Warlock's Mage

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Warlock's Mage Page 15

by D. R. Rosier

  The scent of her arousal was strong as her shorts slid down her legs and onto the floor. I pulled her sports bra off her breasts, as I started to kiss my way down her neck, and onto her chest. I planned to lavish her breasts with plenty of attention, before I got on my knees.

  Incredibly, I was already hard as a rock again, but I wouldn’t spear her until I’d given her two, maybe three orgasms, and had felt her trembling on my tongue as she screamed my name.

  Maybe I was a fool, but Gina would be my mistress. The other woman once a week, or possibly more, when we visited the pride to recharge the wards, or just visited. I just couldn’t help myself. The others were enough for me, but in this new strange life, they didn’t have to be? Hopefully, I could get past the sharing her part, if I didn’t have to see it, even if I did grow stronger feelings for her. Friends, no strings attached occasional lovers, everything in the open, it might work. I hoped so, because I loved the taste of her skin, the sweet sounds of pleasure she made, the responsiveness to my every touch, and the feel of her hands firmly gripping my hair as I sucked in one of her nipples and twisted the other. Regardless, whatever happened, I would strive to always remain her friend, benefits or not.

  Hopefully I wouldn’t regret it later, once my mind had cleared.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Samantha was enjoying herself, which was an odd experience for her. Katia was funny, a little wicked, and had seemingly already accepted her as a friend. She was honestly shocked at how warm and open the warlock and the women in his household were, when everything she’d ever been taught told her she should expect the opposite.

  If anything, they were more welcoming than her own kind ever had been, and perhaps more trustworthy as well, though time would tell on that one.

  Lilith, a demoness of the infernal plane, was very nice too, and playful. At first, she thought the demoness was just under extremely tight orders to act in a certain way. Demons of the infernal plane were truly evil, and though they could act a role and appear to have human emotions, they really couldn’t experience true joy, love, or any of the positive emotions. The closest they came to doing so, was when they caused pain in others, a somewhat twisted and poisoned version of joy.

  She’d seen Lilith give out genuine smiles that reached her eyes, and had heard her joyous laugh too often the last twenty-four hours for her to believe it could be an act.

  Which meant, she’d been reevaluating her initial impressions of Lilith, and now believed the demoness had been reading her mind until she’d protected it. She wasn’t sure how, but she was almost sure now that Andrew had somehow managed to summon one of the truly powerful, and not inherently evil, fallen. An immortal angel, one of the fallen host.

  Perhaps Lilith was the succubus of legend, the first and most powerful of the succubae. Though, she imagined even if that were true, the legend wouldn’t be completely right. She imagined there would be other fallen angels that had turned into succubae as well, but that still put her in a very powerful and unique group of creatures.

  She’d also been wary of shifters her whole life, taught that they were emotionally unstable at best, and violently inclined from the smallest misstep or perceived slight at worst. That may have been true of the wolves or bears, but she was learning today, and yesterday from Julia, that cat shifters were different.

  Oh, she had no doubt they’d tear her face off if she was a true threat, but cat shifters were rather pleasant and welcoming socially, maybe because of their libido needs? Though, the casual nudity she’d seen today had made her blush more than once, at least they’d been going inside for their other needs. She’d never felt attraction for a female before she’d met Julia, and now there was a whole barbeque full of women she though stunningly attractive.

  She’d also come to the conclusion that the fact she hadn’t felt that way before, was more because she just never considered the idea of being with a woman. She’d caught herself more than once wondering about Lilith and Katia as well, which made her wonder if she could be a little bi-sexual. Or maybe it was just because she was being exposed to cat shifter pheromones, she’d have to… experiment to find out. Mostly though, she thought about Andrew, his muscular well put together body, his tight ass, and his handsome strong face. His warm hazel eyes, and yes, that large perfectly sized cock of his.

  In short, she was having a very pleasant and relaxing day, even if it did feel a bit odd. It was only her second day on a new job after all. She’d always been a workaholic, if not investigating, she’d always been working on her own research, but that had been the lack of good men in her life, and friends, more than any real inclination to constantly work. She was enjoying the time off now that she did have people to spend it with. Even if her connections to them were still tentative, they felt genuine to her.

  It felt good to loosen up and relax, and the wind and sun felt good on her skin, her job and personal research would still be there tomorrow, and perhaps she’d do even better with a fresh and relaxed mind.

  There was one thing niggling at her though, it’d been bothering her all morning, she never should have done it, but she’d used mage sight earlier and the state of the wards were bugging her a bit, a niggling that wouldn’t go away. Nothing that stopped her from enjoying the day, but it was like an itch she couldn’t scratch. Apparently, Andrew hadn’t fixed them yet, she knew he’d been busy though, setting wards on the shifters houses two days ago, and yesterday he’d been busy getting her settled in, studying, and he’d had that mysterious mission to perform yesterday afternoon.

  She wondered what it was, he’d come back to the penthouse in a real funk.

  She sighed, and gave up, it would only take her a few minutes to repair herself, and she worked for him now, right?

  She got up, “I’ll be right back.”

  Katia asked, “Want company?”

