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Through The Window

Page 20

by Wendy Campbell

Mick cursed and grumbled all the way back to Cedar Valley. When he turned into her driveway, she dropped her head into her hands. A red truck was parked in her driveway. Jordan sat on the porch step.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Jordan watched the dilapidated car creep into the driveway and instantly thought of Roger’s description of Mel’s getaway car. The passenger door opened. The overhead light didn’t go on, so he couldn’t see the driver. Mel got out and barely managed to close the door before the car did a quick three-point turn and sped away.

  When he’d arrived, Mel hadn’t answered his knock. With images of her passed out on the floor, he’d used a tire iron to pry open the back door, and only found the puppy. He’d called the station, asked the guys if any calls had come in during the last two hours. None. Zilch. Someone could have driven her to the hospital, but he didn’t think so. So he’d waited.

  “What are you doing here?” Mel’s voice rasped like sandpaper. Even in the soft porch light, he could see the dark circles under her eyes, vivid against her pale face.

  “I brought you soup.” He lifted the bag.

  “You did?” She didn’t look happy as she sat next to him.

  When he held out the thermos, her hands shook as she reached for it.

  “Where were you?”

  “A friend talked me into going to the clinic. They were busy, and I didn’t want to wait, so I came home.” A few minutes passed, and she put her hand over her mouth and jumped to her feet. The thermos rolled out of the bag and bounced down the steps as she ran inside.

  Jordan followed her to the bathroom. Through the open door, he could see the puppy jump on her as she crouched over the toilet and heaved. God, he felt like a dick. She really was sick, and he’d been giving her the third degree because Roger got him hyped on her past.

  “Charm, come here.” He put the puppy outside, then ran a washcloth under cold water. ”Anything I can do?” he asked when he gave her the cloth. He rubbed her back.

  She shook her head and heaved again, then put the washcloth on her face.

  “Sorry about the inquisition. And the back door. I got worried when you didn’t answer.”

  “That’s okay,” she croaked.

  A few minutes later, he helped her into bed. She took her jeans off under the covers, tossed them on the floor, and told him she’d call him tomorrow. Guilt still plagued him, so he threw a tennis ball in the back yard long enough to wear the puppy out. He took the dog bed out of Mel’s room, checked to make sure she was sleeping, and settled the puppy in the living room so she’d leave Mel alone. He put the soup in the fridge and left.


  The next morning’s drizzle did nothing to improve Mel’s mood. It was July, for God’s sake. There should be sun, even in western Washington. After two hours of winding her way through so many Internet databases her mind went fuzzy, she confirmed, again, that Joseph Lankin died on her tenth birthday, that he’d owned and lived in a trailer in the area where they’d been. The gray cloud that settled over her last night turned black. Because of her, a man was dead.

  “What’s wrong?” Sara asked when Mel walked behind the counter of Last Chance at noon.


  “You’ve got worry wrinkles on your forehead.” She instantly relaxed her face muscles, but Sara didn’t buy it. “You look like I felt when Carl left—miserable and pissed off.”

  Mel straightened the boxes of mints. “It’s nothing. Just carry over from food poisoning. I’m better now.”

  “Did Grandpa take you to the clinic?” Carley asked. She stood in front of the counter, wearing yellow gloves and holding a bottle of glass cleaner.


  “Mandy’s mom took us to Dawson’s Dairy for milkshakes. I saw you and Grandpa drive by. I waved, but you didn’t see me. We were at the counter by the window.”

  “Yes, he took me to the clinic,” she lied and ignored Sara’s questioning look. “But then I felt better, so he took me home.”

  The front door opened and the wild Wileys ran in.

  “Customers,” Mel said brightly and rushed to prevent the disaster that usually trailed in their wake.


