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Lucan: #14 (Luna Lodge)

Page 8

by Madison Stevens

  She shook and could feel her juices coating them both. A loud moan escaped her mouth.

  Her eyes locked on Lucan as he pressed his tongue deep inside her. She trembled with pleasure, her back firmly against the wall, but her legs little more than rubber at this point.

  As if sensing Jamie’s trouble standing, Lucan’s strong hands gripped her ass and kept her firmly in place.

  Jamie followed his movements. He fondled her breasts as he fucked her with his tongue. All the while those yellow eyes stared back at her.

  She was so close.

  Jamie finally reached the edge. It didn’t take long for her climax to start, and before she’d even had a moment to think about it, pleasure exploded through her. She threw her head back as wave after wave washed over her.

  Lucan pulled his mouth away from between her legs. He placed wet kisses up her body, and when he reached her mouth, kissed her with a fierceness she hadn’t seen from him.

  He pulled away. “I need to be in you.”

  Lucan held her with one hand as the other fumbled with his pants. His cock pressed hard against the zipper, already desperate to be inside her. It’d been a struggle not to throw her down and bury himself inside her right away, but she deserved the extra pleasure after he’d made her feel abandoned.

  Now, though, he’d reached his limit.

  His pants hit the floor, and he kicked them off with one foot.

  Legs now freed, Lucan lifted her back into his arms and pressed her wet pussy against his throbbing head.

  He pressed forward, his dick sliding with ease deep inside her tight center.

  “Lucan,” she whispered in his ear as she wrapped her arm around his neck. “More.”

  He pushed hard inside her, filling her until he was pressed all the way to the root.

  Lucan looked down and watched his cock as he pulled out a little. It glistened with her juices. He groaned and slammed into her again, already half-drunk on the glorious feeling of being inside of her.

  “Faster,” Jamie whispered.

  It was all he needed to hear.

  Lucan’s fingers gripped her ass hard as his hips hammered into her. Their labored breathing and the slap of their wet skin against one another were the only sounds in the little apartment.

  Jamie leaned her head back and moaned, and he kissed the line of her neck, enjoying the sound she made as he fucked her.

  When she looked back at him, he could see the need right there on her face.

  “More,” she said.

  Lucan felt the growl bubble up inside him, the beast unleashing himself on his chosen mate. He thrust with a force he hadn’t dared before.

  The beast didn’t care. He wanted what he wanted, and his woman met him with every thrust. His own explosion was coming soon.

  Lucan felt his cock swell inside her. Another climax from Jamie washed over him as he continued to fuck her, squeezing him in such a way that could only assure his own release. Even the greatest self-control wouldn’t stop him now.

  He thrust hard once more and came inside her. A roar of release ripped from his lips as the beast was rewarded.

  They both shook now, their bodies spent after such a grueling round.

  Lucan breathed in slowly, trying to bring himself back from where he’d just gone.

  When he pulled out of her body, Jamie shuddered a little.

  Lucan stilled. Fuck. He’d let the beast loose, and now he might have hurt his Vestal.

  “I’m sorry,” he started. “I thought…”

  Jamie opened her eyes to stare at him and then frowned. “That was fantastic. I may faint, but it was fantastic.”

  Lucan couldn’t stop the smile that came to his face if he tried.

  She snorted. “All right, before you go strutting around, how about helping me to bed?”

  Lucan lifted her and carried the small woman to bed. He placed her gently on the sheets and lay down next to her. She wiggled her warm body next to his and placed her head on his chest.

  He wrapped an arm around her body.

  They lay quietly for a bit, and just when he thought she was asleep, Jamie shifted a little and sighed.

  “Gotta be careful,” she mumbled. “Or I just might fall in love.”

  His heart leapt in his chest. Despite the fact she was half asleep, it was the best thing anyone had ever said to him. Never in his life did he think that he could feel this way.

  The hybrids had been denied love for most of their lives, and he’d almost started to wonder if they even deserved it.

  How could he have tried to run from this? From her? He’d tried to run from his other half, the only person who could make him feel truly alive. She knew the dangers, and she still chose to be with him.

  Lucan lay there thinking about the warm wonderful woman in his arms, not sure where things were going, but ready to give them a chance.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jamie couldn’t help but beam as she served up beer to her customers at the pub. It was the same crowd and same situation that bothered her days before, but now it felt like the greatest job in the world.

  What a difference a little love could make. All evening long she’d had a silly grin plastered to her face and had been practically floating around. Every time someone or something threatened to annoy her, she just thought of Lucan, and all the worries vaporized.

  Even May being May wasn’t enough to knock the smile off her face. Although the little shit had tried on more than one occasion, with more than a few complaints or fake accidents that required her to leave the floor.

  It didn’t matter. May was a self-absorbed little twit, and she didn’t have Lucan.

  It wouldn’t be all that much longer before her shift was over, and Jamie could see him again, or at least she hoped so. They hadn’t really discussed any plans.

  All her worries were gone though. After last night, she no longer had any concerns about him not coming back to her. She now knew they’d connected in a deep way. She also now knew it was true that hybrids didn’t do one-night stands.

