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Curves for Him - 10 Delicious Tales

Page 97

by Aubrey Rose, Dez Burke, A. T. Mitchell, Catherine Vale, Marian Tee, Harper Ashe, Eliza Gayle, M. G. Morgan, Shirl Anders, Milly Taiden

  “If you hurt her I’ll kill you.”

  Grey laughed and the sound filled Ellie with fear.

  “If I don’t get out of here I’m dead anyway. I can’t be taken in by the cops. The people I work for don’t want to give me the chance to turn on them. I wouldn’t last five minutes in prison. So you see, Stuart, I have no choice and now neither do you. Help me, and she lives; don’t help me, and she dies...”

  Grey dragged Ellie back towards the rim and more rocks and dirt disappeared over the edge.

  Stuart looked at her, his expression filled with fear and pain. Ellie knew he was planning something stupid, planning a last ditch rescue attempt that would get him killed. She saw the look in his eyes and the tensing of his shoulders.

  “I love you,” she said, and Stuart’s eyes widened with surprise.

  “Aww, she loves you, Stuart, now you have to save her.”

  Ellie didn’t wait for Grey to finish speaking. He was the man who had taken her father, he may as well have killed her mother and he’d ripped her brother away and into a world he didn’t belong in, turning him into someone Ellie barely recognised. The thought of Grey succeeding and taking away the man she loved—the man she had longed for and never truly believed she would find—was too much for her.

  Ellie swung her body in against Grey’s, her forward momentum unbalancing him. His grip on her hair disappeared as his arms wind-milled and Grey began to fall.

  Grey’s body tumbled over the edge of Lacey’s Head and Ellie went with him, her body slamming into the ground, the edge crumbling away beneath her and sending her over the cliff. There was just enough time to scream before the sea started to rush up to meet her.

  “Ellie, open your eyes.”

  Stuart’s frantic voice seemed to come from somewhere above Ellie. Her arm ached as she struggled to hold onto the tree root against the edge of the cliff face. Ellie didn’t know how she’d managed to grab onto the root, her instinct to survive had kicked in the moment she’d started to fall.

  Looking up she realised the tree root wasn’t the only thing keeping her from falling to her death. Stuart lay across the edge, his hand in hers, holding her steady.

  “Good, love, that’s good, now I need you to reach up to me with the hand that’s on the tree. I promise I won’t let go, I’ve got you.”

  The sound of the sea crashing against the rocks below suddenly rushed in to taunt Ellie, making her head spin.

  “Ellie, look at me, only at me.”

  Stuart’s voice was steady but Ellie could see the pain in his eyes as soon as she glanced up at him.

  “I’m too heavy.”

  The words came out in a whisper. She was too afraid to talk normally in case it was enough to send her tumbling to her death.

  “Ellie, you’re not. I’ve got you...”

  She squeezed her eyes shut and struggled to drink in a deep breath.


  His voice made her look up.

  “I love you too and I’m not letting you go. You have to trust me.”

  Ellie nodded slowly, her heart hammering in her chest and in her ears.

  He loved her. He’d said it. Ellie didn’t care if he’d just said it to help her to trust him or if he really meant it, none of it mattered.

  She loved him, she trusted him.

  “I trust you.”

  She squeezed his hand and released the tree branch. There was a moment of pure unfettered panic as she swung in the air and then Stuart had her other hand and he was pulling her up and over the edge.

  Ellie clung to him as he dragged her back onto solid land. Pushing up from the ground, he brought her with him and crushed her in against his chest in the strongest and most comforting embrace Ellie had ever felt.

  “I’ve got you—I told you I wouldn’t let go.”

  Stuart held her, his lips coming down on hers in a knee-melting kiss.

  He broke away from her long enough to stare angrily at her.

  “What the hell were you thinking? You could have been killed. What if I hadn’t caught you? What if you hadn’t gotten a grip on the tree root? Ellie, I could have lost you.”

  “And it would have been worth it if you were safe. I couldn’t bear the thought of you doing something stupid and heroic and getting yourself killed.”

  “So you thought it would be better if you did it instead?”

  Ellie nodded as Stuart cupped her face between his hands.

  “Don’t you ever do that to me again. Don’t ever endanger yourself like that. I couldn’t bear to lose you, to not feel you in my arms...”

  “I meant it, I love you...”

  Ellie got the words out as cops and plain clothes officers raced through the long grasses towards them.

  Stuart smiled and dragged her in against him once more.

  “I was hoping you’d say that—that it wasn’t just some sort of last declaration before you risked yourself.”

