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Rescuing The Reluctant Groom (Windy City Romance 5)

Page 17

by Barbara Lohr

  The baby cried harder. “Connor and Amanda, go ahead and leave,” Seth told them. “I’m sure Shadow’s around here somewhere. I’ll find her.”

  “I’ll help you look,” Selena offered. The rain was coming down hard and Shadow was such a little thing.

  “I’ll bring the car around,” Connor told Amanda, handing Sean to his wife and disappearing out the door.

  Selena turned to Seth. “Why don’t you take the second floor and I’ll check the family room and the closets?”

  Leaving Amanda in the front hall with Sean, Selena started searching the family room and living room. She looked under the sofas, checked behind doors and opened every closet door, even the cabinets under the kitchen counters. No little gray kitty. Meanwhile, Connor pulled up and came in for Amanda. “Found the cat yet?”

  “No.” Selena shook her head. “She might be upstairs and Seth is checking.”

  The front door was closing behind Connor and Amanda when Seth came down the steps empty-handed.


  He shook his head. “No. Maybe she’s downstairs. Connor and I were down there and the door was open. She’s so darn curious.”

  “I’m right behind you.”

  Seth flicked on the lights and down they went, calling the cat as they looked. But no small bunch of fur bounded out from the under the furniture, no long tail swished across their legs. She didn’t seem to be anywhere. Passing the pool table and the ice hockey game, Seth pushed a panel. The wall opened. “My man cave. But then you know about this.”

  “I do. Very James Bond.” Did he think this was a secret?

  Ruddy complexion deepening, Seth shrugged. “Stupid is more like it. Hardly ever use it anymore. But Connor and I had the door open. Shadow? You here, girl?” They started to search the room that smelled closed up and empty.

  While he checked in some boxes and under the furniture, Selena was drawn to the framed photos on the black shelving, especially the shot of them. Her contribution to Seth's collection. She could almost feel the sun, hear the gulls and smell the water.

  She could almost feel the love. “Seth?”

  Coming closer, he followed her eyes. “I’ve still got hope, Selena. You have to know that.”

  Hope? Warmth unfurled in her chest like a spring flower.

  But right now they had to find Shadow.

  “Got some umbrellas? Let’s look outside.”

  They tromped back up the stairs. “Why don’t you stay in the house? It’s miserable out there.” Seth rummaged through the back closet and pulled out his Chicago Bears umbrella.

  “No way.” She grabbed another one from a hook on the back of the door. “This is a two-person job.”

  “Let me have that small one.” He hesitated, always the gentleman. Water fell from the overhang in a liquid gray sheet.

  “Team effort.” Pulling the back door open, Selena stepped out and snapped the umbrella open. “Come on.”

  While thunder rumbled, they checked under all the bushes surrounding the house. “Shadow? Shadow!” The wind whipped her umbrella inside out and she tossed it aside. Her silver jacket quickly became a wet weight on her shoulders.

  “Why don’t you go inside, Selena? You’re soaked.”

  “I’m not going to leave you out here. Let’s try the neighbors. Canvas a wider area.”

  The light was failing and Selena’s stomach tightened. Poor little Shadow. Pobrecita. Wherever she was, she must be scared to death. What if they couldn’t find the kitten before dark? The neighbors’ outside lights were coming on. Together they rang doorbells and asked neighbors to keep an eye out for the small gray cat. But with every house, Seth looked more discouraged. The rain never let up.

  “Let’s get some warm coffee.” Selena’s teeth were chattering and that was probably the only reason Seth agreed to go inside for a bit.

  While the coffee brewed, she threw their wet jackets in the dryer. Together they hunched at the counter, sipping coffee in an uncomfortable silence.

  “Thanks for staying to help me, Selena.”

  “Not a problem.” He looked almost as miserable as she felt. “Do you think she wandered off? Maybe scared by all the noise?”

  “Could be. I don’t know much about cats. Maybe I’m too stupid to own one.” When he shook his head in frustration, droplets hit the counter.