  That evening Mel swept through the cabin like a whirlwind, scrubbing and dusting until all traces of Mick were gone. At least her simmering fury was put to good use. She lit candles in every room, hoping they’d mask any scent she might have missed. Jordan was due in ten minutes for their rescheduled date. Now she just needed to get him naked and quench this irrational desire. Promising herself she wouldn’t think of Mick, or the depressing balance on her credit card, she put on a pair of khaki shorts and a white T-shirt. She glanced at her painted toenails. Barefoot would have to do. With her hair piled on top of her head, she pulled a few strands free to frame her face and added dangly earrings. Simple and sexy.

  When she heard the knock, electricity shot through her, and she hurried to the front door.

  “Hi.” She stood just inside the door, staring at her very own sexy firefighter.

  “Hi.” Jordan smiled, and his gaze swept from her head to her toes. “Can I come in?”

  “Uh-huh.” She let him in, and Charm hopped around, obviously excited to see him. He bent down and the puppy clambered over him. Mel smiled.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Better, thanks.” If she didn’t count the fact her body was vibrating from nerves, anticipation, and a healthy dose of lust. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Sure, whatever you’re having. I ordered pasta instead of pizza. I thought that’d be easier on your stomach. It should be here soon.”

  “Sounds good.”

  He relaxed on the stool, watching her with a bone-melting gaze. A strand of dark hair curled on his forehead. She wanted to reach over and touch it, but she focused her attention on the rum and Coke.

  With the drinks in her hand, she nodded toward the back door. “Let’s take these outside. The rain’s stopped, and Charm needs to run off some energy.”

  The food arrived and they sat on the top step, eating and tossing a tennis ball for Charm, who alternated between chasing the ball and drooling over their dinner. Towering gray clouds drifted through the little patch of sky visible above the trees. The air was charged with electricity from the afternoon thunderstorms, and Mel felt a thrill every time their arms brushed.

  “Want another drink?” she asked, glancing at his nearly empty glass.

  Before he could answer, Charm bounded over, showing off her slimy tennis ball. A motorcycle passed on the street. The puppy perked up, lifted her head over Mel, and dropped the ball. It rolled down her shoulder, over her breast, and bounced off her leg.

  “Yuck. I feel like I lost a battle with a giant slug.” Holding her shirt away from her skin, she got to her feet.

  Jordan chuckled and followed her inside with their plates.

  She went to the bedroom and pulled the shirt over her head. Jordan stood in front of her. How did he keep sneaking up on her like that? With dark eyes and a serious expression, he moved in. The shirt slipped from her fingers as his arms wrapped around her, quick and possessive, pressing her breasts hard against his chest. They stared at each other for a long, hot minute. His gaze questioned, asked permission to do what she was ready to beg him for. With her blood pumping, she leaned forward, going on tiptoes to reach his mouth. When their lips met, desire shot through her. Her toes tingled, her knees threatened to fold, but she didn’t care because Jordan held her.

  How long had she waited for this? Years. She wanted him before she even understood what wanting him meant. A low moan found its way through her lips and freed his hands. They loosened their hold to explore her body. Trails of heat followed in their wake, over her back, her sides, her butt. This was too good to be a dream. He cupped her face, ran his fingers through her hair as he took the kiss deeper.

  His heart hammered against her chest. When he cupped her breast, his hand trembled, and she felt a glow of satisfaction as
she realized she could make a strong man—this strong man—tremble. That knowledge released something in her, something female and slightly wicked. She had power. It was a heady thought.

  She used her lips to explore his face, his neck. Her hands slipped under his shirt to feel his muscles quiver, them up his back to his shoulders until his shirt pressed tight against them. Then she started all over again, marveling at this new freedom. When their lips met again, she smiled.

  “Enjoying this, are you?” Jordan said in a breathy whisper as he played with her nipple. His other hand ventured under the waistband of her shorts, and she couldn’t think.

  When they came up for air, her bra, and his shirt lay tangled on the floor. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, her back against the wall. Her hands streaked over his muscled shoulders, his back, and ran through his dark hair. She nibbled his ear while he carried her to the bed. Rather than lay on her back, she rolled over and straddled him. Slowly, she slid down his body and started on the buttons of his Levi’s. They were straining against the proof of his arousal. With a little help, she managed to get his jeans off. She reached for the band of his dark blue briefs and hesitated.

