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Unconscious Hearts

Page 29

by Harper Sloan

  She gasps and looks down at Nix. "Thorn, really? He can hear you."

  "He doesn't know what I'm fucking saying."

  "Whatever," she mumbles, stepping closer.

  Nix starts grabbing fistfuls of my shirt, pulling himself up my chest, just like one of our cats has a tendency to do. I reach down, pull him gently from her arm, and help him get to where he wants to be, bending at the same time so Ari doesn't have to strain to give me what I want. The same time his open mouth lands on my jaw, her mouth presses against my mouth. I wrap my free arm around her body, pulling her closer, and we both open our mouths. I get one sweet as fuck lick of her tongue against mine before we pull away. Not even five seconds--that kiss--but fuck is that what I needed.

  "Hi." She sighs, blinking up at me.

  "Miss you, baby."


  I look away from her beautiful face and smile at Nix. "Missed you too, my boy."

  I watch my girl, that sweet as fuck smirk teasing her lips, while she dishes up our plates. I walk from the island she's standing at and grab one of Nix's teething biscuits before moving over to his chair. He starts talking a bunch of nonsense when he catches sight of Dwight, our oldest cat, but stops the second his diapered butt lands in his highchair and he's got that little cracker thing in his hand.

  "He's hungry, Daddy," Ari mumbles, stepping up to the table and placing our plates down. I look down at her and cock my brow. "You're kidding?" she adds in disbelief. Not sure why, since she knows better.

  "Feel like I'm kidding?" I pull her into my arms and grin down at her when she sighs the second my hard cock presses into her softness.

  "It's strange that you get hard every time I call you Daddy. In front of our son, I might add. There's nothing sexual about that."

  "Baby," I groan, leaning down and nipping at her exposed neck. "You calling me Daddy, in any context, is going to go right to my cock."

  "Sit down, honey," she says breathlessly, pushing away and moving to go grab the cups I missed her filling.

  I pull her back. "You sit. I'll grab our drinks. He good without some milk?"

  "I nursed him before I left Trend."

  I nod and walk over to fix our drinks. Jim--our other cat--jumps on the chair next to Nix at the same time I sit down. Nix ignores us instantly and starts rambling to the cat. Jim, always good with my boy, just blinks his cat eyes at Nix, giving a few meows.

  "Swear to God, you would think they understand each other." I laugh.

  "I wouldn't be surprised," she answers, her own giggles mixing with my chuckles. "How was your day?"

  I shake my head but tell her how the auditions went. We spend the rest of the dinner talking about how things went at The Alibi and how her day was at Trend--her luxury consignment store. Today was one of the rare days she had Nix there longer than a few hours, but I wasn't shocked that he had a great day. He would; there's never a shortage of arms to hold him.

  I wait, our conversation never stalling or straining even though her request to chat later is thick in the air. After dinner, I take Nix to give him a bath while Ari cleans up the kitchen--at her request. Not that I wouldn't be giving him his bath--I do it every night--but I normally clean up after dinner when Ari's worked a full day. Bath time, though, that's mine. Ever since he was born, even if I had to work late at The Alibi, I would come home to give him his bath. It's our time, and fuck, I love it. The only thing that has ever come close to the gift I got when Ari became mine is Nix. I never thought I could love someone the way I do Ari, but the way I love our boy? Indescribable.

  Nix looks up over my shoulder and smiles a second before Ari's hand lands on my shoulder. She leans over, and I smell her perfume. God, she smells so fucking good.

  "Is my handsome boy ready for bed?"

  He beats his fists into the water, splashing us both as he laughs. We finish his bath together, and she heads to the living room to wait for us. Nix doesn't fight his pajamas like he normally does, his fist in his mouth telling me he's not fighting because he wants what his mama is waiting to give him.

  "You aren't the only one, son."

  I lift Nix from his changing table, his head landing against my chest the second he's in my arms. Feeling his weight against my beating heart only reminds me just how far I've come since Ari came into my life. He only lifts his head for a moment when we enter the living room. He hears Ari's voice scolding Dwight, but for what, I have no idea. One of these days, that cat isn't going to be able to escape the threat of losing his balls, though.

