Warlock's Mage

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Warlock's Mage Page 14

by D. R. Rosier

  “We’re going to break for lunch, please clear the room. Jake, stay a moment.”

  He waited until the room was clear outside of the council, a few security mages, and the investigator Jake.

  “Jake, what do you have for us? I’d expected it to take longer for you to track their movements and come up with a plan?”

  Jake replied, “That’s the problem. They don’t move at all, they teleport everywhere. As far as I can tell, they’ve never even used the front entrance since we discovered their real location. At least, not the warlock, his guardian, and his succubus. I do have some new information and a couple of ideas to draw them out though.

  “Right now, they’re all at the shifter pride house, having a barbeque. I have one of my security mages watching the place. Not only that, we discovered there is another young woman around the warlock who is human. We’re still working on identifying her with the pictures we took, but we believe she must be from his old life in Chicago before he came into his power. We’ve also seen her leaving the building the warlock lives in a couple of times.”

  Carlos said, “I hope you don’t think we can attack them at the pride?”

  Jake shook his head, “It would be easy enough to take them there, but we’d risk war with the pride and possibly the other packs as well. Given all the information we have, and the fact we can’t attack them in the only two places we’re assured they’ll be, our only option is to lure them out.

  “The first way we can do this, is to watch and wait for the human to leave the building on some errand, and then take her in custody. We can use that to lure the warlock and others to a place of our choosing that’s fortified in our favor, instead of theirs.”

  Carlos frowned, “I’m not at all thrilled by the idea of using a human woman as a hostage. It’s a rather contemptible approach.”

  Edith glared at him, but he ignored it, and then she said, “Chances are the warlock wouldn’t risk his life on her anyway. What other options do you have Jake?”

  “The second option is to use deception. Contact the warlock and offer to talk to him about fixing things between him and us, in a neutral place. We can use one of the restaurants owned by one of our mages. Offer to come to some kind of compromise we can all live with. We’ll put up some wards, and load the place with mage security, and put up a spell that will keep humans away. There are quite a few who are good enough to hide their natures from detection, and use illusory features so Samantha won’t recognize them. Once their sitting and relaxed, you can bring the wards down on their heads.”

  Sara frowned at him, “You expect us to be there?”

  Jake shrugged, “It won’t work unless Samantha sees at least a few of the council, and they’ll be heavily outnumbered by wards and mages. Unless we can figure out where they’re going to teleport next time they leave, and we can’t do that, then we have to… if you’ll excuse the expression councilor, bait the trap.”

  Carlos said, “You’re dismissed, we’ll let you know what we decide.”

  It wouldn’t do for Jake to see the cowardice of the council, it seemed best to discuss it in private. To be honest, he didn’t relish the idea of being bait either, but as plans went it was probably the best odds they’d get against the warlock.

  Jake nodded, and left.

  Carlos said, “I will be one of the ones to go, and more than that I suggest we make a true effort. If the warlock turns down our terms, we spring the ambush.”

  Edith narrowed her eyes, “What kind of terms?”

  Carlos said, “That he, his guardian, and the succubus leave to find a new city, and Samantha be turned over to us for breaking mage law. We’ll give him one week to cut ties with the pride and rest of the shifters, and get out of town.”

  Sara shrugged, “I’d be satisfied if the flighty bitch left with him, and never came back.”

  Edith nodded, “That’s a brilliant idea, we can use that as a compromise for our terms, if he refuses the first time, or tries to renegotiate.”

  Carlos said, “Does that mean you two are volunteering to come with me?”

  He felt a little proud of that verbal trap, they couldn’t back out without looking like cowards. And… if he was going to risk his life on the off chance their plan failed, he’d see the two biggest thorns in his side on this council fall with him. Both of them had been aiming for his position for years now, and had been a constant pain in his backside.

  Edith frowned, but nodded.

  Sara narrowed her eyes, “I don’t see why not, the place we pick should be almost as secured as the council chambers.”

