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Curves for Him - 10 Delicious Tales

Page 50

by Aubrey Rose, Dez Burke, A. T. Mitchell, Catherine Vale, Marian Tee, Harper Ashe, Eliza Gayle, M. G. Morgan, Shirl Anders, Milly Taiden

  “Just set them on the table, please,” she directed him, and he turned to place the bags on the nearby coffee table. When he faced her again, he seemed calmer and his face was clear of whatever had been troubling him. Now, he flashed her that killer smile that made her take a sudden gulp of air, her face blushing crimson red.

  “Your home is very nice. You’ve really done a great job with the place,” he replied, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  “Thanks,” Julie said with a pleased smile. “I’ve had a lot of fun with it. That’s my job... I’m an interior designer.”

  She didn’t know why she’d divulged that information. Why she’d let him in at all. But something about Caine made her feel safe, like he could be trusted. And Julie realized she had been desperate for someone to talk to.

  “That doesn’t surprise me. You seem like the creative, artsy type. Now me, I’m just a tech nerd. I work in software...programming mainly.”

  “Wow. Brains and brawn,” Julie choked on a laugh, covering her mouth with her hand. Okay, now that was crossing the line.

  She wasn’t sure what he read in her gaze, or in the restless way she hugged herself and rubbed her arms as if searching for security in the wave of attraction that took a hold of her, but he only smiled, his deep blue eyes searching her face.

  “I get by. But you, well you’re every man’s dream. Such an intelligent woman, creative and...absolutely beautiful.”

  Julie sucked in a breath, completely caught off guard. His gaze washed her skin in a burning wave of heat, and she couldn’t look away, couldn’t breathe. He’d called her beautiful – and for the first time in her life she believed him. Alarm bells should have been ringing in her head. But they weren’t. Instead, she felt a surge of confidence, sensing his genuine desire for her.

  What in the world is happening to me?

  I should know better than this, Julie’s inner voice warned her. I shouldn’t be going weak at the knees for the first good-looking guy who tells me he finds me beautiful. I came down here for some peace and quiet, to find myself again. The last thing I needed was to get bowled over by another handsome face. Not after the last relationship and his constant abuse and unforgiveable betrayal. She couldn’t risk her heart again...and especially not to a man like Caine.

  She drew in a deep, long breath and tried to think of an easy way to do what she had to do, despite the fact that everything in her mind and body begged her not to. “Look, um, Caine, I’m not quite sure...”

  “It’s just dinner. My place. I’m inviting a few friends over for a barbeque. Nothing too serious.” Caine’s words broke in before she could finish and she paused when he added with a grin, “Come on, it’ll be fun. I promise. It’s my way of saying welcome to the neighborhood.”

  Oh. Well, damn it. Julie realized just how silly she must look to Caine, assuming he was inviting her out on a date when he was just being friendly, trying to reach out to the new girl in town. Gulping down her disappointment, she forced a smile.

  “Thank you, Caine. Sure, I’d love to come over. What time should I be there?”

  “Ahh, anytime after six is fine. And don’t worry; it’s just a casual get together amongst friends. Nothing formal.” He smiled with enough warmth to light her skin on fire and when he held out his hand to her, she was certain her fingertips would ignite in flames at his heated touch. “Julie,” he rumbled, his voice low, “I’m really looking forward to seeing you again.”

  * * *

  Men like Caine certainly had no problem getting women, gorgeous women, to do anything he wanted. He’s just being nice to me, Julie thought as she accepted his hand, and felt the immediate strength in his grip. It’s not like he’s desperate to touch...

  But even as she placed her hand in his and decided the gesture was indeed innocent, it didn’t feel that way. His large hand closed around her much smaller one, and she felt enveloped by warmth. Julie almost shivered from how much heat Caine seemed to exude.

  An instant magnetism surged through her, coupling with a budding sexual awareness. Visions of his nicely heated olive-tinted skin against hers made her heart flutter and her thighs ache. With just this light touch, Julie came full circle with the realization that this man was unlike any other that she’d ever met. She would never have believed she could fall so easily for a man’s charms, or want someone so badly that she barely knew. She needed to get a grip on her desperate hunger for this stranger before it got out of hand and she got hurt...again.

  Chapter Three

  Julie hadn’t been sure what exactly to wear, so she went for a simple sundress. You could never go wrong with a dress, especially if its hem skimmed the thighs and the fabric clung nicely to her plentiful curves. It was grey in color, and had cut outs in the back, nothing too revealing but it gave the dress a feminine slant that highlighted her lines.

  Julie considered her reflection and wondered if she should put on any make-up. She didn’t want to seem like she was trying too hard or desperate to win attention from her handsome host, though if she were honest with herself she would have to admit that’s exactly what she was hoping for. Besides, if she looked good, she’d feel good and Julie knew that she could use all of the confidence she could muster up.