  "Come here, baby," she coos at Nix, lifting up for him.

  I groan, not even bothering to hide it when I see the small wet circle on her gray cotton sleep thing. She hasn't slept in her lace nighties since she was too far in her pregnancy with Nix for them to fit, but even that solid gray thing is fucking hot. The thin straps somehow hold up her full tits. There's not much shape to it, but when she stands, I know it hits her just under her round ass. It's how her tits strain against the top that makes me hard. Seeing the milk wetting the front shouldn't make me even harder, but it does. You fuck your woman once with that milk lubing the valley between her tits, and you'll never look at them the same again.

  Nix starts to complain, pulling at her top and rubbing against her. I settle behind her and pull them both against my chest, watching over her shoulder as she pulls the top down. I reach around, my hand sliding under to cup her as she moves the rest of the material away. A drop of milk falls from her nipple to my fingers. I bite my tongue. She shifts her body, her tiny frame between my legs rubbing against my hardness. I push it back, just like I do anytime she's in my arms, and watch as our boy moves his head and latches on to her nipple.

  She lies back on my shoulder, her hand resting against his head, and sighs. Just like every night. I hold them both, her nurturing our son and thank whoever will listen that I've got these gifts in my arms. I don't look away. I never look away. I watch him feed, eyes exactly like mine never looking away from me. Not when he pulls away, her nipple falling free, and I pull that cotton back over her skin. Ari shifts his weigh and moves him to the other side. This time, it's me who frees her. I swipe at the milk waiting to fill his belly while she moves him around, then I offer him her other nipple, and still, he never looks away.

  Not until his eyes start to flutter.

  "Want to tell me why you keep taking my pills, honey?"

  Nix's eyes blink open, just for a second, but I swear it looks like he was laughing at me.

  That night, it was me that looked away from him first. I drop my head, tighten my hold on them, and stare up at the ceiling.


  Tell me what I want to hear

  Thorn doesn't move when I stand and adjust Nix. I walk away from him and head toward the nursery. Not once does Nix stir, though he never does. My beautiful boy sleeps just as hard as his daddy does.

  I lean over his crib and place a kiss on his temple, breathing in his scent. A quick check to make sure his pacifier is in arm's reach before I pad out of his room, turning off the light and closing the door softly.

  The house is silent while I walk from the baby's room toward ours. The lights dim, casting a warm glow around the large space. The glass door that opens to our private balcony is open, carrying me toward the dark night beyond.

  The Strip shines in the distance behind me, giving us just enough light to see the mountains in front of us shadowed against the darkness.

  It's my favorite view, especially when the man I love is in the frame of those shadows. His arms wide as he leans his weight against their hold on the railing.

  I stop just outside the doorway and breathe in the desert air.

  "This what we're going to talk about?"

  My feet carry me forward, not answering him. When my hand lands on his back between his shoulder blades, his head falls forward, and he looks down.

  "You have two minutes, Thorn. Two minutes to come up with a reason that will make me forget that you took my birth control w
ithout talking about why you did it. Or," I say, dropping my voice and pressing my front to his back, kissing the space my hand had just been. "Is thirty seconds all I should give you?" I whisper, reminding him of the time that we hadn't been where we are now ... letting him know exactly what I want.

  I pull away at the same time I hear him cuss under his breath and walk away, smiling the whole time I start counting in my mind, knowing I won't get far before he pounces.


  My steps move me toward the open doorway.


  I hear him breathing heavily.


  My foot hits the hardwoods.


  Steel like bands of solid muscle surround me, wrapping from behind and lifting me off my feet.


  Those arms finish turning me, and I wrap my legs and arms around Thorn's body.

  "Twenty-five more, honey," I smart, leaning forward to nibble his jaw just hard enough to drive him wild. The vibrations from his chest make me rock my hips against him, loving the feeling of him enjoying what I do to him as it tingles my skin.

