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Curves for Him - 10 Delicious Tales

Page 108

by Aubrey Rose, Dez Burke, A. T. Mitchell, Catherine Vale, Marian Tee, Harper Ashe, Eliza Gayle, M. G. Morgan, Shirl Anders, Milly Taiden

  Rusty leaned forward, whispering, “If he did, he forged your name.”

  “I know,” Tess muttered. “I could be in more debt than I know. Damn him.”

  Rusty scooted closer, reached over the nachos, and clasped Tess’ hand sitting on her crossed knee while expertly keeping her margarita from spilling. “I have to tell you ... I hate telling you ... but we junior girls gotta stick together.” They’d met in junior high school. Tess braced, because Rusty only used the tone she was using when something was really bad.

  “They were in my cab.” Rusty gulped, and then looked down at her drink, which she lifted and took a big swallow from while Tess tensed. Tess knew who they were. “Aw, sweetheart,” Rusty started again, and Tess immediately knew it was going to be even worse because Rusty used that tone and endearment. “They could give a shit—they were all over each other.”

  “Oh,” Tess whined, then she exclaimed, “He knows you and I know each other!”

  Rusty nodded, but contradicted her nod by what she said: “He was so up her ass he never noticed it was me. I don’t think.”

  “It’s like he’s become addicted or something,” Tess exclaimed, throwing up a hand. “He just goes off with her like he is totally not married. At least the other time he tried to not let me find out. He snuck around but still sort of acted like a husband at home. God, and Rusty ...” Tess grabbed Rusty’s hand back, continuing, “That cheating witch is all, ‘My fans so adore me. It’s all me, me, me.’” Tess huffed, pausing and draining her glass, before she said, “Why would Steven like that?”

  “I don’t know, babe.” Rusty patted her hand. “But this time the ties are really broken and you can get free. I bet there’ll be no more of that ‘no one can have you’ junk.”

  “Yeah,” Tess murmured, instantly thinking of Vincent. But she got up to pour another margarita instead of lingering on any thoughts of him. Over the next two drinks with very little nacho eating, she and Rusty dissected Finn O’Neil.

  “I had such a crush on him in high school.” Rusty slurred her admission a bit ... they’d both drunk more than they’d ate. Tess looked at her friend critically: she was petite but voluptuous, with freckles, auburn hair, and a bunch of sass. She was perfect.

  “You so could have got him,” Tess declared. “You should have jumped him back then.”

  “So he’s turned really badass, huh?” Rusty asked. Again.

  Tess narrowed her slightly blurry eyes on that obvious interest. Then, selfishly or not, definitely drunkenly, and she knew what happened last time she got drunk, she tried to turn Rusty’s attention. “But you should meet Cabe.” Tess swept her hand under Rusty’s nose. “Your cute sass and his calm chivalry. Perfect,” Tess announced.

  “Who is Cabe?”

  Without thinking, Tess replied, “Cabe Santos is Vincent’s main man at WTSF.” Tess leaned toward Rusty. “Think Cabe’s marriage is rocky. But he’s laid back, hot. The kind of hot that slowly burns you, in a really good way.”

  “Damn, babe,” Rusty exclaimed. “Where are you meeting all these hot guys, and is that Vincent, as in the one we squealed our tires away from the other day? That Vincent?” Rusty’s eyes narrowed. “The ‘I went to bed with him’ Vincent?”

  “Shhhh,” Tess shushed loudly as if someone was around to see. “Three orgasms,” she blurted, then she stood and declared it again. She wobbled and grabbed her temple. “Whoa.”

  Rusty laughed, stood, and steadied her. “Three?” Rusty exclaimed.

  “He’s un-be-lievable, Rusty.”

  They sort of hugged each other, to hold each other up. “Too bad his soon-to-be ex is freaking loony bins.” Tess frowned, then smiled. “But I’m going to learn to kick her ass.”

  “Come on, babe,” Rusty said. “Need to get your ass to bed. You can tell me this amazing thing on the way ...”

  Tess was lying face down in the dark, on Vincent’s bed, when her cell phone rang in the pocket of her cutoff shorts. She’d put them on to get comfy for girls’ night when she hit Vincent’s. It was completely dark in the room and she might have been drooling in her sleep.