  She’d grown up with issues about her weight, her mother constantly reminding her that men preferred “thin” women and that if she weren’t careful she would end up miserable and alone. Perhaps her mother was right after all, she thought, considering her failed relationships, but still a part of her fought the echoes of insecurity, drowning out her mother’s voice, and reminding herself that Caine had called her beautiful. She’d lost her plain-Jane persona over the years, and learned how to fake a smile and when necessary, confidence and if she had to use those tools tonight, she most certainly would. Still, as she stood in front of the mirror, she still felt that all too familiar pang of self-doubt. Sighing, she put on some light foundation, mascara and a flattering shade of lip gloss to highlight her already puffy lips, and fought down any lingering nerves. Just dinner amongst new friends, and in a few hours she’d be back home, safe within her walls, hidden away from the scrutiny of the world around her.

  Damn him, she thought as she recalled how her ex, Grant, had tried to break her spirit but she’d fought her way through until she could escape his torment. Now there was no going back to the weak woman she was. She refused to ever look back again.

  Julie couldn’t help but smile when she thought of Caine, and how he hadn’t seemed put off when she’d artlessly said he had brain and brawn. She decided that if she had the opportunity she’d let him take her where he wanted. Was she in any way a woman he’d ever consider dating? There’d been a certain something in those gorgeous blue eyes of his and she decided to accept it as truth, finally silencing the nagging voice in her head that insisted on telling her that Caine Marks could never possibly settle for a broken woman like her.

  * * *

  She found herself standing in front of Caine’s door, reluctant to knock and then deciding that she had nothing to lose. Here goes nothing, she thought.

  He opened almost instantly, so her surprised smile was genuine. He looked hot as ever, his t-shirt rolled up at the sleeves to reveal his inked forearms. His dark blue jeans were deliciously snug and his dirty-blond hair looked freshly washed. Julie stared at him, her mind blank apart from a blur of moving body parts.

  He grinned. “Right on time. You look beautiful.”

  There was that word again.

  “Thank you,” Julie whispered, heat rushing to her cheeks.

  He swung open the door for her, and she walked through, pausing for guidance. He quickly slid the palm of his hand down to her lower back, guiding her in. She shivered at the way his hand held her back, his grip strong and possessive. His slanted grin as he released her tugged at the knots in her belly.

  “I’m glad you’re here. Come on in,” he said warmly.

  Julie loved Caine’s home. The designer within appreciated the op
en-plan concept of the place while the furniture was minimalist and yet welcoming, even homely. She was surprised to see that other people had already arrived. Her eyes widened slightly as she came face to face with two of the biggest men she’d ever seen.

  Caine was well above six feet and packing serious muscle himself, but these two were absolute giants, both of them very good looking men, their muscular frames threatening to rip through the cotton of their t-shirts. They looked like they could easily be in the army or some Special Forces team or something. Caine introduced them as Vern and Hawke, friends of his from childhood.

  They regarded her with interest and Julie was quite sure she caught them sending Caine a nod of approval when they thought she wasn’t looking. So much brawn in one was almost surreal, as though she had stepped onto the pages of a romance novel. Quickly scanning the room she was relieved to find two other women chatting quietly in the corner. Making her way towards them, they turned to greet her, one of them handing her a chilled glass of white wine, which she gratefully accepted while Caine came forward to make more introductions. Two of the women happened to be significant others of the other two men in the room. Jemima was the petite brunette dating Hawke and Julie couldn’t help picturing how the six-foot-plus hunk would look next to the pretty, tiny girl. The blonde, who was willowy with a cover-girl beauty, happened to be Hailey who was Vern’s fiancée. This was another image of contrasts that intrigued Julie. But it was the clear, unspoken bond between them all that couldn’t be ignored and yet they never let her feel like she was the outsider. Julie figured they’d been paired off nicely for the dinner setting but that was until she got yet another surprise.

  “Oh good, Ryan’s here,” Caine announced from behind her. “Now we can get to eat. Julie, there’s someone you haven’t met yet.”

  Julie felt his hand in the small of her back and she turned round in interest, her glass lifting to her lips. The hand with the glass paused in mid-air when she came face to face with him.

  Caine was grinning. “Julie, meet Ryan. He’s like the big brother I never wanted,” he joked. “Ryan, this is Julie. She lives in between our houses – she moved in months ago. Remember I told you about her?”

  Julie knew she was staring but couldn’t stop. She’d never forget that face, or that body. It had to be several weeks ago, but the memory was still fresh.

  Tall, dark and handsome didn’t begin to describe him. He had ‘dangerous’ written all over him from the top of his inky black clean-shaven hair to his dark grey shoes. The kind of guy mama and all your friends warned you about. His smoldering dark green eyes held hers and Julie felt swept away. Damn. She was in big trouble.

  And she wasn’t exactly sure what the heck she had done wrong but she already felt guilty as hell for the simmering of awareness that bubbled between her thighs.

  “I believe I’ve seen you before,” Julie said. She was surprised that she could actually piece coherent words together. Thank goodness. She even managed to hold out her hand and then felt tremors rush through her when he swallowed it in his strong grip.

  “Yes. I remember,” he replied, his voice a deep rumble.

  Just three words – combined with that look that could singe a girl’s panties off and Julie decided she was officially losing her mind. She definitely had a thing for Caine which she’d been looking forward to exploring if opportunity presented itself. So how come she was getting instantly bowled over by Mr. Dark and Deadly here?