  Ellie smiled up at him.

  “It was a last declaration. I was prepared to die, after everything Grey has taken from me I wasn’t about to let him take you as well.”

  “We can’t find Grey anywhere.”

  Riley appeared behind Stuart, a navy windbreaker on him, his eyes filled with concern.

  “I think you’ll be lucky if you find Grey, considering he went over the edge there.”

  Stuart pointed to the edge of the cliff and Ellie followed his hand, a sudden shiver washing over her. It had all been incredibly close, too close, and the fact that she was now standing on solid secure land left her surprised.

  The moment she had gone over the edge and the first glimpse of the ocean below had convinced her that the end was near. She knew she wouldn’t survive the fall, no one did, and yet she didn’t regret it one bit.

  If she had the same choice to make over again, Ellie knew she wouldn’t change a thing.

  “Are you cold?”

  Stuart wrapped his arm around her shoulder, drawing her in against his side.

  “I’m fine. I think you’re the one we need to worry about.”

  Ellie placed her hand on his chest and Stuart winced.

  “I’ll be fine, this is nothing that a little TLC can’t sort out.”

  “Still, we need to get you checked out.”

  Stuart shook his head and pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “Well, if I do then so do you. Deal?”

  Ellie stared up at him and knew that there was no way out of it. If she didn’t agree to it then he wouldn’t either. She smiled.

  “That’s fine by me.”

  Ellie didn’t care about something so trivial. She had everything she wanted right within her grasp and she wouldn’t ever risk it again.


  Sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, Ellie dangled her legs over the edge and waited for the doctor to return with the all clear. Spending the night in hospital hadn’t been her intention but the suspected concussion had changed that and she’d been ordered to stay for observation.

  Closing her eyes, the image of the sea rushing up to meet her as she’d gone over the edge of the cliff was seared onto the inside of her mind.

  A knock on the door made Ellie jump and her eyes flew open as the doctor strode into the centre of the room, her chart in his hand.

  “Well, Miss Blair, it seems we’ll be able to release you today as long as you promise to take it easy for the next few days.”

  Ellie nodded but she knew that sort of promise was impossible, there was simply too much to do and plan. The thought of her mother’s funeral left Ellie with an ache in her chest.

  “I’ll make sure she takes it easy, Doc.”

  Ellie’s heart flipped in her chest at the mere sound of Stuart’s voice. She watched him as he moved into the room, heading straight for her. His hand caught hers, their fingers interlocking as he leaned down to her and brushed his mouth against her lips.

  “I missed you.”

  Stuart’s voice
was barely a whisper but Ellie heard every word and they filled her with joy.

  “I missed you too,” Ellie said, a smile lighting up her face.

  “Well then, I’ll let you get sorted and you’ll just need to sign a few forms before you leave,” The doctor said, his tone betraying the awkwardness he obviously felt.

  “Thank you!” He disappeared through the door as Ellie called out after him.

  “I thought he’d never leave.” Stuart’s voice dipped to a growl and a shiver rolled through Ellie.

  He positioned himself in front of her, pressing between her legs as he cupped her face in his hands. Stuart’s eyes searched Ellie’s face and a blush crept up over her cheeks.

  “What’s wrong?” She said, wriggling in his grip.

  “Nothing, Ellie, everything is perfect now.”

  Stuart kissed her again but this time it wasn’t the mere brushing of lips. Stuart’s touch scorched along Ellie’s skin as his mouth crashed against hers, his tongue slid along her lips and Ellie opened to him.

  Her head swam in dizzying circles as the kiss deepened and Stuart’s hands slid around her body, drawing her closer to him.

  When Stuart finally pulled away, Ellie was left breathless and she fought to regain her composure.

  He winced as he straightened up and Ellie automatically reached out to him.

  “How are you feeling?”

  He shrugged and then winced again.

  “I’ve had worse, nothing is broken at least, just badly bruised.” Stuart propped himself against the edge of the bed as he spoke. “How about you? How was the night?”

  Ellie shook her head and pushed off the edge of the bed. The moment her feet hit the floor a feeling of dizziness washed over her and Stuart’s strong arms caught her before she fell.

  “Honestly, I can’t wait to get out of here and go home.”

  Stuart’s face changed, and Ellie struggled to read his expression.

  “About going home, when I had to leave you in here last night I got to thinking about that...”

  “Stuart what’s wrong?”

  A gnawing feeling of fear opened up in the pit of Ellie’s stomach.