  Edith said, “Why not add another layer, invite them here first, and then compromise on the neutral location when they turn us down. I doubt he’d be stupid enough to accept, especially if Samantha is helping him, but we might get lucky.”

  Carlos nodded, “Very well, I will contact Samantha, and the warlock through her. Vote?”

  The vote was unanimous, either the warlock would move out of their city, or he would die.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The day off had been a good idea, even if I said so myself. I felt a lot more relaxed, even with the spells being constantly held in my head. It’d been just over twenty-four hours, and I did feel a bit more used to it already, though I hoped it continued to improve. It was also a curious thing, that my mind had no trouble holding the partition spell in place, in my sleep.

  The pride was constantly moving around us, and in the field, some in cat form, others in human form, and that seemed to change. I knew they didn’t have sex in front of children, but there seemed to be no nudity taboo at all, though they did get dressed after shifting back… they just weren’t ever in a hurry about it. I wondered if that was for our benefit, the getting dressed part I mean, or if it was normal.

  Lilith was in a lawn chair on my right, and Katia on my immediate left, with Samantha after that. They all looked great in their casual wear. We’d been chatting away most of the morning, and relaxing in the sun and breeze. We’d gotten up and walked around a bit, but mostly we’d just relaxed.

  We’d also been entertained by Julia’s antics as she acted rather kittenish, and played with the cubs. She was… large, and a few times she’d come over and nuzzled my whole chest with her head, and then licked my face, only to growl in amusement and prance off. The others seemed to get a kick out of that, every single time, and my sense of humor was self-deprecating enough to laugh along.

  I’d also gotten to know the other ladies in the pride a little better. Catherine, Sharon, Jenny, Cindy, and Dana had all stopped by to chat, and Gina of course. Thankfully, with the light constant breeze it had felt like just speaking with gorgeous human women, the wind helpfully carried their pheromones away. Though, they still moved with a liquid deadly grace that was somehow very seductive, but I wasn’t tempted by the idea of more casual sex, even though I knew they were all willing and quite available. I was more than happy… more than spoiled enough, with Katia, Lilith, and Julia. I’d just… enjoyed the view.

  There were also seven mated couples, and a lot of children. Too many children. It was a sad realization when I figured out the reason for that impression. With thirty or so children, five being male, that would leave twenty or so unmated females to join the main pride house when they grew up, where they entertained the other shifters from. If that was an average generation, then… Joseph Bennington had seen to the deaths of about seventy five percent of the last generation during his ten-year reign. No doubt in his sick mind, they’d been women who didn’t know their place, and I was heartily glad he was worm food. Still, I tried not to let that bring my mood down, the pride seemed happy, and it was hard not to be drawn along with them.

  There was also the hope that some of that seventy-five percent had been mated by a male from one of the other shifter species, but if there were any, they weren’t present today.

  It was right around lunch time, and I could smell the meat cooking on the grill, it’d be time to eat soon. I lo
oked up as Gina stalked her way seductively to the three of us. She was in a pair of short jean shorts and a sports bra, and that’s it, she was even barefoot. Her voluptuous body was pure eye candy, and her face somehow looked both mischievous and seductive at the same time. Her long golden blonde hair was windblown in a sexy way, and her blue eyes twinkled as I looked up at her.

  Gina said, “I need to borrow him for a few minutes.”

  Before I could answer, or ask what she needed. Katia volunteered me in a cheery voice, “He’s all yours.”

  Gina beamed at my human fiancé, and then pulled me out of my chair quite easily. She also didn’t release my hand as we walked toward the house.

  “I hope you don’t mind a little work. One of the couples is ready for new births, and they’ve volunteered to have all males, if you can really make that happen?”

  I nodded, “I can, all males?”

  Gina laughed, “Haven’t you wondered how seven couples had over thirty kids? We usually have triplets or quadruplets, and on rare occasions quintuplets, or even sextuplets. Normally if we’re lucky, one of those is a male, but that only happens about half the time, which leads to our six to one ratio.”

  “So, you want them all to be males.”

