strength to leave. By the end he made me feel so worthless and unlovable…”

  Adam reached over and gently grabbed her hand. “How does Michael make you feel?”


  Adam smiled warmly. “Then focus on that. Fuck Nathan, he will get what he deserves.”

  “You are right.” Nicole gave Adam’s hand a squeeze then let it go.

  “Michael is going to be right by your side when you talk with Johnny right?”

  “Of course he is.”

  “Good. How about I walk you home.”

  “I don’t really want to go home just yet.”

  “Well, then let me take you somewhere. That’s if it is cool with Michael.”

  “Why would he care if I hung around with a friend?”

  “Good point. Where would you like to go?”

  “Let’s go to Millennium Park. I haven’t had a chance to explore it yet.”

  “Millennium Park it is.”

  “Hey, but wait, you said you only had a few minutes. I don’t want to keep you from what you had planned today,” Nicole said.

  “I will leave the guys a message and tell them to practice without me today.”

  “Oh, I don’t want to keep you from your music.”

  “Little Nicole, it’s cool. Besides my mind isn’t in to my music today anyways. Let’s go.” He stood then followed her out of the bar. There was no place he rather be than with her right now. He texted his bandmates letting them know he wouldn’t be going to the studio today.


  Michael looked over what Nicole had gotten from the police about the Johnny Turner case. He had to study every detail, not so much for the defense case he needed to build for this asshole, but how exactly the police caught this guy.

  Michael made sure Nicole was out of the office today. She was too much of a distraction and besides it made him look the part of a caring lover to her. It didn’t take much to make Nicole happy and he was grateful for it.

  He leaned back in his chair as he rubbed his neck. Johnny was quite sloppy in his kills. He left tons of DNA by not wearing a damn condom. How freaking stupid. He hunted hookers, how cliché and easy. Michael didn’t like easy prey, even when he was a fledgling killer. And by everything he had read, Johnny was just that, a fledgling killer. The stupid idiot let one of those hookers get away and that was how he got caught. Leaving his DNA everywhere will make it easy to convict him.

  Michael read over the details on how Johnny killed. He would rape then strangle his victim. He made no attempt to hide the bodies. He left them where he killed them. This idiot was begging to get caught.

  A slow smile came over Michael’s face as he read the statement from the hooker that got away. She was ready and willing to testify against Johnny, which meant Michael could interview this witness. He was excited about meeting this would-be victim. The mind games he could play with this bitch and in turn with Johnny thrilled him. He had to control himself, yet his inner demon was begging to come to the surface.

  He was distracted by the phone ringing.

  “Hello,” Michael answered the phone trying to hide his annoyance. He told Emily not to let anyone disturb him.



  “I don’t mean to bother you. I just wanted to know if you were going to be at your apartment later on tonight.”


  “Well, Sir, I recall you promised to bend me over something and fuck the hell out of me.”

  “I did say something like that. Just go to my apartment when you are done doing what you are doing and wait for me. I will make sure the doorman will have a key for you.”

  “I will let you get back to work. Please don’t make me wait too long.”

  “Yet, the longer you wait the wetter your pussy will be for me.”

  “It doesn’t take much for you to get me wet, Sir.”

  “Now it is you who is teasing me, woman.”

  “Exactly.” She hung the phone up.

  Michael chuckled and put the phone down. Let her wait a little while. He needed to finish sating his curiosity about this other killer by reading everything she had dug up on him. Michael was quite excited about meeting Johnny face to face tomorrow.


  Nicole opened the door to Michael’s penthouse. The doorman had the key just like Michael said he would. After she fumbled with the light switch and finally got the lights turned on she headed inside. It was strange being in here without him.

  She walked over to the huge window and looked out over the view. She lingered for but a minute then turned around and looked over his apartment. He needed some plants in here to warm the place up a bit. She headed to the kitchen. She looked in his refrigerator, there was a bottle of wine and a couple boxes of leftover Chinese food. She closed the door and looked through the cabinets. There wasn’t much food in them either, there were however several brands of coffee. What in the world did he eat? He just made her a delicious meal…wait the boxes of Chinese food. She went back to the refrigerator and opened up the boxes. Yep, it was the same kind of stir-fry he had served her the first time she was here.

  She saw a wire basket on top of the refrigerator. She reached up and took it down. It was filled with takeout menus.

  “Hell, no wonder this kitchen looks like it has never been used.”

  She looked through the menus and found one for a pizza place. She called up and ordered a pizza for them to eat when Michael got back.

