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Wild Bill Donovan

Page 57

by Douglas Waller

  335 on his desk: Harold Smith diary entries, July 6, Sept. 5, 1945, HSD, HSP, FDRL; Gentry, pp. 325–27; Demaris, pp. 23–24; Harry Vaughan oral history interview, March 20, 1976, HSTL; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 272, 276; Warner, “Salvage and Liquidation,” pp. 111, 114; S. J. Tracy memo to Tolson, Oct. 29, 1945, B: 8, TTP, RG263, NA; JEH memo to the Attorney General, Aug. 29, 1945, B: 8, TTP, RG263, NA; Gentry, p. 326; Gentry, Dec. 1, 2008, April 26, 2009; McCullough, pp. 135, 366; Gilbert, April 10, 2009; 1953 FBI background check on WJD, NY 77-16713, FBI; William H. Pryor report on WJD, June 23, 1945, 77-58706-21, FBI.

  335–337 Richard Park Jr. to “every five” lost: Colonel Richard Park, Jr., Profile, March 15, 1945, Rose Conway Files, OSS-Donovan, William J., SMOF, HSTL; Remarks by Lt. Col. Richard Park, Jr., American Military Attaché in Russia, Jan. 25, 1943, Fr: 1077–81, R: 104, S.T.E. memo to FDR, June 6, 1944, Presidential Memos 1944, SEP, FDRL; Troy, “Knifing of the OSS,” pp. 99–102; Clayton Bissell memorandum for the record, March 12, 1845, B: 6, TTP, RG263, NA; Elsey, July 24, 2008; George Elsey letter to author, Aug. 13, 2008; Warner, Nov. 21, 2007; JEH letter to HH, Dec. 29, 1944, DOJ Rpt. No. 2609, OF 10B, FDRL; Richard Park memo to HST with enclosed report, B: 6, TTP, RG263, NA; OSS Monograph, B: 18, Draft memo to National Intelligence Authority, B: 20, E: 12, GP, RG263, NA; Richard Harris Smith, p. 215; Crockett, OHP, p. 44; Rpt. No. 2199, Jan. 30, 1945, Fr: 203–12, R: 109, EB letter to Robert Shutt, June 6, 1944, Fr: 749, R: 19, M1642, RG226, NA; Atkinson, The Day of Battle, p. 451.

  337 stood for: 109 cable to CC, July 1, 1945, German and Japanese Penetration of OSS in ETO, German intelligence charts on Joint Chiefs of Staff and the OSS, Bernd Steinitz memo to Chief, SICE, June 28, 1945, B: 358, E: 210, RG226, NA.

  337–338 Donovan spent to letter arrived: Donovan appointment book, Sept. 15–16 and 20, 1945 B: 98A & B, WJDP, MHI; Harold Smith, Samuel Rosenman, and John Snyder memo to HST, Acting Secretary of State memo to HST, Sept. 17, 1945, Harold Smith memo to HST, Sept. 18, 1945, Office of Strategic Services, Executive Order Termination of the Office of Strategic Services and Disposition of Its Functions, Sept. 20, 1945, HST letter to WJD, Sept. 20, 1945, OF 128-B, HSTL; HST diary entry, Sept. 20, 1945, Longhand Notes File, PSF, HSTL.


  342 biggest thief: Robert Jackson diary entries, June 14, 1945, B: 95, RJP, LOC; Storey, pp. 85, 122, 137–40; Hermann Göring as a War Criminal, R&A Rept. No. 3152, June 25, 1945, Vol. XCVI, COR; The Göring Collection, OSS Consolidated Interrogation Report No. 2, Sept. 15, 1945, HGP, HIA.

  343 far from certain: Jackson, OHC, p. 1372; Schlabrendorff, pp. 262–63; James L. Wright letter to A. H. Kirchhofer, Jan. 11, 1946, B: 19, RDP, MHI; Major Kelly memo to WJD, Nov. 9, 1945, Vol. XIX, COR; WVHD, pp. 10, 29, WJDP, MHI; Summary of Interrogation of Hermann Göring, Nov. 6, 1945, Fr: 675–76, R: 5, M1270, NA.