  Jamie had nearly made it past Aaron’s table without having to talk to him when he called out her.

  “You seem to be in a good mood,” Aaron said smoothly, not even trying to hide his leer. Big surprise. Creepers had to creep, she supposed.

  It didn’t matter, though. Nope, not even Aaron was going to ruin her good mood. She would keep the smile on her face and just go right about her business. She could do this. All she had to do was keep thinking of Lucan, and everything would turn out all right in the end.

  “I am in a good mood,” she said, and smiled.

  He stared back at her. Or more her tits really. Jeez, the guy just didn’t know how to even try and not come off poorly.

  Jamie noticed, for the first time, that he was looking a bit more disheveled than normal, with greasy hair and rumpled clothing. She wondered if he’d slept in his clothes.

  She shook her head. The last thing she wanted to be thinking about was what he did at night to cause that. She needed to just last until the end of her shift, and she could be with Lucan again.

  “What’s got you in such a good mood?”

  Jamie shrugged. There was no way in hell she was sharing exactly why she was so happy.

  “Just had a good night.”

  The smile that was on his face wavered a little, and she wondered if he guessed just why she was so happy. An obsessed guy like him might get jealous, even though they weren’t in a relationship.

  Jamie jumped when his hand covered hers. A chill swept over her at his clammy touch.

  The creep had never been so bold as to touch her hand ever before, but of course today was the day he would try this shit. It was like the universe was determined to sour her mood.

  “You should let me be your boyfriend,” Aaron said, staring at her.

  Jamie was taken aback by his words. Sure, he might stare at her in ways that made her feel more than uncomfortable, but he’d never gone so far as to ask
her out. That was more than crossing the line in her book, especially since she’d done nothing to lead him on. If anything, she’d done the opposite.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, pulling her hand away quickly. “I’m already seeing someone.”

  This time there was no mistaking the scowl on his face as he leaned forward. “You can’t do better than me,” Aaron hissed. “You should really rethink your position.”

  Jamie frowned at the man. Just who the hell did he think he was? She couldn’t do better than some pervert in a skeevy pub?

  She didn’t care if he was drunk, high, or had a bad night. She didn’t have to put up with his crap.

  “I’ve got beer to pour,” Jamie said, and hurried over to the bar before she decided that beating the shit out of him was a good idea. She’d been floating on a cloud of happiness, and the damn creeper had yanked her back to earth.

  There was a loud clatter in the corner as Aaron stood and stomped out the back exit, glaring at her the whole time.

  “Good,” she mumbled, and flipped him off mentally. Prick.

  May snorted. “What’s the matter? You all have a lovers’ spat?”

  Jamie scowled at her. Now that her good mood had been shattered, all her annoyance defenses were down.

  She debated for about the millionth time if a swirly would be considered an assault. Maybe the judge would grant leniency considering the person. They could call it the “May Defense.”

  The bell to the front chimed, but she was busy getting beers and didn’t bother to turn toward it. Her good mood was sullied thanks to asshats and bitches.

  “Oh, looks like this one’s for me,” May purred.

  Jamie watched as the younger woman prowled her way to the bar. Her mood brightened, as she realized the reason for May’s sudden enthusiasm: Lucan.

  May leaned against the counter and spoke in her most seductive of tones. “What can I get you, big guy?”


  May snorted. “What?”

  Lucan didn’t even spare the poor girl a glance. He stared directly at Jamie, his brown contacts in place to disguise his amber eyes. “I want Jamie.”

  May scowled at Lucan and then Jamie in turn. It seemed like the mood-killing was going around that night.

  Jamie grinned as she made her way over to the counter.

  “And how do you know him?” May spat at her, a look of pure disbelief etched on her face.

  Jamie could tell it was killing the other woman that a man like that hadn’t even blinked at her. “He’s my boyfriend.” She smiled.

  May huffed again and grabbed the beers from the bar. “I’m taking these out. Don’t spend too much time with your boyfriend.” She muttered something under her breath about taste.

  Jamie grinned as May stomped away, then turned to stare at Lucan. She blushed a little that he’d caught her being so petty.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled. “I just didn’t have a good word for what we are.”

  Lucan sat down on the seat across from her and pulled her in for a small kiss on the lips. “Boyfriend sounds nice,” he whispered.

  Even after all the things they had done, he could still make her heart race like a school girl.

  “You off soon?” he asked.

  She glanced at the clock and nodded. “Half an hour,” she said. “Any luck with the… case?”

  Lucan grunted. “They’re still going through all the paperwork we found at the house, but there has to be something.”

  Jamie nodded. She knew he’d catch the person responsible for the deaths of the townspeople, hybrids, and soldiers.

  “We figure there has to be some sort of base nearby,” he said quietly. “We find that, and we can end this mind control shit.”

  “Are you staying over tonight?”

  Jamie hadn’t really meant to ask that, but it just sort of bubbled up before she could stop it. She’d like to claim it would make her feel safer, but really it was more about lust than fear.

