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Curves for Him - 10 Delicious Tales

Page 91

by Aubrey Rose, Dez Burke, A. T. Mitchell, Catherine Vale, Marian Tee, Harper Ashe, Eliza Gayle, M. G. Morgan, Shirl Anders, Milly Taiden

  Ellie took her seat next to her mother’s bed and stared down into the peaceful face of the woman who had raised her. It was strange how the roles had now reversed.

  Closing her eyes, Ellie imagined a time when life had been better. It was her favourite thing to do; at least in her daydreams she could have the perfect life she’d dreamt of having every night since she’d learned of her father’s death.

  But tonight was different. Tonight there was no peace in the daydream. It was the dream she usually allowed herself. Her father was still alive, her mother had never suffered the stroke, life was happy... Life was how it was supposed to be... And yet for some reason Ellie couldn’t find a reason to find any enjoyment in the fantasy.

  It was missing something, something vital.

  Stuart’s face popped into her mind, the feel of his lips against hers, the hunger in his kiss and the touch of his hands.

  It didn’t matter how much Ellie tried to push the memory of his kiss from her head it wouldn’t leave. She had been a fool—a fool to believe that she could just push him away and expect everything to be alright.

  It seemed impossible, it should have been impossible, and yet Ellie knew deep down that she was falling for him. She was falling for a guy she barely knew. It was that sort of impulsiveness that had gotten her into trouble in the first place.

  And yet, Ellie knew it was no good knowing it was a bad idea, it was already too late. She had already begun the free fall and it was too late to change her mind now. All she could do now was brace for impact and pray that when she did hit the ground that it wouldn’t leave her heart irreparably broken.


  Stuart slammed his fist against the steering wheel, his anger getting the better of him. How could he have been so stupid?

  It was something so obvious, and yet it filled him with rage to imagine it. There was something in Ellie that called to him. Something that told him that she was meant for him and him alone.

  The thought that some other man was enjoying her luscious body, that another man would bring her to ecstasy, made the blood boil in Stuart’s veins.

  He fought the urge to track down Ellie’s boyfriend and take his irritation and anger out on him. It wouldn’t do any good if he did it and Ellie would probably only end up hating him if he did.

  Gunning the engine he pulled away from Ellie’s house in a spray of gravel.

  Without even properly thinking about where he was going, Stuart turned the car in the direction of Grey Mattheson’s house.

  There was at least one thing he could do and that was get to the bottom of Grey’s behaviour once and for all.

  It was naive to think that Grey’s men were acting without his knowledge; that was impossible. In fact Stuart could imagine that Grey’s men wouldn’t make a move without the knowledge of their boss.

  Stuart pulled the car to a stop just down the road from Grey’s estate and killed the lights.

  At this time of night, Stuart was under no illusion that Grey would have the place locked down tight. He wouldn’t let him in if he just pulled up at the gateway. No, Stuart knew the only way he was getting in the gate was if he let himself in.

  Stepping out of the car, he stared at the high wall that surrounded Grey’s estate. There was only one way over the wall and Stuart would have to hope and pray that Grey didn’t have any special surprises on the other side.

  Stuart slipped his cell phone from his pocket and quickly punched in his brother’s number. The call went straight to voicemail and Stuart felt a certain measure of relief, at least this way it would give him some time to carry out his plans.

  “Hey, Riley, just thought I should let you know, I’m paying Grey a visit. It’d be wise to get your ass over here and bring the cops.”

  Stuart ended the call and pushed the phone back into his inside pocket.

  Creeping over to the wall, Stuart scaled it quickly and easily, dropping down over the other side of the wall without issue.

  Pulling the hood up over his head, Stuart kept his head down as he jogged through the trees Grey had let grow up around the estate.

  Reaching the edge of the tree line he paused and stared across the expanse of perfectly manicured green lawn. He could make a run for it and hope that Grey didn’t have outside cameras. Of course this was utterly unlikely and Stuart couldn’t see a way of making it to the house without first getting caught by some of the security guys Grey had.