  344 OSS members: “Berryville Social Events,” Aug. 29, 1945, p. 8, “Millwood Social Events,” Oct. 31, 1944, p. 6, and Dec. 6, 1944, p. 7, Winchester Evening Star; Reports of Compliance with Orders for Lt. David R. Donovan, Nov. 6 and Dec. 11, 1944, and Jan. 4, 1945, NPRC; Personnel Folder Copy for Mary G. Donovan, Sept. 27, 1945, B: 194, E: 244, RG226, NA; EP interview, B: 6, RDP, MHI; Alderman, OHC, pp. 803–4, 1390; James Donovan letter to Mary, Sept. 24, 1945, B: 34, JDP, HIA; “Remembering 109,” by George P. Morse, OSS Society Newsletter, Spring 2006, p. 7; Storey, p. 96; Nat S. Finney letter to James Donovan with enclosure, B: 34, JDP, HIA; Salter, pp. 371–79.

  344–345 Jackson still to this conflict; Putzell, OHP, p. 77; Salter, pp. 374–430; Dodd, p. 180; James Donovan letter to Mary on Thursday, B: 34, JDP, HIA; Jackson, OHC, pp. 1384–87; Storey, pp. 97–98; Alderman, OHC, p. 1389.

  345 “out of a hat”: WJD memo to Robert Jackson, Oct. 20, 1945, WJD memo to Jay Glebb, Nov. 28, 1945, Vol. XIX, COR; Salter, pp. 407, 413; Trial Brief on Hjalmar Schacht, Vol. XVI, Part 2, COR; Hjalmar Schacht letter to WJD with enclosure, Nov. 14, 1945, 48.05, Web site, COR; WJD memo to Robert Jackson, Nov. 14 and 24, 1945, Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality 1945–46 File, CF, WHCF, HSTL; Memorandum of interview between WJD and the Defendant Göring, Nov. 12, 1945, Vol. XIV, COR; Alderman, OHC, pp. 1431–33.

  345–347 Robert Jackson to leaving Nuremberg: Salter, pp. 404, 424; Dodd, p. 186; Robert Jackson letters to WJD, Nov. 8 and 26, 1945, WJD letters to Robert Jackson, Nov. 7 and 27, 1945, Testimony of Erwin Lahousen, Nov. 23, 1945, U.S. Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality 1945–46 File, CF, WHCF, HSTL; Jackson, OHC, p. 1387; Alderman, OHC, pp. 1392–93; Testimony of Erwin Lahousen, B: 98, ADP, PU; Robert Jackson memo to WJD et al., Nov. 24, 1946, Vol. XIX, COR.

  347 bad apple: Dodd, pp. 190, 201, 204, 208, 255; Salter, pp. 433–47; Jackson, OHC, pp. 1387–88; “Donovan Quits, Revealing Rift in War Trial Staff,” Washington Times-Herald, Nov. 29, 1945; Robert Jackson letter to Charles Horsky, Dec. 1, 1945, B: 101, RJP, LOC; Robert Jackson letter to HST with enclosures, Dec. 1, 1945, U.S. Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality 1945–46 File, CF, WHCF, HSTL.

  348 they got: J.E.S. memo to WJD, Vol. XIX, COR; Persico, Nuremberg, pp. 324, 406, 430–47; “Washington Merry-Go-Round: Nuremberg Verdict Worries Ike,” by Drew Pearson, Washington Post, B: 121B, WJDP, MHI; Salter, pp. 6–7, 438; Storey, pp. 125–31; “War Crimes, Time, Oct. 7, 1946, p. 14; Martoche, Dec. 3, 2007, Martoche, “William J. Donovan: More to Remember,” p. 11. A rumor spread among Donovan’s former agents that the poison pill Göring took came from the OSS, which had always been well stocked with the tablets. But the more plausible speculation pointed to a sympathetic U.S. Army lieutenant guarding Göring named Jack Wheelis, who may have retrieved an article with the capsule hidden in it from Göring’s bags in the prison luggage compartment, or he let Göring root through the luggage to find it. Wheeler insisted, however, that he never gave Göring access to the baggage room, so the mystery of how the Reichsmarschall got the capsule remains unsolved.


  349 asked plaintively: “Donovan Back from Europe,” New York Tribune, Dec. 17, 1945, WJD letter to Samuel Rosenman, Jan. 13, 1946, Alphabetical File, Donovan, William J., SRP, HSTL; Jones, Sept. 26, 2007; James Wright letter to A. H. Kirchhofer, Jan. 11, 1946, B: 19, RDP, MHI.

