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Curves for Him - 10 Delicious Tales

Page 48

by Aubrey Rose, Dez Burke, A. T. Mitchell, Catherine Vale, Marian Tee, Harper Ashe, Eliza Gayle, M. G. Morgan, Shirl Anders, Milly Taiden

“You've got nothing to worry about. This is a chance to make a clean start.”

  “I don't want clean,” I spat. “I want dirty, messy, messed up...just as long as it's with you. I want you to tell me I'm yours – right now!”

  He grabbed at my hand, surprisingly fierce, shoving my fist to my face. My fingers twitched, and I eyed the ring he'd given me.

  “Did slipping that thing on your finger give me your heart?” He shook his head before I did. “Fuck no, baby. It was blood and sweat that brought us together. That's what really made us love – not some sham wedding and not some stupid treaty.”

  “But–“ His finger across my lips cut me off.

  “Quiet. You want to see how much I love you? Fine. It's right here.” He lowered his head, brushing his stubble on my soft wet cheek. The warm prickle billowed through me, warming the chill left by this ugly situation.

  “This is our chance to have a real wedding. Our chance to do it right. Clan law says a couple can get remarried in two seasons if they're really meant to be.”

  “Two seasons! Reed tells me the cubs will be here by then.”

  He took both my hands and squeezed, pouring more sweet whispers into my ear. “Perfect timing, then. You'll look damn fine to me in a wedding dress no matter how pregnant you are. But I doubt you want to walk down the aisle with our kids kicking in your belly.”

  One hand curled around to my lower abdomen and settled there. Our kids. His words were just the kick I needed to see how right he was.

  The legal crap didn't matter. Ring or no ring, we'd been properly mated, and if I couldn't wear the pretty loop on my finger legitimately for a few months, then so be it.

  I'd rather have his love, his flesh, and his blood mingled with mine any day. Those were the makings of fated mates. Not some blessing from priests and courts.

  “Maybe you're right,” I whispered softly. “I'm not a patient girl. You know that. But maybe waiting for this wedding will be okay...our love's enough, isn't it?”

  “Yeah, it is, baby. Love is always enough.”

  My tiger purred her approval, rolling on the ground. I brushed against him like a friendly cat, but beneath the gesture, I was all fragile woman, grateful to belong to this bear of a man.

  VIII: Practice Makes Perfect Love (James)

  I watched Laura coming down the aisle, the long wedding veil dragging behind her.

  Gods, she looked beautiful. And how the hell did my girl get her plush, full figure back so soon after squeezing out a couple kids?

  My eyes flitted over to the front row. Both rambunctious cubs bounced on their keeper's knee, an aide Shane trusted to watch over his grandkids while we got the show on the road.

  It was a cold day for a wedding outside. Didn't fucking matter, though.

  My mate and I wouldn't have it a day later, not when there were still a few leaves left on the trees before winter set in. Across the grassy field, instruments chimed, flutes and drum notes tuned to serenade a traditional wedding tune.

  The altar was different too. Not just because it was happening in Denali, but because the black box underneath the old altar contained Old Spark's ashes. The Shaman had been found dead during the high summer, one with the spirits at last.

  Laura stopped in front of me. Took everything I had to keep my bear under control. He whined his approval at what he saw, standing on both legs with a raging desire to unwrap the sweet curvy tiger before me and savor every inch of her.

  Later, boy. There'll be plenty of time for that. Just gotta get through this damned ceremony first.

  Really, it wasn't that bad. I'd never been much for pomp and shine, but this felt right. Besides, a man only gets to see his smoking hot bride in her wedding veil once.

  Twice, in my case. Though this time was better because she wanted it.

  The music stopped and there was total silence as Shane took his place next to the tigers. He watched us through narrowed eyes, still coming to terms with giving his daughter away to an Alpha bear, this time for real.

  The priest opened his mouth to speak, but a loud rattle from the front row cut him off. The boys were at it again, Dean and Logan, hopping across their keeper's lap to play fight. Laura gave me a knowing smile as granddad took over, pulling them onto his lap instead, where they'd be much calmer.