  My back's against the bed before I can even think about counting again; his mouth against mine hungrily. My hands move to his thick hair when he lifts his mouth from mine. The dark locks messy from my hold. I let my hands glide from the top of his head to his stubbled cheek, pulling him back down to where his lips hover over mine.

  "You should have told me," I scold, no heat in my words.

  "I did."

  My head moves against the mattress when it tips to the side to look at him in disbelief. "Hiding my pills was telling me you wanted another baby?"

  "Tell you every night I hold you and our boy in my arms and feed him your tit, Ari. Tell you every night I make sure I'm here to bathe him." His mouth gives me a quick kiss before he's lifting back up to look down at me. "Tell you every night I fuck you so hard, you milk every goddamn drop from my cock ... and then again in the morning."

  My breath shudders when he starts rocking his sweatpants-covered thickness against my center. My thin panties might as well be nonexistent; I can feel every inch of him against the wet material. His mouth drops to my neck as he starts kissing, licking, and biting the sensitive skin. My moans falling from my lips and my hands moving to the smooth skin on his back.

  "Tell you with every single I love you, baby. But," he starts, waiting for me to open my eyes and look down to where he's moved. The second he has my gaze, he opens his mouth and bites the swell of my breast, just above my sleep dress before lifting and giving me one heck of a devilish grin. "It was you who told me when you started playing my own game against me."

  I gasp. "You knew!"

  "There's nothing you do that I don't see, baby. Didn't take your pills to be a sneaky bastard. Took them to see what you would do about it."

  "I should've known better," I grumble.

  His hand lifts off the mattress where he had been bracing his weight off my body, and his fingers trail down the strap of my dress, making my whole body come alive. He curls those fingers into the material that covers my breasts and pulls it down slowly, my sensitive nipple hard and begging for him. The strap of my dress digs into my shoulder, but I don't feel a bit of pain.

  His eyes hold mine, his mouth opens--still grinning. Then his lips are wrapping around my nipple, the pressure of him sucking against my skin making me cry out. He groans, his eyes bright, and releases his hold on my dress to grab my breast. The pressure from his hold and the suction from his mouth releases my milk. His tongue swipes against the stiff peak, and he closes his eyes with a snarl against my flesh.

  I can feel the material covering my other breast getting more wet as he continues to drive me insane. Every few seconds, he lifts off just enough that his lips give a tiny gap around my nipple and the milk falls slowly from his lips and over my skin to coat his fingers. I know what he's doing; the same thing he's done every night that he does this.

  "Fuck," he grunts. His hand leaves my breast, and he shifts so that he's resting on his shins between my spread legs. He pulls the bottom of my dress up, exposing my panties, and presses the hand that hadn't been teasing my breast against my core. "Drenched," he mumbles to himself.

  My hips move, the tips of his fingers running up and down my panties. His eyes move from my pussy to my tits with hunger in his gaze.

  His hand lifts from between my legs, and he moves it to pull the waistband of his sweats down. His cock springs free--hard, thick, and long. He reaches up, leaving his cock free against his abs, the sweats pressed against his balls. Both hands pull my dress down, bunching it under my breasts. Then his hands are on each heavy, needy globe. He drives me insane with each flex of his fingers, each pinch of his fingers. I feel more of my milk leaving, coating his hands.

  My breathing coming in rapid pants makes me lightheaded. His, mixed with the groans of approval as he gets what he wants, is just as fast.

  I pull my lip between my teeth when he releases me and brings both hands to his erection, wiping the wetness from my milk on his length. He does this every night. It shouldn't be as hot as it is, but his enjoyment from my breast milk is something I will never grow tired of.

  He keeps jerking himself, his cock wet and glistening. He makes sure to show me this, him pleasuring himself, because he knows I get off on it. I really could come just from this alone.

  "You wanted to talk," he says, his voice strained and even more gravelly than normal. "You wanted me to admit that I took them, but I want you to admit you wanted me to."

