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Curves for Him - 10 Delicious Tales

Page 55

by Aubrey Rose, Dez Burke, A. T. Mitchell, Catherine Vale, Marian Tee, Harper Ashe, Eliza Gayle, M. G. Morgan, Shirl Anders, Milly Taiden

  She stroked him further, lost in sensation of flesh-coated steel in her hands, only to feel his hands grab her wrists and draw her fingers gently from him. Julie’s heart lurched at the deprivation till she heard him groan in her ear that if she kept touching him like that, he’d lose control before he had the chance to be inside her.

  “And I’ve waited too long to have it end too soon. You ready for me, woman?” Caine asked, at the same time he slid one hand down her belly to cup her mound. Julie mewled and thrust her hips, spreading her feet to give him better access to her melting heat.

  A deep, feral sound of pleasure rippled through Caine’s chest as his fingers came in contact with her unmistakable slickness. He explored her folds with an insistent, knowing touch. Julie almost blacked out from the ecstasy of Caine touching her aching center. He teased her now swollen vulva expertly and she streamed juices all over his hand, making him growl deeply in approval. Julie’s head fell against his shoulder and she lowered her lips to kiss on his neck. She savored the scent of his arousal that seemed to escape from his pores. He smelled fierce, and wild, the steam rising from his gloriously tanned body. She felt the tension of the muscles in his throat as she nibbled on his skin.

  “Harder, Julie. Don’t be afraid to bite harder. Your teeth feel so good on my neck,” he groaned. Julie hesitated, longing to give into her strange urge to break into his smooth flesh with her teeth. What was wrong with her? She wasn’t normally a biter but she almost couldn’t help wanting to sink her teeth deep into his flesh, just like he’d instructed. Just then, he thrust one finger deep inside her and her response shocked her. Crying out, she opened her mouth wide over his neck and bit, body jerking to the sensation of Caine sliding that one finger in and out of her hot, wet pussy.

  Her harsh moans of pleasure were muffled against his flesh, her teeth digging deep enough to break but not quite managing to. Caine slipped a second finger slowly inside and now there were two, wedged sideways and used to probe her secret depths. He hooked up into the roof of her tunnel and seemed to release a hidden spring of bliss that had her throwing her head back and screeching as her whole body caught fire with lust.

  Caine started with gentle teasing strokes that grew faster, rougher. The sensation of being shredded to pieces by pleasure would be magnified, Julie knew, when he finally claimed her completely like she soon found herself imploring him to do.

  “Please, Caine. I need you buried deep inside me. Now.”

  “Yes. Now,” he rasped in agreement, pulling his two fingers out of her with tormenting slowness and then lifting them to his mouth and sucking hard on them, groaning deeply. “You taste as incredible as I remember. So tight and sweet, Julie. And so ready for me.”

  Julie couldn’t agree more; she was so wet and ready she was flooding her thighs with her liquid want. For a moment, his words about ‘remembering’ how she tasted had her confused. But there was no time to dwell on it, not when Caine grabbed her thighs and lifted them up to wrap them around his waist.

  “Grab hold of my shoulders,” he commanded in a voice so thick she could hardly recognize it. But she obeyed quickly, wrapping her arms around him for more leverage as she felt his arms hook underneath each of her bent knees, spreading her wide open to his impending invasion. She let out whimper after whimper and clung tighter to him like a lifeline. He was so rock-hard all he had to do was aim his engorged tip to her slit in readiness to plunge into her dripping passage.

  For the first few moments he rubbed his cap tantalizing against her soaked bundle of nerves. Staring deep into her eyes, with the water falling through his hair and making it slick and dark, he looked like a beautiful god and Julie felt a deep accomplishment that such a fiercely perfect specimen desired her so powerfully his muscles stood out in high definition as he fought back his need to rampage right into her depths.

  “I love you, Julie,” he said clearly, his stormy blue eyes filled with passion, need and a greater emotion Julie felt slayed her right through.

  “Oh, Caine. I love you too,” she breathed, heart swelling almost to burst out of her chest. She felt overcome with the tumult of powerfully charged feelings that her only available outlet seemed to be once again bending to his neck and biting hard, harder than ever before to fight back the rising agony of pleasure threatening to tear her to shreds.