  She nodded, “If it works, and we don’t run into unexpected issues rearing them, maybe we’ll try for a fully even split next time.”

  “You’re worried there might be an instinctual backlash?”

  She sighed, and squeezed my hand, “Exactly. We aren’t animals, we’re human too, but even human society is based upon controlling and guiding instincts into healthier channels. There’s no telling what it would do to the pride if we suddenly had so many males in it. Small steps, if we have problems we know not to move forward, I don’t want to risk a whole generation of dysfunction.”

  That made sense to me, I’d had all the same worries. Good intentions don’t mean shit, it’s the results that count, which meant cautious and slow was the way to go for this.

  She bumped my shoulder as we moved up the steps and into the mansion, and she took us to a private office or study where a couple I hadn’t seen yet sat in chairs, waiting for us. I wondered why they hadn’t joined, but knew not every curiosity I had would be satisfied.

  Gina said, “This is Candice and Jonathan, the only couple we have that hasn’t had children yet. Candy, this is the warlock, are you sure you want to do this?”

  Candice nodded, “Yes alpha, we’ve discussed it a lot over the last few days. Will it hurt?”

  I answered, “No, you might feel a tingle.”

  I cast the same fertility spell I used to ensure a male heir, all her children should be male. The spell didn’t target an egg, that wouldn’t have worked since it was the male’s sperm that determined sex, what it did was ensure she was fertile and a sperm with the male chromosome won the race so to speak.

  I said, “That should last several hours. If you change your mind, you can just wait until tonight and it will wear off, if you have sex within three hours, you will get pregnant with all males.”

  Jonathan said, “Thank you,” grabbed Candice’s hand, and practically ran out the door.

  Gina laughed, “You’re spell changed her scent, she smelled extremely ready.”

  She guided me to a chair, and pushed me back gently, and then straddled my lap. I know I should have stopped her, I’d promised myself no more casual sex, but she’d caught me off guard. There was also a look of hunger in her eyes that went straight to my libido.

  She looked me in the eyes, “Now that I have you alone, I’d like to tell you just how much I like you, and figure out where we stand.”

  I raised an eyebrow in question.

  She shrugged, “I love the way you treat the women in my pride, and the way you treat me with respect. Honestly, that has nothing to do with sharing pleasure in my mind, which I very much want to do with you. You were one of the most thoroughly talented lovers I’ve had in ages, when we shared our bodies the other day.”

  I was impossibly hard, her bright blue eyes, inviting scent, beauty, and her body built for sin was a combination that was compelling in the extreme, and my heart raced at her supple warmth and weight on my body and her arms rubbing my shoulders, but there was still a niggle of worry. I didn’t feel guilt, not really, I knew none of my ladies would mind in the least if I slept with Gina. If anything, they’d all encourage it for different reasons. Lilith simply because she was a succubus, Julia because she loved Gina and wanted to share me with her, and Katia because she lacked jealousy and would simply think it was hot now.

  The only problem was my own emotions and instincts, a double standard. I’d want her if we continued this, more than I already did, and she was the alpha of a pride, a woman of great authority who could never truly be mine. I didn’t think I could handle the casual sex, and divorce my emotions from it. I wasn’t built that way. I already liked the sexy alpha far too much for comfort.

  Somehow, I managed to explain that, and sound semi-coherent doing it, even while everything inside me, my mind, body, instincts, and even my heart wanted to pleasure her until I heard her sweet screams of pleasure. I wanted to feel her body tremble beneath my ministrations, right before I filled her with my seed. She was… a breathtaking woman, on all levels.

  She kissed me softly, sweetly, with just a hint of promise. What I saw in her eyes told me just how much she was holding back right now. I had no doubts she wanted me, and that it wasn’t just the sex. I also had no doubt she could scent my arousal, desire, and intense lust. Sure, the sex and friendship wasn’t connected in her mind, which was hard for me to truly understand, but she did want my friendship and company, along with the sex. The two things were just… exclusive in her mind.