  350 had accumulated: Gilbert, Oct. 19, 2007; John E. Tobin interview, June 30, 1980, pp. 1–4, Donald Rumsey interview, pp. 3–4, B: Interviews—Teitelbaum to Withrow Jr. 1979-undated, WJD, MHI; McIntosh, Aug. 29, 2007, April 7, 2009.

  350 on his knee: WJD letter to John Forsdyke, Jan. 13, 1948, B: 1, DP, CU; WVHD, pp. 29, 62, WJDP, MHI; “Leaders Hesitant on Idea of Unified Europe,” undated news article, B: 137D, WJDP, MHI; Scott-Smith and Krabbendam, eds., pp. 46–47; W.S.C. memos on visit to United States of America, March–April 1949, CHUR 2-266-176-191, CA; Gilbert, Sept. 29, 2007. Donovan worked aggressively on behalf of the American Committee for United Europe, recruiting future CIA chiefs Walter Bedell Smith and Allen Dulles to serve on its board. By the mid-1950s the CIA was funneling about $1 million a year through the committee to promote European unity.

  351 “the White House”: Notes on WJD, F: 1965, B: 137C, WJDP, MHI; “Politics and Wild Bill Donovan,” New York Daily News, April 29, 1946; “William J. Donovan for U.S. Senate,” New York Herald-American, Aug. 11, 1946; “Donovan Backed by Duchess GOP for U.S. Senate,” Syracuse Post-Standard, Aug. 21, 1946; “Strongest Candidate,” New York World-Telegram, Aug. 25, 1946; “Report Dewey Finds Donovan ‘Reactionary,’” New York Post, Aug. 26, 1946; “Stassen Asks Dewey to Back Donovan; Gets Opposite Result,” New York Post, Aug. 31, 1946; “Donovan Is Sure He’ll Win if Free Choice Is Made,” Sept. 3, 1946, “Donovan Urges Veterans to Aid Dewey and Ives,” Sept. 17, 1946, New York Herald Tribune.

  351 “of Snoopers”: William Leahy diary entry, Jan. 24, 1946, R: 3, WLP, LOC.

  352 Donovan’s vision: Smith, Shadow Warriors, p. 408; Warner, “Salvage and Liquidation,” p. 11; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 346–47, 402–10; Robert Donovan, pp. 306–7; “Donovan Tells of Intelligence A
gency’s Flaws,” New York Herald Tribune, April 10, 1946; Riebling, pp. 71–77; F. Eberstadt letter to WJD with enclosure, March 6, 1946, B: 80A, WJDP, MHI.

  353 humiliating appointment: Harry Vaughan letter to HST, Sept. 28, 1951, General File, 1945–53, Vaughan, Harry H., HSTL; Putzell, OHP, p. 67; HST letter to WJD, March 20, 1947, OF File 854 and OF File 148-A, HSTL.

  353 “prying S.O.B.”: WJD letters to WBS with enclosures, Sept. 21 and Dec. 21, 1950, and Nov. 21, 1951, B: 1A, WJDP, MHI; Bureau Memo, March 31, 1949, 62-80750-899 (68), FBI; CIA memo for the record, April 8, 1953, CIA-RDP 79-01206A-0001-0, CIA, CREST, NA.

  353 by the pound: WJD letter to Robert Patterson, Feb. 8, 1951, B: 35, RPP, LOC; Homer Metz memo to WJD, May 26, 1951, B: 11A, WJDP, MHI; U.S. Embassy Paris memo to WJD, June 9, 1950, B: 10A, WJDP, MHI; “Society as I See It,” by Cobina Wright, undated news article, B: 137D, WJDP, MHI; V. P. Keay memo to A. H. Belmont, Aug. 26, 1952, 94-4-4672-45, FBI.

  354 told Jones: Jones, Sept. 26, 2007, and book manuscript supplied to author; Nelson, Sept. 24, 2007; Donovan and Jones, “Program for a Democratic Counter Attack to Communist Penetration of Government Service,” pp. 1211–41; “Cold War Termed Inferno; ‘Chips Down,’ Wild Bill Says,” Columbus Citizen, March 2, 1949; WJD letter to Albert Wedemeyer, March 14, 1949, B: 100, AWP, HIA.