  "Honey," I whine, one of my hands moving down my body and slipping under my panties. He growls, his eyes watching as I start circling my clit.

  "The only thing better than your greedy pussy sucking my balls dry is knowing that we could be making another beauty out of our love, Ari. Admit it, you want me to put another baby inside your belly."

  He reaches one hand down and pulls my hand from between my legs.

  "Thorn," I whimper.

  He drops his other hand from his cock; it bobs, and I lick my lips. His hands are at my hips before dragging his palms down my legs, lifting them up and pressing them together to rest on his shoulder while he removes my panties. He follows the same movements in reverse until the cool air is kissing my wet pussy.

  "You want my cock. You always want my fucking cock, baby. Your greedy pussy is begging to be filled, isn't it? You want it? Then you tell me what I want to hear."

  "Stop being cocky about it, Thorn." I try to be firm, but my voice is as breathless as I feel.

  "Ari," he hisses.

  "I'm still mad that you didn't just talk to me about it."

  "You aren't mad."


  "Ari!" he mocks.

  "I need you, honey," I whine.

  "Tell me what I want to hear."

  I move, pushing off the mattress and scamper to my knees before shoving his shoulders and pushing him on his back. His long legs almost making me fall over the other side. I caught him off guard, so I was able to get the upper hand before he even realized my intent. My legs straddle his hips, taking him into my body with one hand guiding his shaft.

  "You aren't calling the shots this time, honey." I gasp, moaning low and long when he fills me completely.

  He groans deep, the sound filling the room with the same kind of intensity licking across my skin when I start to move. His hands are on my hips, not to pull me off but to help me ride him faster. There's no more teasing. I take what I need, crying out when his thumb rolls across my clit.

  His hips start to surge off the bed, pushing himself even deeper. Frantic movements and unsteady rocks against his body keep pushing my body higher. The tingles ripple up my spine, my pussy clenching around him with each thrust in.

  "More," I beg.

  My hands fall back to his thighs, and I move faster. His eyes down, looking at me taking him inside me. I use his body, pushing off him while he keeps me steady, and pumps up from the bottom, g
oing impossibly deep when I drop my body down.

  "Fuck," he hisses. "Give it to me, baby."

  "I need--"

  "I know what you fucking need," he growls, pulling me up so I'm no longer leaning against his thighs. My hands fly to his wrists as he starts to lift me off and pull me down. The coil of heat inside my belly springs loose and sets off an avalanche of ecstasy.

  The only thing--aside from me calling out his name--that I hear over the roaring of my thundering heartbeat in my ears is him answering my call.

  "Ari," he grinds out, the heat of his release filling me.

  When I collapse against his chest a moment later, his heartbeat against my cheek, I smile the second my own does what it always seems to do when we're skin to skin like this--answers each beat with one of my own.

  We're in front of fucking Elvis

  "You want to go clean up or fall asleep with me inside you?"

  She hums but doesn't answer.


  "I like having a part of you inside me."

  Fuck. I feel that burn, one I'm well used to by now, start to warm my chest.

  "You going to keep lying on top of me while we talk, baby?"

  Again, she hums.

  "I want to see your face, baby."

  "You're comfortable. And I think you broke me."

  She rocks on me when I laugh silently. The movement makes my cock fall from her body. I groan at the sensation of losing her heat, and she echoes the sound with a grumbled complaint that's cute as fuck. I'm not the only one who likes my cock inside that greedy pussy.

  "Babe," I say in that tone that she knows well.

  "Oh, fine," she grouses. She slides off my chest and puts an elbow into the mattress, resting her free hand on my chest. "I shouldn't have sent you that text knowing I was doing it on purpose to make you simmer on your thoughts."

  "No, you shouldn't have."

  "I'm not sorry about it, though, because that time-out I put you in ended pretty spectacularly."

  I shake my head and grin at her. "I know you saw me take your pills, baby. I also know you had another pack in your purse. All I wanted was for you to talk to me about giving Nix a sibling, Ari. I tried to talk to you about it four months ago, and you shut down."


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