  She wandered through the house. Everything was so pristine. She walked into his bedroom and opened up his closet. She couldn’t resist. His clothes were neatly organized. Hell even his shoes were placed just perfectly on the shoe racks. She was so nervous about being here the first time she didn’t really noticed how perfectly organized everything was. She went into the master bedroom’s bathroom. Again, everything was arranged perfectly. Even his medicine cabinet was perfect.

  She heard the doorbell ring. She rushed over and grabbed her purse then headed to the door. She looked through the peep hole then opened the door and greeted the pizza guy. She paid for it and left him a nice tip. She closed and locked the door then headed to the kitchen and set the pizza on the counter.

  She really hoped Michael would show up soon. She didn’t like being in his apartment alone. It was so cold and unwelcoming that it made her a bit uneasy.

  “So, he is a neat freak, girl, get over it. He probably doesn’t spend much time in here anyways,” she told herself.

  She heard the front door being unlocked. She quickly took her panties off and stuffed them in her purse. She
heard the sound of his dress shoes walking across the marble floor and the familiar arousal filled her.

  Michael came into the kitchen and smiled at her. Her heart melted and that uneasiness she felt earlier dissipated. “I hope I didn’t make you wait too long.”

  “Nah.” She rushed over to him and hugged him. She felt his arms go around her. She breathed in the scent of him. She loved the scent of his cologne.

  “I ordered us a pizza. I hope you don’t mind,” she said, stepping out of his embrace.

  “I do mind.”


  He grabbed her and pulled her to him. “I do believe I have to bend you over something and fuck the hell out of you. I thought about that all afternoon, woman.”

  He led her over to the dining room table. He turned her around and pulled up her dress. He smacked her hard on the ass. “Good girl, you aren’t wearing panties this time.” He pushed her down onto the table then quickly removed his pants. He grabbed her hips tightly then rammed his cock deeply into her. Her pussy was so wet and welcoming. He thrusts with such force that it moved the table. He was amused that she was startled at first by this then as he continued to thrust she surrendered to him. He kept thrusting until both of them orgasm. He pulled his cock from her. He drew her up to him and pressed himself close to her. He felt her relax into his embrace. He held her like that for a couple of moments then he released her.

  “I’m going to get changed. Why don’t you bring the pizza out to the living room.”

  “Okay.” She watched him scoop up his pants and walk toward his bedroom. She quickly went to the second bathroom and freshened up a bit before she grabbed the pizza and brought it to the living room. She also grabbed a couple of plates, napkins and two glasses of water. He had nothing else but the wine to drink. She sat on the large leather sofa and waited for him.

  He came back wearing just a pair of jeans. He sat on the sofa next to her. She grabbed him a couple slices of pizza and put it on a plate before handing it to him.

  “Why don’t you have any food in your kitchen? I wanted to make you dinner but there is little I can do with Chinese takeout leftovers and a bottle of wine.”

  “I don’t see a point to buying food when takeout is easier.”

  “That is not very healthy.”

  “Probably not.”

  “You don’t spend a lot of time in your apartment do you?”

  “Not really. Why do you ask?”

  “I noticed this the last time I was here and being in here alone…I don’t mean to insult you, but there is no real warmth in here. There are no plants, no knickknacks or even artwork.”

  “I’m not a knickknacky kind of person, Nicole.”

  “Everything is so darn clean.”

  “I have an excellent maid service.” Michael looked around the living room trying to see what she saw.

  “I’m sorry, I have offended you didn’t I.”

  “My feelings don’t get easily hurt. You are free to speak your mind.”

  “But this is your home and here I am nitpicking it. You like your home this way…”

  “Woman, calm down. I just don’t have time to think about the décor of my apartment. Like I told you I rented this apartment for the view. If you want to put some plants or artwork or whatever would make it feel homier for you then do so. I don’t care.”

  “This is your apartment…”

  “And I’m hoping you will be spending a lot of time in here with me. So if you are uncomfortable in here then something needs to change. I’m sure if I was uncomfortable in your apartment you would do the same for me.”

  “I would.”

  “Well, there you go. You worry way too much about what other people think.”

  “You have to be mindful of other people’s feelings.”

  “At the cost of your own feelings. That makes no sense. Now enough about this. I will make this apartment more comfortable for you, Nicole, because I want to do so.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled brightly at him.

  If a few plants and knick-knacks made her happy it was no skin off his nose.

  “I’m nervous about tomorrow,” Nicole said.

  “So am I, but I read through everything and I think I got a good read on this guy. I’m also pretty damn sure he did what they have charged him for. I’m not sure how I’m going to mount a good defense for him.” Michael wasn’t nervous at all about meeting Johnny. He was intrigued more than anything else. Yet, he dare not tell Nicole this. Who knows what she will think.