  355 “of the facts”: Lt. Gen. William W. Quinn interview, 1981, Senior Officer Oral History Program, pp. 45–48, 133–38, B: 19, WQP, MHI; Interview with OCD, p. 72, B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe, 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI; McIntosh, April 7, 2009; D. M. Ladd memo to JEH, Oct. 2, 1946, 94-4-4672-29, FBI.

  355 court case: William E. Penimore report on WJD, July 3, 1945, 77-58706-43, FBI; Weinstein, pp. 256–61; Peake, pp. 14–34; “Spy Queen Names Aide to F.D.R.,” New York Daily News, Aug. 1, 1948; Security Office memo to WJD, July 20, 1944, B: 137C, WJDP, MHI; Weinstein and Vassilev, pp. 240, 249, 256–61; Warner and Benson, p. 17; Schlesinger, OHP, p. 10; “Donovan Backs Duncan Lee as Loyal in War,” New York Herald Tribune, Aug. 31, 1948.

  355–358 On June 10 to for Donovan: Keeley, pp. 1–370; “Gen. Donovan to Be Counsel in Polk Inquiry,” New York Herald Tribune, May 25, 1948; Memorandum of Conversation with Major Moushountis et al., July 24, 1948, B: “George Polk Murder 1947–1981” and “George Polk Murder 1948–1953,” WJDP, MHI; “Donovan Complains on Polk Case, Calls Greek Inquiry Too One-Sided,” New York Times, July 29, 1948; “Donovan Back from Greece,” New York Sun, Oct. 18, 1948; WJD speech before Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, Nov. 29, 1948, B: 3A, WJDP, MHI; E. M. Morgan letter to Walter Lippmann, March 17, 1949, Tentative Draft of the Polk Report, B: “George Polk Murder 1947–1981” and “George Polk Murder 1948–1953,” WJDP, MHI; “Donovan Talks to 2 Witnesses in Polk Trial,” New York Herald Tribune, April 19, 1949; “Staktopoulos Gets Life Term, Mother Acquitted in Polk Case,” New York Herald Tribune, April 22, 1948.

  358 a kid person: Gilbert, Oct. 29, 2007, Dec. 12, 2008; Jones, Sept. 26, 2007.

  358 his hostess: Friant, Feb. 18, 2008; Joost, Jan. 4, 2008; Gilbert, Dec. 12, 2008; Report of Compliance with Orders for Lt. Cdr. David R. Donovan, Feb. 7, 1946, Bureau of Naval Personnel Annual Qualification Questionnaire for David R. Donovan, Aug. 16, 1950, NPRC.

  359 and determined: Gilbert, Oct. 29, 2007, Jan. 12, 2008; McIntosh, Aug. 29, 2007, Dec. 12, 2008; Tippaparn Donovan, Jan. 24, 2008; Friant, Feb. 18, 2008; McKay, Feb. 18, 2008.

  359 For the grandchildren to “with my life”: Donovan home movies, DGD; Henderson, Nov. 11, 2008; David G. Donovan, Sept. 22 and Nov. 15, 2007; Gilbert, Oct. 29, 2007; “Cyanide Silver Polish Kills Granddaughter of Gen. Donovan,” unidentified news article, B: 56, TCP, LOC; Tippaparn Donovan, Jan. 24, 2008; Gilbert, Oct. 29, 2007, Jan. 1 and Dec. 12, 2008; Jones, Sept. 26, 2007; WVHD, p. 11, WJDP, MHI; Wise, Jan. 27, 2008; Mary G. Donovan appointment diary, April 22, 1953, B: 132C, WJDP, MHI.


  360 the Soviets: DDE letters to WJD, July 5, 1949 and Jan. 3, 1952, Memo to WJD Re: Status of Republican Pre-Convention, B: 35, PPP, DDEL; WVHD, pp. 29, 62, WJDP, MHI; vanden Heuvel, March 11, 2008; Veterans of OSS letter to DDE, Jan. 8, 1952, B: 8, Name Series, AWF, DDEL; EP letter to L. P. Yandell, Jan. 6, 1953, Sherman Adams letter to EH Jan. 9, 1953, B: 172, Lewis Gough letter to DDE, March 14, 1953, B: 1185, General File, CF, DDEL.