  “What?” she exclaimed into the cell.

  “Let me in.”

  “Vincent?” Of course it was Vincent. No one could growl straight to her pussy like him. Tess rose on her elbow, shoving her long hair out of her face.

  “Let me in,” he whispered, and she clenched her thighs.

  “You promised,” she whispered back. “Where are you? Are you outside?”

  “Let me in, beautiful.”

  He had to be outside. That realization made her quiver more. “Oh God,” she moaned, rolling onto her back and barely keeping her hand from touching herself. “I’m drunk,” she admitted.

  “Let me inside,” he urged in a low, growly voice that had her squirming ... then, after long moments, he added, “In you.”

  Let me inside you. She blurted into the phone. “I’ll be messy drunk. You want messy drunk sex?”

  “I want you. Let me in.”

  Oh God. In a small voice she asked, “You really want me?”

  “Baby.” His voice got rougher. “Yes, I want you more than really. Let me in.”

  More than really. “Vincent ... come in.”


  Vincent found Tess in the dark on his bed. She was drunk and giggly, cute as hell trying to order him to turn on the lights and strip for her. Tess and he were not trading control of the power handle. So he stripped her in the dark, overpowering her weaker struggles to keep him from doing it as he nipped her lips.

  Then he skimmed his hands down her body, feeling every curve like he was dying for it. He’d been crazy thinking he liked trim. She felt like satin and hot woman in his hands and his stroking got her purring more than struggling.

  “I wanted you naked,” she said against his ear, pouting. Then she nibbled on it as he caressed her hips, belly, then ribs, up to the under-swell of her breasts.

  “Like you naked,” he uttered with finality in his tone. Then he covered her with his clothed body and showed her what that could do by rubbing into her bareness.

  “Vincent,” she gasped lightly.

  He chuckled. “Gonna do you slow, beautiful. Real slow.”

  “I let you in,” she whispered, kissing his jaw, while he did a slow grind over her body.

  “You did,” he admitted as he turned his head and caught her mouth beneath his. He kissed her deep and hot, until she moaned and was clutching him.

  “Is my hot little pussy getting ready for me?” he whispered against her ear, changing his mouth’s position from her soft, full lips. The sound she made ached an answer over his cock.

  “Oh God, yes.” She rubbed against him now.

  He grabbed her outer thigh and lifted it over his hip, opening her up. Her body rose against his pressing deep and he hooked the small of her back, helping her. His hard thigh was pressed to her slit and he rode his thigh into it, making her whimper against his ear.

  “That’s my baby,” he rumbled low against her ear.

  “Vincent,” she moaned, clutching his shirt, digging her nails in. She was so fucking hot.

  Then he went to town on her, starting with her breasts, until she was begging him to come.

  “Wanna spank you,” he uttered over plucking her nipple tight between his lips. He had his hand cupped over her slit and she was humping his hand with whimpers and moans that made him fucking crazy hot for her.

  He’d wanted to do this ever since he’d first seen her ass, and she was just tipsy enough to let him.

  “Gotta come,” she moaned.

  “Spanking first,” he ordered, then rose, grasped her bare waist, and flipped her onto her tummy. Oh fuck yeah. He could not see well and that irritated him, but he was not willing to get up and lose the moment.

  He slapped her ass before she could wiggle and get up. After each slap he stroked her slit from behind between her thighs. The sound, the feel of each smack on her bare ass
, attacked his cock.

  “Vincent! Ow! Oh hh,” Tess yelped, then she moaned, until she stopped yelping and was just moaning.

  He was fucking too hard, he couldn’t get his clothes off, he just got his cock out after Tess raised up on her knees accepting his spanking, while humping her wet little slit back on his fingers in between.

  One thrust planted him deep over her back, making her squeal passionately. Then he did what he never did; he was so hot, he thrust hard and came in minutes, groaning himself hoarse.

  Before Tess came. Christ. That spanking got him tight.

  He didn't stop thrusting, dragging Tess back onto his semi-hard cock, while he hooked a hand over her hip and he found her clit.

  “Please, please,” she pleaded.

  He worked her slick, hot clit until she was riding him hard and bucking back on him, crying his name. He felt her pussy grab his cock and it instantly went hard again as he rode her through a climax with deep thrusts. He forgot about slow with Tess, and every time he tried it, it never happened. They were too fucking hot together.