  “Stop that. You rescued Shadow. From what you said, she might not have made it through that cold night. You’re the kind of guy who, well, saves people... or animals.” Was she making sense?

  “That’s sweet, Selena. But I think I’m the kind of guy who needs rescuing himself.”

  Such a plea. She cupped his face with one hand. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, cariño.”

  With a crooked smile, he brushed her chin with his thumb. “Well, I do try.”

  “Sí, de veras. You sure do.”

  His eyes swam with love. She felt it, as surely as the rain that thundered outside. Wasn’t that enough? His touch on her skin awakened every nerve in her body. Seth was so close. She could feel the warmth of his breath and she shivered.

  “You still cold? I’ll get a blanket.”

  He jumped up and she felt the chill.

  Seth was the warmth of her life. Always would be.

  “No, not really...”

  He brought a throw from the sofa anyway and wrapped it around her shoulders. “So, where’s Gary today? Did he leave you to fend for yourself?” The smile had disappeared.

  “We’re not seeing each other anymore,” she said softly. “You should know that after finding my toothbrush. Besides, we were just friends.”

  “Really? Friends?” Seth’s eyes narrowed like he didn’t believe her. “What man could be just friends with you?”

  “You think I’m that irresistible?”

  “I know so.” Seth’s brown eyes warmed and he exhaled. “Well, that’s news.”

  “Good news?”

  “That depends.” An eyebrow lifted. No man could ever look as innocent yet badass as Seth Kirkpatrick. “Come here, Selena.” He tugged her onto his lap.

  His kiss began with her lips but the heat shot through her body. Dropping the blanket and sinking into him, she couldn't get enough. Drank him in with her kisses. She wanted long hearty draughts that filled her, left her satisfied.

  “Oh, Selena, baby.” Tightening his embrace, Seth rocked her. She could almost feel the wheels turning in his head. “I need to tell you. I-I love you. God, how I m-missed you. I missed you so bad.”

  Her head jerked back. “What did you just say?”

  “I missed you?”

  She circled the air with a finger. “No, the first part.”

  “I love you?”

  “Sí, sí. Te amo.” She hugged his words to her heart.

  He blushed. “Is it that simple?” And he opened his lips as if to say more. The wrinkle in his forehead told her he was searching.

  Reaching out she stroked his cheek, stubble rasping against her fingers. “Why are you so lost?”

  He caught her hand and kissed it. Then he lifted troubled eyes. “I am, babe. Or I was. You’re the only one who can rescue me. Seriously.”

  “I think you know how to rescue yourself.”

  “Apparently not. I don't know where I’m going without you.”

  “But you don’t have to be without me.” With a soft laugh, she squeezed his hand. Time to level with him. “You know, I should have guessed about the ADD. But you're a proud man. I don't know if I would have brought it up. Seth, I haven’t been totally honest with you either. You know when I talked about my folks and how they worked a farm?”

  “Yeah, right. Up in Michigan.”

  “Well, there wasn’t just one farm, there were many. We were migrant workers. You people might call us drifters or illegals, but we went where the work was to make a living.”

  Jaw shifting, he seemed to be taking in her words. “Sounds like a hard life. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She looked
down at their linked hands. “Guess I was embarrassed, Seth. I’m about as far from an Oak Park girl as I can be. Every thing I owned was in my pink Barbie doll backpack. Got it at Goodwill and used it until I was fourteen.”

  “Nothing to be ashamed of,” he said, matter-of-fact as always.

  “Guess I was. I'll never be a homecoming queen or a cheerleader. We were never in one place long enough to make friends.”

  His kiss on her forehead felt like total acceptance. “No wonder you’re so special, Selena. I have nothing but respect for you.” His voice held wonder. What a guy. The tight knot in her chest eased as the shame faded.

  “Really, as in put me on a pedestal?”

  A naughty chuckle rumbled in his throat. “No, as in, put you in my bed.”

  Ah hah. She took a deep breath. The surge of desire awakened every nerve in its path. She flicked a thumb over his calluses and traced some scratches with a finger. “You’ve been working.”