  Julie couldn’t have foreseen her almost savage gesture would finally send Caine over the edge. He lost control and with her name ringing on his lips he gave in to his need and suddenly thrust hard into her.

  Her shocked gasp turned into a deep, long moan as her lover filled her to immense proportions. Nails buried into his back, Julie tried to brace herself against his next thrust, sure it would split her in half. Caine withdrew almost to the tip and then it bucked forward, pushing deep inside her to the hilt. And this time he didn’t stop, didn’t pause to let her catch her breath or her senses. With each moan, each cry and breath that escaped her open mouth, Caine thrust faster and harder. Oh...oh. Oh! She must have cried over and over, the energy of Caine’s passion merging and mounting with hers, submerging them in a waterfall of shared enticement. The angle of each smooth, unbroken plunge of his hard, hot cock deep inside her seemed to trigger spasm after spasm of micro-eruptions and Julie sensed she couldn’t outlast him.

  Fingers reaching up to pull at his slick hair, Julie reached for his lips and moaned helplessly into his mouth. Caine’s breath became ragged as her walls tightened convulsively on his thrusting shaft. He seemed as close to the peak as she was and she gloried in her power to bring him to the same mindless pleasure he gave her. A fountain of heat already began to rise from her center and echoed through her spine that arched as her body was impaled on his thick shaft again and again. Caine’s pace began to grow desperate, and a maddening scent seemed to come off him in waves, making her senses whirl as if with intoxication. It was musky and hot and ferocious, calling to her inner animal in ways no lover had ever done. She felt her walls begin to quiver with intense pulse-beats around him, building the pressure that sent her hurtling to meet her orgasm while triggering off Caine’s.

  Bucking wildly atop his slightly bent thighs, Julie exploded in ecstasy. Caine’s arms were the only thing holding her up as she lost all control of her limbs, suddenly weak and limp. He stayed deep inside her, filling her to the brim with his explosive eruption of scalding hot seed.

  Still the warm shower cascaded down, leaving them awash in mist and a heat that couldn’t rival the flames licking at them and welding them as one. Caine didn’t set Julie back down on her feet till he was sure she could be steady on them. Then with a flurry of soft kisses, their hands found the soap, which they ran lovingly over each other. Minutes later they were washed clean and Caine lifted the now drowsy Julie easily into his arms. Her fingers linked behind his neck and didn’t let go even when she felt the softness of the sheets as he placed her gently upon the giving mattress. She was fast asleep moments later, blissfully sated.

  * * *

  Julie had always had sensitive feet and now, feeling fingers begin to massage her instep tenderly, she opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling for a moment and tried to get her bearings.

  Large, warm hands wrapped around her ankles and she jerked up on her elbows. Her eyes widened to find Ryan spread across the foot of her bed. She felt an irrepressible shiver at the fact that he’d been there all this while and she’d been blissfully unaware of his presence. She looked around and found there was no one else in the room with them, but that didn’t keep her blush from stealing across her face and neck. She was still completely naked, her body temperature back to normal after the heated coupling with Caine in the shower. A glance at the bedside clock told her that a couple of hours had passed and she groaned. Why had they let her sleep so long?

  “I’m sorry I dozed off,” she said sheepishly. The silent Ryan was stroking his thumbs over her soles and the gentle pressure on her soft, sensitive flesh. Her legs jerked reflexively, the light touch of hi
s hands exciting not just her surface nerves, but her secret ones as well. Already, she began to seep from her greedy folds and she gazed almost wantonly down at the man so casually draped at the end of her bed.

  “You needed your rest,” Ryan said easily. A wicked glint in his eyes put her on alert and made her heart pound in carnal awareness. The next second he was trailing an index finger down her right sole and she whimpered, fighting down a giggle.

  “Ticklish, I see,” Ryan murmured, glancing up with that dark look of heat she always found so rakish and overpoweringly sexy. Seeing Ryan’s playful side was as thrilling as it was heart-melting. He moved slowly upwards, dancing his fingers up her calf till he cupped the back of one knee and lifted her leg so that her foot was planted flat on the bed. He skipped fingers upwards over the inside of her thigh and this time she couldn’t help but jump as her belly rippled with unstoppable laughter.