  361 Eisenhower wanted: Bureau memo, Jan. 17, 1953, 62-80750-2032 (14, 60), FBI; JEH memo to Tolson, Nichols, and Ladd, Jan. 5, 1953, B: 16, E: 14B, RG65, NA; Gentry, pp. 148, 403–4; Montague, pp. 263–66; “Allen Welsh Dulles as Director of Central Intelligence,” pp. 14–17; Allen Dulles interview, May 17–June 3, 1965, John Foster Dulles Oral History Project, PU.

  361 as a diplomat: WVHD, pp. 4–5, WJDP, MHI; Jones, Sept. 26, 2007; McIntosh, Aug. 29, 2007, April 7, 2009; vanden Heuvel, Jan. 7, 2008, March 11, 2008.

  362 in the region: WVDH, pp. 16–17, WJDP, MHI; WBS telegram to WJD, May 14, 1953, DGD; Staff Study on Psychological Strategy Planning Tasks with Regard to Southeast Asia, Psychological Strategy Board, March 19, 1952, Box 16, PSB Documents, Master of Vol. III (7), NSCP, DDEL; Memorandum on Discussion at the 143rd Meeting of the NSC, May 6, 1953, B: 4, 1-11-54, 1-15-54, in Box 5, NSC Series, AWF, DDEL; vanden Heuvel, March 11, 2008; Darling, pp. 97–99.

  363 with Europe: John Hines memo to Gen. Smith, May 11, 1953, Subject File (Strictly Confidential)—Chiefs of Mission Discussions (2), B: 1, Name File, Personnel Series, JFDP, DDEL; JFD telephone conversation with WJD, June 11, 1953, B: 1, Telephone Calls Series, JFDP, DDEL; WJD memo to DDE, June 3, 1953, B: 8, Name Series, AWF, DDEL.

  363 in Thailand: WJD memo to DDE, June 3, 1953, B: 8, Name Series, AWF, DDEL; vanden Heuvel, March 11, 2008; C. D. Jackson letter to WBS, May 25, 1853, B: 588, State Department Decimal Files, RG59, NA; DDE letter to WJD, June 9, 1953, B: 8, Names Series, AWF, DDEL; WVHD, pp. 1, 4–5, WJDP, MHI.

  364 New York columnists: JEH telegram to FBI field offices, June 19, 1953, V. P. Keay memo to A. H. Belmont, June 26, 1953, SAC New York memo to JEH, June 30, 1953, Rosen memo to Ladd, July 7, 1953, 77-58706-1 through 44, Report of Special Employee Raymond F. Mohr, AL 77-73597, New York interviews on WJD for background check, NY 77-16713, FBI; Thomas J. Lardner report on WJD with enclosures, July 1, 1953, 77-16713, File 77-5876, Section 1, FBI HQ, RG65, NA; JEH letter to Sherman Adams with final background report on WJD enclosed, July 15, 1953, declassified for the author, NLE MR Case No. 2008-32, Doc. 1, DDEL; Frank Raichle interview, March 7, 1981, B: Interviews—Teitelbaum to Withrow Jr. 1979-undated, WJDP, MHI.

  364 for the embassy: JFD memo to DDE, July 29, 1953, OF 8-F Donovan File, B: 135, Official File, WHCF, DDEL; WBS letter to WJD, Aug. 3, 1953, File “German Documents, Elmo Roper, etc.,” 1953–56, unnumbered box, WJDP, MHI; WVHD, pp. 2, 11, WJDP, MHI; WBS memo to Gen. Cutler, Sept. 11, 1953, WJD letter to WBS, Aug. 10, 1953, Alexis Johnson memo to the Acting Secretary, Aug. 14, 1953, B: 588, State Department Decimal File, RG59, NA.

  365 from her drawer: WVHD, pp. 24, 34, 53–54, 72, WJDP, MHI; vanden Heuvel, Jan. 7, 2007, Jan. 27, 2010; McIntosh, Jan. 1, 2008; Gilbert, Oct. 29, 2007.

  365 Thai public: WBS letter to WJD with enclosure, Oct. 22, 1953, B: 22, WSP, DDEL; Chalou, p. 344; WVHD, p. 24, WJDP, MHI.