  “Ride harder.” Tess sat astride Vincent and she clutched his muscular thighs, arching back as she pumped her hips faster. “Harder,” Vincent growled at her. “Gimme that pussy.”

  Tess panted, jumping harder on his thick, rigid cock, feeling every inch of him plunge inside her. Then Vincent’s finger pressed onto her clit and she mewled sharply, losing her rhythm. Before she could regret it, Vincent had pulled her up his body and off his cock. Then he had his mouth on her clit as she clutched the headboard.

  She squealed as he pried her thighs farther apart and alternated with nipping her clit and thrusting his tongue deep while she rode his face. It was so hot, she burned. Then she began to come with her head thrown back, while trying not to scream out loud. But Vincent held her clit in his mouth, sucking so freaking tight, and then he began smacking her ass. Tess jerked her fist to her mouth and screamed over it as she came more intensely than she’d ever felt before.

  “I want your lips on my cock.”

  Tess woke from her Vincent sex daze and murmured against him; she was lying on top of him in the dark and she didn’t know how long she’d been asleep. The last she remembered was him giving her two climaxes as she rode his mouth. A hot blush covered her cheeks instantly and she realized her butt was a bit sore from getting spanked. Ohmygod, she’d been so naughty.

  She felt Vincent’s hand curling in her hair at the back of her head. One tug, some pain that got her moving. This was something she’d been told she was bad at.

  “Umm,” she muttered, crawling over his hard body. He used his hand in her hair to compel her lower down on his body. “I don’t do this very good,” she whispered.

  His body stilled into hard, tight muscle beneath her and she heard him make a clipped, pissed-off sound. Oh no. She started to tell him she’d learn, but his hands moved quickly and caught her armpits. One tug up his body and they were mouth to mouth.

  “Who told you that crap?” His voice was rumbled low and tight. She pressed her hands on the warm wall of his chest. Just as she opened her mouth to answer, he said, “Never mind. Fuck, I can guess.”

  His hand stroking her bare back up into her hair was softer this time and she could feel the branding heat of his sizeable, thick cock between them. “I’ll learn. You teach me.” She breathed against his mouth.

  “Perfect,” he uttered in the dark, and she thought he was agreeing to what she said and a little bit of her self-doubt and anxiety eased as he continued, with his warm breath against her lips, “You touching your soft lips to my cock. It’ll be perfect.” He kissed her surprised mouth until she was moaning against him, then he lifted his lips slightly. “I like bossy. Yeah. You like my bossy. Yeah?”

  He shook her slightly to get her answer. “Yeah,” she agreed, because she really did like his bossy. Especially in bed.

  “Going to boss you all kind of ways to take my cock in that sweet mouth of yours.” Ohmygod. She didn’t know how she could be hotter after three mind-blowing orgasms, but his words tweaked her arousal instantly. “Yeah?” he asked with a shake.

  “Yeah,” she answered with a husky voice.

  “Baby, anytime your beautiful mouth is on my dick I’m going to be in heaven. You understand me?”

  “Okay, Vincent,” she whispered. His big hands clamped both cheeks of her ass and he squeezed.

  “Let’s see how naughty my baby can get.”


  Tess felt warm lips on her shoulder, and she murmured, opening her eyes, blinking.

  “I’m going before your chick gets up.”

  It was Vincent and he kissed toward her neck. It was really nice of him to sneak out before Rusty woke up ... it was his house. But then Tess belatedly remembered that Vincent was sneaking around with her on Luna. Wow. She’d never thought of it like that. Suddenly she liked their affair much better.

  “I gotta get you drunk again,” he murmured against her ear, then he added, “Wicked naughty.”

  Blushing even more, she began to turn toward him with her arms over his shoulders. Their lips met and he gave her slow, sweet, and thorough, until she felt it in her clit. A-gain.

  “Vincent,” she whispered.

  “You and me tonight, back here.” He kissed her. “Yeah.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded.

  “Best fucking head I ever had.”

  She sucked in a pleased and startled breath, heard him chuckle as she released it, saying, “It was?”

  “Christ, baby. Yeah.”

  She smiled big, bringing her lips against his. “Thank you, honey.”

  She felt his body tense. “Say it again.”