  She said, “If you want, I’m going to fix the wards, they’re bothering me.”

  Lilith laughed, “Perfectionist?”

  She shrugged, “When it comes to magic, yes.”

  It was true enough, inefficient or inelegant magic annoyed her, even the simple spells and wards had an elegance to them if done right. Other things, like making her bed, or the towels hanging right in the bathroom, or even clothes on the floor, she didn’t care about at all. Life was messy, and she was an air mage and tended to go with the flow because of that. Take the path of least resistance to her goals, without compromising her morals anyway. But… magic was different, it was an art form to her.

  Katia stood up, “Will it take long, lunch is almost ready I think, and I’m starving.”

  She shook her head, “Fifteen minutes?”

  Katia turned, “Lilith?”

  Lilith said, “I’ll stay with Julia, although she’s planning to shift back human soon for the rest of the day.”

  She nodded and headed for the house, that small innocent comment confirmed in her mind the succubus was indeed a fallen angel. How could she know that, unless she was in the great cat’s head? She stepped into the house, and released a spell. It moved through the rooms, the air really, which gave her a quick mental layout of the house by reading all the square pockets of air. Then she walked toward the basement door. She could have asked for a guide, but the spell was easier.

  Katia asked, “How are feeling about working with us, now that’s it been a day or so. Was the room alright?”

  She smiled, “So far so good, honestly I’m rather excited about it. Working for the mage council had gotten rather stale, for personal reasons. The room is wonderful, thank you.”

  Her last job was just an escape from her lack of a social life, this one felt like an opportunity, both professionally and more importantly perhaps, in her personal life which had stagnated the last six years.

  Katia returned her smile, “Good to hear, let me know if you need anything or have concerns.”

  She opened the door down to the large open basement, minus the support poles, and the water heater and f
urnace, it was basically one very big empty room.

  “Is it okay if I use the workout room? It would be more convenient than the gym.”

  Katia smirked, “Of course, we offered you a room to stay in, you can sit in the living room and enjoy the systems in there as well. Everything in the house is open to you.”

  If she hadn’t been extraordinarily graceful due to her air affinity, she might have tripped when Katia had said that. Had there been innuendo in that everything, was she including herself, Lilith, Julia, and Andrew in that? Her heart took off like a startled dove at the thought, and she was glad Katia was just a human, and couldn’t hear it. She decided it was probably her own lurid fantasies about Andrew, surely Katia hadn’t meant… she shook her head and took a deep breath.

  She muttered the words to connect her with the wards. She wasn’t their creator, but they accepted her because of her intent, and because she stood within the heart of them. She brought up several configuration changes in her mind, and solidified them in her thoughts before passing them one by one to her partitions. She’d have to make the changes in a specific order, and rapidly, or the wards would short and the magic would be drained as the web of magic collapsed.

  It was no big deal, she could just refill them, but she preferred to do it right.

  Then she brought an earth spell to mind that would carve the changes, and cast it. Then she routed each of her separately and carefully built thoughts for the changes from her partitioned mind, one at a time through the earth spell. It was all very fast that way, and she didn’t have to worry about making a mistake during the spell itself, since she had time to review the solidified thoughts and make changes before she’d put them in her partitioned mind. She was very good, but not perfect, and it was that extra step that prevented her from making mistakes.

  The magic wards shuddered, slipped, and then snapped into its new configuration. She viewed them carefully with her mage sight, and was satisfied they were in the configuration she’d sent to Andrew.

  “I’m finished.”

  Katia touched her arm, which felt kind of nice.

  “That fast? I was hoping for pretty lights.”

  She laughed, and muttered a quick illusion spell, which caused fireworks to go off over their heads, and the walls to glow with a soft blue light.

  Katia gasped.

  “Like that?”

  Katia nodded her face a little awed, “It’s beautiful Samantha. Thanks. I’m happy doing what I am for Andrew, but…” she trailed off a little wistfully.

  She thought she understood, Katia wished she had magic of her own. As far as she knew, short of a deal with a demon that could change her race, which was extremely rare, it was impossible. Also, not worth the cost of Katia’s soul.

  Katia asked, “Do you use Sam at all, or…”

  She shook her head, “I never liked my shortened name, I know Samantha is a mouthful.”

  Katia shrugged, “We can handle three syllables,” and touched her arm again.

  She said, “We should head back, before the shifters eat all the food.”

  Katia laughed, and asked innocently, “Gina said just a few minutes, I wonder what Andrew is up to?”

  She stared at the ceiling with her mage sight, and scanned above them with a glance. He wouldn’t be hard to pick out next to the shifter magic.

  “He’s in a study I think, with Gina.”

  She hadn’t seen anyone else.

  Katia said, “Let’s grab them on the way out, and get some food.”

  She shrugged, there’d be a weird tone in Katia’s voice, but she couldn’t discern what it was about. They moved toward the basement stairs and up into the house, and she led them toward the study. As they got closer, her mage sight worked better, it worked through walls but the closer she was to something, and the less walls in the way, made it clearer.

  She said doubtfully, “End of the hall.”

  He looked to be standing awfully close to the alpha, and as they got closer she realized she was seeing the alpha’s magic wrapped around the middle of his, and wondered if that was her legs wrapped around him.