  “The scratches are from Shadow.” Such sadness in his face.

  “She still has her claws?”

  He nodded. “I didn’t have the heart.”

  Sliding off his lap, Selena headed for the laundry room.

  “Where you going?”

  “To get our jackets and check out the trees.”

  The stool crashed to the floor when he leapt up. “I’m right behind you.”

  Although the rain had eased, they were soaked again by the time they found Shadow huddled high in a tree. “I’m calling a vet in the morning about those claws,” Seth grumbled, dragging a ladder from his garage.

  But they were both so relieved. The poor little thing was mewling pathetically once Seth got to her. She must have climbed up so high and then didn’t know how to get down. Hair plastered to her body, she looked no bigger than a branch. Snuggling her inside his jacket, Seth made his way back down. Once they got her inside, it took awhile to dry the kitten off with a towel and the hair dryer.

  “Now where were we?” Seth asked later when they were cuddled on the couch together. Shadow snoozed right next to them, exhausted by her adventure.

  “You were a sorry mess.”

  Gently taking her knees, Seth lifted them onto his lap, careful not to disturb the cat. “I am, babe.”

  “Claro. You can say that again. Your mom helped me understand part of it. You couldn’t tell me?” A muscle twitched in his jaw, and she chuckled, slowly running a finger over the strong line of the bone. “What’s wrong? What’s hurting?”

  “My pride.” His crooked smile made him look so darned cute. “It’s hard to admit that some things come slowly. I’m not quick like Connor...or Joe. Never have been.”

  “You don’t have to be, Seth. You’re a good man, a strong man in every way that matters. At least to me. Besides, some women like it slower.” She pulled the last words out like warm taffy, loving the way his expression heated.

  In a lot of ways, Seth was a quick learner.

  In all the ways that mattered. But it took her a while to get that.

  The light in his eyes told her he totally understood. “Have I messed things up by not speaking up?” His uncertainty was endearing.

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” She liked to toy with him.

  “I have the habit of putting my foot in my mouth.”

  Giggles choked her at the helpless look in his eyes but she swallowed them fast. Selena knew from her brothers that laughing would be the worst thing she could do right now. So where could she go? His dark eyes pleaded with her.

  “Try me,” Selena whispered. “Just try me. Tell me and take your time.”

  A muscle twitched in his neck. His lips worked. “I love you, Selena. I can’t get any f-fancier than that. I’ll make a fool of myself. When my sentences get longer they turn into f-fishing tackle, dragging me down.”

  She'd waited so long and she wanted to hear these words again and again. “Can we go back to the first part? The love part? Don't think I got all of it earlier.”

  His teasing grin melted her heart. “Of course I love you. Probably have since I first saw you. Love your spirit... your kindness... your passion.”

  He put each word out there like a present.

  “Even though you broke all my dishes. Hey... what’s this? Are you crying? Babe, I’m kidding.”

  “No, I’m laughing. Will you ever get over those broken plates?” She wiped her eyes.

  “Hell, no.” Now he was laughing too. “They were expensive, right? I hate the fact that you had to buy them again.”

  “My mother would be horrified. But what’s a few dishes when a woman has to make a point? Got your attention, right?”

  His hold on her tightened until they felt like one. “You always have my attention.”

  Where was a tissue when you needed it? He frowned at the tear he lifted from her cheek with a finger. “No, no tears, babe.” His lips angled over hers. The kiss left her breathless. “You’re not saying anything,” he murmured. “So will you... ?”

  “You’re not letting me.”

  “And the answer?”

  “What was the question?”

  He sucked in a breath. She was being terrible, making him go through all this. But she was really enjoying it.

  “Will you, Selena Ruiz, marry me?”

  Talk about getting right to the point. “When you decided to put it out there, it’s, well, all out there. Yes, you crazy, sweet man. Yes.” She thought her heart would pulse right out of her chest. “But we say nothing until after McKenna’s wedding, claro?”

  His eyes clouded. “Why?”