  “Ah, definitely ticklish there as well,” he said deeply. Julie’s mirth died away as she became achingly aware of the change of atmosphere as Ryan straightened over her, propped up by his arms. He was naked, and so was she. And yet Julie felt no self-consciousness. She felt only like a woman, already in her prime and comfortable being sexual. She hungrily ran her eyes over Ryan’s magnificent body. He was pure muscle, with gleaming olive skin and a form that was right out of a sexy male swimsuit shoot. She itched to trace each hard-packed muscle and a glimpse she sent audaciously lower found her staring at that part of him nestled against his dark curly pubes. Her mouth parted in a soft gasp and instantly, dewy moisture formed at her apex. Like Caine, Ryan was gifted with a size that would make a god green with envy. She’d always guessed he’d be huge but seeing the proof made her feel like her fantasies didn’t even do him justice. Her eyes flew up to meet his and found his deep green eyes darken almost black; the sinfully long lashes half-hooding his searing gaze.

  “Julie,” he said softly, cupping her face and pressing his lips to the corner of her mouth. “I want you far more than I should.”

  She trembled, fingers digging into the sheets. “I want you, too.” Her breathing matched his; uneven, hurried, as if they were both running at break-neck speed while they remained still as statues.

  “Do you?” he said huskily. His body half-rested on hers and that sensation of being crushed beneath him only made her more turned on. She loved the aura of dominance he exuded that had nothing to do with force or angst as Tre’s had done. Thinking of Tre in that moment felt like such sacrilege and she pushed any memory of him to the furthest depths of her mind.

  “Yes,” she replied with firmness. He nuzzled at her throat and she arched off the bed, hands slowly lifting to reach around his gloriously muscular frame. Gushes of arousal poured from her center and she almost whimpered as she said, “I think I’ve wanted you – wanted this, forever.”

  Ryan growled deep in his throat, his lower body grinding into hers. The thick, rigid length of his maleness rubbed into her belly and she could feel the cool, wet trails of his pre-cum on her flesh. That alone was enough to make her inner sheathe quiver to be filled and stormed by his granite-hard member.

  “I can get a little rough sometimes...but I’ll never hurt you or cause you pain,” he said on a raspy whisper, each word ringing true in her ear. “Just trust me to take you to heights of pleasure you’ve never even imagined.”

  “Oh yes, please,” Julie whispered, unabashed by her sweltering desire for this man.

  “Now, turn over, baby – and let me give you a taste of what I’ve been thinking of doing to you for the longest time.”

  Ryan’s commanding, husky words would have normally filled her with consternation but somehow Julie knew that there was nothing to worry about. She chose to trust him, just as he asked. She could never imagine him hurting her, certainly never like Tre had done.

  Slowly, she rolled over and rested her face against the pillows, her whole body trembling with anticipation.

  “Beautiful,” Ryan whispered, and Julie could only imagine the view he was getting; the spreading length of her thighs, her curvy bottom and then the long, supple line of her back. She grew wet thinking he could just see the pulpy mound of her sex in between her slightly parted legs.

  “I want to taste you all over. I missed that the last time and it’s all I’ve been thinking of since then,” growled Ryan, his breath fanning her ear. Julie closed her eyes and focused her other senses solely on the man whose voice and words made love to her in ways that sent chills of pleasure down her back. His hands smoothed over every inch of her, and his lips and tongue traced the same spots of his fingers. It was like a full body massage but all the more electrifying. She was dripping on herself by the time his lips reached the crevice in between her splayed thighs.

  “Your scent has the power to drive me crazy,” Ryan said thickly, his hands cupping the globes of her ass and spreading them open so he could kiss her labia. Julie moaned helplessly. He inhaled her aroma and let out a rough growl of desire. His tongue came out and quickly swept from one length of her slit to the other. The pleasure of that alone had her whole body convulsing and she gripped tightly on the pillows.