  Staring up at the house, Stuart couldn’t shake the look in Ellie’s eyes as she had told him about what Grey had done to her. That thought alone was enough to set his blood boiling in his veins once more and he set off across the lawn at a relaxed jog.

  It didn’t take long for the first security guards to appear. They charged across the grass towards him and Stuart could feel a wide smile spreading across his face. This was what he needed to release the pent up frustration he felt.

  As soon as the first guard was within grabbing distance, Stuart rolled in towards him, his punch catching the other man by surprise. Stuart left him to tumble to the ground, clutching at his bleeding face as he fell.

  Two more guards closed in around him, one of them landing a blow to Stuart’s ribs as he tried to bring him down. Stuart kicked out, his mixed martial arts quickly coming into use as more guards joined the fray.

  It was a losing battle but the adrenaline that coursed through Stuart’s veins only made him fight harder and dirtier.

  In the end it took five guards and a Taser to finally bring him down. Stuart gritted his teeth as they landed kicks into his ribs.

  “Grey is going to be seriously pissed if you don’t bring me to him.”

  The guards laughed and the one holding the Taser crouched down next to Stuart, holding the illegally altered device up to Stuart’s face.

  “The boss trusts us to take care of garbage... That’s all you are and garbage doesn’t get to meet the boss.”

  “Then I suppose you’ll be happy to explain to your boss why you beat Stuart Reynolds to a bloody pulp without consulting him first?”

  “Why would he care who you are?”

  The Taser crackled as he depressed the button, the blue sparks lighting up his face in the night.

  “Because he needs my brother to sign off on plans and he hired me this morning to work as part of security.”

  The guard holding the Taser seemed to pause and Stuart could practically see the cogs turning in his mind.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “All you need to do is ask him, it’s not as though I can go anywhere.”

  “You’re lying...”

  “But what if he’s not? His name sounds familiar, what if he really is who he says he is?” one of the other guards piped up. Stuart could hear the nervousness in his voice and he couldn’t help but wonder if he had just recently gotten the job. Normally that type of nervousness only came with inexperience.

  “No, he’s definitely lying...”

  “What the hell is going on out there? Did you see something or...”

  Stuart’s stomach dropped into his boots and he couldn’t help but wonder what he had done to deserve having his luck run out so badly.

  Wilson ambled across the grass and even from his position on the ground Stuart could see the black and blue bruising around the man’s lower jaw.

  He paused and stared down at Stuart, a look of suspicion flashing through his eyes.

  “What’s he doing here?”

  Wilson’s words weren’t forming clearly and Stuart wondered if perhaps the other man had had his jaw wired.

  He’d had it done once and it had been an extremely irritating and uncomfortable experience.

  “He seems to think we’re going to bring him up to the house. Says his brother is someone the boss needs, even said the boss hired him as security...” The guard holding the Taser trailed off as he stared up into Wilson’s stony expression.

  Stuart held his breath, waiting for Wilson to pass judgement. One word f
rom him was all it would take to have them take him round back and beat him with metal pipes. Of course it would all be passed off as a ‘lesson’ but it wouldn’t change the fact that it would put him out of commission for several days at least.

  “Take him up to the house.”

  The words were muffled through Wilson’s wired jaw and for a second Stuart wasn’t sure if he’d heard him correctly. Could he really have gotten off so lightly?

  “Wilson, I know you got a knock on the head today but...”

  Wilson turned his glowering expression on the one who had just spoken to him, and anger seemed to radiate from every bone in his body.

  “Did you hear what I said or do I need to repeat myself?”

  The other guard stood his ground before finally shaking his head.

  “Take him up to the boss, boys.”

  Stuart found himself being lifted from the ground and onto his feet. Wilson’s first punch earlier had surprised him and it seemed he wasn’t done with the surprises. The simple fact that he hadn’t decided to take revenge when he so easily could have, lifted him in Stuart’s estimation.