  366 theory as well: Memo to WBS, June 23, 1953, B: 588, State Department Decimal File, RG59, NA; Robertson memo to JFD, June 2, 1953, Name File D-F, Box 1, Personnel Series, JFDP, DDEL; WVHD, pp. 2–3, 21–30, 94, WJDP, MHI; Thomas, FAOH, p. 6; vanden Heuvel, Jan. 7 and Aug. 13, 2008; James Lay memo to Secretary of Defense, May 8, 1953, B: 62, Disaster File, NSCP, DDEL; Memorandum of Meeting—OCB Working Group on PSB D-23-Thailand, Dec. 28, 1953, B: 79, and Files: 1–6, B: 55, NSCP, DDEL; Donovan, “Our Stake in Thailand,” pp. 94–95.

  367 the communists: Darling, pp. 101–6, 113–30; Thomas, FAOH, p. 4; Jenkins, FAOH, pp. 17, 20; Analysis of Internal Security Situation in Thailand, FE 219-25A, B: 79 and 55, NSCP, DDEL; Discussion at the 159th Meeting of the NSC, Aug. 13, 1953, B: 4 and 1/11/54, 1/15/54 in B: 5, NSC Series, AWF, DDEL;
Edwin Carns memo to Secretary of Defense, July 16, 1953, B: 62, Disaster File, NSCP, DDEL; WVHD, pp. 19, 26, 32, 101, 124, 129, WJDP, MHI; Robert Cutler memo to WBS Dec. 28, 1953, B: 16, NSCP, DDEL; Halsema, FAOH, p. 2; Elmer Staats memo to James Lay with Special Report to the NSC, July 12, 1954, B: 55, NSCP, DDEL; vanden Heuvel, Aug. 13, 2008, Feb. 13, 2009; Status Report on NSC 5405, “U.S. Policy with Respect to Southeast Asia,” April 20, 1954, B: 55 and 79, NSCP, DDEL.

  367 U.S. government: WVHD, pp. 4, 19–20, 28, 31, 118, WJDP, MHI; vanden Heuvel, March 11, 2008; Dunlop, p. 502; WJD note to AWD, Jan. 8, 1954, DGD; Joost, Jan. 4, 2008; Grose, p. 338.

  368 American veins: Leary, pp. 129–31, 195–96; WVHD, pp. 21, 33, 121–22, 125, WJDP, MHI; O’Toole, p. 450; vanden Heuvel, Aug. 13, 2008.

  368 charmless man: WVHD, pp. 34–38, 42, 71–72, 90–94, WJDP, MHI; vanden Heuvel, Aug. 13, 2008; Lumbard, Donovan Leisure Project, OHC, p. 9, and OHC, New York Bar Foundation Project, pp. 54I, 57; WJD cable to the State Department on CODEL Nixon, Nov. 4, 1953, B: 46, Subject Series, Confidential File, WHCF, DDEL.

  368 for a visit: WVHD, pp. 12, 55, 85, 146, 151–54, 163, 166, 173, WJDP, MHI; vanden Heuvel, Aug. 13, 2008; McIntosh, April 7, 2009; Gilbert, Oct. 29, 2007; Coon, p. 141.

  369 his own pocket: WVHD, pp. 101, 104, 107–8, 116, 122, 128, WJDP, MHI; vanden Heuvel, Aug. 13, 2008, April 15, 2009; WVHD, pp. 53, 139–40, 147, 164–66; Gilbert, Oct. 29, 2007; vanden Heuvel, March 11, 2008; JFD cable to WJD, Sept. 25, 1953, B: 588, State Department Decimal File, RG59, NA; WJD letter to JFD, Jan. 8, 1954, DGD; WJD letter to DDE, Jan. 8, 1954, OF 8-F, Official File, WHCF, DDEL.

  370 to Bangkok: James Stevens memo to George Morgan, July 21, 1953, B: 16, PSB Central Files Series, NSCP, DDEL; Bonsal memo to Robertson, March 12, 1954, B: 1, Personnel Series, JFDP, DDEL; Discussion at the 183rd Meeting of the NSC, Feb. 4, 1954, B: 5, NSC Series, AWF, DDEL; WVHD, pp. 62, 65–66, 108, 127, 155–59; vanden Heuvel, Aug. 13, 2008.


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