  Couldn't believe how fast they grew. Only a couple months old and they already had the size and strength of human toddlers. Wouldn't be long before they learned to control their animals, or so Reed said.

  Better enjoy today and the big night coming up, I thought. Only a matter of time until we have two crazy boys who can turn into little bears with tiger's stripes.

  “Friends, you all know why we're gathered here today,” the priest finally began. “This is a renewal, an honest exchange of vows, a rare love between very different hearts specially sanctioned by the Gods.”

  My eyes flicked away from my beautiful bride. The priest caught my gaze, a reminder I'd told him to keep this short and sweet.

  Laura loved the flowery language more than I did. Good thing she loved me even more than those wily phrases. The red heat lining her cheeks told me she was just as eager to get this rolling as I was.

  The priest was droning on. I reigned in my lust, focusing on the moment instead. Even if she wasn't so hot she made my bear stand up and roar, it was a nice day for a wedding, and things had gone off perfectly so far.

  The old man turned to her. “Will you take this Alpha, James Roark, to be your mate, inseparable as the heavens?”

  Finally. Never thought I'd be so fucking happy to hear that combination of words.

  “I do. I belong to him, just as the gods intended.”

  “And you, James Roark, Alpha of all Denali, do you take this woman as your fated mate, a woman to love, to cherish, to protect, just as the gods have decreed?”

  I paused, staring deep into her bright eyes. “Yes isn't good enough. I absolutely do.”

  Fuck yes might've been sufficient. But I kept things clean for her father's sake.

  The high strung aristocrat had kept up the peace deal, after all. No need to fall out of his good graces by souring the perfect wedding he'd always wanted for his daughter.

  “Then it's done,” the priest said firmly. “You're free to claim this woman, as sure and complete as Nature intends.”

  I wanted to laugh at those words. One thing was for sure, it felt awesome to get my ring on her finger again.

  I plucked it off the small pillow held out by Jacob. I rolled it up Laura's sweet, soft finger, restoring it to its rightful place. Nobody would ever take it away after this.

  Then, the claiming I'd been waiting for. Or at least the start of it.

  I wouldn't be denied any longer, and neither would my bear.

  My arms melded around her and I pulled her in. I kissed her deep and long, savoring her lips as bears and tigers jeered. It was just her and I now, even if we were awash in the happiness our love had created.

  One look at our boys told me that. Right now, though, I focused entirely on her.

  My hands traveled low around her waist, pulling her toward me. Fuck, I couldn't wait to feel those wide sexy hips opening for me later. I was damned glad the pregnancy had gone well because there was no way I was waiting to make more cubs with a woman this perfect.

  I kissed her until the jeers died into awkward claps. Laura moaned into my mouth, and then realizing her desire, playfully slapped my chest.

  My bear growled with frustration as I forced myself off her.

  Patience, I reminded him again. Won't be long now.

  The music picked up and the priest clapped us both on the shoulder with a happy squeeze. His hand lingered on my shoulder, pulling my ear close to his face so he could whisper.

  “Take good care of her, Alpha. You're living the dream I'd give anything to experience just one more time.”

  I looked Old Joe intently in the face. He'd taken up the priest role the last few years, coming out of his isolation. One lo
ok showed me the heartbreak he still carried at losing his tigress, but happiness and hope beamed out his eyes. The man genuinely wanted the best for us.

  “No need to worry about that, Alpha.” I said his title out of respect, even though he'd long been retired. “Not gonna let this one go ever again. Not even if the gods themselves demand it.”

  One more friendly smile and we were off. People clapped and jeered.

  It would be weird having Shane keep the cubs tonight, leaving my cabin with a kind of peace and quiet it hadn't had since before she delivered them.

  Scratch that, I thought, feeling my bear's urges burn deep. Not so peaceful and quiet. I'm gonna make good Alaska soil shake with our screams and explosions tonight.

  I reached out and wrapped a possessive arm around her as we slid into the fancy car. Shane insisted on loaning it out for our drive to my cabin. He hadn't even been an asshole when I insisted on pushing our appearance at the reception back to tomorrow morning.