  “Because it will be too much for your mother. She will get crazy. Harper got engaged in February and now us? Mi amor, trust me. One engagement at a time. Yes, we are back together but no ring.” She wiggled her bare left hand. “Not for a while. A little while.”

  “You’re probably right. Now, no more talking,” he growled, pushing her back on the sofa. “I might say the wrong thing and mess up again.”

  “Never. You will never mess this up because I love you. You are my big, bad hombre y te amo.”

  Some things didn’t need translating.

  Bending, he unzipped one of her boots so slowly she could hear every click. Sexier than all get out. Eyes flashing, he tugged it off. She curled her toes. “Now the other one.”

  Pressing one hand to her chest, she held her breath, held it so she could hear every click of the other zipper. Once he’d taken care of that, he went for her mini skirt, hands skimming the leather, showing her how much he cared.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered in his ear, before nipping his ear lobe so hard he yelped.

  “And to think I have this to come home to for the rest of my life.”

  “Yes, if you take your classes, if you...”

  What was she saying? She was almost glad when he touched one finger to her lips. “What’s this? Setting conditions?”

  Shame curdled her new-found confidence. “You do what you want.” The words came hard because she wanted so much for him. But this all had to be his choice.

  His eyes softened. “Trust me, okay? I do want more. You are my inspiration, Selena, you really are. With you I can do more, be more. I was lost without you.”

  “Oh, Seth.” While he tended to her skirt zipper, she worked on the tiny buttons of his shirt.

  “You? You would never be lost.” “ He whisked off her sweater but she wasn’t cold. Spring had finally come and raging heat sizzled in her veins.

  “But I was. Without you? Lost.” When Seth bent his head to nuzzle her neck and work lower, Selena wriggled with contentment. “You’re the man I can’t walk away from.” Pulling the tails of his shirt out of his jeans, she yanked until the last two buttons loosened.

  He pulled her upright. “How about a hot shower?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Now dry, Shadow followed them upstairs, halting with disapproval when clothes went flying. When they disappeared into the bathroom, Shadow continued into the
bedroom. She'd probably had enough water for one day.

  Over the next half hour, they discovered that the shelf in his shower had been a good addition. Making up for lost time might take a while.

  Cuddling in his bed later felt so right. When Seth lowered his eyelids, those ridiculously long lashes fanned over his cheeks.

  “Hope our daughters have your eyelashes.” They prickled when she ran a finger lightly over the tips.

  “I hope they have your passion.” Pulling back, he appeared to think about that. “No, wait a minute. I would be seriously outnumbered. Maybe we can compromise?”

  “Always a good thing.”

  “And let’s remember, dishes are for eating.”

  Nodding slowly, she trailed a hand down his six-pack. “And words are for communicating.”

  The groan came low in his throat. “You do a pretty good job with your hands, babe. Makes it hard... to... think.” She laughed when he flipped her over, scaring the cat right off the bed. In the next hour, Seth proved that he was a man of action not words, a point Selena wanted to always remember.

  Chapter 17

  The Christo de Sangre mountains rose in jagged purple peaks against the setting sun. Arm in arm, Seth and Selena strolled up Canyon Road. They’d come to Santa Fe for McKenna’s wedding but the last two days had been an amazing vacation. Tomorrow was the wedding ceremony and the dinner tonight at El Farol offered a special treat with tapas and flamenco dancing. But best of all, she was here with Seth. Selena snuggled closer and felt him kiss the top of her head.

  “We might have to come back and visit your brother some time. So much to take in.” Seth looked around at the adobe galleries lining the narrow street. Puffs of dust kicked up when a car ventured slowly past them on the narrow one-way road.

  “If we come back, Rafael and Ana would want us to stay with them,” Selena managed with a straight face, knowing what Seth’s response would be. “They have a spare room.”

  Horror rippled over his face. “Are you kidding? And miss the hot tub at the inn? No way.”

  “Thought you’d see it that way. The hot tub is one thing. That breakfast buffet?” She patted her hips. “I’m already putting on weight.”


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