  “Don’t stop now.” His grin made her laugh, but rather than remove his briefs, she laid on top of him with her face just inches from his. His hand slid under the waistband of her shorts to caress her butt.

  “I thought you’d be tipsy by now,” she mumbled, trailing little kisses along his jaw.

  “Really? Why?” The surprise in his voice brought her back to her senses.

  “Just kidding.”

  Now his hands made hot trails up her body and over her shoulders until he cupped her face. “I have a feeling you were serious.”

  “Just part of the experiment.” She laughed, but knew he didn’t believe her. The charade was up. She started to roll off him, but he caught her hips and held her still. “Remember when I told you I’d been thinking of this night for a long time? I meant a really, really long time. Since I knew what all this meant. You were my first crush.” Despite the blush racing across her face, she grinned.

  “I’m honored.” His hands skimmed her spine. “What does that have to do with drinking?”

  “It was just a precaution.”

  His brow furrowed. “Isn’t that what condoms are for?”

  She laughed. “Not that kind of precaution. It was just in case I—or you—” she added quickly, “didn’t measure up to all those fantasies. Some were pretty hot.” She touched his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue.

  “Maybe you should describe one, so I know what I’m up against.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “What have you got to lose?”

  Only him, her self-respect, her privacy, and her dreams, but she didn’t say that. “Why don’t you tell me one of yours?” She folded her arms on his chest and rested her chin on them.

  “Okay.” He grinned. “Right after I hear yours. Ladies first.”

  “You’re incorrigible.” Wanting to feel him, to see him, she rolled to the side and pulled his briefs off. “Darn it.”

  He stiffened. “What?”

  “There’s not enough light. I can’t see you.”

  With a chuckle, he got to his feet and left the room, only to return a minute later with the two candles she’d left in the living room. When he set them on the dresser, a warm, mellow light flickered across his body. She held up a hand, palm out, and he stood there with a self-satisfied grin while she soaked in the sight. Muscles, sprinkles of dark hair, a jagged scar on his thigh, narrow hips. Definitely, impressively male. Finally the desire to touch became too much. “Okay. You can come back now.”

  He leaned a hip against the dresser and crossed his arms. “I think I’ll stay here until you’re ready to share.”

  Coming up on her knees, she unfastened her shorts and slid them down so she could wiggle out of them. They hit the floor, along with her red G-string.

  “You’re beautiful.” His gaze traveled over her body and she could see the heat in his eyes from across the room. “It’s all I can do not to jump you right now, but I’m going to force myself to stay right here, because that’s not what I meant when I said sharing. At least, not entirely.”

  A prickling of unease skittered over her skin. “What did you mean?”

  “I want to hear your fantasies. Tell me one, Mel.”

  “I can’t. It’s too embarrassing.” She could feel herself blush and hoped he didn’t notice.

  “Sure you can.”

  “No.” She wanted to hide behind the blankets, and had to force herself not to.

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t share my secrets,” she said softly.

  “If you share, it’ll be our secret. Not yours, ours.”

  She wanted nothing more than to make one of those fantasies come to life. “They’re images, feelings. I can’t put them into words.”

  “I’ll help.” His eyes shot sparks of heat as he moved to sit next to her. “Close your eyes. Relax. Come on. Close those beautiful eyes of yours. Good, now take a deep breath.” He slowly pushed her back on the bed.

  Gentle fingers began stroking the instep on her right foot as she tried to think of a fantasy safe enough to share. Definitely not the one in the shower. Not the one at the waterfall. The striptease? No, she didn’t have the right music. Her nerves hummed. What about the one where they had hot sex right on the dance floor? God, no. Jordan massaged her ankle and her calf, spreading electric pulses up her body.

  “Where are we?” he asked softly, and he didn’t mean her bedroom.

  “Outside.” The word just came out and just like that, she knew the rest. “On the grass. On a blanket.”