  “Step on it,” I growled to the driver, as soon as we were inside.

  Laura looked at me with wide eyes and laughed. “My, this really is a special night, isn't it?”

  “You better believe it, baby.” My hand curled to her voluptuous thigh, giving it a good squeeze that sent hot steam hissing through my blood.

  “Tonight's the first night we're truly man and wife with nothing to get in the way. Only one way I can think of to celebrate...”

  My fingers squeezed tighter on her sweet thigh. Laura rocked her head back, trying not to flush and let go too much. Only made me want to try to make her come then and there even harder, all while I thanked the gods our place was only five minutes away.

  “Look!” she tapped the window next to her.

  Lucky girl. The decorations hanging in Denali were a happy distraction. Bundles of roses were posted on stakes in the ground every couple miles, all the way from my village to Tiger Bay.

  Another stark contrast to our first wedding. This one shouted its happy truths up to the sky, announcing our love to both clans and giving them a glimpse at their future.

  Tigers and bears weren't enemies anymore. I'd made sure of that, with a little cooperation from my mate and her father.

  The Mercedes drove past Reed's house, the last heading for the edge of town. Only his ex-wife lived there now.

  Somehow or other, word about the doctor's affair had gotten out. Maybe he'd broken down and told her himself. He'd downsized to a simpler, more private cabin, leaving the fancy country house he'd gotten custom built to the woman he'd hurt.

  Fucking fool. I snorted, wondering how the hell any man could sneak around and throw away the one he was mated to.

  At least he was trying to make amends. He'd gone above and beyond keeping Laura and our cubs safe during the pregnancy. I doubted the bastard was just trying to impress to avoid an exile case either. He genuinely regretted the man he'd been, and now he was on the long road to becoming someone new.

  I could respect that. Even if he was a fucking fool.

  The Mercedes screeched to a halt and the driver hopped out. I watched the neatly dressed tiger circle around to Laura's side and pop the door.

  He held out a hand to help her out. I growled, jealousy blazing beneath my bear's fur. It was just a polite gesture from a servant, but no man's hands belonged on her tonight except mine.

  I slid past the man without as much as a thank you, catching up and taking her by the hand.

  “Let's get you inside. Gonna feel good to get out of these clothes.”

  “Hey! It's fun to look nice sometimes. You're very distinguished in a suit, James. Just the Alpha this town deserves.” She laughed, and then squealed as I pulled her inside, slamming the door shut behind us.

  “Whatever, baby. I prefer being naked, letting my fur or skin taste the cool Alaskan air. This fancy shit's all so human...”

  “Something tells me whatever you've got planned up there isn't.” She laughed.

  Smart girl. Laura was absolutely fucking right.

  I scooped her up, listening to another happy squeal come out her succulent lips. Human traditions were mostly bullshit, but I'd always wanted to carry my bride, my mate, over the thresh hold.

  She fit snug in my arms. I carried her up the stairs, down the hall, and straight through to our room.

  Then we pushed our way inside. I kicked the door shut and stopped in front of our bed, the fire in my blood beginning to burn hotter.

  “What's wrong?” She smiled playfully. “Tiger got your tongue?”

  “No, my little tiger. I've got yours.”

  We crashed on the bed together, her beneath me. It was a damned miracle I didn't tear her pretty dress. Guessing she wanted to keep that safe somewhere in case we added a daughter to our family someday.

  Didn't have a clue what the tigers had done to pretty her up before the wedding. Whatever it was, it worked on my bear like honey.

  She smelled and tasted so sweet. The grizzly adored it. Oh, fuck, how he loved it.

  He raged to possess her, raged to get her naked and underneath us, raged to devour her body, mind, and soul. And I raged right along with the beast, his energy throbbing beneath my skin.

  I broke the kiss just as my sweet tigress began to moan and grind into me. Holding myself above her, I poured pure fire with my gaze, looking straight to her heart through her eyes.

  “What is it? What's wrong?” she asked.

  “Baby, you've got about ten seconds to pull that pretty dress off before I rip it to shreds. You've brought me to my limits...”