  “Well, I was thinking about home and well, I don’t think I could consider any place to be home without you in it... I was hoping you’d agree to moving in with me? We could find a place of our own.”

  Ellie felt her mouth drop, the feeling of fear instantly disappeared. A slow smile spread across her face.

  “Ellie, I love you.”

  Stuart’s words left her speechless and all Ellie could do in answer was throw her arms around his neck.

  “I’ll take that as a yes then?” He said, holding her against him.

  “Yes,” Ellie whispered to him, “I love you too.”

  Stuart grinned and wrapped his arm around Ellie’s shoulder as he reached down and scooped her bag up from the floor.

  “Then let’s go home, we have a lot of plans to make and I know exactly where we should begin.”

  The predatory look in Stuart’s eyes told Ellie, the only planning he intended on doing would revolve around how to get her out of her clothes. With a smile she let him lead her from the hospital room. As far as she was concerned as long as she was in his arms, nothing else mattered.

  About the Author: M.G. Morgan

  M.G. Morgan's Newest Release is: Breaker's Point Rogue - Book 1 in the Breaker's Point Series She is currently working on Breaker's Point Beau - Book 2 in the Breaker's Point Series Sign up to M.G. Morgan's Mailing List for new release notices and exclusive news

  Writing has always been M.G.Morgan's passion. Contemporary romance and romantic suspense are her favourite things to write about. M.G. Morgan is constantly striving to provide her readers with books packed with suspense filled twists and of course sizzling romance. She writes heroes and heroines to fall in love with.

  M.G. Morgan is a crazy cat person. She loves to curl up in front of the fire with her husband and one true love and watch a scary movie.

  Find M.G. Morgan at her blog Email her millie.g.morgan at Find her on Facebook M.G. MorganAuthor Or follow her on Twitter M_GMorgan M.G. Morgan's Mailing List

  To find out more about this book or others in the series, email M.G. Morgan

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  “Steven, I love fucking in storms.”

  The woman laughed again with her sickening, seductive laughter, while Tess’ heartbeat skipped as fast as her gaze trying to find where they could possibly be. Then she saw the covered balconies on the second floor and halfway down the building a couple was outlined in the light from deeper in a room behind them. She walked forward like a zombie toward them, while squinting in the rain running rivulets down her face. The shadows showed a man and a woman. He was lifting her up on the rail, then he was spreading her legs as she laughed with excitement.

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  “It’s my wife up there,” he rasped lowly, with deadly anger in his voice, shocking Tess into statue mode, while she knew her tears fell over his hand.

nbsp; Vincent Whitehorse looked down at the curvy redhead he held against the wall. She was soaked by the rain with her dark red hair hanging in ringlets and clumps, making her pale features look fairylike against her light blue eyes. Eyes that were dripping hot tears over his hand, but he couldn’t let her alert the cheating bastards nearly above them. He leaned against the woman, keeping her quiet while the sounds of screwing taunted them.

  Not that he gave a fuck what his wife, Luna, did anymore. Except for a man like him, this was too fucking much. The grunts got more intense above them and the flicker of lights behind them showed the sway of bodies above. His captive moaned with distressed sounds, while looking up and curling her nails into his chest beneath his duster.

  He moved, blocking her view of the humping shadows, and her hurt blue eyes lifted to his. He could see the pain beneath her spiky, wet lashes and it tore feelings out of him he didn’t want to admit.

  “Fuck me, Steven. God, yes, fuck me harder!”

  “Quiet, Luna!” a man’s voice ordered.

  The redhead struggled beneath him, but he held her to the wall, dropping his head, praying the thing would get over with. The climax came minutes later and he squeezed his eyes closed, while his feminine captive clutched him closer, sobbing beneath his hand.

  Then finally the bastards stumbled back into the hotel room, slamming the balcony’s patio door shut. Right then, a loud clap of thunder struck, making the woman jump against him. She had a healthy figure, like he’d never had an opportunity to feel against him before. But it was just half a man’s thought, before he lowered his mouth against her ear.

  “That your husband up there?”

  She moaned and nodded. A growl rumbled from his chest. He thought she had to be, the way she’d come up on them, and the way she’d looked before he grabbed her from warning them they were caught.

  “We’ll talk,” he uttered, dragging her down the hotel walkway away from the balcony. What were the odds he’d meet the wife of the bastard that was screwing his wife?

  He was the husband! Tess was gobsmacked as the tall man wearing a black duster and cowboy hat placed her in his big, extended cab pickup that was parked on the other side of the parking lot from “the deed.” She couldn’t think the real words of what it was.


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