  “I like the sound of this.” Smooth, strong fingers rubbed small circles around her ankle. “A hot, steamy picnic?”

  “Dinner. It’s almost dark.”

  “Even better. Is there a moon?” His tone matched the languorous movements of his hands as this new fantasy came into focus.

  “No, but it’s not entirely dark. Dusk, I think. It’s raining, a light mist, but it’s warm. I can hear water dripping from the leaves of the tree above us. The air is fresh, like it’s raining.”

  “Are we getting wet?” The words were barely more than a hoarse whisper as his hands slid along her thigh. His lips touched, his tongue tasted.

  “Wet. Uh-huh.”

  “Should we take off our clothes?” He started on her other foot.

  He licked her leg, then blew on it and made her skin tingle. Focus, she told herself. “We already took off our clothes. Except for my skirt.”

  “Mm. Just thinking about you in a skirt makes me so hot I can barely stand it. Easy access and all that. The old-timers definitely knew what they were doing when they forbade women to wear pants.”

  She laughed. “And I thought you liked tight jeans.”

  “I like anything when it’s on you.” He kissed her instep and pleasure jolted through her. “Back to the fantasy. Tell me about your skirt. When can I get it up or off?”

  “It reaches just past my knees.” A tiny moan escaped her lips when his mouth tickled her shin. “It’s a summer skirt, loose and silky. Red.”

  “Red’s sexy.” His fingers toyed with the sensitive spot at the back of her knees, making her shiver with delight. “What am I doing now?”

  “Sliding my skirt up.” Hands slowly moved up her thighs, over her hips and stopped at her waist. She could almost feel the soft fabric.

  “And then?” Lips touched her belly button, a flick of a tongue and hot breath.

  Words deserted her.

  “The sexy skirt comes off,” Jordan said in a husky voice, continuing the fantasy. “You’re not wearing anything underneath. You’re beautiful. I can see the sheen of moisture on your skin. I can’t resist your breasts.” Matching actions to his words, his hands cupped, his tongue teased.

  “You,” she sucked in a breath, “want me. More than anything.”

�I want you. All of you. Do you want me?”

  “Oh, yes.” Her hands raced over his body, wound through his hair. “More. I want you even more.” The spell grew stronger, hotter. She lost herself in the fantasy. Jordan’s whispered words drifted to her, but she was helpless to add to them.

  “You need my touch, all over your body. The grass is tickling the backs of your legs.” Gentle fingers brushed over her.

  Desperate to stay grounded and enjoy this dizzying sensation for as long as possible, she forced out words. “It’s dark now. I can see a thin sliver of moonlight through the leaves. When I close my eyes, I see stars.” That part wasn’t fantasy, not at all. “An owl calls, loud and strong. A mating call. Another answers.” Her voice caught as his hands roamed freely over her body, followed by his lips and tongue.

  She gripped the sheets. “A wonderful, warm breeze makes our skin tingle.”

  He touched a sensitive spot where the back of her leg met her butt and she moaned.

  “You want me to touch you,” he said. “Taste you.”

  When he did, she gasped and sensations rocketed through her. It happened so fast, she couldn’t stop it. Her body exploded in light and heat and left her panting. It took a few minutes for her to come back to herself, and all the while, she could still hear him. Hot, sexy words of desire and appreciation, of what he wanted to do to her.

  Jordan moved over her, the dampness on their bodies making the sensation smooth and wonderful. Silky skin covered his hard muscles. Need, satisfaction, and wonder pulsed from him, matching her desire.

  Unable to wait any longer, she wiggled out from underneath him, grabbed a condom off the nightstand and ripped it open. She grinned as she straddled him and prepared to put it on.

  He grabbed her hands, took it from her. “If you’re hands are half as good as I imagined, this will be over before it gets started.” With lightning speed he put the condom on and flipped them over so he was on top. Then he stopped.

  “So,” he whispered in a voice raw with need. “What happens now in this fantasy?”

  She only pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him until neither of them could think. Their bodies started to move and she wrapped her legs around his thighs.


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