  He started up the final incline to the house, only pausing once they had reached the front door.

  Stuart waited while one of the guards went into the house. Several minutes passed and he couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if Grey refused to see him.

  The front door opened and Stuart stepped inside as requested. The guard holding the Taser pushed him down the hall in the direction of Grey’s office. It seemed that was going to be the only room in the house that Stuart was going to get a good look inside.

  Grey sat behind the large desk, his suit and tie replaced with jeans and a casual blue polo shirt. He was the epitome of the wealthy man at rest and Stuart fought the urge to launch himself across the desk and wipe the smug look off Grey’s face.

  “Stuart, what a pleasant surprise. You’ll have to excuse the guards. They take their duties very seriously.”

  There was barely concealed laughter in Grey’s voice but that wasn’t what bothered Stuart. It was the fact that a man as heinous as him could be allowed to get away with so much.

  “So they should, you never know who’s lurking out there.”

  Grey nodded and dropped his gaze. Stuart could guess that it was simply a way for Grey to hide his smile.

  “So, what can I do for you, Stuart? Are you really that eager to start work for me?”

  Stuart laughed and it wasn’t a pleasant sound.

  “Well, about that, the more time I’ve had to think about it the more I’ve come to realise I’d rather work for anyone but you. Sending your men in tonight to beat Ellie really was the last straw for me.”

  Grey’s expression changed, anger blanching the colour from his face.

  “It was you tonight? I suppose I should have guessed. What did the little whore say to get you so riled up? I can’t imagine seeing her get what she deserved could have prompted this foolish endeavour.”

  Stuart grinned. “I wouldn’t call it foolish. I got in here, didn’t I?”

  He didn’t wait for Grey to register what was about to happen.

  Stuart lunged forward and caught Grey by the hair, driving his face down into the glass desktop, splintering the shatter-proof surface.

  Grey’s cry was muffled as Stuart released him.

  “If you ever come near Ellie or her brother again it’ll be the last thing you do.”

  “You’ll pay for this...”

  Grey spat blood out onto the desk, his face screwed up with pain as he spoke. The sound of sirens split the air and Stuart couldn’t help but smile. Trust Riley to come through for him.

  “I’m sure you’ll try, Grey, but I’m not particularly worried.”

  The sound of commotion from outside the office door had Grey standing and moving towards it.

  Blood poured down his chin and dripped onto the powder blue shirt he wore.

  The door swung open seconds before Grey had the chance to reach out and open it and Riley stood framed.

  “I want to know where my brother...”

  Riley’s voice faded as he took in the sight of Grey and the blood. The cops however weren’t as lax and Stuart held his hands out in front of him as they surrounded and cuffed him.

  No matter what happened next, it had all been worth it just to see the look on Grey’s face.


  Ellie winced and pulled the dress on over her head. It was the best one she had, the only one she had.

  She’d have loved for nothing else but to curl up at home. The pain in her healing back was excruciating and each time she had lifted her arms in the diner had brought a fresh wave of agony.

  But Kelly had come through for her and Ellie desperately needed the extra money the job promised. Sweeping her hair up, Ellie studied her appearance in the mirror and decided instead to let her hair fall free. The dress was a little low on the back and with her hair down it prevented anyone from catching a glimpse of her red and bruised skin.

  Ellie sighed and turned from the mirror, disgust washing over her once more.

  What was the point? Hair up, or down, makeup or not, pretty black dress... None of it would change the fact that she was fat.

  Most of the time Ellie didn’t let it get to her. She had tried to get comfortable in her own skin and the death of her father and her mother’s stroke had shown her there was far more to life than looks. But it didn’t stop her from every so often wishing she could look different.

  Diets made no difference and no amount of exercise seemed to have an impact on her soft wobbly tummy or full rounded hips. Plus it was agony to try and run on a treadmill when your breasts spent all their time trying to find a way into your eyes or up your nose with each stride you took. She’d been told to strap them down but all that had ended with her practically passing out through lack of oxygen.