  She laughed, pushed herself up, and slid her hands behind her back. I held her as she undid the zipper, then pulled gently on the long white lacy fabric. Well, as gently as she could with raw need steaming through her system.

  We both breathed a little sigh of relief when it toppled to the floor without going to tatters.

  When I saw her bra and panties matched the ivory dress, I sucked in a fierce breath. Her curves looked perfect in lily white.

  Hell, they'd look damned near perfect anytime, but now they were outlined like an angel sent from the gods. I instantly bent my face to her chest, lapping at her cleavage, groaning when she spread her legs and wrapped them around me.

  My hand ripped down one cup. My tongue went to work, lashing her hard nipple like a savory berry, sucking it deep to thrum pure desire into her.

  “Right there! You play me so well, James. I–“

  My teeth pinched around her rosy bud, and my tongue lashes grew thicker, stronger. I was through talking, even if hearing how bad she wanted me was like music to my ears.

  If she wasn't screaming soon, then getting married had turned me into a fucking softie.

  Her fingernails raked my lower neck. Just sharp enough to tease and burn, urging me to take her breast deeper, to claim her flesh with biting, licking fury.

  “Hey!” Her fingers rapped gently against my head. “What about you?”

  I pulled up and felt how much my cock was straining in my trousers. Gods, she was right.

  I was still stuffed in my ritzy man-suit. Rearing up, I popped the buttons in a blink, yanking off my jacket and then the shirt underneath. Had to pop off the bed to drop my trousers and shed the tux like a second skin.

  Laura watched me the whole time, her pupils tightened to little whirlpools seething with desire. Good, now she had a taste of my medicine.

  No more delays. I've been waiting months for this.

  She'd been healthy enough to take me after the twins were born for a few weeks. But the naughty girl insisted on holding off, making me wait about a month longer for our wedding day. And the whole time, I'd been going fucking insane, one breath away from dragging her all the way to Anchorage and eloping like a couple of goofy teenagers.

  It had been worth it to do it right, though. And much as my bear whined in protest, the wait had been worth it too.

  My cock popped out. Laura got up, unclasped her bra, and let it fall. She reached for me, taking my
thickness in one hand, rolling it gently against her bare nipple.

  “Don't tease me, baby!” I growled. “Need that thing somewhere wet and warm. Like fucking yesterday.”

  She smiled and obliged. I threw my head back and gurgled delight as my swollen tip disappeared into her mouth.

  Didn't dare look down and see her pretty lips wrapped around it. With how long I'd been denied her touch, I was afraid I'd shoot off like a cub suffering through his first mating season.

  Mating season? Fuck that.

  For Laura and I, it was going to be hard sweet mating all the time. No matter if the high summer sun was blazing overhead or we were buried in a blizzard.

  As if to remind me, she sucked me deeper, pushing her little tongue around my head. Pure lightning went through my body, shocking me with pleasure. The bear was energized too, and he forced me to rock my hips.

  I swayed into her, reaching for her hair with one hand. I thought she looked sexy before, but nothing compared to having her under my control while she was full of me.

  Her lips swept down my cock again and again, storming hot, wet pleasure across my flesh. Fire churned in my balls. I could've given in right there and unloaded in her mouth, but I wanted to claim her again, deeper than anything she could take past her lips.

  My free hand reached down. I plumped her breasts, matching the rising rhythm of her mouth. Then I went lower still, pushing two fingers up inside her.

  She stopped, and my erection dropped out her wet lips. Fuck, she was even wetter down there, slick and ready like silk, all for me.

  My thumb found her clit. She moaned, whispering my name like it was the filthiest curse in the world. All it took to make my cock jerk one more time, reminding me this greedy bastard needed to be satisfied, and he was done waiting.

  I moved my hands to her back, cupping her near the ass and laying her down, making room for me.

  Sliding between her legs, I rolled my hips, positioning myself perfectly for the grand entrance. She oozed raw desire, grinding against me, and then I shifted forward, curling into her with one long stroke.

  My cock hit the edge of her womb, right where it belonged. Her little gasp made me smile, and I reared up, grabbing her hips to work her legs around me, a higher angle to really fuck her deep.


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