  She smiled more. “Honey. My honey.”

  Then Vincent proceeded to kiss her until she was panting beneath him. Then he forgot he was leaving because he decided he needed to give her another orgasm, this time on the end of his cock with her sitting on his lap as he sat on the end of the bed. Him clothed, but for his jeans pulled down ... her gloriously naked astride him. Then they had to sneak him out while Rusty was in the bathroom taking a morning shower.

  Later, Tess found a glass of water and two aspirin on the nightstand that Vincent obviously left her, in a sweet gesture, making her feel all the more wild for him. But she didn’t need the aspirin because she’d discovered orgasms could cure hangovers.

  Tess was downstairs packing a separate gym bag when Rusty came down wearing jeans, a purple tee that said “Cowgirls Do It Better,” and with her hair damp and curling on top of her shoulders.

  “You want coffee?” Tess asked her as Rusty stopped at the bottom of the stairs, carrying a duffle and her jeans jacket with the cute rose tulle flowers on it.

  “Nope, I have to get going. No rest for the self-employed.”

  Tess straightened and walked to her for a hug. “You’re the best, babe,” she told her with a squeeze.

  Rusty leaned close. “It didn’t escape me we talked nothing about your hot new man.”

  Tess stepped back, trying not to blush. “It’s too soon for me and any man,” she muttered.

  Rusty cocked her hip. “With all the hotness you have sniffing around you, babe, you’re sure to succumb.”

  Oh boy, if she only knew how succumbed I am, Tess thought, not sure why she wasn’t sharing what was happening with Vincent. Maybe it was because she didn’t trust it.

  Tess just waved a hand at Rusty, dismissing it as silly. Rusty looked over at her bag. “What’s with the gym bag?” she asked.

  Tess glanced at it too. “I’m starting self-defense classes at WTSF this morning,” she answered.

  Rusty snorted. “Isn’t that the badass hot man that’s after your booty Whitehorse’s gig?”

  Damn it, fibbing or holding the truth from Rusty was work. “I am not training with him,” she informed Rusty. “But with Cabe.”

  Rusty leaned closer, nudging her shoulder. “What I wanna know, babe, is who are you sudde
nly defending from?”

  Tess went back to her gym bag and fibbed again. “No one, geez. I just think every woman should know how to defend themselves.” She grabbed her bag. “Rusty, you really should do it too, driving taxi like you do.”

  “Maybe I will, if you like it. But, Tess, we need another powwow margarita session soon. I think there’s more shit to gossip on.”

  They both left at the same time with Tess following Rusty’s taxi down out of the hills, until she got a cell call and she had to pull off the road to take it. She’d not set up the no-hands receiver when she’d gotten into her car. She saw Vincent’s name and for some reason this made her belly clench. He wouldn’t call so soon unless something was wrong, would he? She nearly said, “Hello, honey,” but stopped herself.


  “Beautiful.” Then silence that made her more nervous.

  “You called me,” she reminded him.

  “I’ll be late tonight,” he responded, not sounding happy about it. “Tonight’s the fucking show that mine and yours are putting on at Redrock.”

  She’d forgotten about that. Steven had invited her. Unbelievable. But she’d thought he’d done it to try to weasel more money out of her. There was no way she wanted to go.

  “Okay,” she replied.

  “I’m voting her off the board twenty minutes into the show, baby.”

  “Wow,” Tess whispered. “Okay. Umm, I am glad you are getting it done like you want.”

  “After tonight we have more to talk about. You see Torenni or any of his mob, you duck and cover, then you call me. Yeah?”

  Tess liked how Vincent worried about her. “I don’t get it, I’m nothing to them.”

  “Tess, baby, it’s me they are after.”

  That blew her mind. It made no sense. “What?” she whispered.

  “Torenni’s boss wants a cut of Redrock. Mob and casinos, they fucking think it’s their right. They’ve been dogging me for too long. I run Redrock. Nothing gets in I do not agree on. Used your husband to get to Luna, tie her up. Because of that they think they got me.”

  “Oh my God,” Tess exclaimed into her cell. There were lots of ways this blew her mind. Vincent being CEO of Redrock, the mob, freaking mob working some kind of long con on Steven to eventually get to Luna. But still ... “None of that’s me.”


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