  She cleared her throat and said nervously, “Maybe we should just go outside and wait for them.”

  Katia didn’t listen however, and stepped forward and opened the door.

  The office must have been sound proofed, because the gasping and sighs of pleasure were the first thing she heard, and it was quite loud, even over the loud slaps of their naked flesh.

  She froze, unable to look away, as Katia opened the door even further, and she saw him from an angle, slightly behind but to the side, and he was slamming into Gina, standing between her legs, his ass tight, and his long cock disappearing into the alphas body over and over again at an astonishing fast and furious pace that made her a little weak in the knees.

  Which caused her face to flush, and her pussy to moisten. She barely even noticed, that Katia seemed similarly entranced by the hard and fast coupling. Gina had her legs wide apart, her feet on the desk, and her body leaning back supported by her arms. Her impossibly large pert breasts were bouncing violently with every thrust, and she lunged her hips forward to meet every stroke of his long hard tool with a gasp of pleasure, and a word of encouragement such as fuck, faster, or harder.

  She couldn’t see the other side, but his right hand held her ass firmly, and she could see his fingers indenting her supple flesh. His strokes were intense, firm, and she wished she was the one with her legs open, feeling him piston inside of her, giving herself over to the pleasure, and his firm hands.

  She wondered why she couldn’t look away, and why Andrew affected her body so easily and deeply with lustful thoughts. She knew her belief in the kind of man she believed him to be was a part of it, but a lot of it was his body, presence, and humble confidence. Maybe it was the shifter pheromones, but she doubted it. It was… him.

  Her whole body was tingling, and she needed a good hard fucking. She needed his good hard fucking. She both loved and hated the feeling of being out of control, of feeling a desperate need to give in to her body’s wants and needs. At the same time, it was too soon, what if she was wrong about him? Yes, great sex anyway, but she’d ruin the job, a job she needed to feel useful, and where she felt like she was making actual friends.

  Did she want to risk all that, in an attempt to have it all? Yes, she really did, but it was too soon, she needed to be sure, or at least, relatively sure. Still, she was completely mesmerized by the wild sex going on in front of her. She’d never watched people have sex before, and now this was the second time she was watching him, the first time through her magic, the second in person.

  Katia moaned softly in desire which made her pussy clench, and it also got Gina’s attention. Gina turned and looked right at her, and then Andrew turned his head as well to see what Gina was looking at.

  His eyes widened, and locked on hers, and then he said, “Fuck!”

  She watched him explode inside Gina, had it been her watching him that pushed him over? Or just coincidence. She absently bit her lip, and hoped it had been the former, because… that would be hot. It would mean he wanted her, perhaps as much as she wanted him, which she was afraid to believe.

  Gina followed quickly, and shuddered and trembled on the desk as she cried out. She heard Katia sigh as well.

  When they came down, he was still looking in her eyes, and she was frozen like a deer in the headlights, a very horny, wet, and needy deer in the headlights. She’d never felt so much attraction, lust, and need for a man before.

  Gina said breathily, “Why don’t you two come join us. I don’t think we’re done yet.”

  That snapped her out of her frozen state, join them? The sudden and powerful yearning she felt in her body to do that, to be with and surrender herself to the needs of her body, the pleasure it promised, along with him, and Katia and Gina, startled and scared her, and she turned and fled the house.

  She needed to think, this was unlike her, she wasn’t a st
ranger to sex, or frigid, but she’d never felt so much passion and need in her twenty-five years of life. What was happening to her? Was she always like this, and had just never met a man that could evoke this passionate side of her? Was it some kind of… sexual awakening of her true appetites, or was she being influenced somehow by the succubus or cat shifter pheromones, or both?

  She needed to think. She also needed a damned cold shower, and maybe a beer. She didn’t drink often, no mage did, but one beer would relax her a little, without impairing her thought process too much that she couldn’t control her mind and magic.

  Her last confusing conclusion, was that she was fairly sure Katia knew exactly what they would find, and that it hadn’t been her imagination earlier when she’d gotten the impression Katia was flirting with her and offering exactly what she’d thought. The young human woman was trying to seduce her into their bed, into his bed, which… was exactly where she longed to be. Wasn’t it?

  Chapter Twenty

  Julia headed back outside after going in to shift and dress. It’d been a fun morning with the cubs, and teasing her lover, but she wanted to enjoy the cooked barbeque food, and spend time with her new family, and old, in her human form.

  She was in a good mood, Gina and Andrew still weren’t back, which meant they were probably having sex. She hoped it didn’t turn out badly, but it was hard for her to even imagine how it would. She loved them both, and wanted to share both of them with each other. The other part of that of course, was sharing just how incredibly generous and thorough he was in bed, sex with him didn’t compare to a selfish male shifter lost in his own selfish lust. He’d never once left her anything but satisfied.

  She noticed Samantha sitting alone on the side, scowling down at a can of coke. She moved forward to the young mage and scented her arousal, confusion, doubt, dissatisfaction, fear, and longing. The woman was a mess of hormones and needs. She pushed down on her own pheromones, as she got closer, locking them down hard.


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