  “What if he tries to fuck with our minds?” Nicole said.

  “He might.” Michael was really hoping that fledgling killer would try to fuck with his mind. Playing mind games with this idiot would be fun. “Listen Nicole, I won’t let him hurt you in any way. But be prepared, not all killers look and act crazy. He might look like your average everyday person. Looking at him or talking with him you will find it hard to believe he was capable of doing such horrible things. I almost hope Johnny is your typical nut job it will make it easier on you, and it will make my job easier.”

  “How so?”

  “You will see a monster and will be more on guard. And as for his defense, well insanity is a good one.”

  Nicole took little bites of her pizza. She was getting more nervous about tomorrow. To be in a room with someone who has killed at least five women was going to be jarring. She wanted to show Michael that she can handle this.

  Michael looked at her. He could see the worry and fear on her face. The irony of this moment almost made him laugh. His little Nicole was so afraid of meeting this fledgling killer, yet she sits right next to a man who is far worse than the man she fears.

  “What?” Nicole sat her pizza down.

  “I wish I could protect you from this, Nicole. My offer for you to sit this one out still stands.”

  “No, I can do this. It’s part of the job. Though to be honest I didn’t factor in serial killers into the equation.” Nicole took a sip of her water. “I can’t wrap my mind around it. How can someone take so many lives?”

  “The thrill of it.”

  Nicole looked at Michael. “What thrill?”

  “A serial killer takes life because he needs to. It’s hardwired into him. Each killer has their own method of killing. Some stalk their victims for quite a while before they attack. Others, it’s simply an impulse and some poor soul was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some kill right away, while others need to make their victim suffer. And the way they kill is unique to each killer.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “I have studied this subject extensively. Let’s look at Johnny’s case. His choice of victim, the way he killed, how he disposed of the body, I’m going to say he is an impulse killer. I can’t be certain until I actually speak with him.”

  “What about those murders I have been reading about in the paper?”

  “What murders?”

  “That poor woman they found by the lake. She was tortured then killed. And Monica told me there have been others who were killed the same way. This has to be the work of a serial killer. When Emily said they caught a serial killer I was hoping it was the person who killed those poor women so brutally. But to know there are two serial killers in Chicago that is frightening.”

  “Nicole, there are thirty to fifty active serial killers in the United States at any given time. So there being two in Chicago isn’t so unbelievable.”

  “I wished they would have caught the other one too.”

  Michael tried to hide his smile. He wouldn’t be so easily caught. And if the police closed in Adam was setup to take the fall.

  “Let’s change the subject. I can see it’s upsetting you. What did you do today?”

  She told him about Monica’s good news and about spending time with Adam.

  “Adam is going to do some gigs.”

  “Yep, I think he and his band are leaving tomorrow.”

  “Good, it will do him some good to get
out of town for a little while.”

  “I thought so too.”

  “Let me take your mind off things.” He stood then pulled her up into his arms. He carried her into his bedroom. He tossed her on the bed then climbed onto the bed. He looked down at her gazing into his eyes. The warmth in her eyes…

  “What’s wrong?” she said reaching up and gently caressing his cheek.

  “Your emotions show, Nicole. You love me, don’t you?”

  Nicole was afraid to admit it, yet the intensity in his dark eyes, she couldn’t hide anything from him. “Yes, I love you.”

  Michael just gazed into her eyes. The only glimmer of light in him screamed for her to run from him.

  “You don’t have to say anything right now.” Nicole pulled him down to her and kissed him.

  He reached down and undid his jeans. He needed to be buried deep inside her. He pulled her dress up and slowly filled her with his cock. He could feel her love in her kiss. Love was a useless emotion that was what he had always believed. Love confused and distracted. He couldn’t afford to be distracted. Yet…he deepened their kiss, he allowed himself to feel her love, a dangerous thing for a man like him.

  Chapter Ten

  Nicole stayed behind Michael when they entered the interrogation room. She was so nervous that she felt sick to her stomach. She stopped abruptly when Michael turned around.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.


  They were standing in the room where a police officer could observe what was going on in the interrogation room. Michael was blocking her view.

  “What is it?” she said.

  “He doesn’t look like a monster, Nicole. I’m guessing he is about twenty-two and looks like your average college kid. Don’t let your guard down. He will love nothing more than to fuck with your mind. Don’t let him see that he is getting to you.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “I told you I have study this subject extensively.” Michael gently stroked her cheek. “It will be alright. I would prefer you just observe through the two way mirror.” He stepped aside so she could get a look at Johnny.


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