  Lucan stared at her, and she wished like hell he wasn’t wearing those stupid contacts. She loved it when his eyes lit up.

  “Yes,” he said. The low deep growly sort of way he said it made her shiver a little.

  “And Nikon?”

  Lucan frowned a little. It seemed that he was just as confused about the whole situation as she was. It didn’t seem as if the other hybrid and Leah were actually doing anything besides sleeping, from what she could tell and what little she could drag out of her friend. Which was slightly weird, even by the standards of the hybrids.

  But who was she to judge? If it brought the two of them happiness, then the relationship, or whatever you wanted to call it, was good enough she supposed.

  “He’s still keeping your friend safe,” he said.

  Jamie nodded. There wasn’t much more she could ask for really. Leah needed someone, and it seemed like Nikon was determined to be just that person.

  The bell jingled again, and she watched as a gaggle of college kids came in.

  Lucan groaned at the loud group. “I’ll just wait outside for you,” he said quietly.

  Jamie nodded. “I’ll be as quick as I can.” She smiled.

  She watched him walk out the door before glancing back at the clock. Twenty minutes. She could so do this.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lucan pulled out his phone and glanced at the time. Only ten more minutes and Jamie would be out. Still, waiting for her was about to kill him.

  He groaned. He was already so far gone it wasn’t even funny. She was whispering about how she might fall in love with him, but he was fairly certain he was already very much in love with her.

  How did that shit happen? One minute they were fucking like bunnies and the next he wanted to tattoo her name across her chest.

  Lucan grinned a little. Or maybe he’d tattoo his name on her ass. That wasn’t a half bad idea.

  He’d heard about the hybrid and Vestal bond, but just hearing about it wasn’t the same thing as experiencing it. In the end, though, he’d take a little longing between shifts as long as he got to be with Jamie.

  Lucan was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice the woman step out of the alley next to the pub.

  “Filthy hybrid.”

  His head whipped over to look at the woman. Her face was blank as she stared at him.

  “Excuse me?” he said.

  Maybe he had misheard her. He had his contacts in, but it was a small town, and perhaps his size had given him away.

  “You should be locked in a cage where you belong.”

  Lucan stared at the woman. There was nothing particularly special about her. Her black hair was pulled into a bun, and she wore a normal outfit: jeans and a t-shirt. She looked like anyone else he might meet on the streets.

  Her expression and dull stare, though, was something he’d seen before, something not normal.

  Shit. More mind control. He bit back a growl. There was no fucking way he just happened to randomly run into a mind-controlled person this far from the Lodge. The bastards were close, maybe A.J. Kinkaid himself.

  That didn’t change his immediate problem. He was tired of their enemy hiding behind innocent people.

  Lucan stepped off his bike slowly. Maybe he could get to her before she did anything that might hurt someone.

  As soon as his other foot hit the ground, the woman sprinted away.

  “Shit,” he cursed, and followed her into the alley. The mind-controlled people were bad enough when they were acting more slow zombie than fast zombie.

  The small woman was faster than he would have thought, way faster, and it didn’t help that she got a head start.

  Lucan reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, slowing for just a moment. He glanced down to the phone and hit Nikon’s number.

  “Yeah,” Nikon said.

  “I’ve got a lead,” he said into the phone. “Woman being controlled, I think. Said some stuff about hybrids with that vacant stare on her face. I’m following her now


  Lucan glanced around for a second. There was nothing in the alley. He squinted into the distance as a sign came into view.

  “We’re coming out the alley alongside the pub. Amber Avenue up ahead.”

  The woman turned right with Lucan close behind. In the end, no human was going to outrun a hybrid, no matter how surprisingly fast she was.

  They emerged from the alley. Bars lined the street. People crowded the area.

  “Son of a…” he said.

  Lucan watched as the woman glanced back to where he was. She knew that he couldn’t do anything with all these people around. No wonder she’d run right away.

  “Heading north on Amber Avenue. Get here ASAP.”

  He pocketed his phone and followed the woman as she weaved through the crowds.

  Several times he thought he might have lost her among all the people, but she would appear just ahead again.

  Something about the whole thing smelled to him. It was like she was looking for a place with the most people so she could take them out.

  It didn’t make sense. Before it had been all about going after the hybrids. The people of this town had nothing to do with them.

  A couple large, solid drunk guys ran into him, stumbling a bit as they did, and stopping him. They looked over at him, anger on their faces, but perhaps his size or just general manner was enough to convince them fighting him wasn’t a good idea.

  “Sorry, bro,” one mumbled.

  Lucan pushed between them, but it was too late. She had given him the slip.

  He pulled out his phone. “She got away. Meet me at the pub,” he texted Nikon.

  Lucan dialed Cato. They had to know what was going on. The woman didn’t have any vest or coat that could conceal explosives, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going somewhere to pick one up.

  The people of the town could be in dire trouble.

  * * *

  Jamie looked around outside. Lucan’s bike was still there, but the hybrid was nowhere to be found.

  She frowned. Maybe he’d gone for a coffee or something. However, it didn’t seem like him to just take off like that, not when he knew she was getting off work soon.


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