  Grabbing her handbag, Ellie winced again as she stretched her arm a little further than she’d intended. Stepping out onto the landing, she poked her head in the bedroom door to her mother.

  Rosalind sat up in the bed, the pillows propped behind her holding her upright and in place. Ellie hesitated, there was something in the look her mother gave her that made her consider staying home.

  “I have to go, Mom. Selena is here and she’ll sit with you.”

  The look in her mother’s eyes was unchanged and Ellie moved into the bedroom and took the seat next to her.

  “We need the money. I wish I could stay at home, God, do I wish I could curl up here next to you and not go out.”

  Ellie paused and reached out, taking her mother’s withered hand in her own. Her skin felt paper thin and her pulse weakly beat against Ellie’s fingers.

  “Are you feeling alright?”

  Rosalind didn’t respond but Ellie leaned over and lifted her mother’s hand to her lips.

  “I wish things were different, I really do.”

  There was a slight tensing in Rosalind’s fingers and for a second Ellie felt hope spring up in her chest. But when there was nothing else, she knew it was probably just an involuntary muscle spasm. Selena had told her often enough in the beginning that any movement her mom made wasn’t planned.

  Ellie stood and headed for the door. Every time she had to leave she felt bad, but it wasn’t as though there was any other way to pay the bills.

  Swallowing back her guilt, Ellie’s mind reminded her of the letter from the bank. No, she would go to work and she would earn enough to keep her mother comfortable in her own home. The rest didn’t matter as long as she could do that. After all she was the cause for her father’s death and her mother’s stroke. If she had kept her mouth shut, life would have been better for everyone.

  “I can’t put you out front with the guests, you’re not their type.”

  The party manager’s voice was shrill and cut through Ellie as she stood awaiting her judgement.

  “I thought you said she was suitable, Kelly? I don’t ha
ve an outfit to fit someone of that size.”

  Kelly stood in behind a screen and Ellie could just make out her shadow as she changed. She popped her head around the edge and stared Ellie up and down before switching her attention to the manager.

  “Nikita, I thought she would be alright... I mean I know she’s not the usual... type. But I know she’s a hard worker and she really needs the work.”

  “I really do,” Ellie said, colour suffusing her cheeks as realisation sank in about what the women seemed to have a problem with.

  Kelly stepped out from behind the screen and Ellie’s eyes practically fell out of her head. She had only ever seen Kelly in the diner uniform and while Kelly liked to wear her skirt extra short, it still covered everything important.

  This outfit on the other hand left very little to the imagination.

  In fact, Ellie was almost certain the tiny gauze-like strips of material that covered Kelly’s nipples and crotch probably couldn’t be considered an outfit.

  “Wait, that’s what you’re wearing?” Ellie said, her mouth going suddenly dry at the thought of exposing that much of herself.

  “Yeah, all the girls do and the tips we make...” Kelly giggled, “well, let’s just say it’s pretty darn obscene.”

  “Out on the floor, Kelly, now,” the party manager said, her tone a warning. She turned back to Ellie, her lips pursed as she stared Ellie up and down.

  “I don’t think I can wear that...” Ellie said, her hands clammy and her stomach flipping uncomfortably.

  “No way. You’d look like some sort of deflated hot air balloon if you did. I suppose if you carry the trays out to the refill table it won’t really matter what you wear.”

  Ellie didn’t know if she should feel relieved or insulted. She followed the other woman down the hall to the steamy kitchen and when she paused in front of a trolley of trays Ellie came to a halt too.

  “Carry these out and set them on the table just through there. I don’t want any gaps on the tables and I don’t want any delays for the girls, is that clear?”

  Ellie stared at the wide and heavy-looking trays. Some of them were already filled with food while others had plates and little pieces of cutlery in them.


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