  Yeah, she certainly remembered him. too. How could she forget? It had been only a few moments but it seemed set in stone. It had been a week after she moved in and she’d been on her way home from a walk. They’d passed each other on the walkway, but there had been that instant their eyes had met and held and she’d been struck by the fierceness of his gaze and the almost devilish edge to his attractiveness. He had that ‘bad biker’ look and was all lean and mean, with an impressively broad chest and shoulders that would make an Olympic swimmer green with envy.

  Finding out he was actually her neighbor and Caine’s close friend put Julie in somewhat of a dilemma. Getting equally drawn by two men she barely knew wasn’t something that had ever happened to her before. She certainly couldn’t deny the fact that they both made her pulse race and her head swim with deliciously naughty thoughts. And it wasn’t just because they were so incredibly good looking. She’d dated gorgeous men before though none of the relationships ever lasted. But this attraction was different. Caine and Ryan got to her in ways she couldn’t understand, and as they stood side by side, watching her intently she realized she could never have either of them. And the knowledge that both men wanted her so badly was incredibly intoxicating.

  “Well it’s nice to meet you,” Julie said brightly, finally breaking the spell and retrieving her hand from his gentle yet firm grip. Damn and double damn. She’d just moved to a neighborhood that had two of the most sinfully gorgeous men living on either side of her and there was nothing she could do about it.

  Strangely enough, once she got that into her head it made her feel a lot better. Now she could just chill with them and not worry about how they sent the blood rushing like wildfire through her veins. Or so she liked to believe

  It had seemed odd though that there were three women to the four guys but somehow, in the end it worked out. Especially since the two best friends Caine and Ryan took it upon themselves to give her their undivided attention whenever possible.

  Dinner was an informal and fun affair. The food was perfect and the presentation as good as anything you’d find at a Michelin-starred restaurant. Ryan chose to designate himself as the chef’s assistant and helped with getting the plated courses to the dining table and keeping the glasses filled while Caine did his thing in the kitchen in between sitting at table with them and playing host.

  Julie was glad she came. She didn’t want the night to end. She didn’t have to do much talking and instead, people-watched her dinner companions and marveled at how much they seemed like old friends, complete with the ribbing and the laughs.

  Julie never had this with Tre. Neither of them really had that many friends – none they’d kept around for long. Julie had made her life all about Tre and the few girlfriends she’d had had drifted away thanks to his dark attitude and the way he liked to pick at her friend’s faults and why she shouldn’t have them in her life. When their romance had faded, there’d been no one to help Julie pick up the pieces. No family, no friends. Somehow that had made it easier to start a new life.

  And now she was here. For the first time in a long while, she felt accepted and part of a special group. Maybe this could be her new ‘family.’ Everyone treated her like she was already one of them. If she could just get over the strange way she was insanely attracted to both Caine and Ryan, she’d be fine...

  * * *

  Julie had never dreamed that the night would end like this.

  Somehow, after all the food and music the others started to call it a night till Julie found herself with just Ryan as Caine saw Hawke and Jemima out. Vern and his fiancée Hailey had already left.

  Julie’s laughter died off at the end of something funny Ryan had said. She’d never thought she could relax so much around him but now that it was just them, the atmosphere got charged in the way it only could when a man and woman had something simmering between them.

  Julie placed down her wine glass and rose quickly, if not unsteadily to her feet.

  “I think I’d better be going,” she said, hoping she wouldn’t fall flat on her face with these damn heels. Maybe those after-dinner drinks had been a few too many. But everyone had been having so much fun dancing and joking around that Julie had let herself get carried away. The high point of the evening had been getting to dance with Caine and then Ryan had come up to steal her away into his arms. It had given the sensation of being the center of attention between two gorgeous men and that had been such a high she’d never expected or imagined before.

  Now she was flustered, ex
cited and worried about what she might do if she lingered. Caine could be heard saying goodnight to Hawke and Jemima when Ryan rose and closed the space between him and Julie. She instinctively backed away a few steps.

  Ryan paused in his stride. “Are you afraid of me?”

  Julie’s heart was pumping fast but it wasn’t out of fear. Adrenalin mixed in with a massive dose of endorphins whizzed through her core and she placed a hand on her belly to quell the huge coil of arousal tightening there. She met the dark depths of Ryan’s piercing eyes and felt like she could fall adrift inside them, tangled up and torn with desire.

  “No...” she began slowly, gathering her wits about her as she couldn’t keep the teasing note from her voice as she added, “I don’t really know. Should I be?”

  Ryan flashed a wicked grin that instantly, had her flooding the crotch of her panties with creamy want. “Maybe a little caution would be wise.”

  “Why? Because you’re the big bad wolf about to eat me all up?” Julie asked with a coy smile.

  And then she wanted to slap a hand over her mouth. She had never been good at flirting and yet just today she’d done it twice. First with Caine, and now with Ryan, talking to him in a tone that could only be described as come-hither. Was she out of her mind?

  A glow seemed to hit the dark green pools of Ryan’s eyes at her words, and Julie caught her breath at the way it transformed his handsome face into something indeed feral and untamed. Before she could stumble back in confusion he grabbed her wrist.


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