  “Mmm,” she purred with shameless delight. Ryan’s mouth there...and there, was the most carnal of pleasures. He licked her to an almost fiendish moistness. He drove that skilled tongue as deep as it would go inside her, using its stiff tip to manipulate the sensitive edges of her inner folds. Reaching his arm beneath her belly, he drew her up slightly so her bottom was arched in the air and his tongue could reach her hooded clit. He teased her with masterful determination. If Julie cried out any louder or longer, she’d be hoarse. Pleasure became almost agony as her clit came to feverish life beneath his tongue. And just when she thought it couldn’t get any more intense, she felt him spear her entrance with first one finger, then two.

  “Ryan...ooh,” she cried, the sound fading into a half-sob, “Oh please.”

  “Please what, Julie?” Ryan paused in his thrusting of her depths to ask. “Please stop?”


  “Then tell me what you want. Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you,” he said in that voice that was all smooth silk and rough gravel.

  “Take me,” Julie gasped out, hungry to be filled by him in ways that his probing fingers couldn’t do.

  Ryan had brought her to a point where all reason left her, and something told her he felt the same. Yet when she felt his hands guide her hips even higher and bringing her up on her hands and knees, she felt a slight trepidation. The sheer size of him, claiming her at that angle might prove more than she could handle.

  She felt Ryan’s body at her back, leaning over her and covering her with heat, and want. His hand gently scooped her hair and he pulled her head back, just enough so he could seek her mouth and snake his tongue inside. Moaning, she welcomed his kiss, inflamed yet calmed by it. His other hand covered one of her breasts, squeezing passionately and causing her nipples to grow taut and achy.

  With his fingers attached to the tingling nub at the tip of her breast, and his tongue thrusting into her mouth, Julie almost got distracted from the fact that his big, hard member probed at her entrance from behind. She came to her senses and let out a low whine against his lips.

  “Shh, my love. Let it happen. You’re already so wet and open for me. You’ll love it, I promise.” He kissed her again, more deeply and possessively than before. When he drew back slightly, he gazed deeply into her eyes. “You know I love you, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” sighed Julie. “And I love you.”

  Julie meant the words with all her heart. This felt so right, she thought without question. It was true that every part of her was molten and ready for him, wetness coursing from her sex. She would take him, all of him and revel in being claimed in a way that was no-holds-barred, elemental and uncaged. Moaning in encouragement, she ground her hips back against him.

  Ryan let out a groan of appreciation, but made no other sound as he rose up behind her and seiz
ed hold of her hips. In one fluid surge he thrust, sheathing himself to the neck of her depths. Julie gasped aloud, her whole body almost jolted forward from the powerful impact. Embedded inside her, he made himself known in every inch of her walls. She drew in much needed air as for a few moments, he held still inside her. Enough for her to get accustomed to his girth, her muscles stretching to take him as deep as he wanted to go. Soon, her body wanted more, and she moved with sensuous enticement, one Ryan did not mistake.

  Without further delay, he began to drive himself in and out of her ready heat till he built a tempo that made Julie go wild. With him so fully encased inside her it should have hurt, but the slight discomfort was overshadowed by the immense pleasure he gave with each purposeful stroke. Her moans of ecstasy grew louder, earthier, and she could feel that they spurred him further. His thrusts came more rapidly, his shaft throbbing with each squeeze of her powerful inner muscles as the sweet delight of their passion rose higher.

  Yet each time Julie felt close enough to the edge to fall over into the depths of unstoppable ecstasy, Ryan slowed down his rough, taking thrusts, easing into a grinding pace that sent a blinding wave of pleasure over her body.

  Time and again he drew them back from the peak, till Julie felt she couldn’t take anymore. Crying out his name, she begged for release as she arched her back, her arms stretched full length beneath her. She heard Ryan’s low, thick growl in response to her plea, before he reached underneath and maneuvered his fingers to find her pulsing clit. When he coupled his thrusts to match his strumming of her clit, Julie knew she was finally lost.

  As she gave in to the flood tide of their relentless coupling, Julie was relieved that Ryan didn’t hold back for long, letting go just moments after her explosive orgasm ebbed into shudders and twitches. She felt each imprint of his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips as he pounded to a finish, sending a torrent of his hot, liquid essence deep into her womb.


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