  I was a bit surprised I hadn’t torn through my denim shorts, my cock ached and strained in its confinement.

  She asked, “How about a compromise?”

  I was afraid I’d agree to just about any idea that would allow me to fuck her brains out right now, her presence and allure were undeniable, and seductive beyond belief, but despite my reservations I replied, “What did you have in mind?”

  She smiled, “What if you could have me? Not as a faithful mate like the others, but as your mistress on the side. I do like you Andrew, and whenever you visited I would be willing to be yours. I wouldn’t sleep with another if you were here, or available. Call it, best friends with benefits?” she giggled, and continued, “Would that salve your jealousy and instincts to possess me? I could be your little slut on the side, the mistress who cares for you, and over time who knows what we’d feel for each other. If it got too complicated, you could always just stop the sex side of our relationship. I won’t ever be possessive, or crazy, I’ll just be your hot little fuck on the side.”

  My head was doubting that would work, but wasn’t really positive it wouldn’t either. The fog of lust made it hard to think straight. My heart, and my cock was enthusiastically behind the plan. I knew in her mind it was two separate things, our friendship, and if we became lovers in truth emotionally, was divorced from the sex. But, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t feel both, or minded that for me they were tied together.

  I also realized I was trying to justify it in my mind, but I was entranced by her presence, and wanted her in that moment as badly as I’d wanted anyone. Granted, it was mostly lust, but not just lust.

  Shit, I was a weak-willed bastard, I leaned forward, and she eagerly met me halfway. Our kiss was explosive, demanding, and hungry. She didn’t waste time, and reached down between us and unbuttoned my shorts, and slowly pulled down the zipper.

  My hands wandered her supple voluptuous body, enjoying the soft curves, and teasing the sides of her breasts as she made sweet little moans into my mouth. I gasped in pleasure, as the uncomfortable pain went away, and I felt the cool air on my cock, and her soft warm hand wrap around it. My whole body felt alive with pleasure, radiating from the intense feeling of her soft gentle strokes.

She broke the kiss, and said breathily, “Did I mention I love this cock.”

  Then she proved it to me, and slid off the chair and down to her knees. Her eyes were wide with lust and perhaps a little bit of smugness, as she took me deeply into her mouth. Her moan of ecstasy as she suckled my long thick hard cock, and looked up into my eyes, was as pleasurable to me as the incredibly sensations of her lips, tongue, and vibrating throat on my sex.

  She said sultrily as she stroked it slowly, “I love the way you fill my mouth so completely, and stretch my throat. So hard, so soft, and the sounds you make when I pleasure it drives me wild.”

  Besides being an incredible turn on how much it turned her on to suck me off, I also knew exactly what she meant. It was a powerful feeling to bring pleasure like that for someone, and it filled me with pleasure to do it as well. I fully intended to get on my knees, and eat her out as soon as she was finished. I could even remember her sweet taste and beautiful perfect mound from last time, and I was completely lost in the lust and couldn’t look away from her eyes.

  She lavished my cock with attention bordering on worship with her hands, mouth, tongue, and throat, as her bright blue eyes never left mine. Her eyes were filled with lust and need. They begged me for my seed. I could see it in her eyes, hear it in her moans, and in the way she worked me with an almost desperate need for my essence.

  I gave it to her, or she took it, maybe both. I felt my legs go numb, and whispered “Gina,” in both warning and exhortation as my balls boiled. Euphoric bliss rippled through my body and mind, as I started to pump my seed into her sweet warm mouth. The look of blissful contentment on her own face as she made sounds of approval and excitement was mesmerizing. She sucked hard, and I could see her throat ripple with each pulse of my essence, as she took it in and swallowed every last drop.

  She smiled up at me, and cleaned me with a few strokes of her tongue.

  I stood and pulled her up to her feet, and kissed her passionately. My hands squeezed her ass firmly, as I lifted her up and placed her ass at the edge of the desk, and undid and pulled down her shorts, while I kissed her breathless.


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